m ; ," ft, 1.;';.' 1 '!, 74: THE HOWIE CRCLE PleasM Evening RBUBriB8ftGplUnm:DBfii:- Gatsfl to TiPBd , MottiBFa; as ThBu' Join thB Horns Girds; at Evening Titis- CBUDE THOUGHTS . FBOIX THE EDITORIAL PEN "The year lies white in the distance, Like snow that no step has ; mar red, - And we look at its shining sarface As though through a window : ' " barred, " ; 'v. - - :? And we wonder what idle footsteps Shall trample the fallen snow, r vJust a9 we watched and A year ago. . "Since then so rony footsteps Have fallen raid stumbled past, That the whiter perfection of prom 188 Grew scattered and dark at last; But the new drifts he on the path way To cover the blackened snow, An 9 2f Year comes in its beauty, As it cam a year ago.55 wav or4another. Even the ' recluse, even the "martyrs of old, were on; the endless search for happiness, though tlje joy of heaven rather than that of earth was the goal fixed upon in :the eyes of those who sacrificed the present for the' future. Eternal happiness was what they desired. wonderedTUnselfish happiness is always wait- ing ngnc arouna tne corner 11 we will only take our eyes off the far distance and look nearer home. The resolve to make next year a hap py one for thcjpe nearest us will bring a good deal of real joy and satisfac tion to the maker of the resolution, 4i-he hQids out well, C f I I 1 1 rl V.I hasty actions that will prove Stumbling U U LU I VI I M b1 n : TaJ" of our becoming strong, .neipf m men and women, hoo- Of ed and loved ; by, all for. your feeble character? Will you do it? 1 .'; " ; It is surely considered ood' recom mendation bf ah article" When th pro prietor of .the store use it. With' re gard to medicines the range of choice ia especially large. Yet when Drug gist T. M. Hawkins, ; of MtTund City, Kn:, got ill and needed a reliable lax ative and tonic for his stomach trouble he selected Dr. Caldwell's Svrun Per- sin, which' he "naturally Considers the urau xnia remeayis aDSOiuteiy , guar anteed to tcTo What' is claimed,-and .if you want to try it before ; buying, send your address for a free sample bottle to repsin.Syrup Co.. 119 Caldwell bldg., Monticello, I1L -It is sold by The Bod-die-Perry Drug Co., at 50c and $1 a bottle. . ' ' ' There is no Quinine, nothing what ever harsh or sickening in X'reventics. These little Candy Cold Cure Tablets act as by magic A' few hoursand your threatening cold is broken. Candy-like in taste. Preventics please the children and they break the f tverish ness, always. And least of -all is the economy. A large box 48 Preventics 25 cents Ask your druggist. He knows I Sold by The Boddie-Perry NEW YEAR REVERIES. If you find it so difiicult to keep your New Year's resolutions, per haps; it would be a igood idea ty maice a few bad ones this time, tor a chance. For instance, you might resolve to be cross to j bur wife (if you have one) every day during the year, and then give her gentle words and loving kisses instead.- You can thus be consistent with your past re cord, and possibly be a better man when another year rolls around. A new year is here. It is a time for invoice. Busintss men take an invoice of their stock. Wouldn't it be business for you $o 0Qe of yourself. Life, each life, is a busi- I TT 1 , 1 .f ness. nave you gamea or lose last year? Have you used the talents that have beea given you so as to gain other talents. Is there any prospect of your being placed over ten cities or live cities or one city? Have you declared ajn, dividends in the way of loviflg ahd uelpmg others, and have you added anything to the capital stock of vour character? Thfe83 are . pertinent questions that press us all for an answer. Let the result of the self invofoe be a spur to us in living the looming year, or a cause for great congratulations as we review the past and go forth to build "more stately mansions' for the future. The first of January is the, initial day of the year, and "as such is hon ored by a multitudft of observances, chief among which are the Kew Year calling customs, the inter change of gifts, the cordial greeting, "A Happy New Year," and the de monstrations attendant upon the contemplative habit of seeing the old y6ar ouf and the ' new year in. There are two great reasons why the time should be, if not cheeiful, at least tranduil. If the old year has brought sorrow and desolations, and hung crapa on our doors, the new year will bring us the leaves of healing, and we are glad to part with the one and welcome the other. If, on the contrary, the old year has brought us only joy aud comfort, we part trom him sorrowfully, but meet his successor with the ardent hope that he, too, comes with blessing. ofcr jollity of Tew Year's day is alwaffl of an impressive nature. It is like scanding for one brief moment on the threshold betWfiefi time and eternity. Here is the world we know yonder 'the world that is new and untired. Cotton Baskets and Cotton Balance at L. P. Hicks. Fresh sausage every day at L. P Hick's. l Sunbeam California Aspatagus, Sweet Red Peppr in cans at L. R Hicks. f Mules for sale. J. A. Spenoe. K. F. D. No. 2. Stats r Ko&rn CUeoiIs a, . t t IrAirnrexT or. State. . l'v Certificate of Dissolution. i'o all xo Whom . Thess. Pbesexts may j- comb 3rketixq:-''. ''? . ' ' r WnKKXAs, ifappears to mV satisfac tion, by 'duly anthenticatcd record of the proceedings for the - Toluntiry dissolu tion thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposited in my officethat Ybangsrille Supply Compa ny, a corporation of this Btate," Vhoe principal office is sitoated in the town of Younjrsville, , County of i r rank lib, State of Xortlr Carolina, '. S: Parham rbeihg the agent thercin' and in . charge tliereof, upon whou'proce ; may. be 8erved)i has complied" withlhe requin ments of chapter 21, Jlevlsal of IWv en titled "CorporatioUs,". preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Disso lution. ' ' Now, TirEKKroBE, I. J. Bryan Crimea, Secretary of State of the State of Korth Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 1st day of December 100, file in my office a duly executed and attested consent in vrrit ing to the dissolution of aid corpora tion, executed by all the stockholder thereof, which said consent and t,he rec ord of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file ia my said otflce, as provid: ed by law. IjjTEjmroNY WifBRBOS, I have here unto set my hand and aittxM my ofB- cial ecal at Raleigh, this 1st' day of De cember, A. 1. 1908. . J. Bryan Gbivrj, Secretary of 'State. McKinne Bros hare to buy and have to sell. sell everything you buy everything you A DELIGHTFUL Personally Conducted Tour to HAVANA, CUBA And Return Through the East Coast of Florida January 11th 1909 Fire Works of all kinds at J. IN. Kings. Raisins, bananas, oranges, apples, nuta, etc , at J. W. Kinf. Bring me all your chickeni, eggs, turkeys, rabbits and birds. I will pay highest market price for same. J. W. King. ' I; Wish Yom.;ai':InIapp and.: Prbs ' -V ' psrous : . New " Year.-V: - . - , 3 . , . , .. and desire to call jour attention to the fact that I located'in Louf burR, maiing artisticvphotorapha at reaocablo ratet. TS'bca ia ttn. give me a cal work 'gnATantd. ".' v:. .'. ' Bipectfulljr, 7 J. S. COBB ml Witteh this space for our announce ment nexc week. Wishing vou a Happy New Year I am Respectful It-, Mrs. A. M. Hall. w MR. IN CHARGE AND MRS. C H. GATTIS RALEIGH, N. C Party will travel in special "Pull man train with dining car. ROUNDTRIP Prom Raleigh FU c 50 OTTER Though times and seasons are not as important as many would have us think, still nearly every thoughtful person at Jhe coming v new, year re members how old he is and wishes he were not quite so old. Let us turn our minds aviray fromthe taber nacle of flesh, the least real thing in our lives, and think a little of the in ward growing old. For the body every added growth is almost: incal culable gain. How old are we? How much older than a year, two years, ten years ago? How much quicker to recognize the divine voice? How much atronger our hand and clearer our voice against evil? How much "swifter our feet -to bear the message of good will to ' men? How much gain has there been in power and willingness to serve? H How much more faithful are we in the chaos of small and com mon duties and cares? How much : truer are we in friendship jwarmer in the home- Ip ea,J; more ' patient with the mistaken and the bad? v The pessimist delights -in derision s ";of the good resolutions" which mark v ' ' 1 the celebration of -New Year '; in1 -the minds df many- people. Shame, up' . 1 ' on the man or woman who r would 'IvjvvVriull the bright ambitions and desires .. i-'f: ' i for the better of. anys human being! V'. , ' But there is "little time to -giye , to v ' habitual mourners and augurs of evil.' - ' new 'year will, be 'what wejmake " . i , it, so far as our individual lives, . are i " - concerned, and the man , or "woman ' : '"' who Jresolves " to. : be happv. - in , u. " J t ,'. J '-healthful, unselfish way, is taking the , , i -'first road toward happiness.. ; ' 7 ' . ,Ve are air after happiness; in L 'one t ' ' ; ' ' , 1 -' r" , ' " t i ('.,.5 .: - s . f f - ; Another year i tlrawrh to 'a close! Another milestdne 6t Me- is fn view and we shali in al4 human probability, pass it and fctrnggle on to the next. As we sit at our desk and pen this short epistle to the young, we wonder if anything we may write will cause them to think more serious ly)f what all life means to them and the brief period that is given them to improve it. The boy makes trje man the girl the woman. My boy, how do you want to,.be re membered by the people after you are gone, as a Lincoln or as' a Booth? My. gin; wnat position ao you wisn to occupy in the hearts of the people with whom you have lived? You are the moulders of your own des tinies. -You can make them what you will. It rests with you wheth .er your name sali go down in the history honored or cursed, or wheth er it shall pass into oblivion as soon as the earth has hidden your mortal remains. Now is the time to choose. There .are only two roads ro travel; one leads to happiness and honor,the other, to sorrow or. degredation. We suppose you want to travel theJittt mentioned. Are you doing it?. . As the apprentice Ayorks at his task and each succeeding day pirns out: work more perfectlhan on the preceding' one. so should we make .each sue- ceeding yearjof our lives more per fect. v Are we jioing ' this? Dp we take , time during the hurry and bus-: tie of the holiday season to review our work of the vear and see vwhere- in we have made .mistakes, Jotting them down in our, memory as to be avoided ! in th " future? r That' :boy would never have become' a perfect workman'if ' hel didv TjQt ayoid ithe mistakes , of yesterday: i We v "must never make the, same mistake, twice, and in-order to guard Against; doing so, we must look, back: and -find- the mistakes we'have.made Will' you 4o.this,J boys undjgirls? Wl you rest from your play ; and iollityi fof 3 ast a littJ e season between ' now and tne- ena . otv' January, ' ana $4465 300 MINK. 400 RACCOONS 500 MUSK RATS And on same basis from all other points, AND INCLUDES MEAfcS AND STATEROOM BERTH ON STEAMER Leaves Raleigh 5:15 p. m., Mon day, January 11th. 1909 Via Seaboard Air Line Rail'y We have orders for this quantity, season convinced not a few trappers money. We will 'save YOU money if you will give us before you sell. Our prices paid last that we saved them a trial F U Six Days in Cuba recall .those , indiscreet Swords, - those All arrangements complete for low hotel rates and side trips in Cuba and stops wilKbe made at Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Palm Beach, and Miami and car riage drives may be, taken at these points. V i 1 Stops also allowed at any points south of and including Jackson ville within final limit of ticket January 29. 1909. An attractiveDart of the tripl through Florida is over the Flor ida East Coast Railway, Concrete Viaduct Extension, through the Key's to Knights Key Dock, where a steamer of the F-& O. S. S. Co.' is taken to Havana." Party will visit many points of interest in Cuba; including Man- tanzas,;Gauna3ay, Guines, Morro Castle and , Cabanas ; . Forts and through the sugar and tobacco plantations.1 s Those L who V do notaesire to return witn parcy. can leave Havana as late as Jan- 27thy 1909; ;-:v ' .; : The undersigned will arrange all details inadvance, and look after the pleasure . and comfort Ladies. alone will have special ! For information las h-to';, other expenses write v at once ta the undersigned,'as the party, will be limited; ; i K C. ;H.rGATTIS,;T. P: A:- Raleigh, .N.-C. RGU R S O IM LOU I S B U RG . N B ROS P. S. jDne double oflle room Main Street for rent. Hat two entntnc and water eonru-ti Let fiil Ycoiuir p p PTpa n In all our work in filling Prescriptions, we aim at precision. No thing, that can be done to insure safety and satisfaction in results is omitted even in the smallest detail. E c y E Every order larire or sinall with promptness and despatch. w Come here with, your : prescriptions. We Jdelircr an3thing .anywhere. ' , : 0 A' THE it' BODDIE-PERRY DRUG CO., LOU1SBURG. N. - 0.

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