. " At ' '' J. '- 1 s ' , - t .-1 , t ' -V. M. . ,n ... ' .. ,. - , " .. .. f. - . ' . . - ....... - .'... t ,- ' - ji i . . . . . k 7 - ' . We have something of interest to say to every farmer in this county and section. It is impos sible for us to see everyone in person,' so we have engaged this page, for the next few weeks in or der to reach as many as possible and we want them all to read it. It will cost you nothing.to read what we have to say, and it may mean HOMEY Ml VI p 111 iniPPfET First. We want to thank the stockholders of the Farmers Mutual Tobacco Company and every patron of the Farmers' W arehouse for the magnificent support and patronage which we have received during the season now drawing to its close. We have met with a success which we be lieve to be-unparallelled in the history of any tobacco market. Organized only a few weeks before the beginnings of the season and entering a field which had been monopolized for years by the old warehouses, fought at every turn by those who were striving desperately to retain their monopoly we have surprised everybody, even ourselves, by the splendid success we have won. We expect ed to do much, but no one hardly expected to see us accomplish what has been accomplished. Think of the fact that more than twice as much tobacco has been sold in Louisburg this season than up to the same time last yeart Think of the fact that farmers who never saw Louisburg be fore in their lives haye brought tobacco, here to sell! Think of the difference in the attention and accommodation which has been shown youl And, best of all think of the greatly increased prices for which tobacco has been soldi "Not ohly have all these things been brought to pass, but we are happy to be able to announce that .the Qbmpany has already earned and will pay at the close of the year's business a profit to its stockholders of hot less than - W E TY-FIVE PER CEN T after paying all expenses and "salaries" which you were told were going to be so big that there would be nothing for the stockholders. Second. What we have done this season is but the beginning of what we expect to accomplish in the future. We have big plans for next year for the benefit of the tobacco farmers.- We willhe gin to put them into operation1 the first of next year, and they will mean that pvery responsible man who wishes to make a tobacco crop will be enabled to do so at a great saving, without having to ask any outsider for help and will be insured the highest price for his tobacco after it is made. That every? farmer may sharfe in these benefits, we want everyone to - - J - Buy Stock ion (the Comparoy You cannot invest a few dollars better ir another way. Besides the other advantages, where else can you pet as good a profit (on your money? Mortgages pay only six per cent, bank stocks pay only eight per cent, bonds pay only four or five per cent, but stock in our Compa n will pa thin season Twenty-five per cent, and we expect it to pay more next season. An exactly similar4 company in Greenville, our charter is a copy of theirs, Iras been from 25 per cent up every year and As no vsr bperating the two largest warehouses in the place. This is a : Great 0pportaflTiilty ffom Farmers and you cannot afford to let it pass. .Remember that in competition with two warehouses "estaulished for years, we hae told the very, first reason much more than ouc-third of the tobacco. Next year with an early start, with more capital and many more stockholders, we ought to sejl more than half the tobacco, and with a bit: crop raif ed that will mean big profits. Remember, .besides, -that the profit on your stock will be the smallest part of the benefits which you wffl'receive from mpmberBhin in ourComDanr riease consiaer wiese uiatujics auu icu ua xu jyj. "" ."jr uic ui tw, uau enmieyou 10 an mo benefits of membership in the Company We are making this announcement thus early because under our plansJ we will be doing something for our stockholders and patrons all the year and not hm a few months in the fall .1 our plans, we will be doing somethingfof our stockholders and patrons all the year anc v ' ' J Respectfully, " armniers: 4 V t ' -t 1 f n j J it t, - - - 'f , ' V : i: i --i'rii mit-rr"' a v