t I : . . . .. v ; , . v V f - 4 ' -. 2 Y1- 5 Vi-.:- i V; f 4 jl'-:, ."5 JAMBS A. THOIJASEDITOB THE COTm'jL'TTIIIJ-GTATII, J SUESCRIPTICm 31.C0 PER " LOUISBURG. n. C... FRIDAY, J Ai; JA?. C, ' 1003. EUEREa7- 7i 1 i 1 , 41 S v 1 1 " 1 - - - 9 ... . .1 i . . . , , . i COUNTY COraSIORERS 2SS' TIIE LKlStTUnfe V- ' . , ' Nick HtrtSftlnnA n4 T44--T V- ." " c, -"- ."-.r.-. " THE BOARD 1IET FOURTH. Nick Bftrtholoniew aad ; Bettie- Jot- OH . THB4 nerR C, Edwardt and Horth A. Cud: r Colokbd Jefferson iPrjot and I1ET IN BL-EHIIIAL SESSION Oil WEDHE8DAYiH -1. a i Katie , Parton Pomp - TeasUy andli ' '2l:LrJ''Ji All HemMM rreseni mwh?.: m Cl -uago ,y:uninwn,,oi Senator - Klattz.':. of i Rowan; President Protem of Senator- ford t Resigned as CottOIal EUan Alston, Arthmr: Williimt and Weigher and O. H. Harris was j Iy JJrant, Joe Kyana-an kniiBa Elected to fill , Unexpired Champion, Louis Perry end ; Harriet Term. ' vJ , Green.rPanV Alien and Bettie;,Tar- rrK. nrt at CodtTCommiaiionV Wonke-SmithVandLugrabora 0 ther, Officers; The 1000 "eewion- V of tb;KWih V; Persons c..: :.-for aay"of;tbe; ahore ; tetters plearjt.y they tew them ad- ,-: '; ' ; .. ? : . .x WEALTH BY THREE U'Sl the: 4 r. OVIuQ '"; PEO PIE. .- uowbk yeocxa, prot4 ta 3Ti MPer. above thxi la tLe mzrl THEIR n07EUEnT3 in AnD J rear of DezaocreUo .'adolsn the Suie Pruea .hat pill : U ez- CUT;C? TOTTIT. 1 i. Ralsl rig-Iters ca; Hogs arid Hay Jainca4iIlthcocIt Bccpxnca . ithb Ppticssor of -Elgnt A ; VGood. v Tarnish widi'a V Fdt Thousand : Dol- Those t7ho Hare YUlud Louis . burs . th Past T7e ek The? 7ho" Hare Gone. Elsatiher for " Business or Measurer : mit no thft 4th. ell memoere pree-1 , "-iLaronna lecniisiare aMmDiea ir ' . -rs v ' I "ft f ?P jP??l ! tv - Raleigh on Weneedey I ' : - 1 Baltimore to tpeod a V MI11.ro.ed. and tl foUorinaslnes Ji elected SptaVe o CrIotte,6beerTer. ;,: . ; ;-,; ? 4 . gt ' -.a. vrwurau'nw,a nui, SenatotWhitehead matted -f MTroatmari; Dao.'29--One: of ' the V.;. w'.".: . "w ' n - oH. Af Charlie-Jeftreya and Celia .Winston. Rowan," waselected iresideni protean n C Iftitthew. .nhJ T ,H . Raid and Queen Herris, Thos. of the Senate. : " " h- Cv,,ee. Cre,k;towMh,p, tendered h ? tla agie Johnson, Other prinoipai officers of the Sen- J neatest trfeVs turned herejdcriag ahe peaaee add has paid ia tLe 8tna Tresarj : a eexplW over expedd.. tea the sum ci . tJ24,34LSat This reeord vllhoat fcralltl haa teem raxie.lcss la ytAre vbaa 'tha rhrer tanas have ltc5tred- froa heerr Xf. Jeel ). Whiuiert of UaluriJixs aad fiooda, If the m tr eras la toera Teesdsy; . J teara had teen good eae the ear Tneeday te I P0 'foald hare beta rosah Unr fv dar. I itt tle reeord is good eaoirb aal Istt'Tceedsr to TT " l0T acaiajrira ranees Sjriaa. I o! j GTaraor. Ayeosle aU r.K.. wean, i&e tiir jed taU cf holiday was ihe Jtnsnner. m which'llr. J cMTmrl " , I UCoers Haon, Arnnloa, TliaMj Botrwt of Dlreetora, tie aSckaey ef Ooers Msnn 4 acd the others ed&neelrd wiih the ,uatf; lb. .am. .MaapM la H.wd Porr,' d -Lii. TimU- Lt8 were ,le Hpl'l wag iworn m v uw vunui.. 11.!, pm n.v;. T 1?ra-rfn -1 , , ' , . 'V. I ' 1 4 i . j " . " i . . 1 mouamj izux wim on orowx. Aaron I .v .Tna .1 Lfinlr Wait rfillBTfld OI DOll ! T.. Qtr.ti nl TT:.t 17 . WUUoml. ,v -ar I . ' ! " " . . . i A.l -4 . . a -a 1 a I JLeltC ,.i:Tl ... -- r j i c t .iiu u 1 10 , u. ii uiMui-ii 0rir.Mnrir Tuinirsi u at it dwn i nia u nn mi .nnai wnna ma nmsn. tx orer see. ; Clara Massenbarg was allowed $1 per mouth as outside pauper. , Report of J. H ; ITzzell pn road leading from PeareeY school house to Louiaburg road was reeaired, as per report of committee. ; Several corrections were made in the taxes of various persons.. I. H. Kearney, Tt.: O. Pinneli and Graham Stephenson -were appointed committee to lay off new road to run across Tar River, below the crossing;, no cest to county. son, Hue Jettreys and Ouey Marts- Serceant-at-Arms R. M. Staler, of ters, four i number, srs a little field, Robin " Massenburg and Anna fyakes. - AssiatantNick DeBoy, of younger . ijogg.vswan iisanuv.ore iu., Wlke, Engrossing ClerkW.. K .Uncle Jsmes realising the ancer xeuxavw auu ji.siei x axiou, t f uj. MOOlCS. Ot JfltL 1; : 1 t.JnU'nf llf. .n,1 .Am.f ih. - Principal officers of House are as fait that ohe of Uie girli might per. to Trinity OoRsj Taeaday to rtaome o!Hyp follows:' Clerk T. G. . Cobbj- of chance paw over the river before be UduUea. , to a diets Alston and Sallie B. Alston, Mese WUliaina and stelle:: Alston, Thos. JHarris and Nannie Cooke, Ran som Baker and Julia Johnson, Dan iel Keal and Josephine Katon, Harry Foster and Lucy Fogg. Teacher's Association. The next session; of the county teachers association will be held Sat- tatrit tbs i Dsmocrstla rant rives te , Mr.'Joe Pippin, of littletoo, was Kcnb Csxelisa. Whsa eoutrasul ia'dur towi a abort wbUe Tueeday with the taaasgteistu of . the State evsning. PrUoo aoder the RipahtUaa al- Hr. Y. X. Esrton, Jr retarned minittrattn it it like a eoopansoa rioti toe Sit jr. a dtaghOl ixmorvd' to oie the eZastie Burke. Reading Clerk R.M, t Phil did, wanted to make 'them a little U Mra. (ieow-II. Manning and daugb hps, of Sanford, Engrossing Clerk Chrismaa'present; so he placed $60 1 ter, of Schlotats visiting btr brother. M. R. Kmsiand. Serceant-at-arm I in m1d & .ftb f fnnr .nvlorw W. IL Maeon. Eq Geo. L.Kilpatrick. Assistant D. H. LnlJ atVlV ftn ft.rh nTlnr, .ImnU A Present jFrotn Pa.-1 This was fa e words of the late Jarau Q. BUise. Ntws aad Oletrver. James. Resignation of J. R. Alford, cDtton j urday, the 16th day - of January. weigher for Lbuisburg, wrs accepted, The meetinfity beV-i ail teaeners are.expectea 10 ue , pres- and O. H. Harris was appointed to dfill out an expired term." J - , " Bond of J. R. WilliamsV Road Overseer, was received and ordered recorded. , J. IL Cooker waaHappointftdo r have bridge over Cedar Creek - re- paired.. . r!, Sf--; The Board agreed tof urnish tim- ent. U. D, c. '; -v;'.:. The monthly, meetine of the -Jes ayiaapier htl TueajlieiSt Masonie Hall. ; : ' - . " . . , " f . v This beinff the anniversar? of 4 the fcer for walkway over Buffalo Creek, bir ot E.Lee. .There E. M. Gapton was appointed toip-1 will be in addition to the recular vestigate whether bridge was need led over Lyon's Creek. ;, Bond of E. N. Wilhams,, Supt. of Home, wa received and ordered re corded. Dr. R. F. Yarborough reported jail and county home in good 'condi tion. ! The allowance df AU 61 these officers' are Democrats 0011 the usual tokens of th and had . been selected in caacus the X H abts saved back for each previous night. L .V u.uuLLm 1 111 wi inia am ihhai iai lli wuiqis b-iibw miu The senators from this district inherit at bis death, but 'he wanted John T. Dawea and . JJ. T. Holden, to tbtm ia thU manner al- and Kepresentauve Dr. R. Pv Floyd, ,0. . To-'eaif bis faaraona be .hat weie promptly on hand at tfTe open a&eajiy(ct Vea a good "farm, but' for It seems to be the general opinion fit to Witbflbldi the titles to the farms the members feelrthat the Jegalature. ? ... - - "i.'.v ' -.: produeimt- cotmcattle: bay, horses slbulH do iust4tijittle as 1. possible, f, , . . . ! . V J A V i,. .., . - v ; - kndihogs and hat: never been a cot-. 4..-:,r'-f-t..A fr:--?- ' 1 ton-rawer stall. 'addition business meetiner. ome special read ing euitable to this dayj 4'" 7 !- V 'T ; " " T ; "" President. . Mas. R. H. Datjs, , Secretary. bytheraV- Besides Vitbee and - - - w . wm w wa a w a a". w w w w -w -w JSBSMBBBMaSBSBaaSMSaMBMBBBBBBB irrt.it.aJ M ' ' f"v'v ; expense of rearing and edoeating a v - , 9n Witbhe BanCQ uf Umilfot eight, . this j old genUemaa . On last Fridaigb,X)pera htM ht tT lba, eigbt House here was an 'old folks' dance. , - . . : .. . - . but from the way ihe cititens Stepped ,aTau - wr ;wpwna 01 out on the floor it would seem :that Mn bonds and t-edge securities extra, Louiaburg the Void" ar e voung. It 1 by the production of horses, begs, Mr. J no. Morris and wife, of Richmond, ,Ya, are vuiticc bis sutler Mrs. J. S. Lancaster. Miss Hstlie' Stalling, who is at tending school st Oxford v returatd home Tuesdav for a few davs. 'Miss Ruby Hams, who came home Catalla Items. Chiis trots with all iu eys hta pel aad aoibtog lias trac fired U mar the tranqtnJiuet of otr luile cty. . Joaoxrow Ur. T. A. CeOie, a ttf rtt and popular ciia:. ot Fraak (in, vil) lead ta Hyotns altar Him frem Littleton College, to spend the Aanie Bow, of this coaoty, dsagk- boiidsjs with bar people, returned to t Mr. Jamts Bose. a preaiatat school last Monday. -vrraf Sf ring Hope. IUv. 0. r trr r -m . , , . W. May, cf this place, will trrterm Mr. Walter Gnf5n, who left this " . ... the ertmony. A recepuca iU Vs county eocns Tiars sgo to make bis . . r . - 1 rr -: ! v 4 .w girsn them at the jrrooos pare at. howQ uj Tm TisJtistf hjJ fathtr, ,r . 4. . r Mr, RobL Gn&n near Sutton- v . . , ,- ' rntee wis)M tkeo a long life of love Mrs. Jemrie Yataeaad sen, JYsnas, I and eoajugal Uisa. returned Tuesday from a trip to Jessie Baker's wife waa increased from. $1.' to $1.50 per month. ' '. E. N. TTilliams, superintendent of County Home reported 11 white and 13 colored inmates. E. M. Gupton waa eeecial eoramittee to look after County Home tor 1909. J. H. TjEsell was appointed to au dit accounts for 1909. Claims to th arnount of $67.94 Collegie Notes. The "prompt retura of the large number of girls who7 reported for duty .on Tuesday morning -was very enecruraging. There must always be some delinquents, but it is a notable fact tbtat the number grows less every appoiated year. iStudente are beginning to re cognise the importance of entering at the opening and remaining through the Sehooi year. - s ... The following new students have matriculated this week: Misses lucie were allowed and -the Board ad- Anderson, Helen . Morris Velma iourned to next regular meeting - Kirkman. Annie Edmond and 'Aanie Mason. jjecemDer uarri&ges, 4 4:4 I Missee 3GaUs. Ormond, Jones, WU Ae will be i !seenbr f Jth png liat I HsTanderaon. Street arid the Misses below; the "matrimonial .market' Midgette, the young ladies who spent was quite brisk duriag thf month of the holidays at the ICollcge . wonder Deeember in Franklin county; as the howany one cbuld wish o go home Reguter of Deeds issued liceuMsto wbo:mi8ht rimain in Louisburg dur- and hay: WHAT THE PAnilEB NEEDS. the following: - WaiT-Thoi, ing the holidays. C. Harris and f The Mid-Winter Concert which Rosa Tharringtqn;; H. , P.; Hill and ha to be post-poneddn accounts of Wartha S.;;MooreJ.;4M; th'evtrn 14rs. Mittie i:Hay tmie1apoiteinD lay and Lela Preddy; A. C. iKearney place o Friday evening and Adell BlaaUeT.Pat ''ifiiwii 8 nVIW' Th nnhlift i nordialU v. . t,. ' - t - r- ' j and Viola Hunt, J. E. Joyner, and l invited, was a most enjoyable occasion: Those daacing. were- as follows: Misses Asia and Lucy Colling, Louise Williams, Lilly Hayes, Janet Hayes. Susie Hays, Ernestiae Hayes, Bessie Blacknall, Ina Harris, Mary -and Kan MaloneHelen: Crenshaw, Bessie- Ja- more false in pretence,Sthan Mpretec- c r anaeu. noaaie, Uvew duties on sTiealtural products, eanor Cooke, Mamie Londen. Mary and : ' . . . . , ' Bessie Williams, 6esaie Southerlin, a large lurplai. o! .whtch is exported JodievBeulah and jOnnie Tucker, Lit for it is quite trap that the: prices ter, Mary Cooke, Biah Person, Annie the foreign markets. And yet there Alien Aioa Alien, lorence Terrell, tbt prMenl Utifr , wholf Martha. Mann, Nonie Aycocke, Mes- , .T - dames Plummer Jonef, J. L. Reid, - seventy ouier.a iwraa, J; C. Ticker, A. rT. Abton,' J. ; W. I f ' 0ea on atrriealtural products Kin-Wm. Bailey,,T. W. Bickett-'S. and provisions, the chief, if not the P, Boddie, Lee Battle, K. P. HilV lU tole, purpose of which is to fool the rA?aTto , farmers. There are duties on cattle, P. Boddie, ;D. C. Alston, H. P. Spied. d on 0,11 ? Willie and John Wilson, A. W. Alston, aI7 Pjraaaecs. moun wese eoaiw. W. M. Person, NB. AiUbrook, T.- W. I.tute an , imporiaat class . of - dooestio Bickett, W m-, Bailey, J . VT. Kiag, ; C. exports, and on breadatuffs ' and eJ V" wnt- rV r," ojner euble "astd ffuiu of all kinds. What I: K- VT 1 Ilia m a Numgn U.m). ''V . I . . SI "ir -V l:.. tood : to the farmers? Take for Henderson; D. C , High, S. Ford. 1 mataee. twenty-five cenU a bushel T. G. Boddie, A. A. Clifton. Dr.J J; H. I oa;.wheat, thirty cents on barley, UsseU.L L-Cooke, B. T. Holden, fifteen TeenU on Indian corn, ffteea dneyHoldeti, G. B.-Cooper. 5 B. Uanta on oabt, and f oar dollars a Ion Wilbur Cooke. P. R. Whife T. -H Ufl on fc7; 6n,7 oa' P"lbltt len K. K.r Allen. Badger Hart, Perry ,cwrf om.Pllti00ind ,?ha.t ; j uawu( 4 .ui vvacr a. n tciooii i t , Jr -. . o W. D- Jackson. B. B. Massenburg. Jr. across - the - Canadian border. As Wilson Green, t Cade ' Hayes, Julian Sam, Bober - and ,-; Eugene , . Aisten Ksshville, Tenn., where she atUcd ed a rate ting of the Bible Students ASiotittion. . ' John Beailty sad Coartney Xger- ton left Teetday to enter school for the com tor sssston lbs ferine, to Trinity College Durham, and tb lat ter to Graham's, st Warren ton. Yesterday Mr. Jeth WiUUma, ef thU county, west over in Tr.nklia and cUimtd far his briie Mks Sallie Davis, daughter of Eir Toaa Davia, of Oder Rock. Mr. Frank Raney, while die playix fire werks over st Wood a Friday kad his hand so terribly i sacra ted by the explosion ef a caanea eras ter Mr. John B, Eaton, from Atlanta, that Dr. T. O. Ceppedge had to sat. Ga, Mr. W. T, J, Eaton,' from I putate a aoober of his n?tx. There Un6thihg more deiuiTe1WMoBnDd Mi" gwM'1 11 ayes, trom lieoaerson, were eaileO borne Monday the 4th on aoeoaat of Mrs. 0. J. Baton's illnsas. Meatrs. Wfllb Alston, cf Okla homa, Edward Alatoa, of Tenn Frank Aisten, of Atlaau, after spendrnt; the Xmu at their old home in Warren eounty, are guests of thtir aisUr, Mrs. W. U. neaaanu, Jr. Mr. Pickney J. May, of Iodianspo lis, I nd who left Louiaburg sheet tvsnty-nine years ego, is on a visit to Louiaburg, and all of hie "old" friends are glad to see him, aad to learn that he is doing well to Indiana pisoe he a ays, since he Wfrbsie one of the few familar' landmarks being the eld Court' House. He will be here about three weeks. r- III ' 'V .; : Miss Sallie Williams who spent the holidays in Baltimore returned Wed- nesday morning: w; Card of Thanks. ; wish ' ' to return, onr , siacere P. L. Bailey, Rickman Jaclisom Canst Velli Mitehell, tee Hayes aad Mag gi May, B. B. Pearce aad' MiU Pool, B. J. Bragg and Etta . Holden, A. B. Davis and .Zola Belle West, Frank MeGbee and Lfliie May ;Seat, :W. G. Johnson jmIIMm i No well, George Carur tad ' DetU , Uarray. -John Thomnann " j r .1 I a . - 'I'. XJtA , Trov P." William . iA ;T?nK. I "u w i Tts, , Wood thanks ta the.many friends who have us siace our , Oti. Kekri,eV4.a;. Uiaai. .W'Jfrf'r?- t.-v ' 1 - . J idence br are. wt ; oesire , a ,: Jaek Pearee; and .:Beatie f Sra. W-n auu uaillal Al. I - ' s ' . 0CU fcr, therr many ainanessea. AlsUn Twittyi :List Of Letters. V" there is a surplus on both sides for expert the price is made for both by the exported surplus, and freest in- ; terebaoge would only facilitate the export .trade" without anTeeting- the emainmg ia.the poat office in Ixrcis-j general jnarket priee,'-r-New - York Journal of Coraaoerce. 4 w- burg, - N. C. uncalled for: BilW Alston; MartofAlston. J.4A1 AwtbnTrwiniam Brodie,, Ux. ' Mattie Ann Clifton, Mrs. Itonia Collins; ; Mrs; j -"'-Maybe we shall not get so muca Mary J. Cooke, R. -A.Dam3oa, Mrs.' 1 fcrict dust ta our cepper now that a WmeyDaviefl,;01arHe;Bllw.xU 1200 THE STATE PBISON'S BEHABR- ABLY LARGE EARNINGS. ; During the administration of Gov ernor RuaselL while oorrtpuen or IneSeieney resigned in cearlv, every department of State gorcrument, the Sute Prisen and the Agrkul Ur al Departments . were po noted for ineSciency aad cocroptiDn aav W the noted Miasma of an incompetent aad corrupt admisistratioa. Of these two manure ' pDea,w, as they ,wsr allied, the; stench from the Euu Prtaoti was the.wbrtLl It bequeath ed to the: admiulrtration of Cover- nor Aycocke a deSeit Deceesiuting a Oond ba'asd a '.condition, tokad that it ; laarsdrlhat- laaellijeut menteaent eould cot In yeart eat it'ed a found . bmJ-',-1 . ; f -' ; Sspeteaetcat Mr. CUrke Drake, living aet far from here, also had en of his kands literally torn to pleete and loft a nam btr f his fingers. Mr. J. S. Lm'tuur aad fa&Uy, ef the Lealaourg" Hotel, aeecapsaied by Mra. Torn Lancaster, ef Roeky Mount, spent tke holidays with rela tives near town. Mr. S. J. Bartholomew kUled three shoats that tipped th beaxa at llal and Mr. John Aadrews three that made klsi 100 pcaadi of pork. Mr Jee Melton has' one, asy feed judges, will break the record at f-01. Thee e are fine perk era aad wo all like to know who ean beat It. Miss Eugauis Braswell, wha has been spending Chriataas at bcraas. will reeuroe her duties at the State Vermel aad lad oa trial College, at Greeaabeio next Moadsy. ProL Gray King, who has bee teaching for a loog tlaaa, spant the past week with his parents near here. tie waU ta tae near rax are taae f an engagement wita the JaUersosi Standard life last ranee Co. They are fortunate la eeecrisg lhk sca pe tent gentlemaa aad pepalar eisi- ' a Haadiedf of ehfldrao; ware . saade happy yestarday becauae of the nxay tfrstnts from the Chtirtaxs , tree st Red Bad, jspared by. the good pee pla cf that stttfca. t '-: Mr. liaiBarthblcsew, will ge to Biehmond,Btxt Monday wlare ha will tale a kasiaaas oocm. -: - , Plaxxx Teac K!nrt T.ii.v 'uiit Psa.U ' ar- Ta"--"- j wu vaoaic r uitu. jars. I . . a. . - - RIT Gill, Mre:-Iioxie TJayei; J. -Jlf S lX 6?' Mines. lXra.-:Nickr Johnson family. - 4-: .t-T- b. ; . , - C Jf ume Kewtqn,' Jealor Person,' iWeV-1 tvlteasn wiu taxe piece Deza.Aucuay. doa Peny,; KealeTPharr,' Gilbert ll; j Tbi" oililLarr coiopanlsf o t "this vwmv r 4" 4T ' '"l a- .- n,.i .4 I lial iuae tret wars reaJTej lie iaa . Den.Taa.Urs.- Aa&ie Willie--AllV'r": mr.Z7: irZT I."-- . .-' r"9- "TTIT' 7; : : . , v ; f The ahete ware ictsnded fr "e last liaue ti vara repaired tie . lata r I jfmat aty Wimio3,;patue:wii-Uitaf wm ;

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