I. ve Si Ulss Vaim ;"Eatortalnff.: ; On. of the oi delightful teamed f ta ChriitmM holidava was ; a aartv gi Saturday .afternoon by Mi., Mabel Viia hpnorW "Stars and -Stripes Ada ma Allison ana Mrs. E. E. Sams. Procrressive was played fronour :t6e,aftej which aeuciuu. ; :$ each guesUwas given Netr Tear souvenir. o arved. To, n attractive The first, prize an illustrated copy was won i,ivard Kipling'aThey v. Frances Jnstoi ;ande ittond priae, an attra woll Won by Miaa Mattie .onwav. rtM.,. tMoant tn eniovXthe bos j uwov r iMisseVXelli' pitable occasion werer . of 1 nn -v' Heart RtrerTth. riTTTriiTtWmTmon tnAuiKm. Strength, or lerveWeaJme9--notii'Tiaar. Foe. xuTBiy. nw cue wew ce&rc m fitawroa 12. m It. hidden ttoy little nerve that realiy is all at fatilt. -This obscure nerve the Gfcrdia. dk tTdo irn- dimply neda, and Tavist have, zoor power, mora stransuu wiuiotitthattbHaart ansfe eonttntw to JaXU ana the stomach and Iddoers have tbese same controlling nervea. ,. .. . Tmr cjeariy explains vrny ara medicine. Dr. fihoop 's Restorative has in the past done so ranch for weak ana ailing Hearts. Dr. Shoop first sought the cause of all this painful, palpitating, snffocat mgneariaisCTtw' ir snoop's itestorative this popular prescnpnoa is alone directed to these weak and wasting nerve centers. t It. bnildaj Itstrengthens ; it offers real, senuine heart heln. Z If yptt, would, have strong Hearts, stronc di- cesBos. Bwuuusa. uieae serves them as ueeuea ua 1 - i h L:crt2e'5sl2 cf ,Flaa ;-Pair - cfYcung ' r riOTiCi: nv.trr- I IlaviDZ ouaJified ga administrator xsp-. ujua.vyC-IVv-f'"-- oa'the cstateof the . late .J.R. JeffrtTg.' Bv virtue of a Bower of sale contained I notice is hereby given to all persona ow- int.fmt pPTtAitv irmrtjrftsr m a.Ai bv A. K. I in if his estate to pay ssjne at onec. and Tant and. -wife, Penny ,Tanti and 1 Penny 1 those holding claims against said estate Wilder: on Jannarv 19th, 190&' to Sand- xnnst present them on : or before Hot. era s eons, ana amy i recoraea jn xne i it uw ur uwww . Keffistrv of rftnMin Uountv "in -Boos: I ea mnnp in th navmnt or the . lnaebted- ness thereby secured 4ind the power of mcxvrr &uitk, Att'ys. Bale navinz D2ComeaQsoiutertne nnaer- IrlKSli grigB yrny i BANK- ed in bar of their recovery. -This Nov. " : 27,1 1908.: .i-.--' : 7 N. B-Yocsc, Admr.;, , The . Proof of Good Service Is '.-'DEPOSITS' Constant Growth ' . nESOUHCBS; MA THE siened will, on Thursday, .TarinamJ9th, 1909. at the noon. Tecess of Court, at the Court House Door m Louisburg:- N. C.; offer for sale: to the "highest bidder at public auction for cash,- the . following described personal 1, property i in . said iT-V- V vOne Grey marerhule -now. about, 7 about 6 years ; old,. ; iTbese mules are Round and well broken and eoodj farm animais. v , ,.'-..--- . This Dec-30th-1909 . 5 . -- the in- ,nd Mattie Conway, Uessie ams, ui . Marian, N.. Jean Allison, of Bre- rard, KatiebeirIrri9' Jo8epbine! , ttii-! Vonn Krancesi ileniey, raeauur V .4 w, Mattifl. Kate and fNenj Ballard, Mrs. II. B. White, Mrs. Eu E Sams and Mrs. E. M. Speed. K W VilvWilkiefV Sanders Sons' .HOrtRagecs, -to ;th. B0DD1E-PERRY DRUG 'CCK; oae of. J. Harris, transferee of the in -.-4-, ...t - debtedness. .:" : :: m j."fe2f.t iv--i-J i-.i A Aifcfc: Wm. H. RcFfK, Aty. CREATION Bv virtue tf adecreeofthe Superior Court of Franklin County made at Oc tober term. 1907. in cas of Tiraberlake, Adm'rvaueo. K ookkl will sell xorea&n to the highest bidder at the court houae door in Louisburfr oh Tuesday, the 19th of January.-1000. at about the hour o! nobna-tract of land In Vounetville town lands of James. . Levister, deceased, .M. Green and others," being land upon taidinff 100 acre. : more or le. -Dc. 18tb,tl908. t . . . -( y. r i?: : " f E. W. TiMBKBiAgx, Com v" Nov. 27f.19Q3 - M .V t 1 1907 We- offer to the tioblic hundred ihou&anda do! lira. $ 03,000.00- .-J . 117,000.00 138,000.00 205.000.00 $lSG,CO0D0 22.000.00 080,000.00' . 317.000DO the rcsourcea of evtr: Hire S B HARRIS, , Prcs'Lv ' - V S T. PEACE ; CasVr r- VUVAAAArfWAA A A A A A A A 4 4 .- . -V,-- -,-rV '1 vx: :'By virtue ?m f : .tained;in that SLfc V ! on the ?27th c Sale. Farm-1 Land and :TuM LQl; :v of power 'of sale con- mortgage deed Rooster Commits Suicide. A very tine white leghorn rooster owned by a lady near Dunn,5 coop mitted suicide last week by hanging himself from the back yard fence. Tho mnstr was auite a vet of .'the 1 .... laddy, and she had just shooed him -,.f f ti. kitchen to. answer a , all lit the front door bell. On arriving at the door , she found waiting. Methodist preather, who was j ugh- t9 the back yard she saw , .bangins; from the fenca ; her much prized rooeter, who, it is supposed saw the preacher and rather than yield to the dinner pot, resorUd to self de struction. Apx . Journal. New isn't thata corker? - If your Stomach, Heart, , or Kidneys are weak, try at least a few doses only of Dr. Snoop's Restorative. In five, or ten days only, the result wm surprw you. A few cents will cover the .cost. And here is why help comes so quickly. Dr. Shoop doesn't drug the Stomach, or stimulate the heart or kidneys. Dr. Snoop's restorative goes directly fr. tYia nroaV iind f ailino nerves. Each organ has its own controlling nerve. When these nerves iau, xne "" organs must of necessity falter.' This plain, yet vital truth, clearly tells why Dr. Shoop's Restorative is so univer sally successful. Its success is leading druggists everywhere to give it uni Tsai reference. A test will surel? tel Co.. scattering!:-qu ment arbsuch that with yeryJitileipitipartSk are warmed Jhe inflam- mationandcong&s ti on Scattered, ?md the relief is a!mo$tjnstantaneous. For S.heumrtisnfl Sciatica, Lame Back. Still ' H0TICE OF SALE; Under and" by virtue : of ah order of ; j the Superior Court of Franklin. County, n-I made in tlie soeciaLproceodinff entitled excutedl P. B. Griffin, Administrator of Carolina ueonam kui- being which mortgage; is of No, rupon the special proceeding Hecistrv ' of Frankl n 1 docket of said court, the unders gned county in bbok No 156 at page 219, de-1 commisiidner will, on the 1st, day v w t ' J At I v , rvrv" a. n fault, having oeen mauc in vne r eDroary, xvtj, i. day of December, 1906 by Debnara. dee'd vs Lossie I va P. ' Ppttv and wife to wm. lL' Kui- firit ala. heirs-at-iaw. ihe same nn, Afctorney, record in - the Hamy leuJ the the 1st, day of the TV1V-1 T.Wi-narv 1000 .t 12 o'clock noon at I mont'of to '?Ms t.hrebv secured. .the I th rrrart house door in Louisbunr. -H. nnortitmoH win of Toesdav-the 19th 1 0 offpr for sale to the hichcat bidder uuvivammvm " - r 1 . . a dav Of Januaiy, lyw.-u oemg xne sec-1 xor casn inat cerawn uwi 01 uu ;j,uh n Hav of h .Tannarv term of Frank- and beina- in JFranklin County. North nn ?snTrioT r-niin . nr. i. . tw-v- " J V . : . - . . . I ..A...f-. h Wn hmioo rtAAr in i intra ' Hwnnninflf.at n&nisn Ult. c&naT Tniftbnrtr : oflWf or sale tof the hieh-1 Littleiohn's coiner in nariea u. . ea . -. .. . . t 1 - - k a V. n 1 - o est bidder-at public auction ior. casn, j momas -iineixnence couui 10 iws o( otWr. tMct nf land and town lotllinks to a rock. Littlejohn'a corner;! in said mortgage; deed conveyed and thence East 9 1-2 "poles to a stake; hr0in r?.srrihed as follows: "First thence North 73 poles 8 links to a stake tract bounded 'on the, north by the in Thomas' line; thence West 9 1-2 poles 1 M. oxoox to all U the with of the Bargain Store. t And we ahadl, in the future, aVin the paat, kcp a big Btock of bargains at all tiroea. THE BARGAIN STORE- ,"W. 1 B. ' COOKE ; Year : lands of Josh Branch, and Henry May, on the east by the Tarboro Road, on the south by the lands of W. T. Hughes and on the west by the lands of Henrv Mail.' containing 57 acres. more or less. "Second tract, that lot tolhe beginning, containing by survey 14 13 acres. ... This 24th day of December, 1903. h; . .. B. T. HotDBS, .i-M . f Commissioner. itv ' . aauav. sv ,( w . 1 .v M . , a v All 1 1 nnnn Toints, and M usees, orC Throaty Cplds, btrams. 0f lan(J m the ' town - of LrOUlSDUrg on MORTuAUt oALt Uf ? rJQURAL r KUf- snrair.s.. fiMs. riniisti Cohc. . ramus. IfldlebS- it VT.V1 Jn- I t.on; i oothacl e. ai.d al erve. Baneand Muscle Aches and t ;.:r.s. ') he jreimin'e h s Noam's Ark on every ppck-ge. 25c, Joe and$ ; wby all deal ers in medicine feveijwbeie. .Simple by mail free NOAH REMEDY CO., RICHMOND, VA.,i BOGTON.KASS., ft 6-5-4 will make ai old rusty Stove, or Stove Pipe, look like new, because it eats up rust. When you set up youf Stoves this Fall, give them a coat of 6-5-4; it Is applied like paint, will not rub off and SHINES 1 lKL.tV 1 9MS9 EkTY. Saves Hard Work the north side of Noble street, im mediately in the rear of the Methodist church lot. it beine the -lot conveyed! ..Under and bv virtue of the power of by S. S. Meadows and wife and S S. jsale 'contained in a certain Chattel Meadows. Commissioner, to Mrs. Eula 1 Mbrtemre executed bv G. B. II. Stal- Loia Perry by deed recorded in the ijnM and duly recorded in the Kegjstry Registry of Franklin county in book jot Deeds for Franklin County infBook Nov 152 -n the description coni ten. n&ire 24. the undersigned will, on tained.in said deed being hereby adopt- Saturday, the 23rd dav of January. 1909, ed and made part thereof, it being the at 12 o'clock, noon, sell at pnblic aur residence of the parties of the first Uion at Stallinirs t Gupton's Saw Mill nart " in fioldmine Township. Franklin Coun- Sale of the tract herein described as ty, N. C, to ths hieheat bidder for cash, rFirat tract" Is made subject to a first following described property :- tton of trust, to P. R. White trus- rn in ll p Rtnrn-Tubular Boiler. tee. Whicri deed of trust will be fore- One 35 II P. .1 Centre Crank lingine iiloaerl at the same time and place with I malo bT Hieh -Point Machine Works: t" ft this mortgage and subject also. to a 1 One Hege 30 ft. saw mill: morrxrac-e thereon made toTJo. Wilder One Hoe 54 inch inserted tooth saw; J and-recorded in the Registry Of Frant - One -United .States two-saw edgin g lin county in Book 159. onpage . arid machine; .aU t tr-art or lot herein described I o.. Qc'inor titnfT s&w: nas "Second tract,, will be -made only 1 - Also all shafting, belting and log-carta ! in the event the proceeds oi saie oi tne 1 conveyed in said mortgage, said "First tract" proves insufficient This is a fine opportunity for any one To Our Friends: And Patrons If your dealer SoM byThe BWdieFeripylBrje Ijaasn'tit kftKlnoe CASE AFTER CASE. . .AdtnlnislRrtorfs , Having qualified av administrator i of the estate of A. 8 Monger, deceased, late of Franklm county, North Carolina, this is;Ho notify: all persons having claims atramst the - estate of said Nie Plenty More Like This in Louis burg.. ' '. owio ui Ajuwioup, : i the 1st dav tell you about Doan's Kidney Pills notice wUl.be pleaded in bar of their Manf happy eitizen makes a -n 'nAhnnTn trie . indebtedness, thereby secured j-and; sale,Qf ' said tQwn jot i if .kubiecLtoa. ''first herv deed of trust thereon;execnted to R.': S." Mc Coin, trustee, and recorded in tne reg istry of Franklin county in Book 119 page 169. Thia 18th dayof December, 1908. .'' vV . t .... H. RUFFIN, Att'y, ' ' - V Mortgagee. . desiring to purchase a rood saw-mui plant. - 1. . This the 31st day of December, 1903. V M. Boone, Assignee-of the afore said Chattel Mortgage. W. II. YABBOEouun,'Jr Att'y Tmsteei Sale of Farm Land By virtue of the , power of J sale con tained in that deed of trust executedon k 12th dav of January, law dv rxL ceased to exhibit them to the under- - - e ..,. fr' r C. Perry and to P. R.' White, signed at Loulsburg, N. C, on or before Foreclose Sale 01 Town JLOt Trustee, which deed of trust is duly the 1st day of December, 1909. or this ' - v ' t . ; recorded in the Registry of Franklm pub- lie statement of. his experience. TTava in a aaaa of it. What better proof of merit can be had than smoh endorsement? f r" W. H. Beddingfieldr living on Kenmoore Ave., Louisburg, N. C,, says: "I have suffered tor years from kidney and bladder : trouble. My kidneys were very irregular, in action causing me to arise frequently at night to pass the secretions which were always accompanied by a scald ing sensation. I.had -pains through mT kidnev reoTions.'rWas unable .to j j j,, , ... rest well at night, "and although recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please mate immeaiaxe pay ment. This December 1st. 1908. ; Pstbb F. Mokgbk, Adm'r of A. S. Monger. Bv: virtue of power of sale contomed mnntv'in book No. 137 at page 163, de- in that obligation bond and agreement fault having been made ;ln the oay mftda between M.S. Clifton and wife mnt of the Indebtedness bv said deed and J. H. Hollowav and wife, and duly I nf trriat aecured. and the power of the recorded in the Registry of FrankUn 8aa havins: - become absolute and de eountv in book No. 156 at pages 205 et I manri f orforeclosnre having been made bmi -Aefanlt bavine been made in the I nnnn the trustee bv the owner of the . , 1 .- 1. - . " . .. . 1 ; I payments unaer saia, oDiigauon auu 1 honda therein secured, uie unaerswnw agreement provided for, and the power 1 wjh onjTuesdav the 19th day of Jan- Toaet aB afirftntinseilinff our hijrb grade havine become ' absolute, tne unaer- narv term of Frank un bupencr court Dia GoodsHilks and "WaiatiBKs whieh al- j gned will, on Monday, the 18th day ofJa fae noon recess of court, at the mo sett themselves We c rry a large line Tanuarv, 1909, at the Court House door 1 conrt house door, in Louisburg offer of b-antiral fabrics and otir prices , are low . T -.fsvnro. n at about the hour ..u tn thA hichpt hidder at pub- iZ2SttSGFSri 9Ahv sJAJi xi a :.k . nirtl,Tnnf itA na tai TaiTi if it. in in.1111 n i bit uncuuiK v i mg n npar 1 1 1 : 1 r i r ivii' rs. ill uu w tiarticnlars of our liberal conimisson offer, provements thereon, situate in the town trust described as follows: We wish to return oor sincere thabke tor your KberaX patronage during th past year, and hope to marit a aon tiuwance of the wme. WISHING ALL a Happy anvl Prospsroaa Xw Year, w rsmaia Tour friends, ThB Beasley-Rlston Drug Go, Sales Agent Wanted. , C Bounded No capital required.. Samples and sample para. Free. : vAddreas Dept.. 10. ' National Dress Goods Co.; 260. West Broadway, New York, X X. FINE I OPPORTUNITY TO f BUY A I have a1toat one thousand5: acre took difTerenk remediesI was uhable aa T?;noii if waa rriyJ of land, which I am willing to sell W, ' v, " -'iUL-j xnA on long time if a reasoLabk cash Roaa loriune to learu-ui x,ua. Uavment is made, s Any one : de- aey Pills, I procured a box and they : to : buy a.-farm will do wel arave me such, nrompt. relief, that 1A to see me. as I: will sell in lots of n 4 . , '.rr' ' - - ntihned uaincr them until cured. 50 acres or more. 1. T A to .-TiiA-h - WT. W. BlCKETT, F, s-, : . ? ;v4?- nTouisburg, N. -Cb once d a"3&:f " i See ESPi Hill if ousnslt to pur ast regularly ana 1 ns.ve improvea m T r v 1 tr-j- " 4 Trti j Base wthe:aboT8 wery. way.' Doans BadneyA? Puis "5? s. - u ,- id me more good than any nediome r rem en y I "ever used , and I cheery end thern to Other suf- tarers." '' of Louisburg, in the county of Frank lin and state of North Carolina .on the North side of the street running. on the north side of the Academy Grove, more particulary defined -:aa follows: Beginning on the north side of the street which has been recently opened on tne . norm- biuo- i v"s or Mrs. land. New Macroni at LVP. Hick's. : Hicks. T.V For sale by all dealers. Price, 50 1 seats. Foster-Milburh o.i Buffalo, New York. - aole A affenta - tor. .. the United Stotei?v-; 'AT Remember the nanie-r-IoaD-,s" sad take no other ntO: Fire .Grates at L. Leave vear order at L. P. Hicks for . 7 " .-. m , ' home 'made pound and iruit caKe - Orove at a noint 90 feet east Fannie- N. - Joyner's corner on saia- opportunity: to buy a nne one none, mis uec iouj on the North by the lands 01 rfosn Branch and Henry May, on . the west by the lands of Henry May, on the south oy tne. lanos 01 r. a. andontheeaat by the Tarboro road, said tract containme fifty seven acres. This is a good farm in a fine farming Action and has on -it a eood tenant house and euthouses, and this is a good norse 1909. A wm L atrerf.: thence "Northerly a line paralled farm and to said Joyner's "line to J. M. Allen's P. R. WHITE, Trustee. line: thence Easterly 91 leeu aiongi w jj Ruffis, Att'y. a lienV line, thence Southerly a. line I ac m9w ready U fnrniah all kinds oal.Bst Laappiat and an thai a- ita. P. A R P. S. Tleiily of best shep eoaL KSaSS ExecutOp-8 Notice to Creditors aiong Ravine auaUfied as executor 01 we will of Geo. K.- Leonard, deceased late This 13th day;of November 1908.. -. of Franklin county N. C, this is to Note. This is a re-sale made because natif - aii Dersons having claims against nf tWaiinre of the nurchaserat sale i :a to nrwwnt the same to the sat emv lirove: -xueuce .ncsvw j d street 91 feet to the beginnings . The tender leaves of L harihless lungr healing mountainous shrub; give to Dr , Shoop s Coueh Reniedv, its; marvelous curative properties. Tight, tickling, or distressing couehs: ouicklyA yield to the healing, soothing ! action of, -thii I splendid nreacrtntinniDr VC ShoOi's ! Cough Remedy. . And it is alio safe and good for children, as well.' v Containing nO OOiUm. CrilorrvfrwrrM '. rtliCki Viorrvif nl drugs, mothers should in safety always demand Dr. Shoop's". 5 If other remedies are offered, tell them No!; Be vour own judge! Sold by The Boddie-Perry Drug 4 " " " ... -. mj. .... . . . . LiZitt.KjLti'. Lard cans. Sausage : Mills, Stuffers. k Colanders, .Butcher- Knives,' Red -and uiacK repper, Sage, Salt; Peter,: Salt -A v' of Dec. 14th, 1908, "to comply ith terms of such sale; and is mad at tne cost of said purchaser and pf 'said JH. Hollowav.' ' - s- ; ' .,' tC; M. S. Cliftok, U Obligor is said , agreement and gran tee of the power 01 saie xnerem. -:W. IL Ruffix. Att'y.;: :..' -; r" day will All will undersigned on or before the 18th of December, .1909, or this notioe b"Tleadin bar of their' recovery. ndebted tn aaid-estate please make immediate payment to the Enenmed. This Dec 18th. 1908. "T; . A. S. J. Hamlet Ex'r of Geo. K. Leonard, deceased, . W. H. Ruffix, Att'y - - HUYLERS CANDY ALWAYS, V FR E S H t,A T; THE DpDpm-rRp mm mvmm It is ordered, by the Board of Commissioners of ' the ;toiYn of Lbuisbufg,; that Tax Collecf tor ' D; CrHiglg :be instructed to collect ode half of all r - - v-?r::-:'.v---ry-t. by Dec. Oth 1908;andTthe;: v- 'V -r .v. .-.',"; . t maming JiaU by :b e b. 1st Ay u v Bjorderof theBpard. taxes re- Sale of Land and Ytluablft Piir Mules. a ma of the power of sale eon ferred upon me in a certain deed o f trust etTbvJno J: Wheeler: and wife m . itnMm tniatM. and. duly re- l,w . Franklm' IJOUnty lvrsT, -t - rrt . . .'nn Book 1557 at : page, -lav; ueuv Yr tT .nd the nower Ol ic -- , . il aMtimnil Will. 11 come aosoiuie, ujc uuutM , request or the owner oi w Monday- the first day of February, 1 .a -i . k Vinnr of "noon, sell at Court house door m JTOJi rf5; publie'auctioa to the lughesf bidder for cash, the fallowing real esiaia auu B A orl entL (1.7) imdivided interest in Ind tf th -Old . J Wheeler .Home Sa??' ofktnd, lying and ; being inthe County and State aforesaid m - Harris Townshipand containing 135 .aerea., tte t: . r t r TiUrl v d c cnbed in raid Std oftruitAUoOne Iron Gray Mare Kffi Bay Mare Mule to match, . , leach six years old.- malilPISiT! jour money is now. Don't wait until tou get more. YouH be Urs pl ed to'spend what yoa have while, waiting. We acccptjall as well aa large deposits. Vie invite yoa to become a Depositor and offer yoa all he facilities a man of many times jour means enjoys " TtieJ Farmiirs :and rIcrchants Bank " " - v. .k-i... ...... vJ..r... i . . - ; jj, i. uufc . r?- . .., : .C'-l 'UOUISBURQlN. O. . j ". , ' ... CAPITAL AUD-SURPLUS OVER $40-000 ' . . ... . , . . . - . , . . . . - - i . , - . XlVk 6 AI1EY. President T ; WAT50, Ctiu; 1 . 1 1 i at Lh. r. riicks; -. , -m, - . , H w -s" , i, r- ' s 7V fJ 0