I. 5 -MdyMy - .- .: -v , . - - - IatHOMAS E D 6V OW N E R IFDM TO WSW DVBTIgXMXNT8. j A ThomasFor Sale. . ... Stetson Oil Co-Wanted. . ; 7; W O Stone JJisaoiuuwu , , W M. Boone-Mortgage Sale.: , J W. King-Local. For Sale V r F. Fullers-Sales Stables Only. p F S Royster Guano 1 Co Guano. , Wood & Unchurch 'Auction. Sale., w h RuflBn Commissioners Sale. J no Cl Winston School Apportion j Y. Hill lureo wr iAou tiuiow anWM&Vhite Furniture Co-An- DROPS. ifAR nowI'd Hie kto; exchange itD6. l'V: '; rr -:h -st fV i . . Cnwk-Tor.wliat,: madam?- LadV. llonday, Jaimary Atbthe fo ; 1 5- :r,i ..-SX. ; - . . - . - - M "wing rapporuonmentol?tne"pubUci -'wr , , ' r ' r ; -. .. s. .- , ' ' V 3 Pine Ridge 280.00 , 80.00 1 : J- ; , v . . . , , , . X ' v " .7 . .iiRRis Township. f.s"'!, kit-' . f. -r . . Vs" l . - . ... ... . Well, jou tniht let me look at iom ace hand kirshiefi arid ; some silrer hatpins As- a , general, thin . Franklin county has as accommodating and as cleVer a orps of RF;D; fearriefs anj; other section of ttKe State but thef.wbild do " well '.not - to forget huati ' iumo im vrers ? estaoiisnea for the benefit of the patronsT pf ) the routes; as well as tor the oarrierg. The card of Dr. D: T, Smiths witk;rwho has opened 'an, office oref the jFirst National Banki appears in u jfcM wui ueai .ia stocKSf vuu, ea ; estate, negotiate; loan?, etc. : The Doctor has- ben dealing in timber lands for- some time, 'and We learn hat m ad e aome good sales for hit patrons'. , -If you wish to do something to aid in building vup your community put your shoulder to the wheel and help push erery good enterprise tlat U projected.' Dont stand ft and throw "cold water' because some . 1 ;3 ; StrijUndUlO't 80.00 Any one wishing to rent the Oarlyle store on. Main street will see J. A. Thomas, agent A .".dumber of new subscribers hate be6 added to our list the past week, bit still there is room. A lot of people who haven't a thing i ; the house worth stealing lire ia constant dread of burglars. Sometimes a woman belongs to a woman's club, ajid. .sometime a woman's dub belongs to a woman. one elae ittgge8tcd the enterprise. Don't kiok. Get some one else bmt take hold and let's all help the to do it. It will conserve your own old town to grow. . . I reputation and b just as effective J Probably there are people who a longrest. The new world is "dao respeot tne law, but therre appears ttf tyloscopy," and means Hhe method be a large and growing; .class who employed a police headquarters of tuiuect it. . identifvinfir criminals bv their fineera Joan B. Parrisb. son of our print, No doubt some poor fellow 1 1 friend Tf, T. Parrisb, of Gold Mine; hearing thisstrangeotindvfoT -the 1 pawed tncagh this week to -attend first time, will think it is the .oense I . I 'I'1tr,i.im o.V I Yin ia aViArcro) with Don't speak harshly of your mong the new residences re- nemies. They expect you to centlj erected iir Loilabur is ' the "knock" them, and if yoa have them nice six-room house just -completed goeising they will cease activities for by Mrs. Battle, on Nope street, on ti'm " . one of the lots she Durohassd at tht A certain dancing master ad- "Big sale of Baker tots." It is a reruses to teach the barn dance, and Tery great addition-te that pan of lairas esuecial talent in this direction town, and will he ocQpiepy Mr, k..-AK - An. o-KoUmwJSign engineer on. th Louis- m.MiLii.;.t.Ma IburgRaUroacfc I . ' ' " j T J4 . v u 3 Whelesa 120.00 m.L t n I In renlv to eomnlamts from sub-1 looiwo naym khu ai a reasuu- , r . . -r f :U . , L0UI6BURG TOWNSHIP, r 1 . .u:- 1 Iscribera from K. iv-D.Mio. 1. from? aoiy iu auu u .t . . . No. 2 MapleviUe 280.00 160.00 prospeerior as good, if not better Xiouisourg inai tney aia noi gei tneir 8 Hickory 26O.OO 144.0 no doubt prepare- for a good crop wiu say inai ne. paper-a- pu-in 5 I the coat office on Thursday nisrht.1 6 Wiv Tu, w . - , - . ; - 4 o . 24V Rock Spring;--144.00 : rf ' ''v ?5; RUey- 144.00 : 6 - Prospect , . 136.00 7 ' Freeman' 100100 . ' YoiJNG3viLLE Township. : No. 1 Garners; -. ) 182.00 80.00 3 Oak Level ;20.00 . 80.00 J - 5 Tharringtor4 ; " 122.00 80.00 6 , Flat Rock ' - - ' 140.00 90.00 . Franklinton Township. No. 2 Popes 132.00 84.00 x , 3 Mt. OUvit 124.00 ' 84.00 , 4 Mitchiner. 140.00 s 84.00 5 Katesville , 120.00 240.00 6 " " 84.00 . Haysville TownshIp, No. 1 Balance Rock 120.00 90.00 2 Winns ' ' ' -128.00 140.00 3 Eosom 200.00 80.00 ,. 4 WhiUkers 120.00 M Sandy. Crbek Township. No, 1 ;Laurel,; 140.00. , 2 Moulton 140.00 v 3 -Ingleside -. ; 320.00 ; 4' Kearneys 128.00 5r Moutiiin Grove 250.00 Alston . ;.t 120,00 Gold Mine Township. Ko. 1 Centreville 250.00 2 food's 250.00' 3 Sandy Creek 260 00 4 Pearee . 124.00 5 .75.00 Cedar Rock Townshd?. No. 1 Bab Rock 132.00 ' 2 Justice 132.00 3 . Academy 280.C0 4 Red Bud 132.00 ' 9 Dickens 280.00 , . . Cypress Creek Township. No. 1 ,Gatesville .A 182.00 84.00 2 Gay J- 132.00 ' 80.00 i . All modern in yei7 par - M IS t?e P?hcr .?on? money wiU be safe and payable on denumoV wfctrt. If " V miuuch si Dome, 11 xs noi sale. ' : . . ' A 60.00 80.00 80.00 84.00 1 80.00 80,00; 80.00' 90.00 80.00 A CHECKING , ACCOUNT ; . X witbonr bank will baterially afisiai you in deinbeUeTnaincas, If jou are net C " mow o customer, come in and se Us. - f '-X x A, PEFi CENT INTEREST . ' V" ; a- i We pay 4 per nt iniereat'on Eavinir accotrnts and cartlfitAt of !Trit Money can be withdrawn any time desired. A WHEN YOU: SEND MONEY AWAY use our cashier's ehcek which we issue free of cost to you, and you have no writ ing to do. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, LOUISBURG N C v UNDER SUPERVISION. OF U. S..GOVERNMENTr ft 84.00 84.00 84.00 00 ,00 00 84.00 knf VjAltMll. n XI .(innnl kin HvhMa (if tHA HHIIHI , IJTr iSfiMdfiff'nWlE lat 4n " Aa ' H C W Chains, of the be..W Be,. ey-Maoot , jjj not lee th, R. b: Wh.TO, Secy.; jPf riar. which took nlacA at TrinitT - ' . j---. r?- : r.t 1 AucrttfiT1 Sic 1 00 illlW O O We yish you a prosperous and a t happy ,New Year. 1 And wish to thank you for your past pat--Tonagar " .horah an Wdnv - nincr of office W,ith the papers Until aturday . . . . - evening. As the carrier only deliv- liMt wiet. hat from soma gadia it I ft J 1 ha not reachad ma. tm " "" ,rV . "T"" , . . the same day, our patrons on a part llr. Julian Dflkn. a hich ra-l . - J , ; i of th TttDu will nndentand wmr i xv :ii u . a pected woman, died at the ripe old k 1 n K - i u r ' , r they tailed to get their papers u at ill tion Sale at Can trevLile on K w ov year at uer uuuie near i . r , . f .... o..- Monday morning. On account pH -A- 4 . o Uuua.uu, x uuuar Uiurumg. .Ka mXTt nitAuinto tKt h,rr nW MmZMTV i ' . r RUn A j wv.. x--w i uiuui j """f vai va est bidder. This will be a rare op- She was the mother of our former I townsman, 3. A. Dake,VEsq.' ' ' The Board or Education met o r - 4-m n a rl money for the various public schools chinest; Enfeere; BlakHinitH; :Bakere. Don't iail to attend and supply whifn will be found in another col- 2?k2sla5; taS yourself with the very articles you ran, notning iurtner tnaa regular Appiy, eoamern tmpipTineai -a-Kency, neea, ; ... , i I Greensboro, ti , . iviiiL.x. Wood & Upchurch, ,:'t routine bvsines was attended to Laurel was sold last v Saturday, and brought in the neighborhood of 18.500. We understand that the bid ill be 4 raised. ' It is considered ery eheap property atjthat price. 1 -Dr. Joel D.'Whitaker, will be in Loaisburg en next Monday, at the offic Jr . Arthur II ynes Fleming, nd on ne first Monday in each oih thereafter, instead ot the first Monday .in each week, as heretofore toted. ; ' j All those who wish to get great argams . m general . merenandise, whioh will be closed oat at auction, hould attend the big sale at Centre ille, by Wood St Upchurch, on Jan ary 21, 22 and 23.' ; See their ad vertisement. ;-- ' 1 Our good friend, M..: E. Joyner t "Pap," is erecting a new house on the lot bought by him at the recent "Big sale of Baker Lots" 'and will move to town as soon as it is ready for occapancy. The "city fathers" held a called meeting on Monday to look after Tyv. -.lauiu mailer concerning the town. No other business was transacled except the acceptance of the resignation, of A. W. Alston, ;as tu- wwuimissioner. 'v 1 j. 7 We are requested to. arm nun that on account of inclement weath r the Mid-winter k concert at.-, tTa College was postponed 'and - will (held o,n Friday, evening, January 8tb t eight o'eiookThe, public it ,or- iaiiy ;, invited to attend. -.V.1 Sales Stables Only. Having sold out my Livery De partment Ih'desire to announce to the public that I willrcontinu e my , I wish to have a settlement with Centreville, K C. v FOR SALE. .n iimo.n,, . ,, w . i - 1 nave ior saie aoouc iuuu to izuu r lba Ps,k HogBt wiu dresg 250 to 350 I snalLendeavoT to keep & stock meat will be ready for. sale on or 01 gooa norses ana muies, anq win 0vlfc wu miuuie uvno monin. , be glad to sell all wbo wiab to buy x ' " "f J.,WKinq R. F. Fuibb; 1 Louisburg, N. C. ;f ; L P im u Phone 42 ON THE CORNER LOUISBURG, N C A Chance for Everybody WANTED Reliably, eaerffede man v to sall.lo brieatina oils, arrease. and paints In Franklin and adjacent countiea:"Salary or commission. Stet son Oil Co., Cleraland. Ohio. . - '' ( v Tbe -undersigned having purchased the interest of J. S. Hall in the White-Hall Furniture Company," ii Louisburg desires to say that he will DODunue me Dusmess at tne same siana. : --r . . ; - k I.wish to say, that Iwill settle -all accounts due by -or,; to the' old tirm and therefore it becomes necessary for all old accounts to be set tled within a Ximited Time. All those indebted to . the WhitoHall Furniture Company will therefore please come iorward and J arrange the same at once, al under tii e contract the old business must be settled u I SHALL CONTINUE to keep a full stock of everything in the Furniture line, ana -will be glad aVall times" to serve nyr friends and customeis, and will guarantee, .'- as heretofore, satisfaction m every, particular; - 'r-; f x f ; 'r, iAr Respeetf.HlyyA ".y. . r--; ; ; Wl-White; Furniture ON 1 hup 1 lUJln) 1 AV IK w will soaUnue tifr 0 0 t o of general merchandise, at the Spruill building. .We have hardly sUrtad on what we had to aeU, a.ad ' cn Saturday we will offer more goods than has ever be en 'offered at an auction sale In Louisaurg. TT will sell regardlei bf coBt, ahees; hatsr clethingi overshoes, caps, crockery, glaeswar; knives, razors and ah tars, all kinds t dress 4goods,iancy lamps and oilcloth. Tou will mkasorao Ijargains if you doiot woa. TUntm ber everything put up" will be sold. At three ofdok twenty-five good eaps will be thrown away front lie totf the bsulding. ' Be on hand and you raay. get one. V r r , .- .4 Time, . Saturday , January 2nd . v ' 7 Terms-Cash Place, Spruill Building MB LOUISBURG. 1 CZD ' r - ... ; 4 I SATISFACTION fOR : YCUR WIONEY ' BACK. V t t 1 . 5V ! 1 4 ' - i i,r . t . M . . 1 1 1 - ' k 1 ' '