JW'i"iia-'W .:'... V- 1 5 .'1 ..... .. " i . , -. " . ' .'- H ... ." ' '...! : v TUrrCfirmAU PPririhi LesscrtIt.Firsr. Quarter, ; For Text of th? Leworif-Ac if, 1-21--jem-ory Vers., 2-4 Gotten TtV A BAPTI3T EUDIQ" Eestorod to Health by . Yinol I was run down and wealcrom In digestion and general dabllity, also buf fered from Vertigo.. I. saw a cod ;ilver. preparation xalled VInol advertised and decided to give It a, trial, and the re-; suits were moat gratifying. X 'After tak ing two ' bottles" ,1 regained my strength and am now feeling unusually veil." Henry Cmnlngbjun,, Elder Bap tist Church. Kingston, N. C":.' -T;X:. : vinol it not a patent medicine hut a preparation composed of the medicinal : -'.IV'. 17CommnUry PrDrrf elements oi coos, uyers, comDinea . wun y neyu. M. atam. a hearty appetite tones up the organs - tlnn anil mftVa rfoli .V.i) MA UD . ttlht-Before Hl ernM; ;u this natural manner, Vlmol creates "on u aid. -It U expedient for you strength for the run-down, rer- "at I go away. forMf I go not twar worked and debilitated, and for dell cate children and old people. For chronic roughs, colds and bronchitis Vlnol is unexcelled. All uh persons La tats rieinity are aaked to try Vlnol on ear offer , to re fund their money if it falls to giT gat IsfaetiQo. ' . 1 w. T. SMITHWICK, nut uui come unto you. out If I depart I will send Him unto you. and wtierf He la come fie. will convince the world of sin land of. right- uouroo 01 juasmenr (John xvl, ? 8. As He, left them on fht van. aiou day; He told them to tarrr.ta 1ttL saiem until, the Spirit came, as-He'said cnat tie would: henr r nrui iAm t THE BODDIE-PERRY DRUG CO: fcn- npprproonj-ila.. Jerusalem. : Derhnni ,uie.,same one wnere He had kept the rassover with them, continuing In one accord in prayer and supplication.. The women are there' too, and Marr. ma mother,? and-His own brethren Acta t; 14), who. had erldently come to the point of recelrln their brother as the Messiah, .Contrast John rlL 5 ,1 think this is thai last liientloii of -Unn -prt mother, ; How., blessedfto.say;. farewell to her till we'meet her tn glory at a prayer meeting!. "With one accord?, is a very important . Dhra.se in this hnnir' it Is used Just seven times In a eood cuunecuon .ana four, times In a. ha A one (i, .14: iU 1, 46; It, 24; vl 12: viil. 6: xr. 25,; and Tll.;:57i xit 20; xviil.,12: XIX, 28). 7 f. . " - ams is .suggestive also, for seven Is the greatest number denotlrig peffec- tloh, while four is the worldwide num- D , ueaier m to ke. Bonds, Real Estate Colletion of RenW. Buviii? and Selling Timber and timber lands. Loans negotiated. Listing of property for ' sale or rant solicited. , Prompt and careful attention, guaran teed. ' "' ' &.;' ft,. ;) Office over First National Bank. Louisburg.N.C. D R. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING, Surgeon Dentist, Oflce in Ford Building. Main-and Nash street, Loumburar. N. C. ... Hours: 9 to 4:30. Fhonc No. 40. D R. JOEL D. WHITAKER, Bye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, Hjsa Flemins, the first Monday in each month. QR. H, A. NEWELL, PHYSICIAN. LotruiBvae, N. U. Telephone No. 15. FRANKLINTON HOTEL JTranUinton, N. C. e. I Whitfield, Proprietor. '1 i)RC- H. RANKS. DENTAL SURGEON, LO0ISBORG, M. (X office lu liieka Building, Main Street. A TTO KNET-AT-L A W , Louisbtirg, N. C, Office oo Naeb street. Prompt attention tven an legal business entrusted to me. K.I.B. MALONK t ttACTICINO PHYSICIAN AND 8UBQBON. LotriSBTse, H. c a oe Is rear of Aycoeke Drag Store. it, H. P. BURT. vCT!f!mQ PHYSICIAN AND IDRQEON. tlouisburg, N. C. vtilm over P. 8. A K K, Allea's. B. R. W. YAKBOROTJOH, ' " PHYSICIAN AND StTRQmON. - ' teoisfuae. N, oj""' - OJB In Yarboroxigh h Blekett baUdlztg. 14ene, phone 74. JP vht eaila answer froaaT. W, Biokett's ml . u. . AJWmNTBtTRe). a.tt6rnit at law vin prtle In all the Co arts of t State Office in Egerton Buildinff. HAYWOOlJ RUFFLN. i wtki i ausxr -a tnree ana a fonf. the Trinity and the resurrection; on. behalf of the whole world. If anv do not see cstntftoance ta nnmbers, let them , be- tMehable' and- oatient with those'. wbo &; -tftlielleTers could ..only tA am a AmmmJB-v -...W . a. J a.' il't . . i vir., isvwm. vw unit gTeai mines migu i ue eeu iq, answer to prayer and patient waiting -' upon' God I Whether the election of Matthias was or God' or only of Peter and the others, we may perhaps not be able to decide till we know as we are known. We shall surely know when we see the twelve thrones occupied:f ' which Jesus sake. Ten days having passed sisee He left them, which, added to the forty days between resurrection and ascension. completed the fifty of Lev. xxili. 12-16. thej being with one accord in one place, the Holy . Spirit cameras prom ised, accompanied by- a 'sound from heaven as of a rushing,: mighty wind. wnicn uiieo'au tne, house where they were sittmg. t There appeared unto them 'cloven tongues, like, as' of fire, and it sat upon each of them, and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit stave ; them - utterance (verses 2-4). Thus was His word be fore His ascension fulfilled. "Ye shall be betizedwith the Holyv Ghost not manys days hence" ;XI; 5. The women present must have been filled as well as the men. This filling was not suffi cient for ailf future time, for' we find some of . the same people filled from time to time, again and again Ut,; 8, Sl. la .chapter x, 44. 46. we read, that the Spirit fell on those" to whom Peter was speaking, even as he preached the word to them, and, they also spukcJ with tongues and magnified GotL When tongues v were given there was. always.' reason why, I n our lesson story there were gathered at Jerusalem devout men out" of every nation under heaven (5K. and1 In their. own., native tongue they heard these men speak the wonderful words of God (11)-. In the Babel : story- of rebellion against God. all people being of one language?! they were caused by ( God to speak many, to their own , confusion (Geo. xl), but here at Pentecost; people of one I mm.m-. 1 .... - . ...If - x I .1. . 1. 1 I - iti .i- ii -. . a a -""a 1 Ti L J I f 1 .X- - r ; V. "IK uuiUlHiu.X. t iiiiiiiiiiiiip IlllllillllWlhJV I "III r.. --- -' T'-. " .- I i. .--j a a - in y I III 4 I Irlfii - i i 4 .4 v :.w: , (Iflhl:., "tit, f t ' Utcrc yea iyssI U Utsa yea wsst'll : .... ' "' V- . '" .. '.. " i " . "-- ... .- .. ... Oltea you vint hoi in a. hurry - ia some room In iKc Louse .Ihc fur--rtacc docs- not rtacL If so easy to pick up and cany a .or jDGklpc tJa Smokeless Dvlc) lo room you waul b.hcal-T-suilaDlc for ray room in the . house. n has a real smokeless device abssiokly prcrcn&ui . V smoke or smcU Hum the wick as hih as you can u lovr as you Iie7"-ljrass ont holds 4 quarts of oil that flivesout fllowinj heat for 9 horns. Fin- tshed in iapan and nickel an omamtal anywhere. Every healer warranted. ' I'.HxJi b Uwlsmo W & riaat ar' I ..... B. . I A . . 1 . naser n orrts s inuaH, ear ufiais 4 out BaVaaTiiyspIcaawt. lklcl kaavBkIu flsbl tai saaifaaa .with & Ukst improved etabal ardtaraer. Cnry bap B M eaaaet obtaia lb Partcdis Oil Heakr ar Rcyi OMkr wcue Is ear awrra aacy lor taairfn OTASilAXU OtX COBfPAKY - 01 IWI uMlij Oj . W S V. y,. V - ' . -v " .... ,v ... f " IPmspemys (Mew 'Yesiir: That- Uiej wilt Itate s bappj fcjjd a proiparomt year during 1909, are the sincere withes of f. iM. aiR. Z- EG asw iDiias';:CH LafisSkJsCsV PlttS 4 y PT No Eqoal a ;s Proven tiv or Cure forChilU. jTbev not outy Care ' Chiile, but BulM aud Toue Dp josr System, For sale . . D R U G 3 I S r ft w v " for U tlieir friend and isomer. Tfe Oia&l yea for ytm mi patronage, and aak m continuance the tiai. Tft axs ctri&E eiS up bargains svsrj day. . 1 "" We desire to get all of our 1901 butineea ttUIed up as rmidJy m hope you will pive ua your immediate attention. It Kaa K. ure for ii to give vou time, and now we want vou to help il iicijfwwuuj vosr ixitnus. owe us n a til THE CITIZE m mm HENDERSON NORTH CAROLINA November 27th, 1908. x ATTOKNHT-AT-LAW. LeuisavB. w. o. iiidadfoiiiiaffcountlea.aiacrik tha : BnBrema Iau&uage were enaoiea to speak many 'oim, and In the United gtatea Diatrtet . and languages, to the glory of. God. There 'ir cult Court. omoe over First National Bank. ; " , T - .:" ; it- B. WIi.pK. ' . ATTOROTtY-AT-LAW. f.Maissvae.B'.e.. io rr Mailt atraat. In OcoMr bnlldlntr. Spruill & Holder A TTORCTET-AT-LA W . bovissuao, sr. o. Win attend tha eoorta of Franklin. Vance raaTUle. Warren and Waka eoxmtlea. also e vapreme court ox xnorta uarouna.ior ail sects or divisions of .rhe chnroh Mc In BDrnlU bulldinf. ' - f 6Tcr '" feV1 - ii ine worm as auictiy as Dossibie this W.Iua.aTTr . - ' " f I th fllllno- ftf tho Snlrlt tn ho rrotW . . " .,. w .. . w.. t m . W ' ga f desired. , : At - Pentecost ' many ' mockingly said. (verse " 13). but Peter became the seems to be somewhat of , the : gift of tongues granted by God again In these days (1D08), but it is to be. f rpd that there Is much that is not of t.iix? much delusion by the, wiclvl oiif. There is -great need to study Hnsely. 1 Cor.- xiv. with special -attention to verses r, 9. 19, "A greater testl of the. Spirits presence and. poweri and working than any other gift is ythat of the love described in I Cor. xlif. - The love that exalteth the Lord alone, that united believers In one great desire to magnify. Him regardless T. LAWTVB. ' lOCISBUBe . OL pi wttlement of estates for" Exeeutors, ! A Tlt1al.ua.u . a m a . . m - . - . T1 wtTTanT tt, br ik T!anP I mouthpiece of the Holy Spirits call FBSOtt. ; , iTTOBJCTST AT-lAW. " . fcosnorsme.s.e. - u. iB air onrU. V . OOoe on Main W. B TAEBOROU3H, JB. . - -V vn OSireY AT LA w . w touisBuito. i. c.;, ;j ' v . r Office n Egerton BsUding. legal business intrusted ' to him receive prompt and arfn.) aitanfeioa. CONTRACTOK as. fiUlLDEH, , t ftar.l OeSE JSS'.i RESOUKdElJ: Loans and discounts, ' Orerd rafts, Btocbf'and BondsJ Banking houee and fix tor Insurance department Cash on ban i Due from banks Total, ; $430,311.14 7,756.01 29,401.25 10,732.78 l,871.7o 38.628.68 112 978.41 651,737fV5 LIABILITIES: Capital stock, ' Sarplna and proflta, DxULto banks Deposits Cashieni checks oststandlng Certifled checks Total. $100,000.00 61.791.17 2 ,4 06.53 460,016.90 1,480.60 42.69 l651.7d7.9S New F. N. &: R, Z. Egerton : ver yifchirtg AND REMEMBER this bank has One Hundred . and Fiftr "Thousand Dollars of it own Capital and Surj)ln8 to guarantee your. deposits, and' iu auvuuwu wj, ouraauuiuDiv are uaDjo.xor an aacuuenai f ivv,- OUa.ilO. ' All our officers are bonded. We are, fully insured against uuey unjiigun uwa-u. JLepyeii, jpur moneywim me viazens JD&njC. AT WILL BS 8 APS. - ' . EYeryTO Freslj J. B. OWEN, Pres. Win. A. HUNT, Cashier. PIE. 'Easy Oft I wish.U aay to aay rriend and to evsry Wij eke, tAi I hive ptned a new and fcrsth stosk ml to do LITY FANCY GROCERIES Msinessu3itii .4 . al?d Stick Toitijess m the tor on Court street, Louiibury. V. t rececUj oecupied by the "Pool Room and will be or thai Dleaaed to tuppl) you all with a portloa of vemj want. -I believe in "quick sale and email profit. m f .. " " . 4 DAVID G PEARCE f-... - 1 1 1 1 f rtjt. W 1h our next lesson) and that, this was a fulfillment ; of A that : prophecy concern-. lng thi? outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It was said by a man . of God that prophecy 1 has many a:germlnant; and springing ivaecompllshment ? throughout the , ages, - while .the complete -.'fulfill ment may -be for 'some future period. That the complete; fulfillment of .loel's Drobhecr will1 be. In . connection with the return of Christ In power and glory is evident from our Lord's own words Inl: Matt xxiv 29, 30.. Joel III, I. ,2, shows that It will be in connection with the resurrection of Israel 'and the I Judgment ; 6t nauons-'; which t precedes the .mlUennlum "of s Christ's personal reign, to subdue all "things unto "Him self. The special word for every be- t ; Uercr novr is tLpn ... , . .. . . . . . v -v This hai made us the oldest Furniture . k . Music House inv the countr. : We carry a' good line of Star Pianos, Richmond pianos, Miller Organ) Edison Phonographs, Victor Talking Machine? . and goed lot Furniture'of aU.-Kn'da.' Coffins & Caskets, Sewing "Machinea.H.-- t v ; We will f treat to rig yox business., ' vy"- 'T " '." " ? ... i;rW.HOLLIHGSWOBTH n f f m - ' f .... tmmmm .. iiimi ii , mr v T . v : . ,i v. ' .r.'t- - l Ten . fo annnmnr liarnm-yriara rora r!nm , nmm Nv;.&;v;Vs.f : . r': ' . ' 1 I V ' -'' I AcdIcS- NutA. BatLSnaJr. Cindiea. drancaa Aal if ion Irov JKl TTT Tf XT if XT TTT 'TrF' T? TFXOTxTr1 Besides, you will be better tti2d,a we xtally have the fii PJ? fxH MviL. TO l M dA sssorted stock in town. ToVi. -money- la when; is where Toull find rourscdf if yea don't look .little est whtn. ss4 you go shopping; Haxaxn-ScarBta boysrs rttaza name i& fpry pocret noox. lomu hmtd money Islt when buying Dry Goods, Ehoev then htre. finest and Least money .la wnen; rssutjajiicsr tae. I want all the ggs, Mckeru, tirkle, rabbit, birds, wiU f high! pries for sia. Zt0.i9 "worth el Ire work. JrUe right, juit rtstitri G1.0O PER YEAR J W' KING i . I