' ' " 7 ' ' i ' - m ' i UTT - 1 - i m i. ! " . Jf A1IBS A THOIIAS, EDITOR THE ! COUNTX. THE" STATU, THE UinOIL ; SUESCRIPTIOH Si.00 PER TEAR I TOL. XXXVIII. LOUISBURG; N. JO., FRID AY,; JANUARY 15, -19 09.1 HUH BEE 43 A BEAUTIFUL" MARRIAGE. THE I MOVIIIG PEOPLL r , . -... l-.. V - v'.:y:S . ,. ' rr . ; - - , . " " . . . . . THE CEREMONY PERFORMED v AT TRINITY CHURCH. ? The Contracting Parties Being Two of Inglesldes's Most Pop: ular Young People A Very Large Attendance. - v ' Trinity Methodist Church was the scene of a beautiful marriage,' when Mr. William Lee Beagley and Miss Susi Le-Macon ere joined in the ly bortila of matrimony, by -l- the A.. L. Ormon.d;;of Fayettevillo mi the 30th of December 1908. Long befirev the appointed hour j ftiouds and relatirea ofs th6 popular young co-ple gathered, in the tastily decorated church to witness the ceremony and the people of. Ingle side nerer witnessed a more lovei v and imp essive scene. As the s f light of many candles . gleamed through the eleborate dcoratio of green and white, Miss bailie Young Davis sang in her oyn inimitable style, "Oht Fair O Sweet and Holj ." Then to the strains of Lohengrins wedding marc!i played by Miss Alice James Gosten of Suffolk Va.,v thei bridal party en-1 tered" as follows: Ushers, Messrs. Blount EgertOn, George Macon. "VVerter Haves and Dr. 0. H. Banks, The groomsmen and bridesmaids were Jir. jcjvwiaiu vuu ti-c ui xiiic side and Miss Mamie Jones of Me bane, Mr. Ben Holden of Louisburg, and Miss Bessie B. Blacknall J ot ""Warren ton, Mr: Wyatt Freettiaii- Louisburg, and Miss Lucie Wiggins ' l1 K n n. 1 1 !1 XAr 111 I t j'lngleside, with Miss Nellie Wilson of Ingleside, Mr. Willie Wilson of 'Ingleside with Miss Lily Hayes of Louisburg, Mr. Hugh Perry of Louisburg with Miss Janet Hayes, J Mr. Ballard Egerton of Laurel . with Miss Lucie Davis of Amityyille, L. ' I. Mr. Johnnie Wilson of Ingleside with Miss Luey Jones of Oxford. Then followed tour little flower -girls Lillian Beasley; Mary and Neppie Wilson and ;,Lncile Mills. Little Edna Beasley the tiny sitter of the , groom looked the pieture fit a fairy, ! as she bore iiu.aer dainty, 'hands a silver waiter with thewedding4nng, while by her side Master. Eugene Wilson, showing by hii manly step, that he had in his keeping the most important document, the license. The Maid ef konor, Miss Brook sie Macon of Birmingham Ala., dress- A ... x.t f r ' ' :.t?s-- 1 i : . THEIB : XIO VEttEIfTS IN OUJ OP TOWN. AN 5 GOVERNOR WILLIAM KITCHIN. THE INAUGURATION AT RALEIGH LAST TUESDAY A Large Attendance Beautiful Weather An Able and Conservative Inau gural ""Address Big Military Parade. lhe inauguration of Hon. William W. Kitchm and other State officers which took place at Raleigh on Tuesday, wb stuoded by a Urt trowd of people from all parts of the State. The wpather waa $ al, and this' allotted the lad:s and children to turn out and grtoe the cciioQ. A large number of the military companies of the State, among them both of the companies frontFranklin were present, and the presence of the soldier boys in. the parade; added much to the great occasion. Raleigh opened her doors to the risitors and there was gseeroue hospiuhty eiuaded the tnae? visitorstojthe capital city The inaugural address of the Governer was listened to by thousands, and when he had finished, he was leadly ap!ad3, at fce had delivered a very good, sound and conservatiye address. Nothing occerred to mar the ceremonies and thTosgbout the day eterjbodT seemed happy and pleased at the excellent mannei in which the varioss committees had so sicceufally earned oat the programme, lit. Kiicain and his colleagues, who were elected with him on the ticket, started off their administration ander most far arable auipicies. Let as hope thtit will eid accordingly. This paper will always try to give the new Governor and the other State offieers its hearty ee-eeration :u all eCforli on iheir jari to raakeijood for the "Old North State." V. Those ho Hito YWlcd Looii . burs: the Put eclc Thott Who Have Gone Elsewhere far Buslneis or Wcisure. CapC Starts, t tlrodtraoa ws a wtor hf yaauriay. J!r. CK. K.true, el Wilat, is vuilb nis t e-orle tere. Mr. C IL Charth aod fatar, ef Noifolk VjLre va;uag tri uU a ad frlaut ft in 17 a. Mra. T. W. Dickett ar4 Mm. J. S. I-ancr 4Urdrd iotecunUca at lUlcigh th:t wrti. Dr. J, E.. M aiobe arni wife took the if little Swo, Jan,, u, Korfdk ibi w4k fc-r LrVrtrnt. Mttra. C T. 3uk aoJ A. A. ooaiit cxmdctti ini iti lioU Their frais h! lh-t4 a ieitani Mr. J. . iricklackd, U has Ua working At hi trl (or eer& tin; la iw pnntin? cce al rrisg-. ruiru! lu Ioau4:rcrg a-i ulta 1 ;uti tn I'Lm TiMkt oZjot brv he !.jt AUr;4 a tintrr. He tmte bl Le U -fad to p: hick t. bsr-, "r tu (lac Jl Mr. 11. IL MttT)tt.anf d Uk Fjr let in tuna yr:i4v orl.txm otst i-jvj.'" "!tmi arJ cUft olleni reprtni c -f p It ! i.d tntel t ti r:4j(n of iS eaty attrodt-d ii.ws mrin ot ranj li t Rileish tS: a. ft toc.6 ikern notl thf MJawnc: T. S. I !:. J. u r ;ir. t a. Hiictm.b. a r. Gaporu W. I. u!llrl. T. V. Ira, W. J JolOi.n. J. P." lUtU. ZtV Dai. Morpa GofUci, V. M. Bome. S. P. UadJie. J. A. Tbctt, lUv. G. M. Duke. ed in white erepe. decline carrying groom, was' the only jewel worn white carnations - came in with th cave an old ivory pin, an heirloom bride, a bnde' replete with yaluth, two' hundred yearc old; She health and beauty, theee . enhanced carried a Bouquet ii bridles by the candflorriei gown of f fWite roses. v ' . ' muslin silk .'eleborately -trimmed, in As -the manly groom stepped embroidery; Her veil caugbtv with from the aide of his best inan,Mr. a spray of vpearls a gift ,from the John Toung Beasley, to thV side. of ,1 1. 1 I J jt l ! 1 '- T -a. ' 1 1 , 1' . , its '1 , i '- - 1: mm V his bride with an air -of protection and in firm tones repeated the words of the beautiful ring ceremony, old hearts grew young and reverted to other days "and young eyes gleamed with a tender light as they looked on the impressive scene of the young couple. Miss Costen 'so sweetly played "Trammerei" during the docket to be disposed, of, and ceremony. 4 " 'i ' H ; 125 ca lhe ciril ; and motion To the ' strains of "Mendelssohn's march the party left the church and repaired to the home of the bride's father, Mr. W. J. Macon, where an jelfegant' reception was; served in courses, the house was decoiated ex quisitelyth color scheme green and whiter as, at the v church. . . Guests from a distance Were Mrs.. J. T. Mills of Macson, 'Mr. , and ; Mrs T. II. Crocker of Middleburg,k Miss Mary Cooke, of Nashville; Tenn Mrs uTehnie. Collins, of Ntfolftf, Va., Mrs. h Allen- and daughter Sa!!te, of Loots- lury Mr. and Mrs. b. Si: Meadows, and children, of. LoaisburgrMr.C and Franklin Superior Court The Janiary term of Franklin Superior Court will convene on next Monday, with Jddge C. hi. Cooke on the bench, be having exchanged with Judge O. II . Allen jClerk J. J. Barrow informs us that .there will lie about forty casee on th4 state about dock -.. 4 ets. Box Party at Wlot, On Wfdteaiay citi, Jisstry 20tb. IWy, ktr wiU U i bci fny jiTn by the Uina, PeUie eordivl If btitfl The Kirts are rrciW t bring hot Loja, ef norc, to bay. A (JtaaJLl ef ttbg taf roa laed both "old od yoaC-" Ub$st Col. T. It. Argo, a prominent ' oor'ctw cL&ra IniUdiog ftuL lawyer of IUlein, died yesterday. L D, ff Hr':'1 LIEUTKNA1IT-GOVEIINOII WIIiLIAII C. NEW LAND.- airs, vj v. v.yv uson, oi near . niapie "XcTfaer- gifts r vrere numerous - and cOstlv. which', testified - to the;' do'du- iaruy of-' theyounv couple,V 'whose j many friends a"e glad to know that Mr: iiBeaslev . is " execUnrr I . lo vel r house, uear his store at lngleside, arid hope that the sky -which arches over their'' home nest will always be . blue arid bright with stars of hope and prcrperity, V- Original Papers Secured. Under tbe above head, the Char lotte Chronicle pf January 7th says: "Mrs. Joe Person.or sheisoomraer cially known, ."Alice Person," Pro prietbr and owner of MMra. Joo Per son's, Rem edj.V. has , just received, through her son, Mr. Kof ua M. Pot son, frost Washirgtoo, all the papers from the Patent Office there neces sary to perpettate her patent on. a proprietary, medicine, known under that name , or . title : The - original papers were taken 'out and approved August 20,4 87 & - They were irsued tor a period of Zft years. TheuKem edy" has-been so marked" that there has never been registered against it a single complain t for failure, all -of which U most satisfactory and pleas ing to the we man now advanang in years, who elected to make her home in Greater. Charlotte havmff Vemor. ed here fronf ealrn Nortli Caro- lina.V-- ' ' ' i " The akove will be read with inter est by the friends f lln. Y it ton tn thb eection, wkere the ,U well 'aad attoii n r. r - Cx r : : 1 1 al thom AS 7. LICUDT

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