v v.: ff V .'vv ' v VS.- FRANKLIN TIMES J"r ATHOmAS EDHWNER 5 BSFSf : 02TX -- i .-.-MX mOnTHI tubse months. xoo FBIDAYannaiytiSi&lSOail Judge; Pornell harej been ; knpclked st of the ;bojii:g:'weI f Moo-1, seems to be ih dinner. . TnE -Post, -a bright and : newsy papery jble at ftm anty-seat; of - Richmond ' ouaty, made its 7 appearance last week. V It is edited 'jlioenf, 5 and democratic. ' The Times welcomes it in the "fold" and wishes it abusd- ant sueeess.:C?;"'-'t- ''W' The Henderson "old Leal" our highly esteemed neighbor, and edited by our "dearly beloved" Thad Man ming has eompletd its 27th birth-, day, in spits of the faet that JBro. Manning felt -"gray hairs" creeping upon him a . few month ago,, and wanted to sell out. ; We hope by this. time, that he has gotten over the "blues" and will continue to pub lish his bright and i valued r: ne ws laws that would do tbe'Suts'and tba Temox?rtic: party ranch lexi danaje, thaa a ''legalized prim'afy . .;.. s; - - ,..-? - -. -i .-- - ;vr- . snnaavs; - xiawa-unserrar contained the f olio wing: V T WMii behalf of Hicksl Del: cration of North Carol ina Rspubli CAirs feall "'on.' Roosevelt ;'aboat the Jndgesbip- and then : tbie :. (dispatch goes on to name tnem as follows: - ' A delegation -of prominent North Carolmsnen " visitea A the President today in beHalf of ' T. -T5 Hicks, of Henderson, for jadge of ;ths Eastern District of that State. -They were General F. . A. Macon, a' O. Zolli coffer, J. Rolk, Zeb Tance TValser and J. D. Coopsr. They were ihtro- dneed to the President by Senator Uverman. . , ( : . z A very plausible mistake, gentle men. It is nothing more than what might be expesstd for.o correspond eats to judge men by , the "company they keep." ; f . 1: s . " Croup positively stopped in 20 min utes, with Dr. Shoop's Croup Remedy. jOnetest alone will surely prove this truth, s Ko vomiting, no distress. A safe and pleasing syrup 50c. Sold by The Boddie-Perry Drug Co. ,omanlT Pains, heid paixia, ia fict any.paia anvwhere can be completely stopped in 20 minuUa with one of Dr. Shoop's Pink.Pain Tablets. (Ask jour Doctor or Druggist about the formula. It is printed orr the box and it can't be betteredTr Try one and be convinc ed.:? Box; 25cJ' Sold by The ' Boddie Perry lrug Company'. ' ; . " ' v; , J'. V DIs$otution Notice Netice is her by given; teat the firm herstof ore known aa Stone St Gattis, doing bnsiiiess.at Siallings, N. C, -is this day ' dissolved by mutual consent. r :: W.' O. Stone, has bought the ' entire bmsinssa, - and wilLpaV all debts dut by ihs firm. He ' will ; also eolleet all amounta dna the firm.: ; . ; J V - . i i'.- ' 7"" "rT. O. Stoxs, . - -'.a M. Gains. ' 1 wisi to say ti . all . my friends and customers of the old Ann that I will continue the mercantile bus iness at my new store house near xhy residence in Cedar Bek town ship, und will be very glad to serve you all. ' . ' - W; O. StOXX. O.; Liuu UUti i i .v -.A (Til f7 r1 I . . ...... . . . ? . . .-. , . by xX n n SuyyiUJIrQiivJUIjviy rv nr (2) ' f I 1 For Sale. THE LEGISLATURE This body of solons in Raleigh, bovv that our new Governor is in augurated, will get down to busi ness. No laws of a general nature have yet been enacted. The bill to in crease the governors salary to $6,000 was killed, and will not probably come up again this session. Our Senators and Representatives haye bten put on several important committees and are sticking to their posts of duty. It is the general opinion that but little legislation will be transacted by the body, and the work will be com pleted in alout 40 days.. As we have said before, if the legislature does this, it will immortalize itself. Hon) L.S.Overman was Darned un animously for U. S. Senator, by the Democratic caucus on Wednesday night, and on the 19tb, will be for mally elected by the legislature. A just compliment to a good man and a fit representative 'of the best state in the union. THE LEGISLATURE AND GOVER NOR GLENN'S MESSAGE. , As the editor of the Times sees it, the present session of the North Carolina Legislature should be a most conservative one, and the Dem ocratic members of each house will show wisdom and good sense by making it such. ITiere is no large amount of needed legislation, and the fewer new laws enacted thfe better. The people of th j State want atd need a rest from so much legislation every two years, and this . editor takes this occasion to endorse that part ot Gov. Glenn's message which recommends that the legislature meet every four instead of eVery. two -years. We want also to endorse his recommendations that all county of ficers be elected every four years. Also his recommendation that, all executions be made in the peniten tiary by electricity; that the-, powers of the' corporation commission be" in- - creased that the salarv ot th e Labor Commissioner be increaied; that the Governor be given the veto power; that the taxes be more fairly equal ized. And there VareAa' number , ot ottier recommendations in his mes sago that' tht Times endorses, ' but we recall one that does not rneet i- with our approbation, and that is .his : recommendation that the legislatore ''; r::pass a "legalized ) primary. 7 J Among i'. the many reasons for bur opposition , to such a law are, first, too much, ex- C pense to the State and counties; . second the great expense to cand i datesj thirdtne nirfeelinStat will ; surely arise between candidates ; and , inenas of. canaiaates, wmcn, r in '; many instances, will., last not pn'y . Jil through a campaign, but -for 4 life; ' ,s fourth, wb much preter;tlw old con-r ventien plan, in - which 'every pre f-' j-fcihctrof a connty has' f ul rpresonta- - tion, arid which, when ended, rarelv ever leayes any; lasting ,bad-feeljngs . - ;or heart-burnings. J " The legislature1 could I pass many Desirable Town Property For Sale. The desirable residence of F. S. Spruill corner of Chureh and Franklin streets, is offered for sale. This is by far on of the best built and most conveniently arranged dwellings in Liouisburg." Contains 8 rooms, nice butler's pantry, sev eral clossts, two good bath roems up and down stairs a goed cook rqom, and a servants room under cook room all under the same roof. The house is elegantly fin ished inside and out, and is cover ed with slate. Lot runs through from Church to Elm street, has i a good garden, stables and wood house, and dairy. The terms will be made liberal. The lot on Elm street, in rear of the above, which contains a gopd double rom house, is also offered for sale. Also a very desirable building lot on Keamc or avenue, in front of H. Ruffin's., For further information as to price and terms, apply to J. A. Thomas, Agent, . Louisburg, Jf. C. If iiot sold privately before that date, I will sell to the higi est bid der at the- court house door in Louisburg, on Friday January 29, 1909, at 12 o'clock a tract t f land in Leuisburg township, containing 102 acres, being the place on which Charlts Maynard now lives, adjoin ing the lands of Mrs. Pattie Pitt man and L. T. Horton. Also at the same time I will offer for sale one third of the dower tract of llrs.Jtfariah Horton ad joining the lands of Mrs. Pattie Pittman and others, and lying on the Nashville and Louisburg road, abDut one mile east of Louisburg. Terms, one third cash, and balance in 9 rgonths, with interest from date at G per cent. J. A. Thomas, Agent. vWe Will For One; Week Sell - v. . IN OUR STORE: AT OR BELOW Every - Article COST Fruit of Loem Kleachtnc 8 3-4c; Prints 4 to 6; Canton Flannel 10c goods at 7 Undershirts 35c, former price 45c; Wright' Ondei wear 59c; Hfaj h tl.00, worth II .50. 6 dozen hats at 49c, worth 75; Copforts 85c, worth $1.00; BUnkeU 50c to II 00 pair, orU 74c to $3.00; Oi! Cloth 15c per yard; G Tumblers f4r 30c, Car Load Clothing JUST J. Conic in at P. WINSTON'S o s o o o o t o o o o o o o o o o o o o t o o o o o XH0hCKK0KKK We Have 600 Yards of Hamburg at. a Price Counterpanes 5G to $1.25; 20 boses Raiwos H l-3r per pound; 100 yards whil eloth Jr4-2c, wotth 7 l-2c: o old goodn. aU new. Ibi in no fske . th. pnCf will irll ir thtn selves. Rubber Shoes, Rubber Hoot nd Clothing, all t COST. Iteiuratrr thi J U: t,t. week and notfiing will be charged. THE ALSTON - COMPANY LOUISBURG, North Carolina. 180 ice ---loals ! LAND POSTED. All 'persons arc hereby forbidden, un : derjpenalty of law, to hunt with dog or pun, day or niRht. or otherwise trea- tor ladie at pass on mv lands in Louisbunr town. about your Qwn price, and ilouV ship, Franklin county, N C.. adjoining 1 ORSES and . MULES forget that I here a ladies shoes at cost. way, tnere are several who took-out 1L f.ll 1 mo iouowing-iiamea arncies to see if they would fit, rnd if they did they were to come around and pay nice line of j l ,and J- 1 lwnberlake . Kichard AtlIi u a Prry, E. A. Kemj. and Joseph F-llcr. , m lhja J8 tfte of T J Harris. : G. H. Joynkr. Notice. The undersigned having qualifd as ( for same, namelv: shoes, rlnthinir ' administratrix of JAmes Stokes do-I r ri , i : t t MORTGAGE SALEDF LAND By virtue of power of sale contained in that certain mortgage deed, execut ed on the nrst day of September, 1898, by Jas- Neal and wife, and Ruffin Brodie,. and Jas. Neal ' and 'Ruffin Bro- die, Trustees of Eagle Rock Church, to H. H. Harris, and duly recorded in the Registry of r rankhn CJounty m Book 117 at page 54, default having been ness thereby secured, the undersigned j Methodist Church: r . i i. . ,, coats suits, pants. Bad plan to ' XLiVi- 1 ."IfiuFTI" . . , uc Liaiiiiia um iu lit payment, and thoe holdine claims -- i. t ' scsinst said estate will present them lours truly 01 or before January 15th. 1910, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of1, T-flMviTf lM i their recovery. This .Ian. 15, 1909. ) M 11U3 1 Jm Robcrta Stokes. Admr'x. The largest and i e! r. lle-t: r. v. r. ; SILVER TEA.' The following invitation is extended to all members and friends of the ! will, on Monday the 15th day of Feb ruary, 1909, at about the hour of noon, at the Court House Door in Louisburg, N. C, offer for sale, to the highest bidder at public auction, for cash, the following described lands in said mort gage conveyed: selling. First, that tract upon which Eagle Rock Church is situated, bounded as follows : Beginning at a rock, Joyner's comer running East 88 yards to a rock in Joyner's line: thence S. 12 E. 55 yards to a rock; thence West 88 yards to a rock on the Louisburg Road: thence North 55 yards to the beginning containing- one acre, more or less, being the land on which Eagle Rock is located. - . Second, that tract' bounded as fol lows : Beginning at ; a Maple stump, Mitcheirs corner on -Little Creek, thence N.v88 W. 83 poles 5. hnVs to a stake and pointers, Mitchell's corner ; thence S. 1 1-2 104 poles to a stake formerly a' Horhofeam, Mitchell's cor ner on, little Creek; thence up said creek as it meanders 48 poles to an Ash, thence continuing up said creek as it meanders 93 poles 19 luiks to the beginning containing 32 acres, more or less. : ; - ; '-' . r-tThird. that, tract bounded as follows; on the North J by fthe lands ' of - T. P. Dean, said land purchased from ; the Smith estate and .known as the Mabale Jackson tract, on" the East' by Little Creek, on the South by O. U. if. Mitch ell's land and -' on the West by the Davis lands, contaiming 20 acres, more or less. . :;.; ' - This 15th. day of; January.; 1909. : : H. ID Harris Mortgagee, ' r to the use of J: P. Timberlake, You are most cordially invited to come On next i uslay night, to our Minister's homf, From eight until ten the hours will be. So be certain to come to this ''Silver IV i." Thevjname will suggest an important thing. Some coin of Silver you're requesteil to bring; And 'tis granted each lady 'vho comes, it she cin Decide who she wants, to bring with her a man. We will certainly expect yod rsmemher the time, January nineteenth, nineteen. hundred and nine. From the Ladies ok nr 1'ajwox.O;k Am Sohett, v of the Methodist Episcopal Chnrr.b, South. U: The funds raised will be usedo add some mnch-needel repairs and furnishings for our parsonage. 1909 ; i - a fnnnc; 1909 - w u O AT. THE O RACKET STORE Just Received a Lot of Nice White Goods. To make room for our SPRING STOCK we will sell a lot ef desirable goods AT COST- .Ruffin. Att'y vt"' U--- t . -A - v. W: H. -' Having qualified as Administrator of J ; . W ; unpton, i deceased, - all persons owing his estate will .make immediate payment and all; tbseA ,holdg f claims agains t said estate must presentthem on or before January 15thr vl910,-' or this notice wjll' be pleaded in bar . of their recoTeryJf This Jan. 15, 1909. ;' H 1 1 JaMbs' Brewer,': Adnuv f ' ' - - ClahEanlFtfc Remedy ttUEVES WtJEil OTHERS FAIL . .vU..V; r '. J- ; Ladies and Misses CLOAKS ; Ererybody inrited to get barRttng,- NOW IN MY BARN .More o.d iatl lr.i t tt lfor. J liV wkcJck drftlcm that the udy of g. mxiU . ith lumhtfwill h tsc r tki4 year than tfr before. quick rd bur riw. Yoa will in t same price Uter ami not fei U e cjttality. Frter J:ir kcut CanUlia. King s Hill. I!r.i.i'i Ilfids. KiltrVU, Wiltoe. 1 rt&iUfil YounRSTill. Wake Korrst, !U.ieMlle. Tt,kf tld. r Loif era Cr Itoadf, Sprinjhoj or any othsr Tjcinttr, cu tm se!J af!rttd to Um littlo more time to cora. to kauwburf? la et thctr tooles .m hut where they can get tor quality at a lit tl j,nc lhaa tby r posHtMr exjxM-t of a small dealer who hndlr cal; a fw kole wajvon. My tradf reaches out f ar U.r r c trry jult. Rrtpotii parties entitlsd to credit en jet Cool Acmmodt&au Ur a. can from their neiphlor. WAGONS! WAGONS! I hare ?exy au4 I aid 2 bone; light and heaty. Iron Ail. Thimble Skia, and can aip y0trNwiih the whele otjtl ircJud Harness Brt chiog, BndWJLc. . " BUGGIES & CARRIAGES : - , l,-r J -" t Truly yours, A - - . ilf 190? 'mpply wiU btgifrt . V. ciekiu tosttbisg. write i i (iw diji . Uj i K P HILL. . , - V '1 . r- t -

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