VINOL CORES GIIIXIC COM!, GOLDS Aiii cnouciiiTis After Other Homediea Fail "I hare been troubled with, ft : chronic cold and bronchitis for a long time md hare tried many remedies -without finding relief. ' Through the kind sug gestion of a friendI tried Vinol, and after taking four bottleg, am entirely cured." A. H. Wilde, 7S3-8t Ayenue, Minneapolis, Minn. , . S. McDonald, 147. W. Congress 6t .Paul, Minn., writes: "It coh traded a eerere cold last winter and thouht I would nerer get rid of it I trjed Vinol as a last resort, and it has completely cured rma.'" " -v Vinol combines two ' world-famed tonics, the healing, medicinal proper ties of cod llrer oil and tonic iron, de li( iously palatable and agreeable to the weakest stomach. For this- reason, Vinol is uaexcelled : as a strength builder for old people, delicate chil dren, weak and run-down persons, af ter sickness and for Chronic Coughs, Colds and Bronchitis.. " - ; THE BODDIE-PERRY DRUG CO. w mm mm mm m w sa - m mm , V Jan. 17, 1909. l" the; international series. D T SMITH WICK. Dealer in k. Bonds, Real Estate, Colletion of Rents, 'i;11Vin and Selline Timber and timber lands,L6ans n,.rotiated. Listing of property for sale brrent h . ,i ! ( 1 1 d . Prompt and careful attention gruaran- t over Firat National Bank, Louisburgr.N.C. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING, Surgeon Derttist, Ottire in Ford Building, Main and Nask street, Loui.l)urff, N. C. Hours: 9 to 4:80. Jhonc No. 40. D R. JOEL D. WHITAKER, Kye, Bar, "Nose and Throat Specialist, Raleiffh. N. C. WU be in Louisburg-, at the office of Dr. Arthur Hynos Fleming:, the first Monday in each month H. A. NEWELL, PHYSICIAN. LeuisBcaa, N. G. TeleDhone No. 156. FMNKIINTON HOTEL Franklinten, N. C. . O. L. Whitfield, Proprietor. 0 K. C. H. BANKS. DENTAL SURGEON, LOCISBURG, N. C. ifflc iu Hicki Building, Maia Street. p U. COOKE, . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.i Louisbarg, N. C, Office od Nash street. Prompt attention riven all legal business entrusted to me- jR. J. B. KALONB, aAOTICIM PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. bowunvse, k. o. 1 (Bee tn rear of Ayeocke Drug ft tore. JR. 8. P. BURT, f RAOTIOIXf Q PHT8ICIAN AND BURGEON. Louisburg, N. C. Office orer P. 8. 4b K- K. Allea'sA - IR. &. V. Ya.RBOB.OuQH., PHYUOIAN AND SUBOKON. UntM, N. O. Offlee la Tarboroua a tx Bleketl balldiasr. gnt ealla Answer from T. W. Blekett's vtgbt eaUa answer 'sidenee, phone 74. H. W. tASBVBUBO. ATTORH BT AT LAW LeVlSBVSe, will praeUee la all thf Qoatts ef tn State OSce in Egerton Building. TeicV of the)'. Lesson, Acta ii, 22-47., Memory Verses 32, 33 Golden Text, Acts ii, 42 Csmmentary Prsparsd by Rsy, O. M. Stastrns. 1" Copyrigkt, 180, by AflMrieaa Press Asseektioa. I fiod continnkl comfort In. the assur ance. that in mitters cA(urnin nit. tlpns and Indiridnals (Job xxxlr. 29) God is' workinc aU things after the counsel -of His own will and according to the eternal purpose which . pur posedIn Christ Jesus our Lord (EphT 1, 11; ill, il). Whaterer wicked, men may plan under the counsel of their; leader, the devil, and be permitted by God to carry , out,' their counsel shall in due! time come to naught, while the counsel of the- Lord shall stand for ever and the thoughts of His heart to all generattons (Ps. xxxttL.10, 11). In the opening chapters of this book we find it repeatedly stated that the cruel treatment recelred by our Lord. Jesus at the hands of wicked men was all foreseen by God and foretold by Him through the prophets (1L 23; ill, 18; ir, 28). God's foreknowledge does not however. In the least degree excuse or palliate the guilt of the wicked. The decrees of Grtjd and the free will of man stand as itwo heaven high pillars and pony mortals may not attempt to reconcile them. The one thing that all may do who have beard the good news, of the grace of God is that which S,000 did under the presx&ing of Peter on the day of which or lessen tells, and that was to believe on or receive the Lord Jesus phrist as having suffered for sins the just for the uajtust and risen from the dead and asceaded to the right hand of God, there to wait till His body is gathered from all nations, that He may come again i to restore all things of which the prophets have spoken (ill, 21). All such redeemed ones are expected to become Spirit filled people and bear such testimony to the risen Christ throughout the world that He may gatijer to Himself the company whose song we hear in Rev. v, 0, 10, who shall reign with Htm on the earth when the kingdom comes. That kingdom will have redeemed Israel for its earthly center with Jesus Christ, as Son of David, on David's throne at Jerusalem', according to .verses 30, 31 and Luke 1, 32, S3. Jerusalem shall then be the "Ouron GTtheLord -and all: nations gathered -uato it t the name of the Lord of JeruseUeia (jer. iii, 17). While that kingdom Is postponed because of Israel's rejection of her Messiah a new thing In the unfolding of the eternal purpose of God is taking place,, which was specially revealed for the first time to the Apostle Paul, as may be seen by a careful perusal of Eph. iii. 1-11. We WIH not reach the record of the first gathering of the gentiles into this one body, the church, till we come to cfcanier x. out we have in this and the following lesson the Jewish begin nlng of the etorch, for the 3,000 of verse 41 aad the 5,000 of chapter it, were all Jews. Omr Lord's word to the woman of Samaria in John iv, 22, "SSalvatton is ef the Jews." does not seem to mean much to te raajcrity of Cnsdans to day, bat it & the heart of the eternal purpose ef God. Spirit filled people will e the CjiHt's own book, the Bi ble, which U fewer settled U heaven (Ps. cxtaC ;.,8SJj even thotigh they may seem by s dotag to be a drunken crowd 1m the eaa of many (verse IS), for the wisdeat ef God is foolishness in the eves of tie wisdom of the world. The prepkets were the Lord's messen- writes Mrs. Mary Hudsoii, of Eastman, Missy "toolc my aavicc wnicn, was, to uuzb uaruui. one was staying wiili mo and was in terrible misery, but Car- auineipea ner once. Vhen You Have a V PRnto ranh DoYoulantaLiKeness? " It Will Eelp You J ,..f "Last spring' ' Mrs. Hudson continues, "I was in a rack of pain. The doctor did no good, so I began to take Cardul The first dose helped me. Now I r Every girl and woman needs Cardui. to euro irregularity, falling feelings, headache, backache and i similar female trouDles. Cardui is safe, reliable, ecientilic. Try Cardui. AT ALL DRUG STORES Made V Something ttat Whw You Friends SeeThej WillR mztf inn is The Kind I Make. , Respectfully, U. S. COBB w V 3W ffl S FOR ALL. CREATION fin ImJ NERVE, BONE AND MU8CLE I N I M EI N World's Greatest Pain Killer for All Aches and Pains 25c. BY ALL DIALERS IN MIOICINCI I NOAH REMEDY CO. We have opened a new and up-to-dato Livery and can furnish any kind of rig you want. Nice Carriages, Driving and Sad dle horses for both ladies and srentlemen. Our Prices Are Reas- onable. r 3 i i i I THOMAS' CHILL PILLS If you need anything in Phone 79 or see Lirerv call Hare No Eqaal as a Prsremtiv or Cur for Cbille. They mot only Oirs Chills, bnt Baild and Tone Up jonr Sjstem. For ule t7 ALL D R U 1 m E BEN WILLIAMSON OR NED FORD AT FORD'S . STABLES. New Everything .AND " siTIE CITIZENS mi immn Fresh w m. HAYWOOD RtFFIN. ATTO-LWIT-AT-LAW, LOVIIXVBS. . od adjolnizur eoxmtles, alio Is tne supreme oart, And In tk Untte4 Btotes Dlftrlet snd RSSOUKCIt Loans and discouut, i OrerdraftA, Stocks and Bonds. Bankinpr bouse and iitini Insarance department. Cash on ban i Due from banks Total, HENDERSON NORTH CAROLINA Norember 27th, 1908. UAB1LITI13 Capita) stock, $450,311.14 7,755.01 20,401.25 10.73..73 1,871.7J 38,638.68 113 078.41 Rnrplss and prates, Lhie to beats Dtpoeits Caahiere checks o.ULamdisg Certiled cheeks Total. $100 O00 .D4 61.701.17 38,406.88 460,016.00 1,460.66 43.60 $651,737.05 $651,737.95 BEMEMBER this bank has One Hundred and Fifty Thouiand Dollars of its own Capital and Surplus to gmaranteo jour deposits, and rs wltn the Lord's message. goiBg in addition to this, the stockholders are liable for an additional $100, Wll preotlee In all th CoarU ml rrsj-illn reolt QouitA. Ofiiee OTer First KetljOtJAl Bs-ik. " i 1 " 1 " . " himB. WILDXK. ATTOBjmT-iLT-LAW, MinsBsas.v.a. m ii sin street. In Ooopet allding. Spruill & Holden. ATTORK-IT-AT-LAW , bOvitBvae.s 0. wm etteed the eonrts et FrAB-dla, Teace, nuiTllle. Werren snd Wake counties, also 'e Baprene Court: ef North Carolina. "Tompt Attention clren to collections. otflee la SpruiU bnU-lnAj. T. w.Bio-orrr, LATITXB. temravse v. e. The settlement ef estates for . Bxecators, AdmlBlstrAters And OaArdlAns 1a made a spec ialty, end the bends required by lew can be ecuredtntheofce. office In TArborough Blckett baUdlng tAiusxreev ,y ffcHSOIl,, 1TTOBHBT AT-riW, . Lovmwse.s.e. . rycLtea tn ell eourU. Oflee en liAla treet. TARBOHOUOH. J KT1 OEHKT. aTUw;4 "" M)UI8BUBO, B.' 9.'- ; i Oflee a f srUn BU4in. Hi legal businest : Utirmstea te him reeelTe itrenmt aadcarafml etteatleii. X)llTmlC,rol a toiLEX, wfetere He sest tbem asd saying what He told tbem (Hag. 1, 18; Jer. 1, 7). Erea oar Lord Items Christ said only what the fPather told Htm to say, and His words asd works were all those of the Father la nd through Him 4&dm x-C SSt; xir. 10). Spirit filled (Peter, om , tills oeeaslon, just rehearses (from the Steel4ores that w 'j ten the Spirit had wrtttea coueerulnic the Lord testis, whom He is sent to glorify and takef of His thiag and show them unto as (John xTl, l, 1). tn last week's study we saw him quoting from the 'prophecy of Joel; in this lesson we see Mm la Tecses 22, 2S, sHmmartalxig Ps xxii aodi Isa. Itli oonoenxlng the suffer ings of CSriat. asd he probably had in mind mxch words as Ps. -xtxitl; 10, 11. conceralrisr the counsel of God. In Terses 24 to 2S Je quotes from Ps. xri concerning: the: resurrection of i Jesns. In Terse X0 he refers to IQod's promise to Darid to gtre him, an 'immortal Son, risen from the dead. to sit on His throne forerer (II Sam. Til, 12, 13; I Chron. xrii, 11-14). In yerees 34, 35, he quotes ; from Ps. ex. the great Mel- chisedelc poalm, and assures them that Jesus,' whom they had crucified, whom God raised front the dead;, is the one of whom all 4 those - Scriptures tell and who. Tetur mow . stotified by the Fa ther, had seat down the Holy Spirit ta wrh Him tli Air: -In "that thvr mtsht. be forsfren and recetro the gift r erf the Btotr hrfrtt. ,He entreated them 000.00. All our officers are bonded. "We are fully insured against burglary and daylight holi up. Deposit your money with the Citizens Bank. It will bi sin. J. B. OWEN, Pres. Wm. A. HUNT, Cashier. I wish to say to mj frianeLi and I kiTe epeatd a asw aasl fretli U orsryWey site, kkal stk of FANCY GROCERIES ia the store on Coort street, Louiibar?. N. C roeeallr :j v .,ti t i i rw. uuicu kj j hum uui - vcui SAU rlli e RELIABILI Easy to do business aiitti iS,' v..- LOTJUBUBA), U. r Trsajag wvpuei teetanl Bag Afentfer aU fctaci ef BalKlng , AitUtls UABtles aa Tau re to uTi thexBselTes rfrom a crooKoa isuetioii:.- omfftne' them tit the fLerrf wee ; rl3nr them and rlady U rscelTe thea aotwlthstan&lBX all. that tiiey ht4X9-eC-- hey -: reeeiTod ttw 'snesfaee the word of God to thcott' erae 41. and see I Thew. i. and seem jthere were &J00Q redeemed people, wise coa&reed ta .'; prtia and pzayoi x3 tSMet stadr , and fetlewahlp, an4 'l-orft added Sally to their tramhrj f&xzx ta CsSrtt honored ca ; wora TY ai?d Sticlc Toituess Sun. - ixmi , j ..w 1 1 ? ro ILt-a est wa&ta. fleated to uppl) you all with a portioB of Velisro ia "ctuitk sales and ttatU nrtitla. DAVID G. PEARCE :lrI Cso Lord wrocsht.. j' S ' ,Tliis:-iai Wado ua Hio oldest Fumituro & Muiic Houto im tbo oiintr. .e,cirj good lino of 6tax BUnoj, RichmondvPUno, Miller Organ, Ediaoi.' Phonographs; Tiotor Tidldiig HachineB and a good lit Furniture of all kinda. Coffins & CaskotaSowing Maohinea: v u - ; T will treat you tight and wilt ba erlad to haa aojao ; ynt 5 : l"Jy HOLT rnfiSWORTE , V: .; i . - -i. .... , 3 . 0 ' 4- the y o t: ia wktxa roull ad touxtejf U yt doat look a, Httla erai wkta atxi yatt go ahoppin. tkroiSeTmxi bnytra rotmia koso vilk oxsptj pockat booka. XsmH hart taonoy Ufi whoa buyisg Dry Goods. Eke, Apples, Nrnta Ban si at. Candle. Oranges ii 1 yoa ba? ikes ktm. Boeidea. yoa will bo better aaiiiSodaa vi really lava tbo -Isett msA koot aaeprted tloek intowa. Toa're entr la. whs a ptr&ziilz' mm I treat all the zzk ahlskeaj, UrUaa, rahbiti, tir-U, will ij 2ikct prise for raise- $2f M t wortk of fro worka. Priets n;-t, jml reeeite'i V 3 1 j, W i i