IT. vol. xncvra:y-. 4it'--;:l5;v V' i. lr '.;:; ' 9TOir.VHjK( FMDAr. jahuahy 22; v 1090: V. ', :' -- , - . ' ntmcnio FRANKLIN SUPE'R COURT. JANUARY TERM OPENED-LAST MONDAY IIORNIMG. His Honor, Judge Cooke Presiding C C. Daniels, Solicitor, Prosecutor ;v-: for stntfl A Number of Cases Disposed of The January . term : ; of Franklin criW Conrt - conrened on ' last UUJ'V""- -7 ... . . . 1 Imdav morning at 10 o.'clock, with linn. V. M. Cooke, Judgt presiding, iliH Htate bing re preaented by so lieitor C. O. Daniels. " 1 1 was remarkable that all jurors and only THE TRUST QUESTION. GLENN'S MESSAGE MET - AP , PROVAL OF THE PEOPLE: pleads guilty four months . on roads v State ' Tg, Ernest Jaekjon, called and failed judgment ni si, capias. " btate ys Geo. W.ashmgton dw., two years on roads. ' ; Staje ys George Perry, larcany two years on roads. .- S tate vs Logan 5 Bryan t, larcen v, thre years on roads. - ,- ; Sta T8 Wealf Jones, " assanlti $10 and costs.' ' . State vs Oscar Littlejohn, larceny judgment suspended on - payment su a.k wii 1-- legislature when it conrened last ' I Wednesday was full of strong pom AX I answered to their. names, two naked to be excused. N The Judge's charge to the grand ;irv nan nlain and forcible, cover- .r" , r , , - . inr the more important laws agams crime. His explaration of the laws regairting small pox, the great im portance of their enforcement to prevent me spreau. ui who vhuovuc i disease, was very appropriate, as well as his discourse on the impor tance of the enforcement of the law recently adopted by a majority of the voters of the State against the man ufacture and sale of spirituous liquors. "It matters not" said the Judge ''how you or 1 voted upon the questiou, or what we think about it, as good citizens it is our duty to abide by the will of the majority and give the law a fair and impartial trial." ; ' A. S. J.Hamlet was sworn as Fore man of the Grand Jury, and W. p. Sin was in a like manner made nftififlr rn this bodv. : The State docket i W kenw,un jmd disposed of zfi .follows: ' State vs S. A. L. Railway exec tion to issue.' " , State vs J. W. Pally, continued. State vs Chub Timberlake, con tinued. State vs J. W. Pearce, defendafl -discharged and case dismissed. State vs J T. Holden, eontinued, capias to Dirbam. State vs John Pippin, defendant discharged on payment costs. State vs Nicholson, Conway and Morris, nol. pros. State and R. R. Woodlief yi T. H. Woodlief, appeal for eosts, Judg ment of lower court modified y and affirmed. State against ys Luther Wright, C. C. W. pleads guiltv, $20 and costs. State vs Seth Perrv, continued under former order. State ts Moses Cooke, forcible trespass, subinita, $25 and costs. State y J . "W, Bo we, removing crops; submits, judgment suspended on nayment of coils State " vs Fenton Dunston, same offense, judgment - V suspended ' oh payment of costs. State ts Joe M. Haves, assault pleads guilty, $10 and costs. State vs J. J. Pearce, Marcy Pearce and; Bill Carter, cruelty to animals; not guilty. V State vs Joe and Jha Smith, mur der. Defendant Joe Smith being in Court, je : Solicitor for the" State; tates that hV will not ask for a ver dict of mnrerW will ask for verd let of murder in eecond degree, . or " manslaughter. This case, was pontinued. State vs j. j Pearce and Morcy Pearce, cruelty to animals, nol. prbs State vs Dollar Davis, secret ! as- ' auit,j:; . jState vs ' ErastuslStalling j'disl oharged on payment of costsX'''-: State yr Jtio;-Ernetaisauj submits, , jqd gment 5 suspended .on payment of costs.. ;v j; Vl;. V v; - State vs: Geo. , Green, failure '-to v' ;worK roaas, ; guuty. v.t.' -'v tj. S" tate: apddvSffi' 'V' . Dunston, false pretenei notice to i"- Dodd to appear ahdb6w1 esehy ne snouia not, ne - taxeu - with iie costs; nol pros with leave lis to Dan- iSta it v T goilty. State vs Matthew Uavis, . larceny hot guitty. State vs.Ben Jeffreys, a d. w., not guilty. J As we close our forms, (Thursday evenjngy the trial of the state dock et is still in progress. ' It will prob ably be completed to-day (Friday.) r.n.vr.riv r,- the raoviuc people. the contest for th nomination for Governor last year thousandj of peo-1 THEIR HO YE HE NTS IN ' V ' m- mm ' . w. 'm m - m 1 - pie lavorea Governor; ivuchin lor 1 OUT OP TOWN. 53nmAt.h1ncr la Wnntort That Vfflll 1 1.1 1 . . ' : " ', lievea .laaQi nominauon ana eieo- t, M7 tt vi.i..j t 1- . CurbthePower or the ; Trusts' lion wouldiive emphasis to the.' an. " " W The ExarnpleSit theStPtes ti-trust jMntiment of the people. Dur Pat WeaKThon - by Missouri is One That North Ttr "believed that when hi-became Who Hare Gone El38whrt . Carolina Hay Well Follow. ' G?Tet0 th f0r B??lncs8 or T if Um editor: The message of - bi.- peraooahtj p. n. Uangtx of WVs Governor Glenn delivered to the : . . . 17- . - screes ts vmunff Dr Pinna acre isiauon inai wouia euro me iswiees 1 fc"tM week. tobacco trust and extract the- teeth from other trusts. The people feel that be will lead the forces of the and but his treatment of the trust ques tion had the ring that meets the ap- . S , . I tbkt tWey may expect great things want something done towards curb-1 - . . . . auip IU 10 BUUit U VV MICT VVI State against special interests of practical value from v his leadsr- pe.cially .the tobacco trust, and they thank Governoi Glenn for his vig orous presentation of this question. ' The example set the people of other ' Mueee Grate and Lyna 1111, after spending a week la Raleigh, return ed home thU week, Mrs. M. S. Gifion aad daldnn returned this week from a tsut to ber people m Taiboro, laws of commerce. - I Mrs. b. u. Garter and -Mtci Lol The people of ibe State will loek SU Otrntr, are vltiiing their to Governor Kitchinto lav down the Mter, Mrs. J. TT. Weatbcra. EEPORT OF GRAND JURY. States by Missouri, .as Governor The grand jury completed their ? V9 , U ! - iU j j . ; Worth Carolina way well follow. the workin three days, and made following report to the court: "We the Grand Jury for January term of Ftanklin Superior Court 1909, beg leave to make the follow ing report: We have passed on all bills that have tome to oar knowledge. We have visited the, county jail in a body and find the same in good condition, but recommend that a cell be built for the white prisoners. The Sanitary condition is good, the prisoner well cared for. We have, visited the Home for Aged and Infirm, by committee, and find the same in first class condition. the inmates all well cared for, and say theyar& -well satisfied. W e'have - Jvisited the offices of the Court House and find them well kept and records ia. good condition. Respectfully submitted. A. S. J. Hamlet, Foreman. way The way to deal witn the trust question is to make illegal and amen able to the criminal law. the partic ular things that the trusU do Jwhich destroy competition or prevent oth ers from having a fair chance in the race for business in North Carolina. Let us do everything that lies in our power to open the door to competi tion. How can this be doue? The trustithatnioat directly affects the people of North Carolina is the tobacco trust. Any legal aieans by which competition is made, possible ehart : by which to steer the never ending conflict 'between the people and special interests; there U little doubt but that he will mark opI spe cific legislation that will curb the His friends xare dcltgrud to Mr. D. C All ton looting o well sine his return from a ten dav stay at Panacea Spring!. Mr. C. Ed. Gupton, who has bn trust in North Carolina. With Gover nor Eitchin to lead the fight for an anti-trust law that has uteeth in it,n (and that is capable of being en forced against the tobaceo trust) with his close personal ' and political friends in charge of the Legislature; with Judge Graham as Speaker and his brother Paul Kitchin in the House; with Manning, wfh was his political manager when be was a in. the tobacco business is a hissing I candidate for nomination, andTravb, to the Deoole. It we had real com- m uaiiiax, wnoias always oeen petion in the tobacco business in onB of hi closest advisew and ad- North Carolina. 1 verily believe k111 in th Senate, wq may. resv in growth and power of the' tobacco yiaitiog his father, K. K.Oupton,Eq at Ogweg, passed through this wrk on his way to bis adopted home Natlor, Ga. Senator il. T. Holden came home and spent Monday ind Tudiy ai- tcnding to profesAiocal bojiaeu in Stockholder! Ceet. be stoc4hoUtra tX h Ftraara and Merchants Ua&k LU thtdr siu nail est t tic c ia tbelr fcaskieg toaae la Loouberf, K. C-,oa Jiscsxy U Mr. Vitzu Bailey, lie mnJaat, rsaile bis report which m both ewtgieg a&d talkfastary. TVe rockbol4trs also elected tLe tU board of directcra, Vt. A. IL Hawk. iaa, Cspf. J. IL Tboaie, F. K. Ecr too, Dr. S, V. Bsrt, JdxW.EIs T. W. KcVett, C. a CbeatLio ac Wa Bailey. , The Dimzyn tLea aleeied Mr. Wm. IieHty, IYoitcl; Dr. A. Ilavki&a vlelVviuie&X; Mr, T. Wsylaad Tatsoa, CaahVr. Tbe law rta of Rickets Jt WLHe were made aucrDeys for the Bt&k, There was a divkJt! ct 9 pr orot pU to the etxckbo!drs a&i a hartcjpome aseat, la aiJJiiioa, was comtd to tardea ai aaihiie4 f tofiU, wUh caUt ibe 4itiJem (rofiu nearly rcvt the ospuJ etoek In view ot seeh a esodemral year, Dotviihf landrag the libtnee f the money marktt, the board asa&lssoM ly extended to Mr. UtUey, the idtnt, ad Mr. V-a. the cjuhWf a vole of thanks for the soeecwifal mssoer tn which the sSairs cf the Bank were adminif.tred. The dirrctcrt alto wtb to aeiere the friends of the bank, ax4 the jtV court, reurning to Raleigh Wednre j lc sreatrally, thn the eve rartf e! oooervsure manageoeot will be ike policr of Ur bank in the (evert. day morning. Mima aisiue itciier his rettrntd from an extended trip to Jackson f T" ft e viue, r lonaa, wnere ah went to! vim inenaa. one reports a rnut pleasant and enjoyable trip. DrJ. k. M alone and wife and that the farmer would receive twentl WIlhat anU-truat legislation little son, Jam ta, returned tb week different Mnta . nnnnd.fnr t tAharnk 1 that Governor Kitchin deeii et will be from Norfolk;- whr the? of ten cents. To take the tax off of tobacco ped- toek enaded into law, and that we will Jamea to be treated. The little -fe). hare a law that will bring relief to I low wss made to feel haprry wbsn be i - dlers . would in my judgment be the a ,on suffering people. means ot bailding up a good many Bmall tobacco factories in North Car olina, and in this way begin the work of rebuilding independent tobacco C C. Daniels. Wilson, Jan. 11, 1909 learned that no operation neoeeiary. woe fd be Honor Roll. The following is, the Honor roll basinega ln th18 State for Clifton's echool for month ending 'Tjnder preaent conditions, men Jan. lOtn: c faal rhot. tKav nonnnt affnrrl tr. null 1st grade L,una rlagwood,. Wiuis lh mon the businesa of man- Wheeler, Tom .Young, Perry and aacturing tobacco because thgy fear John" Wheeler, Claud and Beula u, f tha tma t Hat T-r m. n i ' vTft l TTll? IT I rugnr oaaie w neeier, iwias nayes. If an independent manufacturer asks 2nd - grade Katie Hight, Joe a 3 tQ- handle his goods, the TIT I VY peeler. I mBn,hnt rAnli trnthfiillr that the A ' 1 mi lt'ii1 I ; 6t graae Annie w neeier, muiie &TQ not advertised as are trust T . m-r 5 - I ana JNoei tiagwoaa. mde pqqa nd the indeDendent . . . . 1 o - - t 4th grade MatUe UhalnplOn, monnf.ntl1ror fin1 it roll nirrh im. Honor Roll. The fo'.lowing is the Honor Roll ot Hickory Rock Sohool for the week ending Jan. 8, 1909: 1st grade-Early Wester, Sasie k u Jim Wilder and The -Dollar' Davis Caao. The second trial of Hugh or "Dollar Davi oolored, charged with secretly saiaalUng tpecirl policeman G. S. Karp, teat x iliT, Our HixieW heeler, Jones Wheeler. 5th grade Isaac Cooke, Hattie Young. . 7tb grade Charlie Hagwood. Nora K. Clifton, Teacher. .. Franklin County Union. Program for the Franklin county Union to be held with Rock Springs Baptist church on:Jan. 30-31, 1909: 10:10 10:15 Devotional exercise, led by C. H. Wheless. 10:15 11:00 Is the Old Testament law of tithing binding oir Christians? Ivey Allen lnd -otbers.. - 11.00 ll:2l The church of Christ, (a) what it is? L. W. Swope. U:2Q--ll:-tO (b) Its Mission. J. W, Sledge. ll:40l12:0i (cV Its officers. Mack . . - - Stamps. :- " . 1:001:30 Its ordinances.- Prof. 1:3 2:00 Our obligations to it. : 2:00 Should, women speak and teach in the church? ; Tpra Sledge vano SSi J. Aiiora.' ,4 ;, . .; ' SUNDAY. " 10:U0 a. m. Song and praise service, y- Lea by: &epa .omciaana; t , 10:1510:45 The value of denomiha- ' tionai preachirtg. D,TnBunn and :'li:xtherS. -.'"" ; ' j ('4511:l5fprphahage,i its "I oppor tunities v and need8.- .Howard possible to-sell his goods. If, however, he could put out ped dlers, he could make a demand, for his goods, and the merchant would then be glad to handle them. The act that a man could be sure that he would be able to sell the prodact of his factory, would induce men to put money m the tobacco business. The result would be, I feel confident, that there would spring up 'all over the tobacco section of the State factories, and some of these factories would develop into real competitors for the trust. - The giving of coupons and prizes by the trust is one of the most suc cessful weapon in the hands , of the trust in . destroying corapelitors. There should be placed such a tax on this method, of preventing inde pendent manufacturers from gaining a foothold, that the trust could'' not afford to pay. the tax, and thereby eliminate this means of stifling com-petition:- ; :", "The lord helps those who lielp themselves.7 The people of North Carolina have it in r their power to pfiae open the door of " competition. Let us Vet now and uecure legislation that means competition. ' The "An- 5 ' I Vtinf iT.OMt". v rm m MA ua 1 ' mma n .uun ,.V: Johnson;"-: 11:15 Sermon on "church. 1 discipline WMwS&j recess'; 1:30 Ordination of Seba Strickland .XFrank Baker and William. . Whe- Wi 1ai -to I the deaconshin "of the iehurehlohaTge to the church; and deacons. G-M.Puke. Lee Thamngton, Edna Hajes, 2nd grade Alie Conn 3rd grade Arch Wester, Nina Swanaon, Zena "Bobbitty Henry Hicks and Bennie Hayes. Lula HBDOsrxTii, Teacher. 4th grade Sallie Hickj, Fannie Hicks , Clara Bobbitt and James In seoe. 5th grade Clara Sledge. 6th grade Sallie Wilder, Oilie, Moses and Arthur Icscoe. 8th grade Jettie Wilder and Alice ' Hieks. Axnie J. Pekbt, Teacher. readers are familiar with thlt ease, the same having been tned av rhe October term when the"; jury fsUed to agree, standing 0 for acquittal sad 6 for eonvicUon. The State very much strengthened its case this time and 1th e larv wit out leas than an boar, when they brought in a verdict of guilty of a secret auault, with iatent to kuT The jurors were as follows: It L. Clark, S. M. Parriah, Jcieph IL Per- tj, H. G. Wood, T. J. Hams, G. R. TJnderhilJ, W. O. MitcheU, 11. J. Incaster, J. Kobt. WbtJeaa, W. C IUnadaU, J. E. Colliox, R. C. Winn. . LeglilaUve WoUt. The Lrgiilataft adjcismrd cn the 19th in honor cf-lhat great e&UWr and good man, IUbt K. Le, arxd a Urge nombrr wem to Chte4 HiU te btar the great Speech ,cf .tToIcw Aa yt no acu of frti7l iaiasrtt have beafnade iaio law. Qsxie a number f local Villi hive been ta irodeoed, and p(m bate pud, bat quit a ncmber bare hr& kiUei ta tke cergtaiu roocsa Nr&rly fcTtrr csan wbo got lo the l(iiiture Mtoi to think that sa leM he intrc4ocee a 'w!c4e batch ef billt , no matter what they are or whether they are cf bentt to the people be h.s failed to do bis dttr. This is e cabuken idea, aad we re gard the man wbo kc; e oonttaat witch on maoy c4 the foJ billa that are inirodsced of more benefit to their ooftstit&eatt thin the coea wbo tntrod&oe tatny ccrtoriieary bdis. Franklin Ceanty s tsembera have fared very well In the aaUnmirt cf oeamittec. We note that Smite r Held en is Cbairmia cf the jUtl commiuee 011 Licrary and a!o ef Salaries and Fee, ani as a tsas&tr ef the folloviog estniue ha the Sea ate: Corpora ikz , Gov a :-., Chiee, Another Square Dance. There was another of those old- the Opera and Towna. Inaice Aatlatna. Jadi TV- -1 . . . V t L . t ..II ' 4 4ue..-M.Divioug0l oy oom ditUkl JoikUr7t IUvkal. sides, the Solicitor being akxtd in the pr. KwTtJ u oa foUowing coa- .uw,. j ... "j,". tniifee. la the How: Icaace Arv- erailf. Salaries time "square dances in the Opera Jr., while the defendant waaypre- , Traetes ot Utiv House last Tueeday. night, and those MuA by F. S. SpreiU and -W. M. grJFe1 Hth wnoparucipaveaaeemeu j cujuy 1 1'eraoa. occasion hugely.; While the. atten- on our statue books ia worthless. - It ought- to be repealed. : ? v ' ty- C' -. Governor Xilenn has shown his in tefe8t and desire to see an anti-trnst la w-passed ( that will- do for North Carolina what the Missouri law has done for that State; , ' ; : : -Governor. Kitehin "has woa his Sentence bad not been Dronoun - . 1. . I mm. I dance.waa not aiiogeuirr e. WDCQ we weQl 0 pritt Xb ArrtL t 1 the one given during nruunaa week, yet the crowd was sufficiently large to allow all U take psrt with out OeUig QTCfvfVWUW. I' Our "reporter endeavored to get a list of the dancers, bat beiac warn ed against 'expoeing certain one, rhe became somewhat "embarraaatd, (not frighUned) and decided to "leave o2.n ' - ' maximum paniahment for the enme is 20 year imprisonment. President' Salary ' Doobltd Waabiogton, b. Jan, 19. The aalary cf the prreUent of the United States was to-Jay ied at Great sympathy u expressed It Iw.OCK) per actum so tar aa the for Durrel Davis, father of "Dollar" senate cootf fix it and Urk of tbe whom everybody both white and vioe preelent aad the rpexLrr cf the colored has a high regard. Bat bouee of reprraestalires 11,001 it is another one of thoew.cae ta where I eaeh, Tbe aalary of the chief jcslioe ef the Sopreme co-art cf the LV;U4 Sutcs was Iscmaed froo 111,001 to 115,000 per aoosta and. tbce cf ajocute jcilic Is eta 91ZM0 T fllrOO. fTbe char gvs rre rre as amendments ' to the UcWUiire, executive and jeikxal sr-jrjnuicm the wayward son failed to follow tbe advice sod teachings of a kind father. The Slmes-Johnson following invitations have dtbali :.v J Recital. r v The recital at St. Y Paul's Epiieo. 1 -,m,K Fridav nlcrht. was nnite Welv attended, and the ele- T f antl v arranged prociammo "wbieh Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Archibald tiU ad after aa cxtrfi was rendered on the new JUtey.ripe l faon, invia you w oe preaent at ArseadmeaU aiu vug ti,C3 ta the tee reaidefit and the speaker ef ocjeicr bc4a ad e-irrurce were dollara. bv Prof. Son the. R. A.' M- Gave himca, on it dncday f YKOng UUkea frca the UX the tnira cieoraaryt nmevcea nan dred and nine, at ua eVoek, all Scatur:tt a em's w-Je calls In of Henderson, aiaiatod by Mrs. A. U, Fleming, wat highly entertaining to all lovers of good , and cboiee boms. 124 LaxIagUKJ Seet, t oa the 'tU:i jaat to cUl h-ai Ilosky Moant, N. C. '4 r 0

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