JAMES A. THOHAS, EDITOR thicptjiity; the state. the: union. SUDSCEltTIOH 31.03 PEE TIUK ;Lt)IIISBimG; NrC.; FRIDAY, JAKUARY 29, : 1909. v " KUHBEBCO "r.'i. 1 v,,- fp, - , , .... . . .. . .. ; - i - . . r Tt f- t x VOL. XXXVIII. - t-t'.r Jh:- V" 7r'y'1 . -., . . - ;. . . -. . i FRANKLIN SUPE'R COURT, THE TRIAL OP STATEf DOCKET COMPLETED FRIDAY, i wag greeted by; a large congregation and his talk of about an bburV length wa- listened to "attentiTeiy throughQutsDme of this .audience tciaiuiiug as iney came out of vthe ckurcb, vthat -nrasl the; best sermon I hav heard in years." If the menK bers of all the churches could mount the high plane of christian living .to wnich this good man has ? attained, the christianization of . the ; iworld wquld soon be At hand. Our people will be gladito see the Doctor ; of teu. The Sentence of ''Dollar ' Das Ten Years-Thatbftewis Per ry Five YearsCiYli ' Dock et Taken up Friday - Evening:. The January term of Franklin Superior Court which l)egan on the 18th, istill in session.at this writing (Wednesday everiug) The following business was tran ceA after tlie close of our last week's report: State Ys Duncan Bullock aud Lu - with Mrs. T. W. Biekett on Tues- la (lay, f. & a.r defendant Bulldcfc day afternoon and arranged a defi called and failed, judgment ni si nite programme for the year, the acifa and capias as to; Bulloek. Lulaj subject of which wili.be Home and wed time to gi re bond. Italy. Toe members are invited to : . Current Literature ; - e Current Liteiature Club met State vs Uleous Fogg, c c w., $15 meet with t Mrs. Robert -Davis on and coats. "- '": ; X1! afternoon, February 4th State vs U. A. rearce ana wucos,i prompuy at o ciock. . rne pro- iu lrr.ent suspended on payment of gramme for that afternoon will be as COHt.S. follows: State vs Wesley K. Williams,, and Charlie Speed, larceny, judgment suspended on payment of costs as to Williams, 12 months on roads4 as to Speed. State vs J. H. Wood, appeal by proHecuting 'witness. Judgment that prosecuting witness pay" the costs. '- ' . ,, . ' State vs Arch Howell, larceny; judgment suspended on, payment of half costs. State v Hugh or "Dollar" Davis secret sasaa'.t, ten years ini peniten tary. " State vs Lewis Perry, secret as-; ault, fiye years in penitentiary, v Pn Tuesday. eVeniog' of last :7week the ladies of the Some :'J Jlissionary gave a most delightful; social entertainment in. the parlors of, the Metnodist .parsonage." Our - genial pastor, and his refined, gentle wife was a ch&rming host .arid hostess, and with a gracious cordiality, they -:and their assistants made every guest feel thoroughly at home. . Not long after entering" each . one was presented with paper and pencil and requested to write answers t; several questions, the stipulation be ing made that these replies Wire to be expressed in words beginning with the initials of the writer." The ladies who had the affair in charge had prepared most appetizing refresh ments, a ielicioas salad course fol lowed by coffee and wafer. After partaking of these the crowd assem bled to hear he answers to the dif ficult -queries THE r tVIOViriC PEOPLE. THEIR -HOVEHENTS : IN ; :-vV60Tvy6F.::TOWM.-. AND Those Who Have Visited Louis burg the Past Week-rThos : .Who: Hare Gone Elsewhere for , Business or Pleasure. hjt to his many fritnd, at h Uh this weak' to return to hi loJUna home, but as his tiara had . xplr4, his duties required his return. . lie took with him one of hti UtlU graad mecet, the daughter of J. A. Faulk ner, who he wUI raise and tdocai. to an an old Square Dance. Th Timu ts rcqutsttd nounoe that there will hm Mrs,D.McKinne speor Tuea- fhWi Sauar Dio." In tk. dsv inRaleich. ' iA fn. tr - iv. . 3irs. v uiis lioaaie ts viaiuog rel-1 all the Udu wal be sdtmutd frva. auve in asuviiie. I An admittioo of 50 eniM wXl hm Mrs. B. F. Carpenter spent .Tuei I changed all gentleman dancer, Tbsy day in Frank! in ton. I nata secured a gwod figurt"' calUr. Mis UrUe Harrison, of Littleton J and y that they are soiio - i is viiitinz friends in town. ipaung a bne tuna. Pleasant Country Dance. Mks rlltie Moms spared her manf friends the time Friday night Jao uary 22nd for a pleaaant ccmntry dince followed bv a Onur Prt at the hwpiuble home of lit. and The Voyage. Roll call: responses about Italy. Lesson Review. Paper My trip to Italy, ship, route expenses, etc. May study of Italy. y Reading. " , . . The lessoJa assignment will be as follows-: Roman history, chapters 1, 2 -and 3. Magazine article, Rome of today; Questions. I. Romania History. How d id Rome first influence the world? What - were the physical conditions of the Peninsula of Italy? How were the first inhabitants of 3ir. aiurray Alien, ot itaietgn, was here this' week on professional bu- ne4. Mrs. E..M. Bragg and children, of These were read 9xford "e vwitinS father, W. R. aloud by Mr. F. B. McKinne and, by Tacker Ksq. tKair innroninna KviorVitroo arA wi I MfVftftra. K' P. Piltrtriti mrA fl V I provoKeamucn laugnter ana applause xDKunwD, were ,n bj Mewra. Sam Diekeron. U r-m Kill. .ii ir. u iiif iiir t u u . i r 1 n . rv i lii rw . 111 as n r - a K t . . I . . j Ion and 'JuptUr. Tho txtMQl auuC,lau1WaFF,cW.wu ,CI B.u- - f.u v,ouwaj reiurneu one weTe iittJe Mi4 Mirv G lfm ' cerely the nice little sum' realized day last week trora a khort business I fK. :n;. I .. 'I . I . T - ' - I w w w , coins, mp w) iwcicy aionnr. I v on.. w...- j -Damp" Floyd, Nannie, (terch, Sl- ana niguiy esieeraea citizen ot wake i and -Ua" Harrit, Suji Morit rorest dlea on 1 u cad ay. Messrs. W. K Secular, lh Irtt cJb&x cf aj Dtat- cnu wxa aii tie r cboioe mc4f Dtcaocnu f all gx4 , ReUbuis, Iiealr maaxsaV) tay iLal ta hu at e trxa he has gabt4 at Watlirgtoa ta ctt4xa la wlioh be tiid his people at Voma. A. &aU df w attractrre rersoeuIUy, a S.a- of oa4er qaaJilcaiioaa tot t& slraetire !i!cnuuaiap a eutar who loola Ce rt rore U4irjma Ur, ttt Sttiu turwt t-tua ta. In refy iMpet Seaaittr Otrrttxa rertraie ;LU but with curt4 aod coeeuiUy growisg dsulrtt&da. The popU 4 North C&r&Saa cxa ootbe ttid to lack roIiucti iattiact ski loag as ihrr aeoord sstk c&tn lbxr Ughtt Jwoora. Qhu -lotte OUfrf. tram tne donations in silver wnicn were jnven to neip tnem in their laudbale work. M. Develops No Sctcdii. The leTM-'itliT co;:w rrd;al. d to ioT:iif but otZatm mJTU a for tiTo c4 bookkeia ta vco b a ..atober of tiUotn io tt ruUc ttrvic.. EtciaHv m UIa. ruraoce Df rx&oi ta tvl aljf ia thU r;e. TTx2h a ditbrratt l? on ffce ytrt e( aay rae caasec.W with the Sui Ictsraoe P;an. tan! or a ay of the JSt Ftau de ptrtoenu b alJerrd Tr m the legendary city? Italian- Martin, Senior and .TliniA- nf T ll'u Vririxf vara . m rr rr week. left will Or. a aa The civil docket was taken up Friday evening of last week and the Rme divided? Ilnwinrr noaoa hA Kaon trio nn t 1 With What does close of our report: '. ' . I history K. P. Hill vs PenrW Mitcfct verdiet for plaintiff. , ; Give the story of its foundation. Sain. Wil.nn v VRvnoot Wilann , What of.the Succession during the divorce, rerdict for defendant, set I next years? aside to enable plaintiff to get tur- Tell story of Romulus and Remus. thur evidence. A What was the rape of the Sabines Collie and Wiggins vs Foos Gas m w dM it result? Fnmn Au. Inr r.uintiffa J After the death rof Romulus who Greenleaf Johnson Co; vs County w.as chosen King? Commissioners, . order of reference Give a Resdme of Kama's reign, allowed. Who was Numa's successor, and Mcfeinne Bros, vs Martin, ver- how did his policy differ from Nc- dict for defendant. ma's. - Wilder against Wilder, suit to Give the story of the conflict be- break will of Wilder, deceased; mis- tween the Romans and the Albans, tnal. Who succeedad Tullus and what Court will adjourn for the term policy was carried on? todav. - Into what two orders were the Roman people divided? A Visit to Raleigh. Who was meant by the "Populus Misses Annie Allen, Maude Hicks, Romanus?? 1 rancis Thomas, Came Marrow.Mar- i What was the struggle between guerite Harris, Lizzie Gardner, Wil- the Patricians and Plebeans? lie Itee Thomas and Elixabeth Joy- , What were some of the differences ier of the Senior class of Louisburg I between Plebeansand slaves? College, chaperoned by Miss Grant ; yhat are the three parts of a Ro- and Mr. Allen, ' spent : Monday . in j man name? Raleigh. They were mettat the ta- II. Magazine Study Rome of tion by Senators fi. T.' Holden, of (today. Franklin, Ben Gay of Northampton, j Why is tourist disillusioned on and Dr. Bolton, representative from I first reaching Rome? Northampton, t who; took them in Who voicesfthis disappointment? charge making . the day one long to j Give as nearly as possible his-words. be remembered. I What does the author say of this After attending the opening of the I regret? Senate and visiting the House, ?they How does Rome today compare were given a private, reception ' by with the Rome Hawthorne describes Gov. Kitchen. -We have hot learned in his "Transformation?" the purpose of that interview it may What great militiry victory ush- bave been to beg clemency for hav ered in a new era for Rome. ing broken some one's heirtj- or - to. . What accommodation can th trav- seek an indulgence permitting them eller find in Rome? : i to do a little flirting as they speedily - What of the heailhfulness and the visited the A.fc M. Collee v Su 1 climate bi Rom 1 2 "-. leu. ot 11a wonaertui water , sup- The Lay Movement. At the recent annual Methodist! Describe the ?Scala diSpagna?" Conference at ' Durham, Drl A. R. Describe the Protestant cemetery. Zollicoffer, a zealous f church worker 1 How many ' churches has Rome? and christian gentlemaL. was i plaeed ' Describe three parks and gardensC at the head of what is known ? as the K;y:iHow do the common people re- Lay Movement" in the .Conference. I card cbnditiona of icountry? ; : i The Doctor wai irt I iiiiiatuilait ivtlisf Dr. Arthur Hynea' Fleming Tuesday for Oxford, where he do some dental work for the pbans. Miss Mary Zollicoffer, of Weldon, a graduate of LouUburg College, was a visitor at the college during tn Honor Roll. The following is the honor roll of WTTT-L T" T1 Iff .ft vynne xvei ocnooi tor montn ena- lho6J wno attended court tbu ing January 15th, 1909: 1st Grade Ethel Davis, Esther Conn.'Matina Murray, Myrtle Dick ens, Bettie" Murphy, Chessie Murphy Johnnie Leonard, Nannie Gupton, Emraett Gupton, Paul Waster, Mad ison Davis, Em mitt Lancaster,!) wight Parriah. Marv C?31fn- MamiA Collinn Eddie Collins, Bryant Collins, Ira vr GmiamLonnieGunton.Dollv House. :- Miss Onme Tucker, who u teach " I . - . ..... at Frank Collins. mg in me liign acnooi at ruttrtiii 2nd Grade Alfred Bowden, Ma- 8Pnt laat Sunday with her people mie Debnam, Clee GUliam, Lucy in Louisburg Murphy, Willie Murphy,- Onnio Airs. T. S. Gill, of Henderson, Bowden, Beulah Dorsey, Bucher who has been tiaiting her old florae Dorsey, Bessie Wester, Willis Gup- near Castalia, visited friend and rel ton, Ro8a Lancaster, Viola Pearce, atives in town tfya week. unariie wood. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Justice, who Miss Chessie Wheless, leacher. have been visiting Mrs. T. B. Wheel Mrs. T. C. Harria and Klsie Mortia, ntd tofi a mritA:n ez cf a ileaum. Matthew Wilder, Need more, ; diuort thil now a;tr f W csJy Wyatte Freeman, Charlie Shrrwxi, j ' ooW ti3 i&laat.. Thai i!a J. E. Wilder, Cbarlio Vloyd. J. J. ; book ker tr hx Uo dtfretie ta and Jube Young, Fenuer Suite? ItudtquaU u aparvut, btl ro tut J.T. Bakir. Grover. Jahn. J H fickc, of nrc-oke4ttM tu devleta J. hiarfoo rrre ni. and T. C. Harrif. Master J. P. berlake and Coloaei Voanp. Tim- Church Scrrlcff. The SetvJaf ticit eerriMit la Mciholat atd Iliptbl trcbif now cootseacw at 1:10. Ax4 ibe Wot net lav rd Thsrpiay cijj.l prayer t&Mlisg etatot si tbt suae Wer. Enforce The Law. Tho Star opposed the prohibition bill recaoUr ratiStd by the pep! bccanMit was unfair bebg baj4 on the principle of hea-l"' I win, tail, you lo'-bc-aaj we UiUr. ed iu adoption would Iweakeo the! BX Ptn tl Bock. Democratic party in the State (a it ! wiU U a box rrty t IHtk del) and becauae w believe local option it the faireet and mot I practi cal solution of the hqcor proUero. But the prohibition bill hains 3rd Grade Alice Leonard, Nobie Collins, Edgkr Bowden, Buck Davis, Fannie Gupton, Clyde Murphy, Eu gene Conn, Mollie Conn, buther Col- er in Scotland Neck, returned to their home at Royal last week. Mr. C. A. Oates, of Clinton, N. C, wno nas been spending some time hns, Annie Davis, Hattie Davis, wilh Mr y w Jn , - ft TTT W- a - T I ' ' Blanche Wester, Bettie Leonard. 4th Grade Lizzie Gilliam, Mary Sturdivant, Eddie Brewer, Annie Brewer, Annie Jjeoriard,Libby Leon ard, Polly Collins, Frank Bartholo mew, Ophelia Debnam Norman Dickens, .John W. Hprper, Johnnie Murphy, Lula Dorsey, Lettie Leon ard, Lena Murray, Annie Gupton. 5th Grade Lillian Harper, Em- mitt Brewer, Effie Browne, Collins. 6th Grade Mabel Sturdivant, An nie Collins, Ovie.Bartholomew. 7th Grade Clyde Bartholomew, Jackye Bartholomew. 8th Grade Haywood Harper. T. II. Sludge, Teacher. left for his home last w'eek. Mr. F. C. Toepleman, the popular Superintendent of the Telephone Company, was in town the &at week, looking after the interest A his company. Mr. J. B. Ramsay, a prominent lawyer of Rocky Mount, was in Louisburg this week, on professional Nolle business, and the editor was pleased to have a call from him. His host of friends in this county were glad to shake the hand of Mr. F. S. Spruill, of Rosky Mount, who attended court here last and this week. He was counsel tn a number of important cases. , Mrs. E. W. Furgurn and Mrs, Bunn Items. - E. C. Perry will go to Apex to-day ar w a A concert will be given at Bunn I V visit th,eir sister, Mrs. R. B. Beas- High School on Monday night, Feb- ley, and Misa Jodie Tucker, who hai ruary 22nd, in honor of Washington's been spending the past three weeks birthday. The concert will ba fob with Mrs. Beasley, will return homo lowed by abox party, tha 'proceeds today. of which will be used in the interest Messrs. C. T. Stokes and A. A. of the school library. A cordial in- Clifton, who left here several days vitation is extended to ' all. ao-n to take in the trio to Cuba, re -( On 'last Wednesday, Ir. Wiboum turned home last, Friday. They Mullen and Miss Blanche Holhngs- seem to be very much pleased with worth were joined.in matrimony at I their trip and say they had a ipJen- . The following from. Louaburg youni couple have . our ' best wishes I went out toRaleigh Monday ' Ten- I for a long andhappy life. ' bg to see tCalve" and seemed wall MQ. : : wn? Dlened "with the wrfonnanee: W. P were married en tne aoth of Decern- u . V r W rtr:..: SdaJltoeTU, bMock 'W: Trevi?. ; ice in. the Methodist hnrchl '"he I ' The membbrs . are earnestly :. re- gave a very impressive explanation quested ( to familiarjze themselves of what :the Lay Movement" 'was with this part of Roman history, and and what it meant for. the church with the map of Italy. J V-: "- andvchriatiajiity in the world. He! N Mes.. . W. Bickbtt, Prea. been endorte! by the people by more than forty thoujand majority 1 will beooroe a law and will go into effect next Friday. Now, we eay, enfotee the law. Girt it a fair trial during the neit two yean. It it prove a eucocea lei it stand ii it i If u prot a fail ure let the Iegultture uf 1911 take auch iction as the then prevaUtnc conditions may winroL Bat the legislature to meet next tnooth should lei thta ptxhitilion quettion severely alone. Let us hate do more aguauon orer ice ikjuor qua tion, at leajt until the present law hsa been tairiy tested. The Star hopee the authorit'ee will call into action every legitmate ageocy in tie power in its effort to tbow the peo ple that a law, whether "good, bad or indifferent," tnuit be rigidly e. forced so loog as it Is on the tutoa books. If the law proves inefftetive there will be found a remedy two years hence. In the meantime crush the "blind tigers' that are sore to coma. They ought to be suppn ed not oaly because they are lawhrsak. era, but becauM the vile stuff they sell Unds to make criminals of the buyenL-WilmicgUo Star. ory ttoca Acavltny ca catrcay xutf, KetrTtvry Uh, K7. Prcoceds to go to the dvturtsrcl of lie achoc4. All are xjrdU!ly tntite.j. IL Ten and Fire Ycart. The aete&oe cf -DcCUr" Davis, colored who wu coarirte4 lul Wek of KtH'f aatauhirj; "Pclkitoia Evfp, wssiaa years at hard Ubr in the rwxute&Uary. wtSe thsl a4 Lc Perrj, who ait.hu4 M bsii ao aaotncy, as fits ye-ira, The aeotenora 9zz lo tt rally erB-meaded. MT , i rr TXT ' TTT a. br: laat, moved into their new raai- leai auu vriie, x. m. u dencelast week; r.Some of the boya j wife, Mra. ;A. H. Fleming, Miss Bal gaye""thera aUytly ierenader v - rr I He-lVillUtnt. ;; : J 1 1 ; - fe 1 1 Our, psople are yery hopeful con-1 1 -Mr Pinckney J. Mar, "a native of oerning the new " railroad which is Louisburg, and 1 who lft here r25 being built in' the direction1, of ..our years" ago to make his home ih. In- Tillage, but some of us areliks dombt- diana, baa ' been . yisiting . his old ing "homaa. "We , must so before home the past" ' fiftecix daya, - He V.1trv t , - . . ..1 kt. .a V... .. 'tt. N. 1 informs us, and was loth to aay good Senator OTermau. The unvnimcaa re-nominatioa of 5enator Overman by the Democrats of the Irgwatnre m joint canccs had so loog been a foregone cou doakm that It calls for but brief com ment. - Tha "action of the t caucus reQected not only tne uoaru races wish of all Democrats tot, we be lieve, a unanimous verdict of 'sppr batioa procwdmg : frota wholcscos and lnlcUgDt jJubUo opiatoowith oui Veirard to partyt It W a' Weil ncognUe4 fact thai Senator Over man a roMtlestioti etaauiry was a diatinct eJemtat . of Dttaocralio Better Let Well Enough Alose A Uil bis txen istrcioe4 tn tbe legislature wo precise a ftaoe law for the whole U'e. Il 4s rru-cjste-1 now thai aUl four If lbs ef tha hUl s a!rea4j es4sr the ctt alioo of frce lava. Ooe U the ooatcnti&s of the fcrwatrv ister- isu is that the rcag stUre of the swine, for it.iUt.of. pittf.i the growth of tie youag lorig-tesf rxcee in the eaJUrn eeccien of the EtaXe. Then it b CKaiendsd that there it oe jtu'Joe in a Jaad-owDvf htrirg to La- veal tbomtods "f daEars la feaors for do otbsr pcrpose tbaa lo keep other foUs' nock oS his luU; that I the ocly jjast otvtrrae Is to repair all owtvera ct ruxa to keep ueea as thaxr own latfcit or the laxli to which they hare rt&ta! ciahsa. All cf which is correct. Bat i&tsssch aa tha slock law baa beo cxteied by local optioo, so to sptak by U-g islalira ecactmcsu for cocsiie cjT disuicis or by local eledicixe the people Sa &o- tock taw territory will hardly uk kladlj to the ilea to tegislaU theca la by wbcnczle. Betur stick to the retlar wsy SutectiUe laaadxstrk. ? The Tivu arrna iih the L&ai ""..I tank, that tb Lpaistcei w-Zl at wise to let wtU aacarh alae,1 aad allow the r7o n adct the stock law la ratlh terrirUf whtrt a taa- atrsngth la tha last campaign. Tha J jcrity tU 1st lL . 1

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