1 1 V A 'i'-y,-;... iy-i ' , 1 5 Sj? Sift IS' !".-' r. -C 8' iliwi6hangingsKlaM-i :'--v- v-:-v'Wi.J$inni:8:-:v.i By W.', F.- BRYAN. :opyri'tiht. 1XC by Associated .Lit-. f' frrefc More wood stood" upon tbe , piazza tapping" the floor with the r tip : of tier daintily boopsdi oof - andjlsiap I iing at her : habit skirt frith a silver . .mounted :crbp j- It was a' perfect day for a ride. The un kissed , the peaks of the low chain' of hills to. the t west, fapd -in" between wu- the bright green of early so miner .Nature was in 'bee kindliest mood, but Jacqueline" dlclSbtshartii; l The groom - wW slow "about bringing tor mount around, and while she wait-. ed a dozen couples' had cantered past, waving their hands gayiy to Jack? But' no cavalier waited to .assist her. and no smart cob whinnied '. impatient-, ly over the delay in the appearance of her own horse. - I Lovo Thco, Carolina., The following besutifal poena, the Presently the groom would lead her horse to the block, he would assist her in the saddle with the perfunctory care of a hireling, and she would gocanter ing off alone to her ride. It was this fact and not the slow "ness of the" stable hands 'that brought the frown to Jacauellne's face. For the first time in her life she was tired of being the boy of the family. When stalwart John Morewood had leaned over; the cradle to look down Into the blinking eyes of his flreborn the baby had seized the proffered fin ger In sturdy clasp and her father had chuckled with delight. "She's shaking hands like the little gentleman she Is," he declared. Then and there he had named her Jacque line that lie might call her Jack He seemed to find comfort for his dis appointment in her sex by making his little- daughter as boyish as possible. In her youth, thanks to his training, she had been given over to tomboy tricks When she was thirteen andn baby brother cameto share her reign she regarded, the newcomer's appear ance with contempt. 'I'm the best boy," she declared with emphasis, and she took pride in her father's assurance that she was indeed. Ji ramie became his mother's ret. while Jack still . chummed with her father, and as the boy grew up delicate and pallid Jack seemed to gain mannishness i)y contrast , She as the gftlf champion. of th" country club. not in the ladies' class, but by virtue of having beaten all the men. She could ride wherever a man went, could shoot straight and handle . ;si cue. She was voted a "good fellow." Shut now, on the eve of her twenty-second birthday. Jack turned rebellious. Her thoughts were interrupted by the appearance of the groom with her horse, and presently she was cantering -down the drive to the highway. Once on the road she eased the horse into a trot The cliff road was accounted "one of the most beautiful in the state, but Jack gave no heed to the beauty of the scene. ; Phil Minturn had cantered past with Bess Farley just before she had start ed out and his careless greeting had wounded her : She had been good chums with Phi! ever since she was a little girl, and he had alv ays given her the same careless greeting offellowship.' but this morning it had jarred. She knew that he did not really care for Bess. He had said so more than once, but -Mrs. Farley would not let Bess ridp unless there was some one with her who could keep a watchful eye on her mount, so .'Phil, being a neighbor, had 'come to the girl's relief. : - As with Phil, so it was with the mother men. They were all good -chums, but they were only chums.- Jack could, pot recall a tender speech ever made to her, and, carrying her intro spection further, she did not blame the' boys for regarding her as qne of them selves. Even In the evening her thick dark hair was severely done: and her dress was in keeping., '-. It came, upon her wifk all the sud- QUivering lip the , , boy ;' 'turned : tpward ! the house; and Jack urged her horse a1mm VW44a VA '-i '"V - J 1 '-f 1 JimmieVshe iled "warninzUj .-if production, ot aitf ictue -rreiu- yoa dare to cry I shell spank you. Go j water Pool, of . Elizabeth CitT w& get your pouy andcome back to trie." TQftA fnra tat Sena eorae "What are you eoing to do?" demand- ; - , . - - , .: ed Jimmies, i V : V a '. - iaayapo, ana oraerea ipniu uu ? vNeer mma."f ehe ; said. Toq do Senate journal: . ; ; : what r teil yon. -Do you want really v tfc C.rcXn( r . . - ' a-trtily to be a Mjr ; ; : "Do in repeated Jimmle. snifflnr at roaa rirerf, ongoi idqww, the f oliy of the qvestion. ; fl ain't either I Majeatiu are thy ' tnoantalna; - eltberm:i.aid Jack -Htirry up, dearrfc : : - . v . , .? i vrrows no pine ireeo, 111 uuiitijf : She waited beside the road antil. her I Weeps the willavr.'droopiDf; low, brother joined her on. his pony, and to- m ' t!hA rrl.AtinA 'knd Wamine. gether tbeyr headed ; f or. the town.1 r It .U a . - was long, after uhcheouj hoar before f lD aJ' " " - the. two retnrned. and; Mrs. Morewood cnOBU8;'':"' J. : was Pkcmthe veranda In an" agony of Let me live in Carolina; apprehension. '. - ' . :. ' - , She hadino fears for Ja'ck, butUhe Till life's toil and atrife are paat;: lamented that at times.' Jimmie's, pony Iet roe eleep in Carolina, " hadishown signs ; of .wildness. and; the When my "sun shall aet at Uit;' s conhtryC while themothen waCprotnls- Where the mookpg bird Nia ampin g, ing herself -that the boy should: be at- Where ray hefcrt ia fondly elinging. m ; k ud sleep when lite o'er -. Mr. Morewood said notbiusr. .hut 1 . r there- was a white line about bis ; lips Sweetlyvon the old home shore. j wuere mey were pressea nrmiy cogefti- j love the, Carolina! er.to hold back the words of appreheii- , . ! slon. - - Peace ani plenty there abide; He was afraid for Jacqueline, a rid How leantiful thy harvest, when the diildren were seen turning Oatherftd mat Autumn tide. into the drive, followed by a groom ?n . . - - whose usually impassive face there P: Fair thy helds where prows the oU peared a broad grin. Morewood gae a ton, sigh of relief. ; Light and fleecy, soft and white; Mrs. , Morewood shrieked with horror . , t . j i when they came closer and she was -And the RClden wheat dotb ripple able to see that Jimmie's hair had been Like a sea of amber light. cropped close to his head, while the T; - t. velvet suit -had been replaced by a I Jove thee, Carolina! X stout corduroy. But as they slipped to Land of atory and of song; the ground Jack took the boy's hand Of patriot and hero and led him to his father. rr u',.aa. , ' - f Dad," she said simply, "here is your How their deeda to memory throng! son. I am your daughter. It has been Great in peace . and great in battle; BOARDERS 7AnTEl5. thave opened a bcardlr-x bcuse at I.- V ( ) 103 South Blouat Strtct,, rale'-h. N. v Cand will be "RU4 to hsTO -U whoj( ) wish good board to call and ae me. 1 1 ( ) ahallbe glad to.hATS ail ray FrxrJclin I ( uoanry znenas caa vo.see so wcra v Tilra. S- W- Tones k ) ;.:DSS0LU THE DIG I WW r Home Ground Meal at U P. nickel Sweet Potatoes Irish poUtoes peach ts. Prune). lUce, Hominy Dock Wheat I atL. P. Hick'i: ' () () () () () () () () O () F. NJ & Hit. EGERTOH o o o o o o all wrong until now.' Tve never had a Heart of fire to love or bate; oncciucoii, auu guuuiiea uoci uuu a. i . , e tl it TT ' fight We've come to the conclusion j-'g1181 siar oi uu iuo iiaioa that we have both been cheated out nf Iajthe glorious Old North State. what belongs to us. and we've changed places." . Womanly Pains, head pains, in fact She stooped to kiss her father's any pain anywhere can be completely bearded face and'' whispered, "And stopped in iW minutes wun one oi ur. vour daughter loves vou more than Snoop s Pink Pain 1 ablets. Ask jour ever, dad." Morewood clasped her to Ufr .orfwi ! ?UI?; hl henrt for he nndert th. tmn- V PF"1 B box-and it can t I De Detterea. lry one ana De convmc- formation aven while his wife be- a or- ftnM Kv TKa Ria- wailed her darlintfs lost curls. ' Perry Drug Company. That evenine at-the Conntrv clnb Jacqueline was the sensation of the Commissioner Sale Of Yfllaablc Timber dance as she entered with her hair - Land", loosftlv wflvWl InstAfll nf tlfhtlv Irnnt. I - ted. In her dress, too, there was a sub- B virtue of an order of resale, tie suggestion of femininity which h? Superior Court of Prank - u Ty 7-'" 1m County in that special proceedings caused the men to gasp and tell them- entitled Mrs Market H. Cooke, selves that they had never before real- Admrx. of John Cooke and Linwood ized what a stunning girl Jacqueline Cook, deceased, and Everard Cook, vs. Morewood was. J. Claude Tucker, and Elba Tucker, "You are radiant .tonight," murmured- his wife, and Mary K. Cooke, heirs at Minturn as he held out his hand for law, the undersigned Commissioner her -dance programme. - wffi. Monday, the 1st day ot March. "I'm tired of beinS father's boy." she 1909. It beinff the first Monday m said ..t i k month, at about the-hour of noon, at X7V '77 t wTfJ , . the Court House, door, in Louiaburp. Jlmmie, and. as Minturn ca4mly ap- n. C, offer for sale to the highest bid- propriated three .waltzes and returned jef at public auction, for cash, that de- the programme she read in his eyes sirable and well timbered tract of land Famous -Jones.Mill and Residence and OlKer Valuable Jom and ' Country Property to be Sold V ' at Public Action. ; Uy virtue ofajodra tnt of of the ha perior Court of franklin eotxntv tto( - " 1 fin, adm'rof J. F.Jones vs Mo. OnnleU 1 T. Jones et at the undertisued wiUon Mdndiy, 1st thy cf lUnh. at the court house door In LouUbarc. ' .. at IS o clock tn, sell 'at public sue tion to the highest bidder the toUowUg described property: 4 j 1. The Maotlon Houte tract of J. F. Jones. adJoinlDZ II. P. Krertoo, U. W. Ford, et a), containing seventy- sctws J more or less. On this is located the msaiion house of the lste J. F. Janet stables, outhouses, ete . . v 2. The tore iloas T tract sdioinbte the mansion house tract and csiajQtcc( ) about two acres on which is located the j r x store house now occupied bv J C. Fo-1 V J tcr and a small dwelling house oc-jO A. Tha Mill andiin trarl contAlninr I V J about 10 acres on which is tUuatrd the I flour and grist mill, and cotton gin and i the water power used in running m. also a miller s house. 1 5. A tract of! inxj in Town of Louts- burg on Loutftburg snd Hanklmton rail road bounded ss follows: Ik-trinntn? st the intersection of Main aired aod Tar rirer&nd running thence alone Main! street t- Uie line 01 said raUroa!, where it intersects said Main street, lb roc castwardly skng line of taid railroad to V J Jone and Kgerton's corner theocc C along Egerton's line to Tsr r1CT, thne r x fip Tar hrcr to the beginning, contain ng rive acres morr or If, but thr i exceptwl from these boundsrair th e x lot on which the rolnred Kniwcorml " ehurch loctel. This lot eontainn a If) nice uweging sntrvsiasMesmrmge noue Lots No. 1. '2 and 3 will c old tngly first and then together. . Aft Terms of 4e: 1-4 eah, NUancc in 12 month fmm day of sale, with inter est from dav of Rale. For further infor mation sppIt to the undetsirnM. This March 29. 1909. T. W . Ht( fcFTT. Com. Will be Continued tor a Wcdc or Ten . Days Longer o 0 0 o So aj to 1st those nf our cuilotatrs Ks juit lcS their eHtoo to ;st the ba5tcf s--ta il I 1 lat psimrtcr oSers4 in LouU'bur. Wrlat rvit-d acc.d many yew good to brihUa Up th !ck. ard ar ft. in e; through and rsJociRths prirrs nlj lor? ruany Hsca. He suri to t cc.e of our net riiTcUrt just out, tbctwins ji tve rtnl cut. Wa Lv hi s 1 54 ruh and aold f t$, bil t.os, BIG VALUES STILL LEFT approval of the change. SAYINGS OF MRS. SOLOMON. Being; the Confessions of the Seven Hundredth Wife and Translated by Helen Roland For the Washington Herald Oh, my daughter, marvel not situated on the Warren ton road, about five miles from Louisburg. well known as the Virginia Cooke home place, and more particularly defined as follows: Bounded on the Bast by the : lands kf the estate of Dr. P. S. Foster and the lands belonging to the County Home for the Aged and Infirm, on the North by the lands of Jno. R- Williams and the hinds formerly belonging to Mod icus Edwards, on the West by the lands belonging to the estate, of Mrs. A A Uswoo inn f Kd CnntK Ko tka lands of Mrs. Lotie Cooke Foster and Miss Gussie Blacknall, containing 200 acres, more or less. This is one of the most desirable that a married man taketh a keener 1 farms in Franklin County, has a good . .. . . . I dwelling on it and contains a fine body interest m ms nirtanons man a Bin- of timber. Terms of sale, cash. This frl Tfinn " For it ifl nnlv ihntttt 129th dav bf Jan. 1909. ; , . i 7 I , M. H. Cooke, Commissioner., imngs wmcu ue ougut uot w denness of a revelation that, she had missed the pretty speeches which she had pretended to despise -and that her heart clamored for the rights of youns womanhood. " With lips that pressed hard together she turned her horse's; head toward home. She scarcely recognized the pea pie she passed, and it-was not, until ,he had almost reached the bouse that her attention was attracted. She heard her brother's voice raised In appeaU and through sheer force' of habit she prepared to come to his rescue. :, ? The boy never had been permitted to fight . his ' own battles, and. in .youhge days Jack had sometimes come to his assistance with her ownsturdy ; fistsS Now she reined in her ' horse and drew; fcear the hedge which separated1 her f . from the' Uttle boys. &M&t&& There were a dozen. et: them; sturdy. Unned youngsters with dirt; on clothes , and countenances,' and In their midst stood Jimmy, -Immaculate in blue vel . x vet, with long golden curls. - -"It's not my faulte , said in ag- gnered tones. -,Tm not old enough to fcwn cwthestyet? iXou fellows might'! ':iXrvmA ;m Q'wanr' was thefunf eellng respons ; "rm; not Cgirj assertedinmlfit do i which tempt a rajao even forbidden fruit ;", ;-.' And the knowledge that he hath a perfect right to make love to a woman taketh the edge off the game. For no man discovereth bow- at tractive women are in general until he hath tied himself to one woman in particular.- And a girl from whom ; a man would flee io .hi bachelor day sK' unto htr ywill ie Wm. II. Rufiin, Attorney. NoUcc of Silc By vlrtuo of the pawcr confercd on me as Executor of the will "of Geo. K. Leonard, in item 2nd of said will. I will sell for cash at public auction to the highest bidder, at the Court House door in Loultburg. N. C, on the Slat day of March, 1W3. it being in accord ance with the terms of said wul the following tracts or parcels of land tit' uated in Gold Min Town&htp, Frank lin county, N. C, near Wood store in said county. 1st Tract. A tract of umi known as the Buck Gupton tract in said town ship, said county, bounded as follows: On the North by N. L- uuoton, oxthe Esst by N- C Gupton and on (the West and South by the lands known as the old Tom Davis land, containing 51 acres more or less. 2nd A tract in said township said county, known as the Geo. F. Allen place, bounded as follow,- On- the North by the lands of Geo. F. Harris and Brothers, on the Cast by the lands of H. B. Gupton. On the West and South sythe lands of C G. Wood, con taining three acres more or less. There is on the first tract a good house with rock chimney and a one horse f srm open on the mame. On the iecond tract there is a -it ore house and several other bouses. A. S, J. HAMLETT, Executor Wm. II. Rufiin, Atty. O1 o iVro't tat Xhi sale. Uc:aWr ct:t Mr. !r N Vgt ton wa.nl t o cm I of bufi&t atd fbi his lel L ft. to go regartlW of cot or rric. Ard iz,t a tU tnent with fvcy caati 1j6 r,a i cs our tt must bf done. o if sou o von csutt alt'c D, l- get to gtl a-nta of th tuT va5oa that "- are giving F. N. & R. Z. Egerton Louisburg, N. C- C o "v pArAnAnnn 1909 iiirA r;nnn 1909 AT T H E O , RACKET STORE just Received a Lot of Nice White Goods. $ , ; Boys don wevejtet dises, ; -.j a uurst oi aensive jaugnter th v '"',( 'l''-de:ssrthough succumb after marriage as the icicle To mae room for OUr SPRING STOCK we will sell a lot ef desirable to the fire or the violet to "the son., - - - 1 - Ya n RincrU mn mv b trnsted I l to the uttermost parts : of the earth, but a husband with a grievance . is as tow hi seal ch of the fire,' and. may not D-trui an inch. j v.-3Lnu w nai . marrieu - iau tuiu.e iu not that he hath a grievance .against his yrite, if it !e only - that' she . hath rnared-'hin- and robbed him v-of . liia Qrfamanistiija unto the .family cat, he accepteth with . no .comment his three meals per dayf but he never looseth his longing to' prowl ' abroad nignts 'ana idou canst . not ten. at what moment he may hearken, to the )J?a is Uti hot ' just when thou think'eth it safe tq, go, upon , a ,long vacation even , to . see - my ' motner, that tliou- comesi. Buaneniy-upon a nolet -Blipper - in - pis knew'f as. ; weLT;asitl4i Others- ihat'Dur-' ' auat was , impossible. Ladies and Misses CLOAKS DIRT CHEAP Everybody invited to get bargains. Truly yoiirs, Mrs.-A: m. Hall. o () C) o o o () o o. o o () () What A Pretty Store? That's wbst folk m " jt emi ut TT have tt4 otjr h sffnrt u- ti -mtU jttirr Jc-r Tosr cotaforl, all dtarirrtu ? l 11H. Karpen Chair n o r Karrnrtj lUiallfcr. Csira, $10 lo $?5 If ytm rsd a Karra r.rrda ' Z-9 rT'R,tXcS- China Closets and Buffett's Combined W o hat a rrrl tt4Unt 1;S-S of Book Caters Side IVoaMs and lloffetta. U0 to 1150. Xrw, ir to4 of Furniture. Have- juat unloaded actlrr car et that popular prir Kurcitare, rut Uraa, Ccfc Caaketji. J a-VjfW rfV jfV rfWjflii W A Qt OHitk'fPILLS: - . TTavA Nr "Hnnal aa PrA..nllfi or Cnre 1 . - ----r, w ----- vauivuv--- - p : i m a a a ... . , v f . . Si J,erilyhett- : -; :v; ;;j;.,M ..i.'l; :' , to running along on ollea; wheel 'j.i : I i J r- CD 1 I I ri Or it?iitheKthat;thb "r- ",M- . V. S A-P. 1 ' i5iK U () () (). ( ). - f i - w ' . I If- V r 1 J This dsparietst .Is ki;t cp U sUadat prica alwsy lit htMl, 1 s;dii Hrarw a4 other suiptntata. Jlielsy 1 Fcr.aa tswiijj rs tl's tear asd wt hope joa , wHl cttl to trs Ua, "2 is dsat charge tcjrjgb jcr jsods tae srt His trr calalogusw J. W.. miLK GCV0 TEI -' 8 O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 8 o o 0 0 o o o o 0 o o o o o o 0 o o o o C) o o () o o o o o () o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 0 0 o o o o o 0 o o C) o o o o o () () () C) () () C) o C) () () - () () () o - o o JlmmtehadMeyer Jiad ihauciel to o With arid H noke fall eth out. mt W W N ' W W - "-XWWWv.

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