'V JAHES A.:THOHAS EDITOH, H THE lCOUirTYj THE STATU, TKH TJIIIOIT.' ' "1 - - SDKcrupTion ztxovrx thai VOL. XXXVIII, louisburq.:h. c.t Friday, February s, iqqo: i - ' " 1 1 ' ' "" J ' . "i , 1 1 - . ' ' ' couiity commissi on Ens BOARD H ET I N REGULAR SES SION LAST IIOHDAY. . it pog re had aa increaia.ot fivev bun- dred, their income would averaei at toe loweat, one foliar each pr. day faking aoto pay roll otthreeihou and dollari each week: S Now bus- inef s men what would this amount tarnea loose in our towa each week through the ye,ar mean to ' you and your butinegs? . ; Then the next to consider is what can be done' to accomplish this? We hare a number of good :lereU beaded busmesi men here - who are amply capable of deciding thisl ques tion and who . . hare push , : enough about them to put into operation thier ideas or plant. The most; important .thing to do Is to get . together , and talk-it over with a fixed purpose 4-to no 80MKTHnsrG and von-will be " sure to 'settle upon some plan ; whereby the desired results can be obtained. lowleti see if ; we" haveVtf cS(rae brqadminded farseeing business man ywho will -.attempt at" bringing this about. Start something" and arrange a meeting of the business men that some plan may be laid 'and some work begin. We will gladly publish notice of such meeting at any time. Who till give it a stabt? ERCIIA11TS ASS00IAPII UETHONDAY IUGHT AHD - COtl- PLETED "t)RGANIZATIOH. - ' Begaiar Routine , .Business Transacted Committees Ap pointed to I Repair "Certain Brlgdesj-Chairman Appoint ed to Haye Cell Put in Jail; The Board ot County Commission ers met in regular monthly ; session 00 the 1st, all members being pres Alter reading and apprormg min Btf of last meeting the Board took up the regular routine business ; and the following was transacted; . f C. J. Ward -wks allowed to change f m mm' road in trant or nis nouse wnen ap- proved and received by road over seer. ' . , . J. II. Cooke was ; appointed to have bridsre tfuilt I across Cedar Creek a Bragg's crossing. . Anarew err? was relieved 01 Graded School tax in Franklinton not beihfif a resident in 1 said district Report of D. G. Pearee, Manager of the Depository, was received and tiled. He filled 72 prescriptions I ' Wood-May. aunngtne monxn oi; January, ana Thursday night Miss Sallie Eli tbe gross amount receiyea lor same jzabeth May and Mr . W- W- Wood was $56.29, a little over doable aa l were married by Rev. B. E. Stan raucnaiioo laies ajnouawu w field. The wedding march was by December. Mrs. O. B. Bainej. Mrs. L. H. All Irvin Perry, f Harris township, red f Selma wag dame of honor iras ailoivea to go to county nome. andMr .Benjamin Wood of Cedar J. A. Bobbitt, of Hayesvilie town- wag it man. ship, was relieved or pou lar overi r Mrs. -ood-is one of Spring hopeV . a?e most loyable and . attractive young Chairman' Collie was appointed to wo'men. Noj tjner : womaiP lives. make investigation and see if cell is (Ail those who itnowSber Vfing her vraaeu in jau. : praises. Possessing a lovable, at- Report of E. ;NfittUtoij Sapt. (rartiveand cheery Misposition, to county home,, was, received, tie l know.Miss Sallie is to. be hertriencL r- 11 usaoie young man bt Vf riehds.-S pringhope Jtock for a pablie G upton's to Saint's Delight church was not gi anted , :t The follwing, was unanimously passed by the board: It is ordered that for the purposes ef road working under the laws ap plying to Loaisburg township .the Newt. Retail 'Merchants of Louisburg Taking Steps For Their Own ProtectionAddressed a , by E. Andrews, of Ashville ; - The merchants of Louisburg; met m J. tne Court . House " oi . Monrlav nigni ior tne purpose 01 organizing a local Retail Merchants Association, which will act in conjunction with the State'Association. " " There was a' large attendance and the meeting was . addressed b) Mr K Ef Andrews, of . Ashville. who is State Organizer of the 1 Retail Mer chants Association. His address was-well received, at the conclusiofa of which an organization was per fected, by the election of the follow ing 'officers: i President R. Z. Egerton, Vice President Ivey'Alleri.: Secretary and Treasurer Q. L. Ayeocke. Directors L. P. Hicks, D. F. Mo Kinne, J. Hollings worth, Ivey Allen, A. W. Alston, D. G. Pearce, D. E. Milller. The object of the Association on the part of the Merchants is tor their own protection, and mar be stated briefly as follows: y To Safegard the Interests of Retail Merchants. j To CorrecTrade Evils Attending the Credit System. To Abate Trade Abases and Un- business-like Methods. . Td Secure Legislation Favorable to Retailers antl Consumers. To Encourage Improved Businrss Methods in Retailing. To Oppose the Parcels Post Bill ;n ever j form - : To 'Agitate a Penny Letter Postage Johnson and Eraraa Lronard. Frank Alston an4 Mar Gay, Bn .Vfhit- aker and Mariah Kgerton- cWaltr Baas; and - Bessie W Uder, V Eddie White and ' Losy"r Egerto Alsx AlcCley : and PegIa Tsrboroutfh HsyirardBowdsn and MtraMa senburg, fEd Rorster and lliams HanterrJ. D. McKaight and Harsie Johntio', 'Alfred Crudap and VaU tie Hih, Ed Keal and Soita ikaa tenburg, Chaa Robinaoa sod tVaaaio HoMeof -Wnu Kearney : and - Saaie Dunstbn, ; Ernesto j oyoer and , Ella Donston.' -V ; THE nOVIIIG PEOPLE, THEIR EOVEHEHTS. IH AKD : ;? OUT OF; TOTTH. : - 4 Free Musical Concert All these in reach oi the Graded Those Who Hare VUlWd Louli - bars:. the Past Week Thoit Who HaVe Gone "ElsewheM , for; Business 'or vieaiure. L Mrs. ail, Jehnaoalafi for Aptx. . , f - Mr. E. S. Grrta spent W4Z day la Raltish. Ta Mta Hslen Pcrki&t, of UldtUo, is vuiuncr Mra Jahn TtW it should not fail to attend the fr Musical Concert which wilt be wen r. B. Chavt, of KaahvUlt, this (Friday) Evening at7:S0 o,clo!IW, 1 ct,Itr l Tmh immediately alter tne ooncrt -i p"-" -reast 01 me Kauona- wmuke Mrs. Ida P arcs and Utile Flra place, and if yoa could only' see the MeLaoria returned ytaurdar froo -Menu whlcU was printed la the a yt to,Wlcatoa-Sa!ca. Tikka Job OfBce, you would cer-l taioly long: to U there. All' who can should certainly go. Remember ! that the cod cert is fiee, and the pro ceeds ot the Mreaat" will go for the ! benefit of the .Library ef this floarwb ing scbooL Judge rllddick Dead i deterring p thi highly, esteemed friend of the editor of the T1WE6 the News-Observer says: There died in Gates county last followias roads or streets in theSwt m;his eighth yaar one ot the ef Louisburg shall be considered trae8t genuemea m jorw. Carolina, public roads and work snail be done I who8e modest worth and oftcial in. thereon as en anv other road in the teSfitr df htm modeI citken lnwniihin . ior buiny-suk years uuu uuiiuiiDi The roar from Fraikltnton 4 i iaa,CK wai ierK 01 1116 eQ- throuch town to the northern limit ni l in aieign. vi ma coar- there known as the Henderson roadC ac was aa?dftbre Master of The road omMitoinerrlCroat another IJathanWiti can Id be Road, known as the the RirerWroad hir iaid. Behold an Israelite in- to its junetion with above Franklin- aeea i wtl0Bl 18 no uuev jnaKe mm - w f B 11 nln In n a TFn A in A TQFU r A I Q Ti ATiWiT ton road, .'-roe road tronr JTour ",w"v" w ' """"T' ,4. 'nnAHAn !tk ' . o ?i i lifei ' charitable Kind " hearted and j a 4 iva"?BB iv ' ive w wnu eaiu a ... . . . Franklinton road. ; .The Nashville "w: th whitd Aower of a blame a- .infin wifK k mA less life." He was retiring in his ;Honor Roll, The following U the honr roll of WheleM School for month ending January 23th, 190D: '? y 1st grade Mciti S)ke, Uwight Sykes, Rufus Place, Myrtle Place, Rnfus Heading, Harwell Heading Lee Bonn, ; Lbaie Stalltngt, Mary Wbeleaa. . 2nd gride U1U Dtckeraon." 3rd grade roily Dickeraon, Loa- sie aykea. 6th gradef-Lula Stalling Ktbel Downey, Addle Downey, Loia Dick Marriages. ; The Register of Deeds issued li censes, to the following couples in Franklin during the month of Jan. uary: Whitb S. Leonard and Dollie Gup ton, Matthew Dsntoa and Dytie Perry, Wiae Doyle and Addie Pearce, S..P. Weathersby and Clara Wheless, J. A. Upchurch snd Lulu Gupton, M. C. Mullen and Susan Hollingsworth, T. P. Williams and Lizaia Clifton. : ; , ijolomdLiu trier Alston snd BetUe Wilder, Zollie Maasenburg and Martha Hedgepeth, W. II. Wil der and Luvenia Dunston,' Robt Evans and Andiline Harris, Harry Air. i . ai. i traon rticraco yta urday from IUidtTiHt, Ga wbr he went on profcfalonxl baalotaa. Mrs. T. B. Jacoets atvd cUrt-a SL and Uum Anna HowtU, cf Tarif, are naitbg at Mr. M. S. Clifton's Te friends of Dr. F. K. Cook &re giM o men at ooai aga looking o wdl, also lo note that t has (allv rtoorcfed bis xftb. hH4 Joe rinnell, who baa ba taaching down in Comtock, baa re turned h?ae, ber school baias forced to clu oo aant of tmali pox. Mr. Loaia Seotfgin rlura4 jte Urday raoraiog from MildUborg, where hs auended the namaga cf hia trother Mr. Palatr Stojrcw to Mia 11 am rat r. Mtt SallU WUlUtaa ao4 BsJab Tucker, who sttane'ed the rendition Ue Itxl ctj lift was t4 far tarrit If I rgll give ttia ttla Ucaa aai tLe ncrpr c&cr ik ef trte &,bw4 . and wxtaaAioi'dL - We tavt rte5 U lU dtttlc. bg U a fsore tlivalrs 1; Srit la W LoakVarg bays b"fcare ewa. txaa-aaAoja4 ca witi Uary fre-wocka itlifia ilrc j t. tiociUy cooJact co bm tic:! i( low Ueas cf oar txctfc ? aaca L always bteo d4tr ilaa t aAae rvraoru wtccj. Co&a eta. TVe ytrttcg aaxa vbo Uxl wt-ik fiad cr farloe wodaw Si eea aluc If o'clock, w ba c ar lighi wa7e , tar&4 oet, aafl tUe4l u;La Ui rua asl tamed oa tte lltta, 3 t pvsai bjtry, let f iaoe4 HMf ia a a&swt totai UUa t-oaliicu. II baa fre qaea'Jy Wtju a gtrt at tie CUU, bat bow ataxia xo2od b tba4 v Uffiatkra c4 all wbo Late Laard cf iM wulejftifirt, an efr&ae aitciri crtnr.iri, "1U far t!e lx4 ta trutirfj CH Wbtre oaa dtcay. , IL D. A. ia Loaiaarc Edbca. Beajtmln F. Thoaa Deul. B3 jaain , TU tsxa, ot -f tb olJte: sutat cf ti'n cwtir, ruai away al Lis hostrn ta CW2ar Rck VowaaUp, oc Atardar rtksrtig Ik. lit was &2Ytra 4ar. aad f iLm w r al yetr taa Imwa UUr Uial. Ha vaa a gtlUsi corJixU Ht at fctTtt caarrl. His fasLjit rr lai4 aeay an ttt fAf iary leg jTwaJ laat asay eaesis. craon, Blanche Dtokeraon. , ; kVyfe!?? Gral? J Tb Private Stcrataxy 15 una, Joes pa Uano.. t , , , Koaii R. Bunv, Teacher. Harry Undlry CccrpaAy. Harry Lia-llty. .& tU o'44 tttatriaal czxft aiJ aticra ts rcru4 by lis utri atUtr. Dfrrt-Mnu, sua a acia!rftlrcu4 were chartaed wlxH the ptrlotmancr, c ora Hatt The -troopt-wxU play la LoaliVar Mai.v airlt UxT, trrMttbr m a e a We Have belore us aeopy pt tht Deputy fcttns It W. HcJa& ItUfihrt acta. Aa akvarJ tz$uc. IU- descripuvs caulogne for 1909 of! Tuesday morning on tha Shfiy ttn aaaS rttl t:U:-J ara'ia- Woods bigb-gTade seeda, whith like 1 for Concord whare r. went ta uka jir&cJ. Mr.WUW4 ctbt Or- its predeaaors ta fall of valaable and Troy Baker, the wblu boy eomirud rCU lUfir aaya ti Mr. thth9 timely information for farmer and at tbe laat term of tkt Superior Coart Coopany: Tbt VtwebaveLa4 itb gardenera. A copy will be mailed for breaking into the alert of Mo- via" Lu op4aa g t4crJ -j free to any addreta upon application! Klnne Bros, to tht bUU IUforai- I ttt f raaa In all tiute it a Wit t. w wit puu.uri, . i. itwm uivj. 1137 tvt purrO. if KCJICf ua,,Kiw,0.. uu jar. u. ii. i luiama, wr.t ot rui iiwrasa-aia nrt-t cilis jtof a Richmond, Va. A I trtlt, waa in LoaUbarg ytaurday I eJba&trt p.lay eitt a&l tbt Wood a seeds were awsrded Gold to arrangt with Msaatrs ot ibt otwwt and beet jiay frcmi Mr. Medal at the Jamestown KxpoaiUoo, Opera House for a daU foe lbs ap- Iiad lay's rttcriwrw wi3 U pvatu 1007, Grand Priae at St Louisin ptaranoe bare ot ht PrivaU Se- . i 1904, Gold Mtdal at Paris, 1900. Subscribe to the Fravxux Timbs, one dollar per yaar. rttary' a popular plar whict. will b rendered by local talent of KiUrtlt Tba Tobicco Hole, watvbocaaaa bate LJ aw- to its junction Franklinton road- The Halifar road to' tU junction with the said Franklinton or -Hen-derson road. ; v It ia understood that this shall supply only. to the road way proper and no work shall be done on any sidewalks. . ' , A number f -elaims were, alio wed and the J Board '" adjourned to ' ne xt regular ; meeting. y A SuggestlOBu ; Th orreateat Question no W : before o . . v;-, ;-. manner and only those admitted to the close circle of his friends atnew the excellence of his character or the wide range of his reading. THE NEW RAILROAD. Said To Be - Headed For Louis -burg. ' A recent issue ' of : thg Rocky Mount Record contained the follow- "Work is being pushed upon the ear town and especially the business j gracing and laying of track for jthe - - - t - aVa.aM, V. MtVVn I WafTa V aT SSrV I 4 ' V "tVC MVk W af ft"W men is, m our opinion, ' gevagtauwio iu-wuig-uu w..-wo u.uuiwiucij population and then giving brlt to Lumber Cfo. fronir Spring Hope, those that are necessarily . bound to W est. Since the work: on this road bave employment. V., v'. .t negun tnere.nas been mucn con- First suppose we take the laboring lecturing aa to where its western ter: man in his natural life -or circum- mmal wouicr bewnetner v. at some stances. He invariably spends all point on the Seaboard Air Line, either he makes for the necessities; of i life; Louisburg or Frankntn, ; or r some Not so much as a desire but from ne- other point, or through . to r Raleigh, sessity to provide for his family.. x 'J- The matter seems to haye" about tak- Then next would it not be a great en a dengue snape a presenv ana boon to Louisburg to have an increase those who have thework in charge f about five hundred or one thoua- hare direetedhe survey tnrougji to and or even more of suchHnhabitants IuisVurgandtbey arelsecuring the ef this class? The question ; answers right of way." rrS: :"V ;itself in the affirmative of onria, be .' Louisburg would certainty, accora- Combination Offer i Th, Franklin Times, The Farmer MechaniG . and Weekly News and : v , ,;- ', V c -: f Observer, All For $1.50 an We will probably be able to cive I brvakl tbia ihI, ad ;ocra art brt tbe date in our next iaiae. Tbcatltar tLaa tbay Lave Wa tct tvtial who witneaaed the play , la KlurtU I wttka. igsuy p.rfrjf I . it mM a rate w tu a hot cl te and aay that it waa the Utt acting baota ttia wttk, allied fnxa Hn. on tne part or amateurs tfcay ru Jjfcci cocaty. It waa l;-yU t.r seen in a long wbilt, Tht edit It ky Mr. W.Jl. 3riu. aad tit aa. glad that they are coca) eg to Lsls t J 1 ! uuxk, nu w ,or OSr naiga. pjura are bartisg plaxt oora a isrce naixonicra. ana Dmve.v. .kt. thty Wdl gat lU iK tvrw tmmz crat. Tb lalro that tht y will put in tht aaaal crop SaggosUom To Pirenti. litis year. In order to furnish the people cf this station with a variety of reading at a small cost, we have made arrangstaents by which , we can send to all new snbscribera to the Tinas and ta those' who payjap wha( they-owe and one year ia advance, the - following; ThVlfranlr The;Farmer'and Mechanic and Perhaps the failorea in lift ar more largely due to falat Utaa cf youth than to any ethar soute. Xo s tract are to snd ed oaf an Isapafccf fotftvdation Jcarf iinh ih eii slaoghts of tune. v -; t .Itj'shonld tha care It evtry parent and leather J 9 "dirtct aHJ shspa the ideas tf ate ctiLiffa' ct students cocnmUtedto tisearsLt The prootts ta aoratumtt UlktJ, but it la never thai cat adaty we' ova Itboee dependant opotk as a sicrt4 . trait for which we aid accoauuUt UL ..." Thaae are the works to -,bt ,ttlS by fire. Are we baildiog of gold, silver. predoas stoaca, wood, ha), or stab- ble?MCot all of ihue baildbg taa- The Farmer and Mechanic is what ita nana Japliss, coatsina 16 pages of good reading matter forth a farm and bonsahold, . and the WeeaJy News and Observer eontaiaa I pagta of gtntral aad ?e6! tariala would stand a are Utt.; Are to honie affairs. -fEvery family in' tht'eoanty ahonldaae s sacri- J we al3eea0y wstchf al la our teases fiee to secure these three. papcrt,;whish . will give auGoient : sap-; ply; bf newspaper reading; Send i&7omir aamea, with' the cash, or call at the Tuba fSce'in Lbnisbnrg and let aa tlx'yoa' ap at ence. AS TO THE OF THI ipaat at Irtt ani In our acbool to eliminate tboM Uea!s that land to e v t ! op ehancurs of wood or stabile? . It I oay.de dx ootiilD xzott.Uz'j oy . cult aai FREED OH PHESS. Tts govtmaaat's stat erula nwt:iatra wtUh atamtd id be aya;ly the ratbar wA thrtat fcf aa as cry (taau:e,'ap;xr to be scuiUy laHag aarpe. It aa ngttly rrard td as aa artrac U4 aa aaalt sped ttt frttdco cf ttt jirraa. No Kewrpaprr etfaU fiilr Kbtl the TJchl taWtl If avrrasiai ia laamaate4 ot etiif ed agJatl U.t' governs &1, ft taut tt iamaaifd or eharged , Salasr l&liralcal 'aal itM" lodlvUsals saay mk , rtliaf aad 1 tor try ttrvafh tbe cdiaary prooraata cf law. Tcr its Ca:t44 SuUs gateraaxtct lo aadtrtaae u deftad the CJae tflYrlitit tlacV brotttr ft tte rraaUaata, r . ' S&tcrib-s to taa Faiitx-Lra Tucxa, 'things we nee4. orinatanf .auprl the ner road to tap the Seaboard. -, ' (l. ' ' ,'1,1, . .- 'V - ' " t J 4 t 'v- . ' - ' M 'v . ' " J . v,. -