JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR THE COUUTT, THE STATE. THE UOTOIT. SUBSCHIPTIOH 51.00 FEB THAI TOL. XXXIX X LOUISBURGN.C. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY: 12, 1909. huhber i " 1 1 '" r - 1 " " -- . . . " ' - - - v . MMM aaa .a a , ) i ) ) ) ) )fl ) ) ) ) ): I y the pRosTpTipM isiir'i: OF C0TT0I1 SEED. tb,m $20,00000 J;wth of plant foodra cottonseed meal, as we did in 1907. fer trhih w rcaiv . VALUE OF wiunsujUBAui- FOR STOCK FBK1I, . Bit this ia.only one of I th. war la which we are prostituting eotton- AnrtpflW 11. Soule. Presents at fd meal. Attention hac already oeen aireetea to toe, enormous lots incident to the use of seed so large- FURTHER SUGGESTIONS . THAT MAY BE BENEFICIAL. , Length Some Faets and Fig 11 PAR Concerning the Use ba a w . or Cotton Seed. COKTIITOED FROM LAIT WHK, ly as foedor fertiliser, since " the oil contained is of no benefit in crop TO RIM II IIP. I nillSRHRR bevry nU atnooot so begin '. w ' '. mmw. . w wp wsr easy eSF m ww I a a a iuj, oui aon yoa mmK one'or tnyi size would, be a ere it deal bettsr than what' we hare now? In tbu case why,wou!d it not be practical to Mil stock at from say f 1.00 to $2S. 00 a share, or. pi seethe Value of a share at $100, and tell as ' much to me personit thej wish to bay, and make (be payments thereof 10 or CO Ir cent of amount of stock pur chased, payable monthly. . This wo aid prastically pay for the mill by (he time it would bo ready for opr- ation, which co'uld be by the Ume tu this year's crop of cotton. There are a' number of good substantial farmers who would gladly subscribe stocV,ia this way, or pay for asm in A Cotton Uillisused for Illus tration, and the ' Ideas Ex pressed are Worthy of Con sideration by our People. Tu our last issue we pictured the need of our town to our buninets men under the , head of "Suirces- THE mOVIIIG PEOPLL tnn. The i,038,66d tons of Apparently, cotionseet mea n reaeeu wdico were aeai on me Tarms tions" which we keliere the raaioritT e,r.ii y v. utf ,u w u.tw wimiu ana in fact, all ohr business mea. will r.tme -vrw m j - wv""-w-i agree wun as. a 11 if it is trae mat aoie meat oau au inw, u nguuj uanieu, in th, article we DroDOse to show' i .4 .mi nti iion i tnniirr nia aoaii nitn tiiii nn i . t , i.nm j.u.uic i y- w now easily sucn remedies can be ob- j.r.jii uit awta, i ,TW : 4 - v h lainea ir action can only be secured I ooiion m me laii, inereare nam n. ;i -kable that it cannot be tea nere it may De urgea mat wis is a rery an to do this we will use as an il- bra of others who would subucrii ai Home iu tww vi mo i -0 , lustration a co tton mill, ."low o ana PT ror ineir stoat witn nuuains preTailing for dairy produets ana the cui; m iwo, re . nare tne sum or courBe there are numerous other material or other nrdeaaary things m J -W JI - - atl Sill llill 1 llilil 1 A.I I ... larne amoiint ot nese ieastuirs appruuiiy f.vviu, ana yei enterprises that could be started that would har to be booehl and r.h are anauaU? imported mto'the we hare retained to the seed the TV ill Suti, That the export demand is fertilising and food ralue ot these likt iv to increase is apparent from 2,000,000 and more tons, while we the figures auoted. and ulticnacely it have turned, into thechannels of ..nM ftMMa'r u if a market miffht aommerce a proa est wortn oyer be found abroad for all our cottoa-1 $33,000,000 a year. There should t . : ct 1 ..k I Ka a fair kaiit ctTaciK nnnn katwoan I . meal. iui oaa wo aiiuru mu i -r erauons at once. tremendous drain on the plant-food oil mills and the farmer, so that this reso irces of our soils? Tf think not enormous amount of money could be i. k ..r aaA a larcrftlr inr.ip.a9Ad I saved to the farmers of the South. I UI cava jb' mwm - -e J : I eatlav for!ooramercial fertilisers which Natare given us a seed of mar h ivebut a temporary stimulating effect reloua utility, but apparently we are n crop ff rowth, Whereas the . use of dissipating by far the greater part of tarmvard maaure would inerease itfe to actual Tatee; and just so long a sudpW ef vegetable ssatter in the we continue this needless, ex'traor. toil make it less liable to wash and dmary and unjustifiable waste, just etituulate crop production for much that much longer wUl we have to lnnirer periods oi time. We d not ear tne ouraen oil an ever-mcreas- MAan. of course, that the mere feed- inS annual aiitlay inv of cottonseed meal would render I plant food. the use of commercial fertilisers, on- - In Georgia in 1907 15,677 tons neccessarr or madwiablesiut'it r 9! . thii weald mitigate thiSini nosed upon the farmer t his tde- tne crop.A; jrrom pending-exolusively on f commercial the crushed seed there wasmanatac feruliaers. for it is realised 'ia many tared 155,002 tons of meal and 135,- V;r..a 1 b0 tons ot nulls, ine nuus are r C LIU LIB Biia. uuiuiuci viai isiuiuren are not now firing the resalts oae'L1 ia PUat food bat of course wm.M ntnrallr unticioata from them were fed at home for the moot part, and this is directly traeeable to the Wha ProPortioa of tht mal w iact that the soils are dereid of reg- "P0 or ,ent North caQaot be .taW matfr and need to be ImuroT- definitely stated, but one oil-mill man d no far as tbeirmecbanioal and reported to the wrjter this year that physicial eondition ia aoncerned to 2500 Pttt oat b hla miU UP ..- - I. .. . Avn . insure more stable yields of eorn. THEIR nOVEHENTS 111 OUT OF TOWN. AND tocored aaless aaeetaraled Ha fall m aod aosaraW Cii rspart, it wQ Ve sea tbsrsfora list It is Tarj iapert. aat that tvery UnW be puttl at Uus eena Thojo Who Hare Ylsluid Lonli- barir the Past Week Tho Who Havre Gone EUovbere for Bnslness or Heuurc. Ilr. sod Mr a. J. L. Palstsr Utt TMliy for a vim to tTartaw. B. Vf. IlaJton retsms4 Tstaday from a-short yisH to lUndsrsea. Mr. L. a Wsiihsrs, of IUltigh, visited his pert a U here this week. Mr. H. J. StHeklaod, of La Jaola, Col,, is vuttiog his people osir tow a. Dr. U. II. Banks and Mr. J. A. Taraer want to Raleigh Ibis week on btutneaa conn a clad with the tail- itary. Mr. A. C. Hoghrs, of Aptx, was a Ttiitor in Loeiaburg thii wakr. and loek I view ef Us aaaoaasaaal aWre till a suiscisAt Weill Ve saxde , sX be aarUIsaat Im erary ash.e4 tie editor ef te Faaxsux Ttxaa Is lag to give as a priae ta tie acbc-U aowicg the laxgeat earaUsaact a haoiaeaaa tea ateSal tut af lLa United utec He wIU lrm pre a like tasa te tie vhtV. ak-owtsg tLa beat ht cw&taga of attwe4v&sw aw eoaapsrwd wiih the ecreJljaist, for commercial tton and other essential crops. ' -w at . t A It cottonseea meal is wortn fitfa ton as afoadataS, and there arefew who are competent to pass upon its m m a aaerits that will not admit its ad van feages as a foodstuff over any con sen urate mar as t at tnis ngure, we are certainly loosing $20,000,000 a j ear oy exporting it, aa we are re- eeiTing notning ior tne eaormoas to that time DOOO tons naa gon North, 100 ton were sold for food stuff in the State and 400 tons for fertiliser. If this" represents the figures avaible for even a small per centage of our oil mills, what stream of gold is passing out of the State and not bringing an adequate return. This article has not been written in a spirit of captious criticism, but amount ot fertiliaer it contains, and rather to P"' outh0 Sreat lcon- mio loss wnien we are now, sunenng trom a failure to utilize one of the it is for the purpose of directing the attention of our farmers to this enor mous annual loss that these figares have been presented, as thay illus trate one of the ways in which we are needlessly prostituting cotton seed meal and losing a great part of the benefit which nature intended we shpuld enjoy from one of the by products incident to the production' f the fleecy staple. In the last 3 years we have ex- porrd 6,290,000 tons of eotteaseed meal, containing 880600,000 pounds of nitrogen,, which, aV 15 . cents a pound, is worth at leak $132,000,000. It in an axiom that 'we cannot con tinually take from a given : quantity ef material and hnye anything cleft. Ws have been taking away from the soil supplies of nitrogen aad other essential forms of plant food for many veara, and now we are begin ning to reap the result ef this waste- ful practice. It .has already been aecceesary for as tc put probably quite as much nitrogen into the ; soil m the form of commercial plant food as we have sold without-an adequate return. If it had not . been, f er ,thc naiurai risnnssv ex our c soils t wc could not have doae this, CbuC now that the available stores of plant food which nature had been hundreds of years ascumalatiag have been used P, we are forced to : parsac ather methods of practice in order tc raise had a pi a mat, kuj hort call I vat 8atarday frota hu friand, J. !. Jackaoo, frmarly ( Kranklin, bot now Utidc aaar Mi dleborg io Vnca oaooiy. Haatasaa to lik hia new home rmtj mach. Supenntan4at UiUa, of iht Lmu- iaborg Grada-1 Sehoo4a, wko a Via air J the recent rue-cling of tho Sapano- dcata ia Haletgh. iofoc rea aa that it was the Wat aad ir.oat largal? si tooled rotating of tko kind iawhUh it has ovtr ba rua plauaro W par- tiaptte. ! that would bring similar results to paid for. There is hardly a rar our town and to all these we give chant in town who should fail to take our nearly enaorsement. I at least iwu worm ot siock. 1 his frieads wro glad io aaa hi rirst, suppose a cotton mill of I alone wonld.be not leas than $40,000, j0g sa wall iiicuiuiu Biiw w&s Bum in juouisourg sua biubjj maio wuuiu isiuutuiuii Mrs, T IJ Jaoocks and Mias A&oa aumt was possioie io start tne op- nurauer uiai wouiu -a.uoie p xo Howell . wh oh ti.U n via 1 ti a ih.ir nri .. ...I . .i. . a . . . i I " rnat wouia tms mane up, wiwune amount oi oca i tn t s fiifion ntnmJ tA a.wa a I j" a a t a jt .a I $ raearr to Lrouuburg? Say, for the tnat coma u aiapoeea ut to otner lhfT hom )n Tatboro lMf wv. sake of argument, thaj it required than merchanli, the remaining $60,- tiior nve nunarea operators, s it not reas-1 OU. riow ror tne pronta. tkwne onabb to suppose that their income say that it will not pav. Well how Would average over one.(3ollar ptr day I many well managed millt do you ana would this not Da a ereat helD i know of tnat is not. paying? if it to, the merchants of Louisburg?" In J will pay in any section of North Car our opinion, it would mean about olma why not in lxuisborg? ou one thousand more mouths to feed, might say that the taxes would i about one, thousand more persons tojnp all profits, but we dare say that cloth, besides the fact that it would! for the sake of havinc a mill here the increase the tax paying list for the I town woulc1 give a company of this town at least three hundred. Kow kind their privilege, ao far as laxrs aa.. - 'I' fta a aon't ail these sond gooi to the I sre conoerneo, tr tortan yeara. merchants." iiut there are somel then it the mul ata not psy but a who jump.up and say MOh well, they I very small margin of profits would it wouia nave a xomDanv store." rnoi oe worm tne lnveatmenca o our Well, if they did ahd you had stock I business men to have the $3,000 per therein would it not pay you as well I week or $153,009 per year tamed as any one else? Butt to avoid thiafloo iu their midst to increase their why not provide for that in the char-regular business? Don't you think ter? Not allow the company to nut I that the extra profits made on the in i i up a store. Then you would not Urease of business you would get have this straw to hinder you. from this amount of money would And again, what would it mean to aumciontly pay yoa to make aa in- Iiouisburg's ootton market to have a vestment of this kind, mill? We do not in the least mean Gentlemen, it is time for joa to to reflect on our present market, as get together and do something. If we are eonfident that it has been as YOo do aot'wsnt a cotton mill yoa good the past season as any other, may decide to try something else but would it not be better if we had ju8t as good. In deciding a question a mill? Could it not be made better like this a person should not look st under such circurastancrs? We the direct gain he is giring to gat think so. Then this would mean of 1 from such sn enterprise altogether as course more money turned loose in lit will profit him in so many other town for our merchants to get a wv. W ahall be elad to publish a v the views of any of jar citizens along organisation I , . .. . . which seems very clear to us. Say, niaiinc,so " J j-'is for instance1, that it was desired to ya wsnt to say write it sod bring put in a $100,000 mill. This might it in. Tht Priraia Secretary, This is lb aaoo oi s ylsy to bo girn la the Opsra Hoc ta Lots barg oa FriJay aijbt, Fobrttry liH t) tho "AtsaUar DtsasUc Co4&rsay ot KlrtraH. Tboy tlsyad ia Frank, listen pa TctaJay rJcht, ui tka prOf4e cf that jUcw are tefc ia' thair faiaat. The Ttaxa UiLO a lago alta&da&o atxt Kn4sy t r-t ani w aro tare that oaf fcp!s will pve il a 1 - - I w R. E. Fottcr Dttd. Atur a liaftria illtuai f aalponlh Mr. It. Fc-iUr, ar.a Arbor Day at Pin Bldze. Oa Sstcrdsy, Fabruary 6ih, a large nombor of the -school patrccs gstharol aroond tho Acadaay with a moo lot of traaa. All apent a vtry m of tao liU Dr. I'aUt S. Fcur. d at tao oil I!oatrd Tl.tr 3 j ? eniatt of laat rk. Ha tad ! io fab'.a health fc atso ut&t ! fort h lok hia brd, a-f l ha daats waa col usaxjTCU-i by lie a wbo wtro ntaTtfai to bias. The faatal Uot plane on Frtitv afuac&, ccoiccu-4 by the f-ttof of Trtahy Crrah, aal tHo f'tsaina ware isurrd ia lLa btryic; groasd atar tbo akcraV, whera i-etU tbo ramaiika &f lUt f hia lot. J or, tc L fota W faro. Daath of Bra. Martha Toon:. Mra Martha Toeag, wife tf tSa lata VV. It. Yosog, 4iai at li bcraa pleasant afternoon aatung tham oBifia Fraaktia eart?, Harria twiihip. anddusoajing vanoos auojtctt ot irv tarasL Many improvarnanta hare Wan made in and arm ad the aeadaoT at duriog tha put station. All the patrona have shown great interect in tho echool by grantiag tho many requests made by their faeulty. K chance at. Nqw comes great gifts of nature according to the dictates of scionoe. Supt. White at Pine Ridsre. Supt. R. B. White will deliver an address at Pine Ridge academy on Friday night, February 26th at J: 30. We always heartilv welcome Mr. White among ns, not only for his el oquent speeches, but also from the fact that he has done more for the up-buildmg of. education in our county thari any man before him. After the address a short, musical 't J 3 Jl programme will oe renaereu auu other features of amusement. r. 7 Combination Offer Th Buttermilk aa a Life Saver. " A French medioal man advises people to drink buttermilk for. long life. He says that the lactic acid dissolves every sort of earthy depos- itm the blooa vessels, keeping -tne veins an 1 arteries so supple and free running that there can be , no clog ging up, and hence, there is : no de-. posit of chalky matter around the joints or of. poisonous waste y. in the muscles., It - is vthe' stiffenine;. and haHening ot thrt)lood vessels which brings Cn old age. ' . Buttermilk is likely to postpone it ten or -twenty years if drank freely. A quart a day should be the minimum,': j the , maxi Lmum: according to taate and oppoir tunity. Exchange . 1 1: . . Franklin Times, The Farmer Mechanic and Weekly. News and Observer, All For $1.50 an : In order to furnish the people of tkis soskca with a variety of reading at a small cost, wo have aaado arrangements by which we can send to all new subscribers to tas Trass aad tc those who pay up what they owe and one year iai advance, the following; The Franklin Times, The.Farmer and Mechanic and The Weekly News-Observer. All For 51.50. - " - , . - , The Farmer aud Mechanic is what it ataaea latplioa, . oo a tains ' -' ' . .,- ;. c ' " ' . ; " t i' v. ?16.pa'g69 of good. reading matter for the iarta aad hoaaakold and the Weekly News and Obaeryer contaiaa S pagoc of -general aad political news, while theJTmjB contains 3 paaa pertaiaLn-; saainly to -homo affaiia.'yery famUy in.ihc aoltnty1 snomld aaako a awyi- fioe to secure tnesc three papers, .which will giva a sufioiant sap ply. of newspaper reading. Sand jn yoav aaacaec, with the cash, or call at the Trans cfScc iri Lomisharg aad let as tlx yoa ap at Important to Farmers- In oar laat week's iaaae w pab lishod a part of an artiolo taaJa-J Frostitatioa of Co I too Saa-l" aal In this wMt'i iaaao w aro nabluhise the ramainder ot the article, which was written for tho Manafaetartr's Record of a re-cant data. Afur reading the article ia the Record tha a .k at. . ft . ft eoitor ot tne irwss ten uti ct aosld aot pnnt antthi&g that would prove of snore bonafit to its tamer readers who aaltivatv cottoa, pro vided they woald read and prof t by what ia contained in aaii arxial Tho claims of tho wriUr that tSa cotton seed cneal ia of more valaa aa a f artiliter than tho saad the Ito is worthy ot ooQiidaraUaa' by ox farroara. oa YTedaeaJsy, Fhraary 2r4, the as4a of her -death taia paea. i taoola ha ta 73 vaara ot ar laatea oalj oaa eSuJ, a aat; tLre saiters sf cca brathar. 5ie waa s faithtai ia a a bar ot LeaVa ahrrak atd not oale tailMs! to hr aittfea. tal was taiihfal ia bar bcove aflatr Sh was over redy sod wLL!tsc to balp the akk aad a21c:d a d w3 be greatly amiaal by the wbolctoj ktr, bat otr loea ia Ker pain. A io4 woraa Lls hal and died end her taefaofy will near aeaao to W a bAelicua to ttca who taew bar. Wo ebeald ac ihtnk aVe m 9 ffore ffata csj fceetr fr if wo are taithfsl w will tra bar arua . Tbo a rial teok f4aoa at the tataily btry- t9f croc n J ca TtcrJay tad wu at- tandrd br a large cas&tf ct y-p'a Tta fa&aral aariaa war aJcid be lUt V U. Vatkar, t-f Yt cuca Ule aircait. W. V V. Teacher's Association. The eoanty tstshars wUl meat ea Sstardsy, Vel-reary SOth. The pr grsrarae will be as snooao a-l for the last meeting which was prevented by rain. In addition, 9uaL R. 11. White has loqaeeted re porta from ovary aehool and wQI have prepared a statement ahowiag a total enroll- meat and average attcadaaco ta aaoh school in the coaaty. Pretty Hoat Waddicr. Ia the taaufully decoratrd f-arlcr, aad ia tic prea-e&oe of s sacWr c4 frie&dj and ralatita, aynauy teas wadding was Cole aexs-ed bsi cvea isg at tho hcot ct i be trade cm Lcxingtca etnrat, wbaa lira, Mitlo Tiava Johaaoa aad Mr. tlxrCac tlefo Siratat fiigbud their itslk. IU. JL A, Tyacc, faibrr - cf the bride, waa tho cZScutisg tUtgjxztM, aad very iapfvaacvelf axsd the cpril that made tho happy pair odc Tte bride waa tcodbjfly. attired ia a trareliag sit, with hat asJ glovec to cxa'vch, w LAm tho groora wcjfo tho oca v actional Uaalu An oXccaat lcacbooa ecjruag of r ft . . . V' l . a we Dope to puouaa voa auiemast i aaTtTai cooraaa was served, a ctav inlhaT-Tlatcs and faaiamra will bcUr cf iatarast to the people cf the ooia- - - N Also lasl report blaoka will bo die. tribaaed at this meeting with 'dire o f ir. t tied pi eats twisg f rtaaat The trva aad . rjoeta arc tcth pcpaUr sad waZl kaown aad have taaoy fnada bare aad - alacwbara. I Aoa! o?gn:ltk-D4 . aad Veal tioas as to bow they oast be CUed a,i,bes for ala lc cf w&saUal cat. The atundaasa of taachara Is Juiac, Mr. aad tSta. E'u&ec left ca the ccpctTally diraeted Ur tae introa.LiTia o'clock traia' for a wiak'c tioni of Sept. White that no voucher uip U aevcral of tb ccrihent ddas. for salary for the laat saoath wiU bc.Twia Cilv Echo, Ilky Ml.