top That ok IfvSfoftt for Pneumonia. To stop a cold J5l taSSStolet it ran and be r"T" n afterwards. To be sure. Pre- to cure rrt-.i-t w f tefentiui"ehr ckenlM. Nice for the .?oV"yZ thoroughly safe too. II you feel 1 H..n I iilly.'' y wntVioaa mv n.lan half TOT1T SjLui Aid don't foryet your child, ii ; J tf1 ?. Tr-priahnesa. nisntor aay. Herein proo- all, lies 'rvat .T n sn rTP ftf 5a i'' - tnaist on tout aiuiKuu Kivuur tou 1 1 evenacs Pr BOUUlt-rLnni unuia uu. Diary of a Dollar Bill;: Jane 14-Rud out byibstntCMhitr to Iritbnun. Wai criiD and deaa. 2 Retted in stacking of Irishman's wife all dav loner. June till in stocking. 1 Getting ratberwarnM Joae 4 Handed man. over -1 to : a milk bv Plant Wood's Seeds For The Garden 6 Farm. Thirty years in business, with a steadily increasing trade every yearuntil we have to-day one of the largest businesses in seeds in this country is the best of evidence as to Tfa Superior Quality of Wood's Seeds. We are headquarters for Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Pe&s, Soja Beans and all Farm Seeds. ' Wood's Descriptive Catalog the most useful and valuable of Garden and Farm seed Catalogs mailed free on request. !', W. WOOD & sons, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. Jane 5 Given t a bartender a milkman for a glass of beer, r June 6 Remained in cash drawer all day. . s - , June 7 Got wet while being transfered across bar ts chauffeur. There is a lot ot dirt on me. Jane 8 Uncomfortable a'l day in watch pocket. June 9 Given to millionaire by i Chauffeur in changing a larger bill.! Who I FOR ALL CREATION other June 10 r-R nil rl nn amnno greenbacks of larger denominations, j June 11 Given to waiter as tip.; Millionaire didn't seem te consider me of much value. June 12 Turned over to waiter's wife. June 13 Handed to Jeweler with a lot of other bills by waiter's wife for a magniiieeat diamond. June 14 Another dreary day ia a hot little compartment of the Jewel er's large iron vault. June 10 raid over in change to young man who bought pretty soli taire ring. . June lo ttestinc; in yoane mans pocKet when thin scrawny hand sud denly seized me. Heard former owner yell. "My pockets have been picked!" June 17 Turned over to greasy proprietor of grot shop. June IS Exchanged for a plug of tobaceo. Jane 19 Dropped into contribu tion box of ehureh by owner .of te hacfto ttora. fn good liniment 1S in its Jime 20 Minister held me all day '3rming, penetrating and in his fingers, frequently examining catering qualities. ThemmX' . Jane 221 raid to a tarmer by preaeher's wife for three pounds of butter. 1 . ery little rubbing the part& June 22 Carried about twenty re Warmed, the inflam- tni,M ver country joad' in farmer's Docket. Considerablv shaken ud. muiiuii u 1 j u fiui:vkjtiuij T nn -ri j - 1,-. , I -J-t tSJl AAWPid un And of w - r" - almost instantaneous, sock holding me and other money Lame Bck, stifl and put it in an old tin can. June 25 Can buiied in farmer's cellar.. Guess he thinks I am a "dead one." . June 30 Still buried in cellar. I suppose I will spend the rest of my life here. Te Bohemian Magazine. Best Fertilizers r for Corn V '-'7: ' That the yield of corn from the average farm can b greatly ln ' creased by intelligent and liberal fertilization has. been repeatedly demonstrated. -Large crops of good corn result from preparing the land well; using the right kind and quantity of (ertllizr, good teed and propercultivation. ' -x . - Fertilizers will greatly u increase vour yield per acre" of com or any other crop. In some cases remarkable results nave been obtained. , Mr. C. W. Caruthers of'Sumpter County. Fla., writes : "Words cannot express the value of your fertilizer; It is really so far ahead ' of other companies1 goods, that it would not 'pay anyone to use other brands, were they given free and put in the field. , 1 can prove what I say to be a fact. I made a test on five acres. 1 used on one half the land your fertilizer and on the other half another company's fertil izer, same grade ; the land received the same cultivation every time. ' kept a correct account of the amount of money J fvt off each half ana I got tjoo more from the land on which I used Virginia Carolina Fertilizer than I did off the other half. I got four times as much com from the land on which I used your fertilizer." Write today to nearest office of the Virginia-Carolina Chemical ' Company for a free copy of the new 1909 Farmers' Year-Book or Almanac, full of the most valuable and unprejudiced information for planters and farmers; or ask your fertilizer dealer for a copy. SaUs Offices Richmond. Va. Norfolk, Va. Columbia, S. C. Atlanta. Ga. Savannah, Ga. Memphis, Tenn Virginia' Carolina Chemical Co. " ... a . . QliyinlaAroljna) Salts OfLts Durham. N.C. Charleston. S C. Baltimore, ild. Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Shreveport, La. I FIRST RATIONAL rTyp paqr tk y y V I' I 1 BANK- HENDERSON N. C The Proof of Good ts Nov. -27, i 1905 190G 1907 1908 Service DKiosrre 93,000.00 117,000.00 138.000.00 205,000.00 Constant Growth UESOUI1CES $ 232,000.00 OMD.ooaoo .117,000X0 We offer to the public hundred thousands dollars, t S. R. HARRIS, Pres't th rourr of -vr lhrt S T. PEACE N CashV i i l i 4 It Eats Up Rust. 6-5-4 will make no old, rusiy Stove, or Stove Pipe, look like new, because it eats up rust. When you setup your Stoves, this Fall, $r?ve them a coat of 6-5-4; it is applied 1ike paint, will not rub off and SHINES ITSELF. It also Saves 'Hard 'WoVk If your cialSx uasn Bro., hare. Louisburg. t it Ji.cKinne )gredients of Noah 's Lini lent are such that with Notice. The undersigned having qualified as administratrix of James Stokes de ceased, notice is hereby given to all owing his estate to make immediate payment, and those holding claims against said estate will present them on or before January 15th, 1910, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This Jan. 15, 1909. Roburta Stokes, Admr'x. Sale of Valuable Tract of Land. By virtue of an order of resale made at January term, 1909, Franklin Super ior ''ourt," in the cause entitled Martha Strickland et als ts A. I. P. Harris, the undersisrned commissioner will &ell at public auction to the highest bidder for ' cash at the (ourt House door in Louia burg, 2i. C, on the first day of Mareb, llJ0i), at about the hour of noon a tract of laid situate in Ham township. Franklin county, descrited and bound ed as follows, viz: Beginning at a bijr red oak. Gulley's line the Horton House, thence s 1-1-2 71 poles to a largo pine on Cooleys Creek; thence down said creek as it meanders 1SH-1-2 poles to a large ash, said to be the mouth of a braneh; thence up said branch as it meandera 851 poles to the Spivey corner in Terry's line; thence n 89 w lift poles 20 links to a stake, corner of the Si acre tract in Sylvester Ilansdale's line; thence s 25 poles S links to a stake an 1 no in tern thence n SS w IS poles to a rock, Henry llorton's orner; thence e 26 e 12 rxles thence s 21-1-2 e 11-1-2 poles to the branch as it meanders is poles to a stake, J. P. (Julley's corner; thence s 89-J e 79 poles 20 links to the leginning. containing 227-J more or less. It being 1 the tract of land conveyed by K. P. j Floyd and wife to A. J. P. Harris in 1 trust for the heirs-at-law of Willis Hor i ton, deo.'d, which deed is of record in ! Franklin countv Registry Book KS at page 114 less 45 acres cut off and con veyed to C. M. Cooke which leaves to be sold of the above described land 1S2- i acres. Last bidder will be required to eposit 10 per cent of his said bid pend ing the confirmation of the sale as a i guarantee of good faith. This sale is ; made in consequence of an uupset bid to sale of January 4th, I B. T. Hoi.ukx, Com. I Jaimar- 23th. 1909. Bargain Store -SPECIAL SALE.. I have about 50 wool-work shirt, kint ijtol baU xd woolen Underwir thaji I will well at -13 1-3 jr cent low wholesale price. I don't to carry them ottr. These nra "bargain. Coraw in and look ui thru; when yoo tcomc to town. THE BARGAIN STORE y. B. COOKC To Our friends And P atrons nnn mti, and Mubdes. hore Throat. Colds. Strains. nuns. Cuts, lit uises. Colic, Cramps, lndigts n, I oothac! e. and all Nerve, Boneand Muscle s aiid rms. J he fjenuine has Noah's Ark i every pack je. 25c.. 50c. and $ i.eoby all deal sin n.ediane everywhere. Sample by mail free. OAH REMEDY 0. .RICHMOND, VA., BOSTON ,MA88., U.t.A ar Load Clothing Mr. Miller, Moweaqna. JUST Come in at P. WINSTOH'S 180 ice cloaks for ladies at jbout your own price, and don't oret that I here a nice line of adies shoes at cost. And, bv-the- ay, tnere are sereral who took out '1)C followinof rumiArl nrtinloofn oaex f thej would fit, rnd if they did uey were to come around and pay Rame, namely : shoes, clothing, mh suite, mnts. Bad rolan to ake th lnora mit f r trv Yours truly J. P. WINSTN The best way to form an opinion about an article is to use it yourself, yet the testimony of others should carry much weight. M. H. Miller, of Moweaqua, 111., says that the only thing he knows of that will surely cure stomach trouble, indigestion and con stipation is Dr GaldwelPs Syrup Pepsin, the great herb laxative compound, which is safe and also pleasant to tke taste. It is absolutely guaranteed to do what is claimed for it, and if you waut totry it before buying, send your address for a free sample bottle to .rer sin Svruo Co.. 11 Caldwell Bids., Mon- ticel'o, III. It is sold by The Boddie Perry Dru Co. j at 50c and SI a bott e. p Famous Jones Mill and Residence and Other Valuable Town and Country Property to be Sold at Public Action. By virtue of a judgment of of the Su perior Court of Franklin countv ren dered in the cause entitled Wm. H. Ruf- fln, adm'r of J. F. Jones tb Mrs. Onnie T. Jones et al the undersigned will on Monday, 1st day of March, at the court house door in Louisburg, N. C, at 12 o clock m, sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder the lollowirg described property: 1. The Mansion House tract of J. r. Jones, adjoining H. I). Egerton, G. V. Ford, et al, containing seventy acres more or less. Un tms is located tfce following tracts or Darcels of bind s it- mansion house 'of the late J. F. Jones1 uated in Gold Mine Township, Frank stables, outhouses, etc , lin countyAN. C. near Wood's store 2, The btore House tract adjoining in aid countv. the mansion house tract and containing i8t Tract. A tract of land known as about two acres on which is located the the Buck Gunton tract in said town- store house now occupied by J. C. Fos- ghip, said county, bounded as follows: ter and a small dwelling house also oc- On the North by N.C. GuDton. on the cupiedby J.. Foster. ! Est by N. C- Gupton and on the 3. The Mill and din tract containing West and South bv the land3 known about 10 acres on which is situated the as the old Tom Davis land, containing flour and grist mill, and cotton gin and ( 51 acres more or less. the water power used in running same, : 2nd A tract in said township paid also a miller's house. 1 county, known as the Geo. F. Allen o. A traci 01 lina in xown 01 louib- d ace. bounded as follows: On the WANTED Reliable, energetic man to sell lu bricating oils, greases, and paints in Franklin and adjacent counties. Salary or commission. &tet on Oil Co., Cleveland. Ohio. .ANTEIK-Second hand bags arjd burlap anv kind, anv Quantity, anywhere: we pay . -r 1 - -ffc i T t "IT-. ireient. r xuenmona oaa: uo., menmouu, t i Notice of Sale. 1 By virtue of the power confered on ! 1, me as Executor of the will of Geo. K. ; I Leonard, in item 2nd of said will, 1 1 will sell for cash at public auction to I the highest bidder, at the Court House ; door in Louisburg, N. C, on the 31st ' day of March, 1909, it being in accord- j ance with the terms of said will, the 1 We wish to r-tnrn our sincere thahk tor jour literal patronsge during th past rear, and hope U mrit a con tinuance of the same. WISHING ALL a Happy and Prosprons New Year, we reman Your friend. The Beasley-Rlston Drag Go. c o A L 1 I a: now ready to furnish all kindu eoal.l(et LurDp,S'int and antha cite. burg on Louisburg and Fianklinton rail road bounded as follows: 'Beginning at trite intersection of Main street and Tar river and running thence along Main street t the line of said railroad, where it intersects said Main street, thence eastwardly afong line of said railroad to rock chimney and North by the lands of Geo. F. Harris ana urox.ners, on, iub r-ast, oyme isnus , of H. B. Gupton. On the West and i South by the lands of C. G. Wood, con- taining three acres more or less. There 1 is on thts first tract a eood house with P. A REAViS P. S. Plentv of best bct rot al. m a one norse larm Jones and Egerton'e corner thence , ODen on the same. On the second , along Egerton's line to Tar river, thence ; tract there is a store house and several up Tar river to the beginning, contain-; ther houses. ing rive acres more or less, but there is j a. S. J. Hamlett, Executor, excepted from the'se boundaraies the . YVm. H. Rutfin, Atty. lot on wmcn -tne eoioreu episcopal : FINE OPPORTUNITY FARM TO BUY A Sales Stables Only. Having sold out my Livery De partment I desire to announce to the public that I will continue mv Hales Stables at the same stad. , 1 wish to have a settlement With U those owing me for Iiv.ry at I shall endeavor to keen a f good horses and mules, and will e glad to sell all who wish to buv fjood and warranted animals. R. F. FULLEB, : Louisburg, N. C. : BOARDERS WANTED. 1 have opened a boarrlino- bonao 109 South Blount Street, Raleigh, N. Ivand will be glad to haye ll who ;,,a ?a rd to call and see me. I nan be glad to have all my Franklin -uuty inenaa call to see me when aieigh. v - ; Mrs. S. W I have about one thousand acre of land, which I am willing to sell on long time if a- reasonable cash payment is made. Any one de siring to buy a farm will do wel to see me, as I will sell in lots ' of 50 acres or more. ' T. W. Bickett, Louisburg, N. C. , See K. P. Hill if you wish to pur fifV nase any ui mo ttuc wuu. VAX church is located. This lot contains a nice dwelling and valuable storage house Lots No. 1, 2 and 3 will be sold singly first and then together. nr f V ' a 1. 1 I : leims 01 saie: a- casu, uiaucc in 12 months from day of sale, with inter est from day of sale. For further infor mation apply to the undersigned. This March 29, 1909. x T. W. UlCKETT, UOm. Tyree Wharton & Workers in Artistic Photography Raleigh, N. C., if. 1 - in ones v ; Eatablished 25 years. "Write us a card making gagement, . when ' coming' Capital. ; v. , ,V an. ,en-toMhe HUYLERS CANDY ' r H ALWAYS . - F"R E S H V.'--;,;A;.T--.- 0 - , .; TliEfBODDlE-PERRY Drul Comnan Commissioners Sale of Yalnablc Timber j land. . By yirtue of an order of resale, j mode by the Superior Court of Frank-, Jin County in that special proceedings entitled Mrs Margaret H. Cooke. Admrx. of John Cooke and Lin wood Cook, deceased, and Everard Cook, vs. J. Claude Tucker., and Elba Tucker, his wife, and Mary K. Cooke, heirs at law, , the undersigned Commissioner will, on Monday, the 1st day of March, 1909, it being the first Monday in said month, at about the hour of noon, at the Court House door, in Louisburg. C. offer for sale to the highest bid der at public auction", for cash, that de sirable and well timbered tract of land situated on the Warrenton road, about five miles from Louisburg, well known as the Virginia Cooke home place, and more particularly defined as follows: Bounded on the East by the lands lof the estate of Dr. P. S. Foster and the lands belonfirimr to the County Home for the Aced and Infirm, on the North by the lands of Jno. K. Williams ana the ljnd8 formerly belonging to Aiea icus Edwards, on the West by the lands Lielotminsr to the estate of Mrs. A.4-Ai Haves, on the Southby the lands of Mrs. Lutie Cooke Foster and Miss Gussie BlacknalL containing 200 nrrea. more or less. This is ons. of the .most .desirable farms in Franklin County, has a good dwelling omit and contains s fine bodv of timber. Terms of sale. cash. This 29th day of Jan. 1900. , - - ''J II. H. Cooke, Commissioner. Wm. IL Rriffin, Attorney. . , " i JmL TISS1E TO DEPOST tout money is now. Don't wait until tou fret morr. YouH be U rant ed to spend what you have while waiting. We accept small as veil i large deposits. We invito you to become a Dcpoqtor and oiler you all he facilities a man of many timet your means enjoys The farmers and -Merchants Bank LOUtsBUR& In. c.; CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OVWS404100 YVQ BAIUY. Pftiideat T Vf. WATS OK, CWifl - J I f t i 1 V

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