v U PR AN K LI N ! Tl M ES Feiat, Fbbbvabt 12. 1909. r-rf-r W.E. Murphy-i0 Cleveland.Oil i'o.-Wanted. : . -x. B H. Perry Notice of sale. ; v First National Bank Statement, r Svl Pearce -Notice to the rublic. . p G Alston Public Sale of Land; ' Mrs. E. C. Perry-Notice to Chaney Yarborough, JrC Sale of Vat uable Real Estate. . M C. Pleasant Notice : of r Dissolu tion' To my Friends and the Public. v TAR DROPS. that-weoen Cotton told here yesterday at 5-8 to 9 3-4. " There ii one thin worse than a er and will eohtinue .'quitter" the man who ii afraid to he itme 0& Btand. Win. are asua. 1 j polite to their eompa B fney meet the company at the kus brpiu legvaiise fare, scream when ane suggests going , and then heave a .sign ; of o re lief when the does go. That man who .? advertised that he would for 50 cents reveal a raeth- "getting rich quiekM v , eligible for m embershi p in the Ananias Clab. His Whswej to the people who for warded the price 4emaQded for - his recipe was "work hard." This edi- tor knows better than that. The dissolution notice of Cooper . jt iasa ma appears in tn is issue. As will be seen Ifrv 'Pleasants has bought out the interest of Mr. Coop- the business at He says that he Sljng rasong oL- swellbeads, ft 2 a.;m his -wife won I let .him. in. ttf ' ' His feet are follofumglefooV hn . . . M 5 v 1 r "br nead is full of wheels, the key whole I 'f. mnil nrnnnrl th rnnh ha n ff nniw I - .V feeling feels.; He pats his feet upon I '. the grounl,and all the iame within his Mmugw the wheels -are going ronnd. He thioki that he is . sober and every one is tight, (and he's in f - M!RGE:;r::DiMClRmSl i hjs bedioom instead of out t. night. will bay a dzen drinks, 'and many other thot's be.tbinks.and drinks and thinks. But when his wife she I y eometh and with a hickory slat, hel shout and gives a yelleth, Now,, jtfary Ann, quit that.' Lame Shoulder. This is a-common form of muscular rhumatism No internal treatment is I . . " - . vi. &xuioi uAv-t ment ireeiy tnree times a day ana a Release vour temper and lose!) chandise. and will be crl&d to hr a 1 quick cure is certain. This liniment . . I... ' r. - 1 V o c nnwan Acnooiallv ralnoVila fnr mns. Hoia your wuiy " ,u- wciu iinre 01 paironae irom inose cu ar and chronic rheumatism. Sold by I . J -1 - 1 1 I I n U ,-1 1 C Tl our cnoi. iu ueeu oi anvtmufif m ms line. mo nuume-f rry wrug vu. i I , - VUkf UA vlj WLWVU IIS U1IU" Rather than free text-books, or years this paper has been utes, with Dr. Shoon's Croup Remedy. One test alone will surely prore this ' i fr-,th. Nr VftTnitin free base baU D&ts. its home-folks that it is to . their .m- safe and pleasing syrup 60c. Sold by Soms men never experiment I terei buy from their heme mer- nffioiently with the .'tenth to find out chants, instead of sending their - More poopte in Franklin county aro paying hands and axcomnls by ebecks than ever before in this section. It is a ttided iaaprovetont over the old way and this advantage ia open to all. With this method there will bm no di;re menla, no disputes, no law suit, a the paid check are convincing proof of pay ment. If you have not tried thi plan, come in and let os start yon c3 rtgbt. ehesk books free snd no charges whatever for our ssrvicrs. When You Send , Money Away Use our Caslier checks. No eharge for them and we do all the writing. This is the quickest nnd easiest way to send money away, and is frr from all danger. Four - Per - Cent - on interest deposita. One dollar ia large enough for tb Interest nt dtpotiL EST. The Boddie-Perry Dru Co T1TI am wno wouian t give cents to stop a pain 20 times? Just one little" "Pink whether it pava or not. ' 4 i ais year is luceiy to score one ait- quiet Fourth on the ealea Jar tor it falls on Sunday. If bachelors are to be taxed Wo eau they be expected to save enough money to get married? It requires no high order of genius in the weather shop to guess it "may snow or rain" these days. money away tornail order houses," Pain Tablet" Dr. Shoop's will stop ATn if thav An fcotr w. any pain m 20 minutes, sure 1 Read the r i rnrmnn rn fho K-w T)nr tnrs sav it In the lone 1 can't be bettered. Checks womanly pains, head pains, any pain. 20 tablets i j . I i payer wins uaru io practice wnat neico. preaehes along this line. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, LOUISBURG-N C UNDER SUPERVISION OF U. S. GOVERNMENT. for the same goods. run it pays, and the editer of this The Harry Lindley Dramatic ! Company played in the Opera House .here three nights this week, but ow ing te the inclement .weather, a por- tion efthe time, the attendance was List of Letters Remaining in the post office at Louisburg, N. C, uncalled for: ! Miss Mary Lee Alleu, Mrs. Annie Chappelle, Miss Urie L. Davis, C. A. Fowler, J. P. Gupton, Mrs. Willis Hall, Miss C. Loria Hayes, Mr. tance of the "department of the inter- Carolina Confederate Soldier, and is George T. Lassiter, Mrs. Martha a goed actor, and he has several very Johnson, Mrs. Kate Me. A. Shaw, much trou- Sood aad $ver actors in his com- A. Mayuard, iliss L. M. May, pany. He says he has arranged with Jas- H- Mitekell, J. H. Mitehel , arerage woman of to-day ha. with the managers of the Opera Howe to Mis. Winni. Perry, Master Bat . , , aire tnem a return date. ooumenauu, am. job ojf ucir, i. x.. nt "ti I 1 . . . . . . I I W . 'i. l l L. l . rii r. kuow the of a -dollar. -HouseWiree are apt to judge the ' ' kum it. To knew tne pleasure ot it. i v v s- j F a 4--,.i i, ranj nf lor them. He who eats that whieh he not as large as it would have other ihould not eat learns the impor- wise been. The eld man is a North ior. Ere hd almost a. ble ia the Ctarden of Eden Lomisiana without it. Another thing that's hard to snderstand is why your bad celd ktrtild alwafs uh so mush worse than anybody else's. - Next Sunday being St. Yalen- tin's day, boys and girls ean mail ither Saturday or Monday, a ad not be eensislered out of tashion. The Portis Gold Mine has keen ild to a Northern syndicate, but we were anable to get full particulars for this issue. W will give them ext wsek. Two solar and two lunar echp ts will ocear this year. An eclipse f tht svn will be visible in this sec As an illustration of this ChCmCkK O PLANT BED GL OTB1 ! a grocer tens toe following story: r,I had two qualites of flour one fine and the other poor. One day I accidentally sold one for the other. My customers, who paid a big priee for the poor quality, said that it had given entire satisfaction while those who had reeeived the tine flour for a low price complained of it, and a few on Thursday night of last week. Mrs. Dora Tharp, 'Mrs. Williams, Willie Willey., Persons calling for any of the above letters will please say they saw them advertised. R. R. Hamis, P. M. Two Fires. The saw mill of Mr. C. E. Gtipton,1 in Cedar Reck township, was burned returned it as unfit to use." Farmer (to physician)- If you get -out ray way, doctor, any time. 1 wish you'd, stop and see my wife She says she ain't feelin' well." Phyeieian "What are some of hei symptoms?" Farmer -"I dunno. This morning after she had milked The dwelling house ef W. D. Weathers, near the Feur Bridges, was destroyed by Are last Saturday n'ght. He lost evtry thing except kitehen furniture. - Mr. Weathers desirss us te rsturn his thanks for the ssany kindnesses by his neigh bors. the cows, an' ted the stock, an' srot . T mm - M . I - uon juas l ana an eclips ot the i breakfast for the hands, an washea mood on November la. X. Taking: Inventory. 'F. N. & R. Z. Ezertn are now the dishel, an built a fire-under the tskin inventorv. Watch their s.a.e No Uwn, me city, no eoanty, no ,0ft sap ketUe'down the lane, an' ext week for their big annoaaee state evtr met with that prosperity, done a few e lores around the house, ment. Tk-V now baT Cabbage nu' J wluo,nwc uiiguv. wuw ,ne compumea o- xeeiin- amaer pianti on hand , grown oi Yoana's the tolks were divided and refased to tired. I shoulden't be surprued if IgLnd, S. 0., and will sell them ,u. wWu ner oiooa wasn c out or oraer. you cheaper than yea ean order them falL guess she needs a dose of medicine." Jourgcif. Special prices to merehaots Partis, desiring several small A dog sat out in. the midnight for less than yeu can buy tkess. No tracts of land will do well to attend chill, and howled at the beaming use to order whea you can bay them the sale to be made by Capt. P Q. meon: his knowledge of music was here fer less than you earn ordei Alston, at the OOUrt home dm ill .fnfln nil anA Kia vr.in -aram nut I k ' - I auibblT Uil buu u.o i W1VW' nm vw.w I lUCUi. Louisburg, en first Monday 16 Lf tune. And he howled and how. Marh. led a. the - hours went by, while Mr. W. E. Murphy has bought dedging the bricks we threw till the out ihe market business heretofore moon was low in the western sky, known as Murphy & Williams and and his vcice had split in two. And he informs us that he will at all .here wasn't a thing at wkieh to times carry a fine stock of fresh howl, over which a toolpup should meats, etc. weep, and-the course of the dog -The man who makes the most wrong and foul, and peeple were owe is not always the greatest man wild to sleep. There are plenty of 'theworli. Think of the boiler- meDlike that foolish hound, who maker, for instance, or the man who Ju when fere's nothing wrong, pulls the string that causes the big disturbing the country with sense factory whistle to "bellow." '. le,s the pessimist's doleful Those merchants who make no ,on sffort to draw trade to themselves As this is the season of the year have little room for complaint' when when there is rightv much talk ol 3lieiting agents and ' mail order Abraham Lincoln it might not be houses taks away business that the out of place for us to print the fol kome dealers ought to get. lowing, which was uttered by this Tf good man, and commend the sen- it every man, woman and child, fe ; , , . . . , wh to.a i timents expressd therein to each and wno resides within the corporate f T x limits of Louisburg, would only get every individual citizen of Louis together and make up their minds, burg: i -"I like to see a man proud of that ths town must grow, what a the place in whieh tie Iives. I like town we would have in a very few t0 see a man who lives in it so that years. Well, why not? ...... hi. niace wm,be nroud of him Be rnAf Peo "luting of the Wood- honeit; but hate no one, Overturn a men ot the World m nnllorl fsv mot . , v . . - , " ' in St. forest on Wedne.day 3 mart bUt " "J! " next, it beinc Pehmarv 17th turn bim.unless it must be -done Every member is esbeciallTtirrftd to overturning the wrong. ' Stands with he present by 7:30 o'cloct aa work anvbodv that stands, right. Stand m the protection degree will be m with him while' he is right, and part order. ' hwui,'Wr wn'hA'M wron'J '.. Cotton Seed Meal and Hull?. Chattanooga Su-cl Beam Plows, Point.", Land Side Dic Pluwp. Hurt Oat, Feed Oats, Irish PouAocf. t Amatite - Roofing Water-proof, durable, easily applied, nevd. no painting cheaper and better than shingle. Seethe goods be fore buying. Kellogg's corn flake?, and the must com plete stock of high grade cannel goods I've ver had L. IQ U HICKS, ON THE CORNER PHONE A2 LOUISBURG, N. C. In ieknesg, if a certain hidden nerve goes wrong, then the organ that the nerve eontrols will also surely fail. It may be a stomacft nerve, or it may have given strength and support to the II ear or Kidneys. It was Dr. Shoop that ifxst pointed to this vital truth. Dr. Snoop's Restorative waa net made to dose the stomach nOr to temporarily stimulate the Heart of Kidneys . That old-fashioned method is all wrong. Dr h hoop' s Restorative gses directly to these failing inside nerves. The re markable success of this prescription demonstrates the wisdem of treatrog the actual cause of these failing organs. And it is indeed easy to prove. A sim ple five or ten days test will surely tell. Try it once, and see! Sold by The Boddie-Perry Drug Co. NOW ON HAND For Sale or Rent A six room two story dwelling on Main street, on Sinith sid of Tir Hi . er. W. H. PLEASANTS Jr. Two Town Lots For Sale Ivot known as Holloway lot and lot'adjbining. v Very convenient to Graded school, i ine opportunity io cret 2 bargains. For terms &c see me. d. v. ivlixu. Burt Oats Rust Proof Oats White Spring Oats Plant Bed Cloth and Fertilizers M Mi owe 7 O) o pothers Vi Notice to Tax Payers Ordered. by the Boara of Town Commissioners; that D. C. High Tax Collector, be and is hereby in structed to collect . all - taxes due the town by March 10th and to ad vertise all property, on which taxes have not been paid by that date.' : LOUISBURG. N. C. SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY BACK. - . . ' I ... . . ... . 1 . '3 'IiiC"CLIFrONqerlfl i'.': .,- a" "-'i '.a, ; s ' 1

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