Old Pe ople THE SUNDAY You Have a Photograph " Made r Lesson VIII. First Quarter, For Feb, 21, 1909. 'hen HEEDiniKrDL it strengthens and V vitalizes Vinol tones up the digestive organs, .aids assimilation, enriches the blood, and rejuvenates every organ in the body. In this natural manner Vinol replaces weakness with stf ength. We are positive It will benefit every old person -who will give it a trial. If it don't we will refund their money, THE BODDIE-PERRY DRUG CO. I'rofpHwional cardH D T. SMITHWICK, 4 Dealer in Stocks, Bonds, Real Estate, Golletion of Rents. Buying and Selling Timber and timber lands.Loans negotiated. Listing of property for sale or rent solicited. Prompt and careful attention guaran teed. -Office over First National Bank. Louis burgN.C. D R. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING, Surgeon Dentist, Office in Ford Building, Main and Nash street, Loulsbunr. N. C. Hours: 9 to 4:30. Phone No. 40. D R. JOEL :d. whitaker, Kye, EaJKose and Throat Specialist, Raleigh. N. C WiH be in Louisburg, at the office of Dr. Arthur Hyaes Fleming, the firBt Monday in each month, QR. H. A. NEWELL, PHYSICIAN. LotJlBBUBO. N. 0. Feleohone No. 156. FR4NKLINT0N HOTEL Franklinton, N. C. O. L. Whitfield, Proprietor. jR. C; H. BANKS. DENTAL SURGEON, LOUISBURG, N. C. tfflce in Hicks Building, Main Street. U. COOKE, ATTO RN E Y-AT-LA W, Louisburg, N. C, Office on Nash street. Prompt attention .riven all legal business entrusted to me- J) K. J. ft. at AXON K, ttAOTlCIWtf PHYSICIAN AND SURQSON. LOUISBVB, H. 0. ' mee tn rear of Ayoocke Druj; Itore. . : . i R. K. P. BURT. I)1 -HAOTiCINO Pl riSICIAa AND DttGEOJV hot isburg, N. C. Office oyer P. J. K- K. Allea'a. i) a. SL F. TARBOROUOM. PHTSICIA AND 8HROEON, LofasaXHM. ff. e. '0Qve in Yarborongh A Blckett baUdlng. deoee, phone 74. from T. W. Blckett's ATTORJTBT AT LAW lovisbvm, ui iraeu in all the' Courts of State Ofice in Egerton BaildiBff. m. HAYWOOD RUPFIN. aTTORNBT-AT-LAW. &0UUBVM, . . Will practice In all the Courts) ef Franklin, ud adjoining counties, also la the Supreme Toort, and In the United States District and circuit Courts. Onice oyer First National Bank. j uoe. b. wild Am, ATTORinCY-AT-LAW, voxruravM.sr.o. Mala strict in CkMper Vvfitdlag. Spruill & Holden, ATTOKHBY-AT-LAW, f UWISBUBS.S. 0. will attend the courts of PraaJklia, Vanea ran vllH. Warren nd Wake eonnttes, also i Supreme Court of North Carolina. v rompt attention given to eoUeotloas. tife l PpmUl building. I v. BIOKVTT, I.AWYBV. LAQisBvae ?. o. resettlement of estate f or fikeemtors, Adnunlstrators and Qaardlaaa la made a spec laity, and th bends required by law can be eared nth office. a.'..?t ln.Tarboroa BWkett BoUding lain street. rroirT AT I AW. ta ii eoerta. oste lialn w IK T A fcBOBOTJCtX, J AT"! Q1LHKY AT LA W. -UIABU0. W. 0. SU Eesrtea Bailteg. lal business intrusted te him rsnt and Barefaj atiMtloa. FSfAtI25iVJ5!? tf-BBtwit THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, Afcts vi, 8-15; vii E4, to viii, 3 Memory" Verses yii, 55, 56 Golden Text, Aes vii, 53 Com mentary by Rev. D. M. Stearn'sl- Copyright. 1308, by American Press Association. We have in this book of the Acts the history of. the beginning of the church the body of , Christ gathered from Jews and. gentiles by the Spirit through the apostles and others who were used as well as the apostles, such as Stephen and thilip, men who were chosen and set apart to oversee , the ministration, of funds to the poor, but who. being filled with the Holy Spirit, were used mightily in preaching the word. Our Lord Jesus said concern ing His church, "The gates (wisdom; power) of hell shall not prevail against it' (Matt, xvi, 18), but He did-not say that hell, would not fight against it, but Just the contrary: So He instruct ed the prophets centuries before (Jer." I, 19; Ezek. iL 6). There are always enemies without but sometimes the trouble gets within the church, as in the case of Ananias and Sapphira. Now it is a ease or many, cases of dis satisfaction on the part of .some being ministered to from the common fund The twelve therefore called the dis ciples together and appointed seven men full of the Holy Ghost and wis dom to see .to these matters, Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Ghost being what we would call chair man of the committee. The apostles gave themselves to thord and pray er, and the disciples multiplied greatly, and many of the priests followed. So whether it was prayer and preaching or serying tables, the Spirit wrought and God glorified in them. We must be Spirit filled for everv kkind of service, even the lowliest,-if ire woum truly serve the Lord. Happy are those who can look up into His face and say, "For any manner of service wholly ' at , Thy commandment'' (I Chron. xxviii, 21). To accept meekly and cheerfully whatever He appoints us and hear it or do it "unto the Lord" and "before the Lord" is all He asks of us and to continue there! till He calls to something else. Stephen, hav ing accepted the lowly and : difficult service. Is soon found working- mir acles and so speaking that those who heard were unable to resist the wis dom andi the spirit by which he spake. Such manifestation of the power of the risen Christ so stirs the adversary that Stephen is arrested and brought before the council; and false witnesses lay to his charge things that he was wholly innocent of. While he was be ing thus treated like His Lord the Lord must have hpn him. for the reflection was seen, in his face, which seemed to the council like the face of an angel. Being permitted to speak for himself, ne renearsea the national history from Abraham, through Isaac, Jaeob, Jo seph, Moses, and on to David and Solo mon and the temple, and then to the Immortal Son of David, the true tem ple. He enlarged upon the 111 treat ment of Joseph by his, brethren and of Moses by the people whom he was sent to deliver and then accused them to their face of being the murderers of Jesus, as their fathers had been of the prophets. These to whom Peter preached were pricked in their hearts and asked what they should do, and thousands repented and received Jesus as their Saviour and Lord (ii, S, 37), but these were cut to the heart and gnashed their teeth, stopped their ears, cast Stephen out and stoned him to' death. - .Spirit filled Peter got 3,000 souls.- but Spirit filled Stephen got stones enough to kill him, and In each ease God was glorified. Although the young man at whose feet the wit nesses who stonedStephen laid down their clothes continued his murderous career a little longer, perhaps when we nave clearer light on the connection between Stephen's, death .nnd Saul's eonveiaion we may see tbat Stephen, tnrougn sauL won more souls than Peter. The ways of the Lord are of ten to os a great deep, but we are gure that laS HWr God TtiM war t rirro" 0s. xvilL 80). Spirit filled Stenhen looked up steadfastly into heaven and saw tne glory of God and Jesus and was able -to pray for his murderers; Lbrd. lay not this sin to their charge." it we look up into heaven as he did and see Jesus there for us. we will not see our persecutors nor feel much the stones that are thrown at us. We mav so see Jesus and hear His voiced that we shall be Wind and deaf to all else. This seventh chapter mav be said in begin and end with "the God of glory" (verse 2) and "the glory of God" fverse 05). h We shall , not he ant r "wsitr worthy of God. who hath called us to His kingdom and elory" (I Thess. if. 12), unless that kingdom and glory are as real to us as the risen Christ was to Stephen.5 This is one of the seven places in Scripture where we find the phrase "heaven opened" (verse 56), the others being in Ezelc i. Matt iii, John L Acts x, Eev. iv and x. and each time .it is ' to . show ) ns . something of Jesus car His redeemed. A risen.- living Christ, true man and true God. at the Fttthefsi'lght hand, - having all power V. I 4 ft -Thousands of ladies suffer agonies' avarv tyiatitK If you do, stbp;aAd-thirilC'-r- Is it mtxiralf EmYirmH, caUy and ;positively---NO! ' Then make up your naind to prevent or cure this needless suffering! TAPfE SI ilTlTlt It WiU Help You la U1JeT 9 years" writes Mrs. Sarah X Hos Kins, of Cary, Kr. "I had female tWiMa a nearly cramp to death. My back and side would i- y r?, Vm Pam- everything to get relief, but failed, and at last began to take Cardui Now I can do my housework with ease and I irive Cardui the praise for the health I enjoy.,, Try AT ALL DRUG ST0EES Welt hi ids Space NEXT WEEK Johim W, imor u uuu u Louisburg, 1M. C citizens mm BESOUfiCS: Loans and discounts, Overdrafts, 8tocks and Bonds. Banking house and fix teres Insurance department. Cash on han-j Due from banks Total, HENDERSON NORTH CAROLINA November 27th, 1M8. LIABILITIES Capital stock, Rnrplas and prof's, Dae to banks Deposits Cashiers cheeks eststoaciar luo.aii.u 7,755.01 29,481.25 10,732.78 1,b71.74 88.626.68 112 979.41 Certified checks TatsJ. 10. see. oo 1.791.1T 38.40(3.53 460.016.90 1,480.66 43.S9 fi 1.737.93 651,737.95 REMEMBER this bank has One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars of its own Capital and Surplus to guarantee jour deposits, and JSmaon Tn0 thl8' the atockholders are liable for an additional 1100, 000.00. All our officers are bonded. We are full insured against burglarj and daylight hold up. Deposit jour jaonej with the Citissns Bank. It wnx bi safe. J. B. OWEN, Pres. VYm. A. HUNT. Cashier. The Franklin Perpetual Building and Loan Association F. B. McKINNE, President, 111!. H. RUmN, Sec and Trtas. LOHISBHRCH. C. V This home institution offers a safe mvfttnmi .n . 1 mmw V MJ W UV USOU V WJ invest small or large sums weekly; ana a fair re-turn on the investment can be promised under conservative management and energetio exten sion of the business. Its future cannot be fairlj judged bj its past both, because nf triA ATnonoaa inoiMonfol . : : - ji i . funds to loan until accumulated, and because like all business mader takings its beginnincr is necessarilv small: bi nrnfi Lm ravel anJ m411 increase from jear to jear. As A Saving Institution ; ; Do You Vant a LiKencss ? . : - . . :000 ' "... : Something That When Your Friends SeeTherWiU Hca?--. I) nkc? That ia The End I Make. k Respectfully, J. S. COBB N E W UI VERY We have opened a nevr and up-to-dato Livery aud can furnish any kind of rig you want. Nice Carriages, Driving and Sad dle horses for both ladies and gentlemen. Oor Prices Are Reas If you need anything in Livery eull Phone 79 or see BEN WILLIAMSON OR NED FORD AT i EORP!S STABLES, New Everything AND Everytljiirt Fresl) I wish U aaj U ay fhensli aiiju irtrjVa.lt aUt. Uat I tuve ptai4 t aew aad frtik steck ef FANCY GROCERIES i the store en Cosrt itra.i, Lomiibmrg. K. C, rmU. Mupicd bj toe "Pool R,a- ud u m piewea w tppi jou all with a portion ef j. I behtTe ia "Sjaisk tsJas and small prefita." w ttaa sr nu. DAVID G. PEARCE Oy lunvcimltoiry it invests the weeklj installment of the investor in real estaU ttert- gage seeuntj, assuring in anj event a safe return of capital. - wuwoo nuu ucouo w uunu UUIUCH HilU pSJ IOr UeCI IM VMIiT installments it is the best plan Srhich has been devised. It, is the S "S ZUl ZS 8 rcazl Point Pride to mhikdaimk'to&dVlihmaBM well to gather the resOrt the, church.' His M fVmar nf nfM.o'v, T't' -T? " wus,MWbM.WM WLIS UWUO SUV ACOSJ i VoLXmU IS, Duli WiU its funds in the first twoyears of ite existence..: !.. Join the Association, arid take stock whether ju deairs ta trxow or inrCst and build up your commnnitr. ; - ; , v . : . : , i a i"r ww nuormauon as to pian oz epsratiozu ftsseta. sU' atnJv D.;.4'- ai. -am-r. . ' . 7 oQir xasxaber x tas to gather the resf the, church His Door: recelvfnar us to Himself at sHfs omlns to the air for, us. bringing-; us with Him when He comes In glory to fulfln all things of which the crop bets pave spoken--4raeh is He whom Stephen saw ana lor wnom ju uiea. ? l Aiooiuou ovci-sjubrr buzo. ATsasursr. C7 est will Skews toe aiaoj gouds oa hand, far the &ext Tkirtv M Ji vi GIVE AWAY cent werth with each Pits Dollar werth ef Shoes sr Prv 0ss sold FOR CASH. Tfm also haTS iejs wondarfal lmr?afn : i.ji; bi.. t t TTaisU nd Hotasrj, and dsn's SMrU, HsJf.hcws aad HsxdkJajla as kigh sat the hif ImU TTs s!a Lsts as hore fcr sjJs. V. P. NEAL & CO. si?r"'-,'?'w.;fM s AsBociftUon. . -- . .:.--.:., f .