jr. - A IIEUORIAL. fr. To the Educational Committee , of the General Assembly . bif .Behalf of the State's Higher: . Educational Institutions, r . : A sense of duty to the - Stale 'and to the institutions which we repre sent earn pels us to t make. frank statement concerning their eondi tion. - We need not enlarge open the aeceessity for the higher training of the yoking men and young women etNorth .Carolina. Tfce future ? of the State. depends upon this. If tne nniuber at present in theie inatita: feons were doubled it would not equal the proporrioh J in other " pro gressive common-wealths. Yoar' higher institutions ars abso lately unable to meet the demands whioh are made upon them or to en large their work. - The needs of an institution are not determined by its presidentor board of trustees, but by tne necessities of a growing state. The repeated calls tor aid coming from these institu lions are simply an evidence of the growth of the people and of their reaching forward for better and higher things. e have stated these needs as our experience and careful study show them to be. Wi earnestly eounel the representatives of the people that in some way they provide means to place these institutions upon footing for efficient and satisfactory service for eight or ten vears to- come. Oar statements cover this in so far as it is possible for us to fore the nrnhjihla r!amnri wliiMi aril . be made upon these institutions. awakened at 2 o'clock by the flame and smokeJandi in . their efforts ; to save the house most all of thehpuse hold effects "were -completely destroy- Hi, nothing 'of value' being . saved ex-1 cept one bed and about 7o0 l'pdUD8 of meat "Of course the fire was -. ao cidental, but it is not known: just how it started, llr. Taulkner has the .sympathy of his friends' .1' and neighbors, ..and he' thoroughly ap predates the kindness extended, him and his family on account of his tier ious loss. - V . Notice- tTlie Pttblicr I 'have rented .;llr. -Ben II. Moore's flour andXgriit inillt' near Youngsville, which - hare recently been put in first class condition new bolt Lng cloths, etc," 1 Git me a trial; I "am certain I can please you, ; ) -SYLPEAROE. ' , Weak and Sickly Women lb is hard to estimate how many wo men owe their female troubles, general weakness, nervousnessrsallow skin, etc., to constipation " and indigestion, but doctors whose practice is among women say that 90-per cent, would be no exag geration. It is well for them to. know of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup -Pepsins which cures constipation, ind.gestio,-, sick headache, hea-tburn, hot flashes, etc. It is absolutely guaranteed to do .what is claimed, and if you want to try it be fore buying, send your andress for a free sample bottle to Pepsin Syrup Co., 119 Caldwell Bldg., Monticello, 111. It is sold by The Boddie-Perry Drug Co., at 50c and $1 a bottle. Dissolution-Sale. 1 : .The firm of Cooper. and Pleasants is this day 'dissolved by mutual eon tent, U . C : Pleasants - bavin g pur chased the entire ; stock . of , mc r chandise belonging' to the firm. He will collect all debts due the' Arm :;;'---V..-;-;Kcilcecf-SaIe; By virtue of the power centered up on me in a certain deed of trust exe cuted to me by Haywood Perry and wife, and duly recorded In the Iieristry of. Deeds ef Franklin coantrin booklti page 104, 1 will, on Monday, March IS. 191, sell at.the court bouse floor la Louiaburg, N. C.. to the htgbeat bidder for cash, certain tracts of land situated in the county of Franklin and State of North Carolina, more particularly" de scribed as follows: " . . 1st. One tract In Franklin ton town ship adjoinlssr the lands or Mrs J. C nicjeerson, airs, r, u. uum voa others, and bounded as follows: t Be ginning in bimm s nnaffe roao, near a Urge rock, comer J; L.J. JL and R. E McKnJght, thence tlong the road n. 591f e 7 poles and 6 links, nS9ll e 7 poles 20 links, nS0i e 44 poles 7 links, n 33s e 49 poles, n &4 e 31 poles to Mrs. Fuller s line, Mrs. Harrison cor- O d .ill pay ... ouUUnding cbU-j,? S gationa agai terms of sale. gationa against the firm as per ! e 33 poles 5 links to a rock and iron ttaKp, inos.,wooaiier corner, mence n 87 wlSo poles 11 links to t rock vQko. H. Coomb, M. C. PiAisAjrrs corner for the McKnight's Brook: Hoe, thence s 16. e 148 poles 10 links to I . l i - . T ? . A J WANTED:-R..rt1e.on to nil ! if.. Franklin and adjoint rounUiM, 8lrj ! joxninr estate of W Haxelwood and or eommlertoo F1rfax RflDln Crff others, kounded as follows: Bejrianlnjf Otib1, Ohio, rat a stake, Haxelwood's corner, thence ' - a n a f a. s m, w poies co a mexory acunip. 'ANNUAL STATEMENT We have decided to issue the "Annual Statement' of the County's expenses this year in pamphlet form, and will have space for a limited amount of advertisements therein. This is most excellent advertising medium, and those of our busi ness men who wish to make use of it will ba given an opportun ity. About" fifteen hundred copies will be printed and it will be read bv over eieht i. Notice to Chmcy Eerton. You will take notice that on the 4th day of May 3L908,-I- bought for. your caxesaue ior tne year oz a o of land in Frank J in County, and in the town of Louisburj:, -containin? about one-half acre, said lot was listed in your name for taxes. You will further take notice that on the 14th day of next May, 1909, I shall apply, to the Sheriff of Franklin County for- a deed to sajd land unless the same is redeemed on or before said time. MRS. E. C. PERRY, This 11th February,'1909. Returned witnout flndinjr. J. J. Lancaster, Constable. e 18. e 214 poli to Tar River, thence along; said road, 97 poles to a. stake, Hazeiwood's corner; s IS, w IS poles to a sassafras, H arel wood 'e , corner, thence s 25 w 53 poles to the bein ninff, containing 127 acres, more or less less 81 1-5 seres sold J. N. Ferry. B. H. Persy, Trustee. Feb 12, 1909. nil EC get liftoff ftHtf troa rlLLJ Dr. &wp'i IWJcOlntcttt We believe that jf the people rt L le You can fc Aorth Carolina thoiouehlv under-! stood the jreat work now being an inside page for five dollars done b j these institutions, their jora cover page for ten dollars. worthiness, their needs present and T .i.. . u - j x . 4 . it F I Let us hare your order at once them to eaie for and train their sons I for one or more pages, as we and daughters, thej would heartily I desire to go to work on it at' endorse any provision made by you to plaee them in a position for serrioe efittiag a great State. JTrajtcis P. Vmable, President, University of North Carolina. v D. H. Hill, President, -Agricultural and Mechanical College. J. I. Foust, President, State liformal and Industrial College. once. : THK CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, at LOUISBURG, N. i at the close of business Feb RESOURCES: Loans and discounts c. 5, 1909. 72 458.RT 3,341.76 25,000 00 1,003.91 10,659.00 Public Sale of Land. I will sell at the Court House door in- Louishurg, on Monday, March 1st to the highest bidder, the following lands in Bandy Creel: township: One tract containing Co acres ad joining lands of Mrs ft. A. Speed John Foster and others- Also one other tract in same township, con taining 91 acres aid knwn as the "Speed Store-traci. Both of these tracts contains right much timber. Also one tract in Cedar Rock townsLip containing 27 1-2 acres known as the "Harper trat" Thia is nearly all in timber, which is very fine and will cut orer three hundred thousand feet. Terms will be made known on day of sale. P. G. ALSTOIT, Louisburg, N. C. Sale of Yilaable Eeil Estate By virtue of tbe power conferred uixm me in a certain deed of trust exe cuted to me by C E. Marshall and wife and duly recorded in the iris try of Deeds for Franklin County in Book 156. txace 15. and at the request of the holder of the bonds secured therein, I will, on Monday, the IStb day of March. 1909. at about the hour of noon, sell at public auction at the ewart bouse door in LouUbwrp, N. C, to ike highest bid der for cash, all that eertam tract of parcel of land situated in the County of Franklin aad State of North Carolina, near the town of LouUbunr, and bounded or the North by the lands of J K. Spencer and Mrs. Lou Barham. on the East by the lands of Richard Keliey and James Malone, on the Soeth by the lands formerly owned by Mra. Louisa Davis, now bv J. K. Siei.cerr and on the West by Tar Raver, containing 125 acres. mor r less. ubject to the dower interest therein oi Mr. L. W. Marshall, widow of S. W. Marshall, and beinir the same lands conveyed to the said E. E Marshall by W. M. Ful ler and wife by deed dated August 25, 1906, and duly recorded in the Register of Deeds for Franklin County, to which reference is hereby made for a lull de scription of said land. This the 10th day of Feb. 1909. W. H. Yarboroucii. Jr., Trustee j ""N ""N V Vtff W W W ( ) ( ) u o () () () () o n o o C) () () () o. o () o C) ''"N N W Vm mS Km W THE DIG n r ( 0 DISSOUJTiON i; SALE .. F N. & R. Z. EGERTON . Will be Continued For o . Week or Ten Days Longer tAl . t co mm io in uoit oi oar coimsr cj v v their e tton to pet th bnetof soae of ii.s rr' u gains eter offered in IouUburg. We tate rte: f r many tiew pod to brihUa up ih $ tetk. at 4 w Jt t log through and redeciag the prictt ill lower tfA many linen. Be lure to tt one of rer r" Hf .rt. kr jost out, ahowinp all the recent eota. ' W hi 4 if rush and sold lot ef goxi . bcl Ym -rmt BIG VALUES STILL LEFT currency , A PAmmAn PaIa We claim that if catching cold coald I U. 8 Bonds to Becureeircalation be, aroirtftrt inma of the mnst danorArnn I rremiumB o" u. o conai qtiH fofai iuioeoe n ava. va .a I Bonds, secoHties, etc., A iA vffT, fc I Banking house, furniture and tor ?eras oi miectious aiseases. Uon-l Due from National bank (not sumpiron, uneumoma, aipntnena anai reserve agents) searlet ferer, fourof the most danger-J Due from State banks and ous and diseases, are of this class. The 1 bankers culture bed formed by the cold fayors I Pue from approved reserve agts Hijicp, thof n'iA t,4-ajc I Fractional . paper r , " ""1 ' , ' , -j "uv l nickels and cents ever, of any of these diseases beine con-1 Leiral tender notes. - tracted when a good expectorant couffh I Redemption fund with U. S. medicine like Chamberlain's Conirh t Treasurer (5 per cent ' of Remedy1 is used. It cleans out these! circulation.) culture beds that favor the development 1 Total. H1,894.50 of the germs of these diseases. That i LIABILITIES: js wny tms remeay nas proved so uni-1 Capital stock paid in 25.000.O0 versally successful in preventing pneu-l Surplus fund 5,0O0jEH) moma. It not onlv cares vour cold l Undivided profits, less expenses -anicRlv. hnt.TimTni7! tJSo TicV -f 1 and taxes paid . I National banknotes ootstandinz 35.000 00 .,uv. rrv. tjjji.ti -r-i 1 Dividends unpaid 803.00 , 562.89 8,498.33 111.80 1,34.90 251. 0 2V.64 2,829.80 5.520.OO 1.350.00 Mews From Schloss. DhjlB Mb. Editor: 'Here we are away down at Schloss 1 familiarly known as "Schloss Town'' bnt still in the good county of Frank- 55.683.fi8 13,083.84 914.18 2,500.00 14,000.00 1909 NEW GOODS 1909 O AT THE O RACKET STORE Correct T- B. Wild BR. N.P. -Attest: J. M. Aen. T. T. Terrell, Wm. H. Ruffln, Direetors. Dividends unpaid Individual deposit subject to caecK. Demand certificates of deposit Cashier's checks outstanding Notes and bills rediscounted Bills payable, including certiS- cates of deposit for money borrowed Total, 141 ,864.50 State or North Cabouba,) County of Franklin, i ss . . - liD, and Sandy Creek. Liok Skillet I Ir. 9 Allen of the above named is near by. J here; are a number eof statement is true to the best of my knowl 'subscriberi to the Times around e,ge Std n :. t- . here and not having seen any items Subscribed and sworn to before me thia 11 uot av nui uauu jkjim a. ton , , Mies Dora Alston, one of the. best teachers in Sandy Greek, has a fourishing school of about thirty aeholaA. . Some time ago Mr. Joe Speed Williams moved his saw mril,8h ingle and planing machinery to his gin - here where he could operate to better - advantage daring the ginning season. SchloBS needs a blacksmith. The shop and tools, are here awaiting gome good vmithy "who knows his business and will make the anvil ring - and the sparks fly. I am tlad to hear that our good neighbor, Mr. Joe Murray, is taking A ateps toward s-getting p a Sunday V ; School to be held in the schooL bjuse r-".near Ihis , place, v Services are held " there twice each month by' the Meth odistahd Christian ministers. - Just Received a Lot ot Nice White-Goods. To make room for our SPBEEG STOCK we will sell a let ef dssiraVJe goods. AT COST Ladies and Misses CLOAKS DIRT CHEAP Everybedy invited to get barawn- Ttouly yours, Mrs. A. M. Hall. Don't miw thin sale. Rcmtrjlr cmj Ur T V ton vciU t out of btjfttne and lh tol t go reardle o(cot or pn. And -axl nxnt with vey man who carre i on our Wek molt be done, r if von owe us rrq mutt IV- t get to (jet om ef the hijr vsltj- tiat -e sre prir g F. N. & R. Z. Egerton Louishurg, N. C ' -a" ' v w -w- v mw -m W atf kwtf t M X T ore lNew Good: We hav jmat rry jvel s Jarce thijw rnent of high rad China 1!3c-pU aad DufTctU and Sid !Vrd, rrie arrange from IISXKI toC0. w9. i mm Dissolution Notice. ccocccoccocco ccoccocccccco o o o c o o o () o o o o o o o () o o o o o o C) o OO C) o o () I V will U mot than glad to kave you to call and -- then befaro thsv are alt picked over, at prrMUt ear wk ts ful!, but th usaIt str-.anof buyers are cntung the stock dowa. CofHns and Gaskets When yo have to bur. it tsicbl pay yon to look here Wot byinr. it wont cost yon anvthiog to look, tasy A a. a S4IVC JOU f 1U. ,C.rl lrr Charles dFaulkner living 'upar '-if " -1 r tf. ad .. Yii - rsf Sr t.t i n in . I ma incur -- - v v v". u w . i- fcv - w . ; "".his housH by iir on Thursday night The undersismed bavintr rmrchaaed the interest ef J. 5. Hall in- the Tbe firm Heretofore known . as Wbite-Hall Furniture Company,' Lonisbuvg, desires to eay that he K . Murphy & iWilliams has this day I will continue the business at the same stand. IC) been mutually dissolved and tbe 1 wish to say thai X wilKsetUe all accoanu ane oy r to tne oiairx business .Will De COntinuea Dy Mrsi uku, &iiu mereioro ii oecomes necewarT iw Ait vn otLuuum .v- If .11 IVi. jjiui WAIT tab UIO -- oaluc UlJbljO. I " j-ih wva jluuv. - - - - i 4 . -rm- -w -mm- x t t. t . I TTt 1A. . Ml a1 .1..... - -w4 .n ai-vanwolt 1 the interest'of Mr." V.O: - Williams L the same'at once,'as Sunder. Ue contract theld business must be settled ( ) , . he will pav all claims against' tbe up. ' " i ICy tbe old nrrn and also collect all ac-1 ' v If counts due said firm. i I , C U A l I T IVI'T-! IVt I I CT r Y.:WILItAMS keafstockorer C); Havinff bougbt tbe" above ? busi- at all times to etrve'iny fiends and'.customers, "and will gUArantee ai O 1 ness 1 wiih ta say to all our custo-lerexoiore, sauajaction m every parucuiar. .ue maaeaapecL-viij oi ourif l mers a and service trade'ofNany- new "customer wisbing J il .5 gooa meais ana 300a service -r j T ";-:': . .W. E. IlUBPiiY s New Home n t - lviacmnes ewing W b SLitain acepWrd the secsry for tbi H known nd c4d reiiibJ di- chin-, will be 1ad to bav yonr ordra. nte for our free ciUIccum. Madrd A aay one en rvjaeii. nicejatock 'of fre'sn" me'ati etc, ..fe'rvVi; 'rJrJ6)1 :t'j- ',, : ;r. f : ' id willialso give the' very J best-of ; '1 'fV i--"' " ;"ir-'.r.v,Vv--: " "::'; I - ,1 ' ' '".-'" W Fvii T'-'ahjill j.".nTrftfiftf.i i'-fVin 1 wB IU B-x i IHtf vra a lr t V4aX . fl W--V-:-vl- fc' IJ" By vw c. wnitc v - 7 c () (): V ot last .weeVi The faruilv ' was VWV W Va W W W W W4 W W Sa w w w vw Lw t