JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR - '" VOL. XXX 1 ; a ' . . . . . ' ; 213 COTTNTY, THE STATIC THE THHOIT. . . .. ' SUESCHIPnOH 51.00 PE3 TEAR ' ir - i i I . I : I I n ) ) A FORMER NORTH CAROLINIAN DEAD. ;codQty in their home, belp nsar Dav'is CrosS Roadi; . : Thia uni6n-yaTble8a, with tnf ee"- chiK dren, Mf; Rrf O. Bissett, Mr. H- U. Poward and MrsJ E.- 11 Uzzell, ; all of whom are living- and were .here lira, and in a few years " he went to Texas andl engaged in .the aame in- duitrr. ;. Business wa - not - very good, and he entered, the general merchandise trade, making a 'success of it. Leaving: the Lone Star s State aboqt 1883'or 1884, he earned) Mo- with their mother when she fell aj- bile and went into - ihe " commission J on sleep. trade, and later formed a, partner J Mr. Bissett died in 1862 and dor ship with N. Feitt A" Co., in the ing the war Mrs.. Bissett: straggled wholesale and retail tobaceo bnsi- bravely and deroiedly for the main hgss, remaining; with that firm until 1 tenance of her children , andi eainl 1906. when "'he retired, much to the I scores -of friends by her splendid en regret of Mr. Felie. with whom his ergies and fine ' christian character, btsiriefs relations were always cor- In 1865 she was married to Mr. J. H. v. - . . Mp. Hugh R. Criehton Dies Sud denly in Mobile, Ala. Newi wu reseived here last week bringing tke anaounceraent of the sndden death of Mr. Hugh Criehton, , former citizen of tljis county, and who had many relatives and friends in this asd adjoining counties;: jM was her. om a visit 'not j quite two yari ago, and his old friends were delimited to shake his hand. u-.. nKi;ih below aa account of his !ai!, taken from a . Mobile pa nhout warmuB b . becominff ereat citv. and in- her mother has been glv;il uw, - m vested in property at our-mue beautitul and touching. The funeral service was t WhiteV has requested ; reports trota TM r everylietiool and will have prepared f tatement showing s totaU enll. ThKI11 jjoYEHENTS ; 1U , AND meat ana average ausnaaaoe in eaeti l M. r-n.thi.ty.:. - - pgr OF-, TOWN. , ; -We hop t publkb Uut utemtjThos8 Who Uave Vllied ionls- mOVIIIG PEOPLL in the Times and fee sure it will of interest to the people' of ths oSi- tv. . - ' Also final report blanks v will b distributed at this m ting with dt Tetiods'aa to how they mutt be til ed out. The attendance of vteaebers is. specially directed to the" ioatroo-1 ston eounty tions of SudL WhiU that no Yoochsrl mother. burjr the Past Week Thos Who H&YQ Gono Elsewhera . for Business or Measure. rts rascut lioodim is vtsttxag fnsndi la 2in4ersoB, Mr. J. It Williams weutlo- John- Tsesday to isil his dial and pleasant.7 In the meantime,. Mr. had observed thejpossibilities of Mo- I Ge, whose love and devojien for remarkably McGee, and of this union there is for salary for the last month will be! Mr. U. C. Taylor is id ad in? a Criehton, one surviving child, Miss Agnes Mc- Ihoaored unless accompanied by s full few days with his people 10 Losu- ana aecaraie nnai report, it will be I burg, li. U- Hill jTHiiae. about 10 i o'clock ..... 7 morning, of hear1 disease. Mr. Criehton arose at his usual traveler eV returns, Sir. Po8U and thttn Dromoted . that sec Ran lolph CrioBton, prominent eit- tion of tht ty, named after him. ueu and retired businesss man, sud- Wben h wag taken in the city lim. i . l ArtA iTi-Vi roar varrl denly ai'ipMf" -v . , its, Mr. Criehton had a competence his residence, Wo. spring , , . .. . .. . ... spenc in ease ana comion, wuicu come as the reward of a vigorous, wooa cemetery. np.rrreti and Hsoful life, honored ... . i. L 1- I rt... . - hour this morning, ana aiwr urea- . rMnMtfld .mon? men, fast saw his cnuaren on i Mr. Criehton was a member of Leaving the residence for a stroll in Kaphael Semme8 Campj United Confederate Veterans, and there was no man prouder of the fact that he wore thev(Gray during the four-year conflict. He was a can didate for alderman in the s recent primaries, and came within a few irnt.a nf hfiintr ftlfiCt.ed. He had the ton lying prostrate upon the ground. 0'not any 0Ile to Vote Calling to a neighbor to send for a f him d . eTeW ballot received physician, she approached the form coraprlraeutarv. held at her lato residence. Satardav after noon at 4 o'clock, conducted by Rev. J. S- Wood, of the Presbyterian church, assisted by He v. S. E. Mer cer. The interment was at Cedar- the yanV'be was suddenly taKen with a stroke which caused his death. The members of the familv were not aware of his conditio until ataithful dog began baying over him. Mrs. Criehton, looking from the rear of the home, saw Mr. Crieh- seeh therefore that it very impor tant toatvery leather be preset at this meeting. of the In view above that a statement made -of the enrollment Miss Louise Williams, of Hanson, visited Miss Bsltie Boddie s few dajs last week. Dr. D. 1 Smith wick sod wife sod announcement rMr. J. W. Hollmirsworth tnmmi lfo. c -j . . . . 1 ox ner Duiuauu. He was married about 1888 to O. C. Huggins, a lumber inspec- Misi.Hermenia Hansen, of Mobile, .r wrhrk wo n a n w tbe scene, en- tered the yard and lifted the form of , Mr. Criehton m his arms, tteanng hira to the house, " wherft he , wa placed upon a couch. According to Mr. Haffcrins' statement. Mr, Cnch -' l-'O ton was dead when he ifas from the ground. Two nurses and a physician from the Providence Infirmary, across the street, hurried to the scene and rendered what aid they could, but Mr. Criehton was beyond medical attention a sister-in-law of Sheriff Cazalas,.and relatad to many .well-known people in Criehton, Mr. . Criehton was a member of'the Methodist church - Mr. Crichion leaves a wid o w, two J i 1 sons and three daughters, Edward lakenT. . w " ' . Htuart, tiugn JtLrne, uuey lunstan, Annie Gertrude and Susie Randolph Criehton. . Destroyed by Fire. The, home of Mr. G. F. Murphy, eral. Mr. Criehton was known throughout the city in business and . social circles and was beld- in the highest estimation. . - , His former partner, N. Felis, of the firm of N. Felis fc Co., went to the residence of the dead , man as soon as he heard of his demise. Mr. Felis eaid that Mr. Criehton was a man of the highest honor, with force of character, loveable disposition and a man among men. He treated his fellow man as he would have his fellow man treat him. v Mr. Criehton -was bora August: 24, 1841, all Pugh's Hill, Franklia county, North Carolina. Beared in the beautiful cotton belt of that state, he entered the cotton industry' and engaged. in that business until; the breaking out of the -civil war. When his state-called .for troops he enlisted at Raleigh as a private in Company C. 47th North Carolina troops, in 62, and followed the for tunes of war throughout he great contest until he wai? captured c'at Hatchers Run, and sent as a prison -er to Fort Delawaie-rwere he was paroled at the conclusion of ths-cori tiet. He was wounded at Spottsyl vania and Petersburg. ' vw At daybreak on May b9 . 1864, then a second duty efgeant of Com pany F, Second North Carolina In fantry, he was at the opening of the Battle of the Wilderness, undersea! eral J. E. B. Stuart, where hb gal lantry won the admiration and ee tera f his -eommsading : oflieers. He was in tn 'baiiietoevlb Kingston ad . Washiagtop,v Mfrl'c; pottsylyania ?'-wnRiel and Petersburg. '" 'i''- V vf, "' : After the war. Mt. Criehton :weat to New York; eityPidf eidltki -cotton business with f susssis.The aovilopment f ;dfctljr4iif sJttmted The news of the sudden death of about three miles east of Lomsburg Mr. Criehton scon spread through- was destioyed by firs last Saturday ou the city, and the expressions of night about 9 o'clock. The fire regret at his untimely end were gen- started upstairs, and was supposed to nave Deen causea eitner rrom rats or a defective flue. None of the house hold effects were saved from up stair?, but right much of the contents of the rooms downstairs, as well as the goods io the store, which wag under the same roof of the dwelling, were saved, though very maolt dam aged by removal. All tfie clothing of Mrs. Murphy and her children were burned. "The loss on goods and household furniture, etc., is esti mated at several hundred dnllnra covered by insuranse. " " The house was owned by Mrs. J. T. Holt, ot Johnston county, and at this writing (Monday night) it is not known whether there was any insur ance on the house. Two of her favorite hymns were sung at the rasidenee during the service "Abide With Me" and "How, i?irm A Foundation." Mrs. McGee was a consistent cornel municant of the Presbyterian church and she greatly aided in the building ot me cnurcu nere several years! ago'. , N Her pastor, Rev. J. S. Wood, in his closing piayer at the grave, thanked the Lord for the influence of such a life in the i community. Often, he said, when casU'down and discouraged she would by her words of cheer and tender sympathy send us on our way rejoicing. Weldoh and this entire community is better for the- life she lived.- Her Influence will gd on forever, tonching and sweetening the lives of loved ones and devoted friends. To the afflict ed we offer our ainoerest sympathy, yet in that affliction how their hearts must ba comforted by the blessed assurance that she laid down tbs cross to take up the crown of eternal life. The floral offerings and designs were among the most beautiful g ver seen her," irould be I day in Italeigb. in eTery 0ar friend Bob Timber!. U back school-theditor cf the Fraxrlix .b, and has rssumed his potitfou Times is going to give as a prire t tjje 0U Mills. the school showing the largest en- vi T .. , . . & b Mrs. Juliua ljihmin ulnmJ roll me nt a handsome ten dollar map r , . . . . ' lew dats S20 from an eztenlad vuit to her people in Ualiimore. of the Unitel States. II t will alio give a like map to the school show. ing the beat per centage ot atten dance as compared with raent the enroll- Messrs. W. M. Hsote, C. K. Cooke and D. C. Strickland wnl ust to Raleigh on Tuesdty. Attorney General Uiokeit tme home to spend Sonday, returning to The "Prirate Secretary" will -u.u.K. Judge Cooke arrived home btlmr- he hat The Private Secretary. played in the Opera House in Louis sw la l burc tonight. Those of our Frank-KaJ lrom wosrn, where linton friends who had the pleasure n holding courL Hegw next of seeing it pronounse it one ot the week lo Jones eounty court. best performances they have seen in I Mr. F. S. Sprud), of Rocky Mount, years. It will be rendered to-night I sjent last Friday in Louiaburg on by "home talent" of Kitirall. . The I professional business. His frisndt were clad to sat him looking so came orer to Loattburc this wek to look sfur the intersft of Mrs. Holt, whose houao (ocsspied, by Mr. luid Orruw I Dad Murphy) was buried Oeat to. Too cpAn lgt Saturday night. b mors esruin thsi s- "cccBpsaj'' tors womld go mp sod do doast right much tradtsg with scrip r soms" check . sysUn; but with csr merchants fsrsaisg thU ooapssy there would be no sisb sxr&agcat&ts. Then with ss to any of sax Wist snd ocMOtvoMtt ss namalAm iaUctJ weald of ooers srstls s UKr t al ums c4 Uterrtt, stkd Is-local isOcnst snd prils eosott sszt ts cssh, ssd is most essesBore wsid nsswiir?j make it s snossss. jUcthtr iSiing, w weld bs soascslly addssg the vslos of ths towsvor ess Vusi. ores, by Tne prof u of lbs caiS la slesd of having then taker tir from lown as we eld he ths csse should foreign cspiul take hold. But mode man 4 ras. I in &ct si sll biaed io regard ts fotela ewfilsJ. I say, It it oomt.as mocb ss will snd can, and giv it s hearty wsl come, ihouh I Uel tbsl it w&U b much mors pro liable Urou pi bare if it cosCd be ows4 Locsr. Theo I beiUve thai LosiaVsre; sould operate a mill ss sLssp ss ssy other lilaoe asrvbere, irs w bsrs soch good reosrAts for ss exotllest water power and tkis Uo ia eech s plae as to Make it very ei3y s- orcUl wits a nul. In my cf loion it ta a matter worthy ot very deep oocsvUraiioo fr car loains men. ssd I aScc1d hke eerv inech lo e a. oomaettJee ap;oini4 lo solicit abcrifltota (or ibia put- pjee. It would be s ve-y pleaaiss thought to sll our ciuiecs ie ksvow thai s large t&Ul wo&ld be - uUishsd hers rssdy to brgis opera- following is the cast of characters: Mr.tMlmd ;.i .T. H.Cradu rv uiniMtir r -. .-.v.:-r.Mw W.tkw- Mr. CattmnoU. W. T. CrtUrpb DourUs CattermoU J. B. AUe Rct. Robt. SpJdin C E. PraoyMv Mr; Sydney GiUon.. C, f OlWw, Jr. John . Knox Cdrtk MrnsUnd Ltiti WOlUm. Er Webettr . . Mrmrt WUlUtn. Un. SUa Onaim Tucker Miss Ashford Uo&sby the ntof SerVecbsr. "Sow wouldn't iY .Thinking you very mock for josx spsse, and boj-icf that ? osr sprs prists snd timely ssgrfUocs' ssiy slfr OS f people -UrMtM, 1 fts A Cm rax. A beautiful floral design was sent by the Tobacco Board ot Trade of Louisburg. Teacher's Association. The county teachers will meet on Saturday, February 20th. The pro gramme will be as announced fof the last rtieeling which was prevented by. rain, -ta addition,- Supj R. B. ' "'"'f ' ACT l-'-Found." Dougl CSfTP'llt'S Chamber. ACT "TunCrr." Mr. MarsUnd's County S! ACT ) V'RusWErtb.- . Mr. MartUnd'a County St' Mrs. C. H, Church whj fc oik last week. She was acooro Bttjreea Act Two aad TJr. Specialty lfl QuArtctu Slctrd Holdm. Uotdca, Flmtne and Jckorv Mr. S. C. Catlett, of Aper, cim on a visit to his Mold home" laat week. While he Is plesaed with Apex, his love for Loaisburg and surrounding country has not decreased. panied boms by Mtaa Lil High, who will spend s short while in Norfolk. Xr. F, K, Cv9t retsrotd thia eek from Ashe Gouoty, wbefe I west to visit his brothsr, Ed' no. Death: of Mrs. Apjnes McGee. Mr. R. O. Bissett, the efficient and popular i Book-keeper of the Farmers Mutual r Tobacco Ware house hasthe Empathy of "his friends in the death of 'v his mother which occurred m Weldon on Fri-4 day morning of last week. We take the "following from 'the Weldon News: , " "; ' ' ' ; 'lMJwcOemi by all ,?rho knew bier, laid down life's burden- and entered into rest Friday morning last, aged 81 years, M In the death of .this; noble christian I woman another linVhas beet broken, another home left desolate, and .we stand with. uncovered ' heads, iq ; the' 'pcweifAtbegr MriMcGeelhadibeen twiee first husband t: was : mar. -4 -- : 'A;. Mr' "- - - V Robert ' Bissett, ; to whom ; she' .was ? 1-Vi.f4,v-S- VV- " - marrieu.,oeiore sne. came lO Vf eiaon Mrs M(xee was a native of Scot land, lisr husband was an : English-. lotop andltbsFmbYed ;to HalifaxJ Combination Offer r The Fmnklin Times, TlW Farmer and i . Mechanic and Weekly News and : , Observer, All For $1.50 ' In ondeT to furnish thepeople of this ssaUos wilh s tsriety of reading at small cost, we have made arrangements by which we can send taall new. subscribers to the Tims and to thoss who pay up what they owe and one year in adranee, the following; The Franklia Times, The Farmer, and Mechanic and $1.50. - ; The Farmer and Mechanic is what its asms implies, eontains vl6 pages of good reading matter for the farm and -faouishold. and a;WeeUy.!Ne nBrsi-and rjpHUcal iiWsTwhile thft Tnbss T eontains 8 pages ptriainin z miuj hpmeaffairs the sonnty shQald tasks a sserii jfiee $ ; ureneaeihree papers, .whish will giv a suiSeient supC. p!y;of newspaper JrSadiUg: V Send in your fcscass, with', the sash, or salt at the Tnos offics in Jjouishurg and 1st ss fir jsm p at sass. who is teaebfog in s.High Sshoul in I that ooanty. HeToporu that wins health has Tcry much tmpror. ed. Mrs. R B. Tualey, ol Ape Us sufficiently recovered from her resent illness ss to be able to visit her fath er, W. E. Tncter. She was acoom snied by her tiater, MUt Jodie Toeksr, whd bu Jttn riiiting br for fststsl wetki. a ciuzifi" Thlokj of oar Suggestions. Editos Tiuxs: I read thf ankle in your paper headed "SaggfttJetti'" and heartily agree with you ta what you stid regarding the ue-eds of Lou. isburg and the necessity for action on the pan of the merchants and atixos'in our town. I also rcsd the article under head ing To Build up Loubburg" sod think it it not only thneJy bat very prscucsl, only I eh.uld like to bsvs the privilege ot cretrtiontog soate of thr advantages of local ownsnhlp vst foreign ownership, i To'say micd it would be a very ssiy thing to organise eostpany hsrs'of $100,000, or svsrr 1200,000, on the plan suggested; However H might be some belter to place . the shares at I5O.Q0 each, and allow them to bs paid 10 per cent monthly ss seggsitsd. . ;l feel aurs that a sum bar of our cltrks, prirsts citire&f and farmsrs wo aid .uke stock, sa this basis. ' ' And there would hs a great cisay sdrsatages to oux'msrchants la fiver of local ownership against1 fcran wasrthlp, Oas cf the mort Isipcrt ant u that It forsn si pit a! ws t? Ihria tkU akstt thsa it tx- scorein-PlPtsiBtr We-Joedar eeeturg. Pebraar 3rd, the chapel -H est tnU IUat" st Miidlebarg N. C, vm a sss&e cf beauiv when Sir. J. Palmer i?ocgis waj teamed lo Miss Kale 5csi!a I'lu&amer. Tbe ehapel was teasii- fKllr 43rtr4 wish ft. psiL aa4 "bits csroitlcwu. Promptly II rdas oV-o4s tie bridal party rntewd tht tficrth is the strains of Meadtlrs?bns ctaud wedding much. Tht csStrs pre. csJei ifi briial psrly, llmrt. J. Ramp ttsmmtr, Jr, of Raleigh, N. Cj Janas M. Cocmslly, Sutrs vU.. C; Ceorg IL 5frgB. Lc sait borg. X. C-; Alfrtd P.ammer. Mid dltbarg, X. C. Tt diiJ cf beser. M MUiVf.ry rUeel Sem. J Warren ten. X. L mur of Uv grcKm. The tcUe, hiadsomely gowned U pink rotes aline msia em tire, with laee soJ trerly triuclcs, her vU casgbi with orssge blsucss sod a tssi tul disjecta d wirl lrfrtl, tU gift ot tfcs gfca, lanytag a shower boaoel of IXWw cf tU Vs!Uv, ea Ured on tbe ana cf hef fal5er, Ifr. James Kemp Plumaar. f".e was' met at the slur by tie rrm tsd bis Ust' msa, lit. Iaia Scgcf of Isiahirg, X C. Ths IU. J. Colemsa Hotia rvrtvJ ih or rooay. The beautiful KpitcopaJ srvir was used. Quite a lirs &;oWr c f friends el ths groom, wsat from Warrtstoa to atteod ihs suxrris'r, Mr. Sooggia hsriag chsrtcrd s spccixl train to uke thtm" cp u Middltbarg iad hsek. The briis is the eaiy d'atjpLtrr cf Mr. James Kemp Plammtr. Ths groom is-sn esterx-rutog vuxig tuios man, being. vie-preeUai of cms of the largest shot Crms ia tht South at lUchiooaJ, , Va. The bridal pmeols were 'c soirees ' asJ hsndsosse, Usuffbg to the pcplu tty of thia hsrvisocss . eosj ls. Its tneliatelf after the certooay Mr. and Mra-Sacxzia leli cm ihs lrila" tpeeisl fsrsa extruded SoclLtrs trip,ukirgU fiL JUgxoubt. Vila Beash ai cihtr ry.au ia Jlcnia. m