JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR THE COTJITTY, THE STATE, -THE TUnOIT. VOL. XXXIX. : ' .- . ' THE GOOD ROADS LAW. T0 PROVIDE GOOD RAODSIN FRANKLINTON TOWNSHIP; M ) : : :) :) n o o o o Below is the Act "in'-' Full .as Passed by the General As sembly and Is Published Top Benefit of Voters- . ; - . Till GBN'ERAL ASflMBtT OF NORTH Scctiom 1. That .W. j A: '; Cooke,' vj. C. Vano, J. U. - Ureea r , Y . Ballard, J. W SaadlinS,' C. 'B. Wil- liams, VV.-L. ICcGh'ee, Green, 11. E. Pearce, John R. Mitbhinei-; R. O. Pernell, J. -.II Wilder aad L H.' Kear,nej are hereby..: coititmted a e . ...Ll!."'. J l)oari ot trusted ior tue pnuuo roaun of Kranklmton townghip, in ; Frank approval of xhe board, to eupervlsej direct aod har charge of the main tenakee aad conttractida ot alt i pub lic roadi in ; Franklinton township, and be ahall sojbmit to -;eaid'';xeeu-tire 'r eommittee r a .monthly import conoerning the work in progress -nd the meneya expended, and such oth er reports as may be required of him As a guarantee of ?tlie faithful ; and honest diseharge of the duties of his office ths said board may require of ?aid Bnperinterideni each bond as may be deemed advisable. . : Sed 6. , The. said board, of trus tees may purchase sach v. machinery atid implements as may be needed foi the proper workins; and construction ef the roads, may employ, a compe tent engineer or survey errand', may exercise t such other powers and privilege as may be needed for i the V7,.vf trustees. : Sec; 9. :That the , said ;'board el trustees shall S beand.Car a ; her e y J authorized aad j empWersd , to' isaj bonds of said Franklintoo ' towmhiu, to : . t 11 .1 1 1 f . A. . . 1 lm county. The nrst nve snail noia n vnaj out 01 tne ixurposes ana the sai i ps:tion of trustees -for six fprovisioni of this-acti Provided, vjv.rs the nxt four for four ..years', an i i.:ie lastioar for;two ;years. At ' w r tlie expiration of the terms of ' aay, thdiv guce8gorg'shaUbe;eiectd. for Hix years by the county board pf cummwsioners of ITraatlin eounty. nation or removal from- the; townshii) shall be filled foi the aid un- l that no person shall be subject to road duty, .. See;7. That the superintendent of roads of Franklinton township is hereby "authorizeld to 7 enter upon any , uncultivated, lands near to or Alt vacancies caused bj death, resig.jadjpmingany jpabli road of said lownanip to cut- ana carry, awayj timber, except trees - or grovts on improved land planted or left fdr shade or ornament, to, dig. or cause? to be dvjjg ; and carried away any gtavelarid, clay,' or stone which may be necessary to construct,- im prove or repair, such roadsj and wri ter upon any lands adjoiningr or ly- mg near such roads iniiordercto jnake sueh drains jor ditches through ..the same as lie may deem necessary- for the betterment of th road, - and thia diHins atrd ditches so inade shall nbt such lands or any other person, and f .any person obstructing sueh- drain or aitca saalt OB guilty of anlisdemean or and fined not, exceeding ' fifty dol-1 expired term by the remaining mera beiH of said board, provided, that the ponuion of trustee shall not consti tute an offioe within the meaning of ?rticle seyen, section fourteen bl 'the' Cuiirttiiution of North Carolina. :;:: v Sec. 2. That the said board of trustees and their successors shall be and are hereby constituted a body ( J Wiie Board of Iioad Yrastees.of iFnmklimon Toirashhy," and by that p tnay, sue atu-e.su.m con-acts, acquire real . and personal proerty by, gift, purchase prv,dV; hold, exchange and sell : ' tbesanie$ and xrTcise sach other rights and ft pnv litres as are incident to ''.other Uars or imprisoined not more than thirty days. lf the owner of any land from which timber, stons, clay, grav el or sand were "taken ; a3 aforesaid. Shall present ;arr acc5uiit ffor the "same througli ?--"said sdperintendent to said board r executive committee within thirty days after the taking -thereof jit shall be thVdutv of said rp , 1 uv.3 '.'5 ' , '.TT't' V v nmnicipal corperations. Sec. That it shall bi the duty of the said board of trustees t take i ' C it, A., coruroAano rnanaKeuieui vi ioau f s,id Franklinton township, and i . . . .1 ; i said trustees arj nereoy vesrea wun . i i J -.-...U an mo iH'iuis anu uoweis ir bucu ontrol aad management as are now vested in and exercised by the , board i board to pa for same. at a fair, price; i county commissioners of Frankliu l.aad in case of ,( any disagreement as ounty; i'rovided, nothing in this act j io.tue vaiue iue supermtenaent ot ball be construed to auplr to bnd- i roads shall appoint one .freeholder, gt H over Tar Hiver. : VJ'if the person claiming the 4amages a Sec. 4. The board of trustees', second, and-these' two a third, -'which' shall annually elect a chairman and said three Jreeliolders s.ha assess secretary and a treasurer. The said damages and report tne same in treasurer shall have charge ef all writing f to of road tunas of the township and roads. . : - v ,: .1 . may oe rsquireu t giys Dona , m 1, ; oec 5 1 r?t :.tne.; saia? superin- tutiicient amount to eovr f aads tendent of roads' with the approval coming into hi hands. The board jof the trustees mr executive commit- ,f trunteea shall anuaallv elect tea - is herebv: sriven. : discretion arv three of their mumber who shall can-1 nower to loeats, re-locate or 'L chance titute and be knowa as "Tha Bxe- aay part af any public road .ia said 'itue C'ommittee." This ebmmit towaship ee shall theet at statsd intervals as samal will? prove advantageous to iav be directad by. the . trostses, 1 public, travel. Th at wken any . per- hall have a chairman and secretary, son oa whose lands the new road or hall ordtr and ' issas Voaeher for part of tnsrroad f ls! to ybe located layiiienr, of general axpeasss . con-1 claims damages therefore and ' : with7 ;cted with working roads aaa tna m thirty days petitiens said board , of urchaie of rhachmery and imple- trustees far a iary ta asiess the dam: tnents, vrhicn aaia vouentrs snau. t oe i-.azes, toe saia -trustees sttaii. wuhm t;ned by the cbirmaa and, seereinodess tam fifteen nartoore ary of said committee, and " a Y reedrd j ty ;day s af tar ' maVam bleloak of 1 Jiaid : hereof kept. And tat ' beard pt road eraer a juryjoilf three mdls inter-; msteea may delegate to said exe- ested. freeholders ef Franklinton utiye coatmiltee any and all ef its J towaship to be , elected ; and ;um wers except that of itsaim'bonda 1 'jd60ijMifi. elielriftlil Franfellii ; tetyleoVlFrankliritoaTowri Road H Bonds'? . to aa amount not A te exceed : f ortv thousand dollai i, ' of sach . deaomi nation and ot sueh(proporiori as 'said bbad may dee.m-t advisable, vbeariog Sterest frem the date of issue tnsreK of at a rate not exceeding ' six. per cent,: -per tnanm, with interest cou ppas attached j payable annually or semi-annually, as may be deemed best, at such time or times 'and at such place. or places as may be! deemed advisable by said board; said - bonds to be signed by the chairman and secretary pf said board and to be o( such' form and tenor, and transfer! able in such way, and the prineipal thereof, payable or redeemable at such time or times, not exceeding forty years trom the date thereof, and at such place or places as said board , 06 trustees may determine; none of said bonds shall oe disposed of for a less price than their par value, and,the said bonds may be issued at such time or times and in such amount or amounts as stay bo deemed best to meet the expend 4 itures provided for 15 this act The. liability for the payment of said bonds, together with all interest that may be due thereon shall be at tached to and imposed upon the po litical division of franklin county known asFranklinton township as con stituted at the. time of " the ratifidav tion of this aet. Sec li); ' That for the purpose of providing for the payment of said bonds and ttrer iirterest thereon and for the- construction, '.improvement and' maintenance ot the roads of said township, the board bt county - com rnissioners' shall ann'uallv and at the time ot levying the county taxes levy and lay a special tax on all per sons and property subject to taxa tion within the limits of said Frank linton township, of not less than fif teen-cents and not more than thirtv five cents on the one hundred dol lars assessed valuation, ot property anl not less than forty-five centaand not more than one dollar and rive cents on each taxable 'poll. . The taxes so levied ;shall be collected 'as other taxes are. collected, and paid to the treasurer of said board of road trustees. T Sec. H. That the provisions of all the proceeding seetions of this .act except section one shall be submit ted to a vot of the qualified, voters ot said Franklinton township at an election to be'beld on a day to be designated by the county board of commissioners or Franklin ' county For the holding' of 'said election the said county commissioners shall ap poini a registrar and two poll hold ersvand 'any. other officers necessary -jbo said election, and shall order a newTeeistration. . At the close of said election said registra and poll holders shall, count and canvass the vote - cast", and declare , the ; resalt thereof, and shall report each can vass 10 the board! of eonnty commin sioner; which said "report , shall 1be recorded in the minutes of said board of commissioners . and ne other ean ; yass,-' report er recording shall vbe necessary. At said election' allYvbt ers who : shall faVor' -.. the issuer of that if a majority of aaid- qualified I roters shall faj to rotes "For Good iioxos, "faxi ooara 01 ataaty cin missieners sbatf order -''a&otWeUa-tio'n or elections to .be' held in tke manner and wiUi the sama Effect I at above provided, ttnjj tlrooj" within four yearai-f the 1 data -ef the fint elsctioa "when requested to do so' br said board of trusts ea. Sea 12. vThat all: funds derived from the sale of any beads by "slid board 'of .UaaUM shall be paid over ,- . ,.:f"".j ' . ' f 4 te the treasarer of said beard of tree tees and shall 6e used for the-. par pose of cons trnctrng -and imjpToving the public reads in said .towaship, the purchtao of sieh materia), ma chinery arrd implement, and the enployment ipf" inch officers and labor as may be found necessary in the carrying out of this work, . Sec. 13. That in tne working and constriction of roada either con yict labor or hired labor, or both, raav be used na mav be ordered by said board of trustees, and in the working of convicta on the public roads, all rights aad privileges exitt ing in regard thereto or that may hereafter exiat, for the use of con- a desire for them to aaa what : aosia of ; th brsthren thought of . as, htaca the appearance ot the cute' thtnti below: r- - The Faaxaiix .Ttnai baa Vbter d its thirty-nioVh aeloma. Brelhtx Thesaia baa' been at the baldi ihtrty twa - yosra, and 'ena would hardly thiak; in aacing Lira that aa bad evao reached that aa. The Tim a a U one of our valaod exchanges, Warrso teo Raeord. Our esteemed neighbor; tho FjtAjne Ltjr TiMBS J. JL. Tbomai, editor. bis en tared a poo Jts thirty ninth rolama. Thirty eight yirs ibe riusa hat hammered away for tbe upbailding of Louiabarg aad Frank lia Coonty. Tho Truas and iu Ken hl editor holda a warm place ta lb heartrof tho people of ' that auction and they desetve all aad more than they get r-LiuteUn Nowe Reporter. The IjoctKBtTRU Times oar ! Vemed frie'ad J. A. Thomas's paper ' - A. . . . is imriy-nine years old. An an cient landmark truly in tho life of a Xortk Carolina c&untry Qwapapr. There are let than half dexen papers in the J?U e that art aa And still fewer hire boen THE nOVIIIC PEOPLE. THEIR COTEHErTTS in : otrr of town.- AKfi Thosa "Who Raire. Visited LotiU i burr, the Past Wctk Thcit Who Rata Gone . Ebetrfcersj .for Bailneis or Mtainrc. 1 Mlaa BsrJa Bodlia riu frUais in Franklin ton Us vooV lit? R. V Uew.lt ct TUlsaa, paid W. U. Beoae a flvbg vialt tHs waek. Attornsy Otaorsl TVW. BUkil C2tae bftmo and spsol a&iar U town. Mrs. (X i Baat, l Fraaklir.toi, tr's fatally this viui. in ruakiia couair. or ior ....... i . wnuvui iiicicui, 111411 Xak Mll'J ia iti ting tit dit week. Mr. J. S. SuiatUuJ, vtm cl Ike typos'" in this Coo sptct fcaoday i.TUd Sprina. alias Fioaie Boddi. r.tamiJ oa dav tkta wok afur a fw diva' vint to fri.nda in iI.ndtra.oa, tpt.T Hetdea ace fr. F. 5. old. rfC' pent Monday ia ' Ixsbarr, ! t : i I - cntao- I MU ' weoai ukiicoi. Mr. M. K. Joft.r who bva ta the long the Time hke. Fur thirty ;itir htr drf;hir. at Wake f At-x, wis thakla aPply Jto the use of convicts oa roads of Franklinton township. Sec. 14. That no moneys ahall brt expended under this act on any road or street in any incorporated town. Sec. 15. That all lawa and parta of laws in conflict with the provis ions ot this act, so far as the? relate . . . ! frW da?. h rrlaml to hw bcro . , T, , ,.. , . ita home peouJe and il record i om two years Mr. Thomas baa leen at; Fvjdt ' rvlumtd Kcbs.. the helm and how wiiely and wrJl ; Mr. H. T. 1 !! . I ne naa gai ie-i una tact speaka lor . in Toaitburs ibis wV, itself. The Lovisni'Kt Ttmk bia . hanJt.wiOi hia hwt of fm&da b.ro, bren a factor fr cood ia ila com-1 t t ' year. It ringi h . a - t.tTl.r u T trae on all qorotioaa affecting the ia-1 Jf Dr. of Ibar(.t f(sf ,U. UU lerests and w-itarc ul lUv Mat arul manitr all tbee to said Franklinton township, are) nereby repealed. . 1 t pend.nt at bcM o V& ia tf bee. 10, Thaf. tUis act shall be . f . -. , , wek. arl ircna ttrrtbttx ' -. - . ce that u ibrjirs and the Itwtd -Isaf i . - . . t- . , . , . in force from aad atttr tt rtiuCa- . . . , , , vr ' .. i- fci f,k of ft. ! wishts for tliait ont- and inpax.'e I ' i to point to witb prklo. Th TiMk Mr. Cii M. Manmnjj, rr tyn tion In the General Assembly read three times and ratified, this the 20th day of February, A. D. 1909. "Wuitihkah Kli-ttz, Speaker pro tempore of tim Senate. A. AV. Graham, Speaker of the House of UepreentatiTca. ntaiiy mort- vrixa of honor ind ue fnlna. llrnciriu:) Cld Lt'af. ; At the tiruo wj oTerlwAed the , fact that the Fkankux Timi:i. of lxuisburg, was a few data tlitr- Mr H V,. Krrtan rtvrud t'ju k trtm a iu urrk't ty M Ch City, trii.rr t, a fot at ilcklctjb'irc." .tt-nine year oid. At. ax. turn l lir.J- ' ; mark truly in ihj life f a Nrth Car lb State Ok North Cakomna. OfHice of Secretary of State. IlaleTqh, Febraary l!3, lOOU.' 1, J. Br.TAN Grimks, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do cereby certify the foregoing ani attached to be a true copy from Ihe records of this office. In Witness Wbreof, I hare hr.- unto sst mv hand and affiled mv official seal. Done in office at Ual.ijh, thia 23 day. of Febraary ia tho yuar of our Lord 1919. J. Bryan Gntuxs, Secretary of State. Una country newspaper. For t'.urty two years the iimks has Of en ooa- tinuouly edtteil by our friend. Mr. J. A. Thomas. The paper baa WeeO j well and wiseiy gudd during 11 1 the years that boa hand bas keen at ' the helm, and through both smooth and atDriuv seas has stood for the promotion of 'the btt intcreais ui Louisburg, Franklin coanty and lb. State. On all questions it bas been a factor for good, and has rung trae orery time, ibe ltuu and its gtn ial oditor deserro the sucoom that is their, aad the Sun wishes for tb.m many long jar af us.fuln.is. Dur baa San. Ho r t irvatmit a". thi u!aure revert 5 5aal?.rfani b n4 The aaid boards of 4'trati.w the levy of 'the special tax' and Sec. 5. em shall annaally elect a saperia-1 shall-' give said land .owner forty endent of roads for Fraaklinto'a I eighthoars notice of the 4 time ' arid ownsnip, wne snail be pata sucn place wnen ana wuere iue saia jury ompensation out of the road fund of I will meet tb assess his damages; : and hid township as may, be tixe4y iaid j aid trustees, and twhoshaU! bffice for one year or until) hiiTe- M essor shall be elected and .? o aalified: 1 of tha land, and if such benefits be the other provisions of this act shall cast ballots on which shall bepnnt- n Honor Roll. The followisg deaorvo credit for being on the hoaor roll of Now Hope school for week ondiag Feb ruary 2$tb,'l909: 1st grade Ruby Ferry, Franeia Chamblee, BsUoy Poarce, Bealrico Beddingfleld, Addio Odom. 3rd grade Poarl Freeman, Job a Edward, John Cbambloe, Otho Dentoa, Ettd Perry. ;4th , grade Tiley ' Boddiagfiold, Rayaaoa Edwards. - V - btn grade jLUa Ueotoa, Uoldie Hag wood, Graham Dickcrson, bea nie Yee lfedlin, John Donton.. Ctk grade Doria Dickersoa, CUf; ton Floyd,' ; John"" Odora, Jos aad Mary 1 Denton, V Otsar ' Ilaaoed, Aaron and Colie , Araold;. Ernest noyl,Joo Lafater, Claado .Cham t w' -' , :0 "V ' r'V'"', rovided, that aaid j: superintendent J ner jpiescnbvd , . for the - eleetion ;.of aay at any time be removed by said l the damagjs sustained the jury shall poardi after having ''eBjjyjT ed or 'Written For Gdod -Roads,' those opposed", to i such shall , cast ballots -oa-which shall : be ;wri tten or printed -44 Against Good Roads :In all ether respects said election: shall be "held and eond uc ted in jthe m an ays notice and a hearing; henl in 6 le opinion ot the board , tAera 'ex-1 for revision and confirmation; f Prpi "ts good and eaffiiaealasa tru 'JtmoTaT' It ahailbls5!datr of I to the superior court - of Franklin 'iud wperiatendentv? iibjeet : ta the I couaty from' the deciaien of said I 'provided tor ia thia act; Provided, blee; - ."V 1 t :'7th js;rade Willie Ckamblee. S: f j X .4 W. R. Xouna,' Teaeher. Kind Aords From tha i Breth- rnvV.-r;r:; - ran.-4 -. Weliope our readers will not con sidfr it a t of egotians on' our part If a majbritjof ,tba qualified voters s in printing below, a few J kindly -t aad oi'taaids.township ahall- yota -.'I'dr; Wghlf ippraciatedsjxprcfsiont from Good Itoads, then said bons shall other powers and duties exercised as some of the "brethren of the ' qalll1 ba issued and said' tax levied and the Tin their mentis n of oar now volotao, ' ' ".- : ' ' "'... " 't J . J ) J-' " 4." t. Aa all ot our readsra do not see ' the Tariocs rarcra of the State, wa hid a a From YounfirsYllle. Tbo following is tho Hoaor Roll ef oar Graded Wcbool for reVruart: 1st grado; Belli, llofden. Moxetl. VVUliams, Pearl All.n, Erssllo HuS, Mary Sbannaa Patterson, Mary Moss. 3rd grxJo Mary Tisrss, Aadio 1-eag. 4th grade Nora P. arse, Aoaio Psrrj, Isuio Williams, Aabrey Vfra- StOD. 6 tb grade Juaaie tfresn, -Irai Allen, Barma iorry, Willi o Maasey. Cth gnde Uxzie Williams, Grass Usrat 7th grado Amanda Wiastoo, Margsrette HaaL . ' , 8th grade-Katle lloliso, Iilllaa Winston, Hattle, Perkeraoa, Frank Tioberlakei. Mabel Coeko, Saait PUree, Usxtaia .TTiasiea, EUta VOi gTade llary: Winston; Itojal Gay, GsrtrnJo Winston, CUade Tua berlako. Route RUdick, Malooo Wat- kJaa.":-' :" '' w- r' ' ';The t Aaiitoriara f w- Hlsd last Friday, eighty aad all a eased Coea joy ibe lrtTate .8crstary-" ; r. Oa Friday lUieh 12, Dixie Qoar- UUe fxom Wake FortsL will a?pxr la tiio Graded School Aulitoriaza, aad cur people will doubt c!ve thena a warm rtesptloa. " ... F. List of Joron. Tbe fa!jiiag t i H: cf jsrero dfwn br the ootsmiMiocers for April-trm cf Franklin Sapncr Cocrt. wlnrh cor.Tf trx the lCnh: finr m. W. Hp Williams, G. W. Poy. ihrrr W. l. Ftt!ltr, U. F. Pcll.r, K. K. Allen, M. K. Jyner. fto. n. -jVtkeraoo. W. C. Fuller, A. D. MitcVmer. W. J Jjre, IL T. May, Jonas Dn!oti. C. C. Icaooe. Jtvo. C. Winston, O. D. Pearre, C W. Gsa- too, A. U Allen, G. T. Coilfas, J. H. llllrtlia, J. B. Xtowo. W. E. Vs sell, J. K. Nicb&lfoo, Raa Griaf Geo. K. Stall, J. H. Gaplon, C F. Faolkoer, J. B. Jane, J. H. Whil .U, W. P. Hoal, J. G. CrekmT, J. T. Lane! ler, J. V. )bj. L. W. Miifthlner.G. B. Clark, AHh C41itr, A- I). Harper. ' St CO P WHk. W. U. Parriab, ?am Bartbok.w, M- lncastsr, C. W." IkKme, W. T. Dcaa, C. T. KaribolTrc.wC. tf. Psarce, W. IL Yoang, J. SV Wod, OUio U. Collin,' W. H. lmti, S. C Kara. T. W. Wood, .!. C Tfcirric jtca, A. A. Modl'ia, J, K, Icaeoe, 5. J. Msubows, Jr B. U. Frotcjsa. . ! Mark Twain oa Booka. ' 1 A yoaag prl eae asked Muk Twela U be liked Vecis fee Ciriai- tiia'cifu: " - ' , WoIl," ttai d.p d4" drawM the great 'ats3rliL 1 fcIf a lock tas a Isatbsr eovcr U ts rraHy valcaUo as a raxor slrvp. If It is a krUl, aoastse work, aach as Ibe Fri&sk arriU, it ts casfd W pel aaisr lbs , abort Wg ef a wsXUy ul-V la oll-fubiosed Wck, with a tUrp, ani be beat as a caii lo Izzl at a &&Z aoa Urr;o bock, bke a raphy, is as aod aa'a 7 Wse c t t-a . 10 r. tl over a l-rckca r ise of :-rx., Pk 1 . j b.ia t t Hi

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