LOCALS. . -We wfere glad to learn .that Misa Sne Cheatham is improving rapidly; Good Roads election in Frank lmton township, Tuesday April 6th, How are you? For or against good roads, fret ready "to answer the question.; , To watch the different stores in our town one would not think w time wflra as "dull" as some would hare you believe. Company F. has been provided with a gallery target, which we are informed will be placed in position in their armory at an early date; Miss Ethel, daughter of Mr. rsA Mm W. JL Mitchell, who lire about five miles west of here, K enter tained a number of her friends in honor of her fourteenth birthday. Those who attended from town re port a large crowd and a big time in general. Judging from ' the " appearance of the streets in the recently opened part of town our street committee aie having some fine work 'done. Our town truly has good representa tives in the persons of Messrs. A. B Cooke and H. E. ' Pierce, eertjiinly so far as street work is concerned If "good roads" carry in Frank linton township, it means that all: of the roadsin the township will be worked hired or convict labor, and there-will be no "warning in of hanls to work the roads' How do you folks who have been working for sir days in the year, and then have no geod roads, like that idea? , ' Good Roads Election. ';The qualified votersTof Franklm ton owriship will have an ; oppbrtu nity on Tuesday," April 6th - to - vote "for good road a' and ' "against good rjads." In t another ' part fpfy the Times th "entire law. is published for the; information v of '.the " voters, yhe ca'l foithe election is also pub lished, and as will"? be .'ieert by. eai call ewry voters qualified to do et will have to register in order to ; bo able to vote in this election. It is an entire new registration and in order for Good Roads to carry a majority of the registered voters -of the . township must cast their votf'a 'FonGood Roads." To register an-1 not vote is a vote "Against Gotni Roa8." The plan is before you, good peo ple of Franklinton township, and it is for vu to sav whether vou will have good roads, by paying a small sum each year, or whether, you wili continue to pull through mud and slush, thereby causing tha wear anl tetr of your steams to cost yon much more than the tax. HOW ABOUT YOUR fr"1!::-; , t- OTTO . . lOV trtiiizers f- Personal. Mrs. C. F. Best is visiting her peo ple in Louisburg. A. S. Powell, spent Sunday with relatives in Wilson, Dr Joel D. Whitaker, of Raleigh, was in town Monday. J.1 B. Cheatham, of Monroe, spent Sunday with his people 'here. Misses Allie and Helen Jenkins, of Wilton, were m town Saturday. TC - fj. Widdows. of Hiah Point, is - r ' visiting friends and relatives in town. A. F. Morris, of Oxford, spent Sunday with his brother, Mr. J. S. Morris. Miss Siddie B. Green is visiting her brother Mr. A. H. Green, at Raleigh. Miss Neppie Davis, of Raleigh, is visiting at the home of Mr. B. W. " Ballard. Mrs. E. M. Cornell, of Montgom ery, Ala., visited Mrs. M. C. Henley , the past week. Miss Elizabeth Jones, and Mr. Kimbro Jones, of Raleigh, spent Sunday at Mr. B. W. Ballard's Mr. E. P. Biackley left yesterday for Richmond where he willr go to the Memorial hospital for treatment under a specialist. Miss Katie Bet Morris came .home from the Baptist University at Ral krh. and SDent a few days with her people here this week. Miss Margarite Williams, of Louis burg College passed through here last Friday to take part in the "Pri vate Secretiry'at Youngsville , that iight. 1 '. . 1 - Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rkeield left yesterday on 41 for White . Oak, K. C, in answer to let message announc ing the death of Mrs. Raefield's mother. A Correction. The Franklin Times in it's issue of last week gives au account of the trial of Dibk Gardner and Gladys Gardner and publishes the testimony given at the Justices' Court, then goes on to comment on the proceed ings in a manner- that we consider unfair to the witnesses from Frank linton and that reflects 4 upon them. The Times states "that public opin ion was divided as to their guilt and that some cf the Franklin ton people who heard the evidence before the Coroner were disappointed that they were not bound over. - In justice to the Coroner, who appears did his work properly and well, and to Justice Masenburg, we feel that we should state that it is claimed that the evidence before the Coroner at Franklmton and that given at the preliminary trial herta Was' not the same by any means.' This is not true and reflects upon us who were witnesses. There were statements allowed by the Coroner in order to try to arrive at the facts which were ruled out, and rightly so in the Justices Court, otherwise the testimony was the same, except in one instance; the question was asked of G. L. Whitfield, if Gladys Gard ner appeared on the stage Saturday night: he answered that he did not think she did, but after thinking, over the matter, they bavin g played here several nights, he remembeied that she did go on the stage the Saturday night in question and he asked ; per mission of the court to corn ot .this mistake, which the court did. It was only an error in dates and no evidence in question, all the evidence being entirely circumstantial and none brought out strong enough to convict. There are no people who are more anxious to punish crime than the people of Franklmton. It is the only way to suppress it. We write this in justice to ourselves as the Times intimates that .we .swore to one thing here and another in Louis burg. ". ' " Very truly, A. B. Cooke, Chief Police. A. R. Winston, M. ,D. G. L. Whitfield. B. F Euro. ...... f As the Times never intentionally does any man injustice the editor takes pleasure in publishing the --LD1T0R.J '"r- The McGhee-Joyner Company carry a large stock of am moW,ed goods chemicals at all times and it will pay you to see us before buyin SPRING SUPPLIES Get ready for the biggest and be it year of your life by gtttisg the best farming implements, work hiroen-t, grain, tie., fma Frankllnton Blgscst and Best Store- W do cot Rutiant tor.s but it will be j autpUiona beginning. Hamcua, How Hare , Iieatber and Cotton Collars, Traeca, Cc4Ur Pa4a acd ay thing rm want. FARMING IMPLEMENTS Smoothing Harrow, DUc Hsirowa, Plows thillwi acd ca.i I. proved Stalk Cutter, Cox Cotton PUntr. Tb world lataou Oalt Cotton and Corn Planter, taark th gr4kUt inrotioa in .tiog f farm labor in a generation. Ertrj farmer should hsm on. QROCERIES AND GRAIN Two car of Yallev Virginia Flour jut rrird. OATS: Pun, Whit Hpring. IVlurk Spring. 5Iitrd PoUtoa TRY US AND BE COOTIU'CED CI THE STORE OF QUALITY" FRANKLINTON'S BIGGEST AND "BEST STORE ' Capt. C. , T. .Nicholson returned ' Mod day from a visit to. Rocky Mount, where be attended a meet- ing of the Rural Free Delivery Mail Carriers association. , , , . . . 1 ' . . Misa XIattie Conway left yeiter , day for ; the northern markets to t purchase a spring stock' of millinery v- .for, Dixon .Bros. at Wake Forest. r " She will also visit relatives in (,New York and ; Brooklyn . while s she is gone." : c? i l, -wr,v. : v;i i V- Among tb number, of ourciti- ' ",zems vibo went up to Raleigh Thurs v :day night to tee "Kat Goodwin" ; . were JLlr; A; S, f Joyner and wife, J. W. McGhee; Miss Hena Ballard 4 ; and Dr. S. ; C..:Ford. -They report a iplendid petfermance. s abov mimmmsmmmmm Peirinnieirs Supply ' Store Two Car Loads MORS and 'MULES THE B. W. BALLARD CO.. ajnun irreeta you. Oar basinc&i Ust year ex ceeded our most sanguine expectations. , We thank our friends for their pat ronage in 19U3 and we want your business for 1903. we have mtnpie mean to pay cash for all the roods we buy." Our business 11 run on small expente. This enables us to sell (roods on very close marjrin for cash, and on very reasonable terms On Time. We carry everythincr in farmers supplies: Meat, t war, Lard Sugar, Coffe., Molasses, Corn, Oats, Tobacco, Snuff, Soap and small grocerica. Cole's Cotton Planters, Shovels, Forks, Nails, Horse ana Mute Shoe. Guano We sell Raleigh Standard, Old Dominion, Home Beat, Ely, Sixteen per cent Acid Phosphate, Kaint, Nitrate Soda, Cotton Seed Meat Don't for get while we sell goods very low for cash, we want your Time Bustxfcsa. To those trading with us on time. . We will furnish them the cash to buy such ar ticles that we do not carry. Make a note of this. Time coatomery who give us mortgages, or who have orders from their Land -lords, or others that we ap prove, we will buy outside for you such goods as we don't carry at cash price. Don't forget this. Our competitors will fell jou that you can't get all you want from us. Again thanking you for your kindness and wishing yoa great success and happiness. Yeurs very truly The B. W. Ballard Company P. S. If during the year oui Time Customers get In "kard place," axd need a little cash, you can get it from ua. P. S. No. 2 We sell the old reliable ,Fataptco guaao. Don't forget this when you buy your guano. The largest and bett colleettoa of aouad ycracg UcrMt t ever shown tinder our re-of ia Ijoubbtirg, NOW IN MY BARN If you would have a safe yet certain Cough-Kemedy :. .in , the home, try; Dr. Shoop's at least once. It is thorough ly, unlike any other Cough preparation Its taste wilt be entirely new to you unless it is already your favorite Couh Remedy. ; Ko opium, chloroform, or any other stupif yipg ingredients are t used. The tender leaves of . a harmless, , lung healing mountainous shrub, give to Dr. Snoop' s : Cough ' Remedy its wonderful curative properties : It i$ truly a most certain and trustworthy . " prescription. Sold by The Boddie-Perry Drug Co. D R FTO, R D . . ' ;;fj:pX'' dentist;. ; -; :&ts Office in sStaiuiton Buildihgl . STEGGS F0R SAL& r I haTVlptrf jBriff : Orpin gion Barred ;Plym6uth Bocka, - "White Wyandotte ..and .Brown Ijeghorn eggs for sale. $1 per setting of 15 apply to -Vl'.0.-.BlTIQIBIiIi, n vPrwiliatba, & F D. No. 2. 1 . A : A. jIIk dfW, rffct rfkjrfW jfw At JVjfiuCkA rfW Ac.AA jAt 0RJ1AS' CHILL PILLS ; Have No Equal as a Preventive or Care for Chills. . . v ' They not only Care . Chills, bat Build ' and Tone Up - your System, For sale . A L D R U G GJ.STS 4 r Ifyi U 1Wr "VV r PER YEAR. 01.00 More povd midd uamt tkan ever btfora. I told V? t dealers that the supply of goed oaltt, with qcUily. wil ! U r thia year than ever rf fore. Be quick asd br cow. Too will 17 it I : aame pnc later and not gel the quality. F ana era XtTt JTm W a mm - . . . uaaxaJia, King a liUl, lUraoa e Bndre. KjitrvIL Wiltca. TruxlUiu j Toungtville, WaVe Forwl, Role villa, WaV.fi.ld, Hlot mt Ur f Rotda, Springhope or any other vicinity, cxa vnp wall aflori ic musm uBt w exjea w jouuDurg to gei taatr istiH el a where they cn get taere quality at a little lets prir lhaa iiey M poatiblr espet or a aaall dealer who handle ealv a few YU mi hole aeaaon. My trade reaches oi f ssjther every y w. Uy r. parHea entitled to credit cam rtl aa rood aooas3oaUea a ere m i W can from their neighbor. 4 1 , WAGONS! WAGONS! V f r. J tkl I have very aire 1 a ad 2 kme, light and fcetty, Irei Taioble Shin, and aa eql you with the whole e-utlt. llarneaa Brethicg, BridJra la. . ... ., f BUGGIES & CARRIAGES IXy U 09 aupply will he Ha te - " - Beam tcxaithisg, arrive ia a few eTtya. My r! K P HILL 'C 1 1 V ? t r