I ---t nam i I i 4 5 6 Far ;ooas For The Garden Thirty years in 1 business, with ; a steadily increasing trade everyi year until we ' have to-day one of the largest businesses in seeds in this country is the best of evidence as to . . .vii- 'r J?ie Superior Quality of Wood's Seeds; i We are headquarters for , Grass and Clover Seedv Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, t Cow Peas, Soja Beans and all Farm Seeds. ; s Wood's Descriptive Catalog the most useful and valuable of . Garden and Farm seed Catalogs mailed free on request. ? . w. wood a sons Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. people uoslptent irijl tbealm of home as the saoshine - that drive's darknest Iromu mat twarmtn which is essential 'to li&an&g orn. There it a convincing and vmiyinp u nshme; fqry w ItasbeWn Jfl women,' youtnan frienship of thel s uhny-f aeef ffi I -f; -i.,iiJ sirs ' -- ? '-.--'.. -t-.i f ocial circles welcome cheerful nets. A sunny face . i aSpen? pleasured to hearts and - homes. By j it burdens are lightened, care dispelled,'' sorrow banished,' and hope made to 'reign triumphant whr f fear and dou t, and despondency held high carnival You, own life Vill beWeetehed, your own joys beightened, byyour peren mat neaveniijgated, sunny face. 15 ; Sale of Valuable Real Estate Rv virtue jQI tne power uuiucucu non me in a certain deed of trust exe- ted to me uy iuiouyi v fe and dulv recorded m tne Registry Deeds for Franklin County ; in Book i l6, page 15, and at the request oi tne older or tne Donas securea tnereui, a nn Mondav. the 15th day of March, bo' at about the hou of noon, sell at ublic auction ai ine court nuuse :;uwor k Louisburg, N. C, to the highest fr,r naati. all tnat certain tract oi arcel of land situated m tne i-ounty om ranklin and state oi JNortn uaroMna ear the town of Louisburg, ahd Negrlect of Home Duties. $5445.869:More a Year for iS if 0s:Tobacc6 Farmers : 3 S 5;The total value of the tobacco yield for tha eizht rohaeeo Ktxii t isr oyer $59,554,131 annually. With the same acreage the tobacco ii Vi growers in these States could, bv improved mathods of ralti-mtinn ' ' and fertilization;: undoubtedly increase the total value of the crop to $65,000,000.' - :,. nia-' vira:i uarouna IFertilizers 5. . ry : - . . : - i - . - .1 r ? jBrecwujwuflueawiiaine utmost care, containing oruyencn elements ; 5 of plant foods as can be taken up and properly assimilated by the plant without causing injury to its quality, a Years of investigation , of the cultivation and fertilization of tobacco enables the Virginia- ,-': Carolina Chemical Company to furnish fertilizers of superior quality ' v for the production of this crop. . . : . , r j: r i , . Mr. J. WJLRocrers. R.P.D. No. A. Thrrham I r... vritM T fc.. . 01 en using your fertilizers this year aru the crops art the bett looking 1 "pve ever seen-t-especuiUy the tobacco crop. I have never e en any wwr jwHtw.wnicfl actea as quxcKiy as -yours aoe$. The leal ; ' is large and waxy, cures bright," and I am satisfied will bring a big r i price Also, my neighbors in this district use your fertilizer with ; the best results.!! ; .; . ; - s f : 'if -.Is there any reason why you couldn't do as ;wellT Be sure and ' ask your fertilizer dealer for a copy of the 1909 yirginia-Carolina , , Yf, Book or Almanac, orovrite our nearrt t sales office and a copy ' will be sent you free. l'sV ' '. . : Virgiiiia-(olinavCleinicalCo, Sabs Offices Many or our Duuiness. men are tempted 'to neglect their h6me duties. How often it is that r the store and the home seem, to clash, bat there ongnt not to oe any collision. ; it , is. often the case that the father is the mere treasure of the family, a sort wfc eub iu svo niDT uafetun -. v , I riur a Z .-if -: .i.r :,.:.-.?. - J. Thft' RftHt. Wflv tn HanrllA Ma- riflt goods and groceries. The work of g9V4rnment he does hot touch Richmond, Va. Norfolk, Va.-". Colombia. S. C. Atlanta, Gu r. Savannah, Ga. Memphis, Tenn. Sabs OfficdS Dtuham.N.C Charleston. S C. Baltimore, Kid. ColumliuJs, Ga. Uontgomerr, Ala. Shrereport, La. ivfcnrnsOTr ri a t ! " ; ' , ; HENDERSON, ft C V . ft . .With Besourcet ef 4 4 l Three Hundred Thousand Dollars J wo are prepared to aecorainodato our patrona. Y have nice -hundred well eatUfied depojutom and will welceme you. v ' Watch Us Grow t fam K Spencer and airs. JUoui5arnam, on he East Dy tne lanas oi rucnara rveiiey nH James Malone. on the Sduth by the ands formerly owned Mrs. Iimisa, 5 the West by Tar River, containing 125 J teres, more or less, subject to the lower interest therein oJ Mrs. Lt. W. JJMarshall, widow of S.W. Marshall, and being tne same lanus conveyea xo the said E. E. Marshall by W. M. tful- erand wife by deed dated August 25, nure. Once"ortwice m i year'he ; calls the table manure spread on the land children up on a Sabbath afternoon and left there loses less than in any when leai alhalf hour; he does not way you can keep it It will lose in exactly know what to do; with,, and the barnyard, it will lose in piles, but in that half hour he disciplines the prea16ii the land, it loses mainly children and chides them and cor- water, and the lad absorbs and holds ricti their'-'faolto and;res'rihem...'a what is washed into it by rain. great deal of good advice, and then In an experiment made some wonders all the rest of th year that years ago at the New Hampshire his children do not do better when Station, manure? was spread m tbe fall they have the wonderful advantage arid left to he all winter. At same time some was spread and plowed un- 0PPQRTUN1TY. TO BUY A FARM. I have about one thousand acre of land, which I am willing to sell on long time If, a reasonable, eash payment is made. Any one de siring to buy a farm will do wel to see me, as I will sell in lots of 50 acres or more. T. W. Bicxrrr, Louisburc, iN". C. See K. P. Hill if yon wish to pur hase any of the above land. 906. and dulv recorded in the Register V Deeds for Franklin County, to which i of that semi-annual castisration: I - 1 U-. 1. .tnll 0 ireierence is neruy inaue xux axun uc- - . . . , , . I A am ot nni T r,- kription of said land. .. J. ne tamny tapie, wnion ougnt to r1 """ F""5 This the lutn day oi reo. v. n3 tne place-for pleasant discussion I was spread on another plot, ana tne W. H. Yarborough, Jr., Trustee , i - , i r nA ana coeeriuiness, oiten Decomes tne ruw " "" tauwv Two Tewn I nt Fnr .ile Dlace of Derilous, exDedition.; If m corn, lhe plot where the manmre Lot known as Holloway lot an tere be any blessing asked at all, it the surface all winter made C lot adjoining. Very convenient to is cut off dt both ends and with the verJ consiaeraoiy tne largesr crop oi VlGraded school. Fine opportunity I handf on the carving knife. He tne three. The Progressive Farmer S h get 2 bargains. For terms &o oouuta on Ma finffer8. making esti- t W me. J. W. KIN a. - u t.x. Weak and Sickly Women. o I " I . t . . It is hard to estimate how manv wo tA Notice of Sale I The work done, the hat goes to I men owe their female troubles, general Bv virtue of the Dower confered un- I head and he starts down 1" '. . 'I r S. R. HARRIS, 4 i Pres't - i ' AAA ii t S. X PEACE 3 4 CeshV Aini'inioEiifliiccBimeblt v. ear t. - A - tKt atront I weakness, nervousness, saiiow bkih, ecc, iue street, constination and, indierestion. but rtain deed ot trust exe- i i u u e t AI . r: ' . , . , TT i , , auu uoiwio iv iaujuj as auscu iiwiu doctors wuose pracnuw is uuuu wuiueu i Deeds of nklm county m book 162 bundle and aayi to the cutomer. of Dr: CaidweU's Syrup Pepsin, which page 104, I will, on Monday, March 15, -.-m .-' , cures " constipation ind irestio sick 190N sell at the court hoor f Anything more I can do or yen XcC-Su?n, botches, e Louisburg, N. C., to the highest bidder today, sir." A man has more le- It is absolutely guaranteed to do what forcash, certain gJ gnon'-ibilitv than those which are is claimed, and if you want to try it be m the county of Franklin and ? State ipf sponsibiiity than those which are fore buyi ' send your andress for a North Carolina, more particularly de- discharged by patting competent in- free sampll bottle to Pepsin Syrup Co., OafSSta Franklinton town- .truetor. over h children and gir- SSSS" Mr, oii;-- v,i lorwia Mm J r. , . . . i is spia Dy. xne iJoaoie-rerry uru? Sckerson MrW f" L. Harris and I mem a "rawing master ana a at 50c and 1 a bottle. SPECIAL NOTICE Tbret excellent city lots with large roomy dwellings for sale on reasonable terra9, nartv will sell on 5 voars tirue if desired. Also 1 city lot without house,, all this property is m Ix'st location and easy renting property, would ex change for country property or timbei land. This property will be offered as above f.r thirty days onlv. Write to Land Owner, Postofl5ce Box 204, Louishurg.C. Milch Cows For Sale. I have several good milck cowa with young calves for sale. MOSES NEAL Kotesville, X, C. The undernigncd having purchased the interest of J. S. Hll in tV Vhite-Hall Fnrniture Company, hr LouiAburg. deiirra to ur thai Le Ml A t ... . ' . wui conunue tne uuunesa at ine eaxne utanu. I wish to aay that I will Mttle all ecc-iunU do by cr lo the eld firm, and therefore it become nmxry for all old smotiqU to be ti tled within a Limited Time, All those indebted to the Whit,Ha!l Furniture Company will thcreftre plrae corae forward and an acre mo sara at once, as unaer uie contract the old bujine taustbe c tiled I SHALL CONTINUE to keep a full stock of everything in the Furniture lie t. acd will be gld at all time to srve my f iends and cuntotner, and will guarvcU-e, a heretofore, satisfaction tn ?ver- pirticular. Wr t&ake a rilty cf oar Undertaking Department nfrxctftlly, W. E. White Furniture Company, By W. E. White. A WANTED Second hand bag and barlap any kind, any quantity, anywhere; we pv freight. Richmond Ba Co., Richmond, 7a I "Plant bed cloth at L. P. Hick's Black pepper, Borax, Red pepper, age, Salt, at L. P. Hicks: ;er hi i J or commiBf-ion. Fairfax EeQniDic Co, Cleveland, Ohio. others, and bounded as follows: Be- music teachr. lhe physical calture fining in Simm's bridge road, near a of the child will not be attended to large rock, corner J. I., J. R. and K. , , , , . McKnight, thence along the road n. unlets the father looks to it. ' He 59' oJ,p?les "ll,6 H?.ks' n e, 7 mast ometimes lose his dignity. He poles 20 links, n 30i e 44 poles 7 links, . W n 33i e 48 poles, n 64 e 31 poles to must nnhmber his ointa. He ' must Mrs. Fuller's line, Mrs. Harrison cor- lometimes lead them out to their rock, Mrs. Fuller's corner, thence n 24 sports forget the severe dutaes of life e 33 poles 5 links to a rock and iron finm-timpa tn flv the kitfi and trun- WANTED: Reliable, enersretie mon to veil stake. Thos. Woodiief romor. thence iomeUmes, to ny tne Kite, ana trun I ,nb.ftathl oiK Knd pai tin In 87 w 135 Doles 11 links -to a rock Idle the hoop, and Chase the ball, and . Franklin and udjoinipg conntiee. salary I c?rner f or. the McKnight's Brook line, hum d the roDe with ' his children' thence s 16i, e 146 poles 10 links .to " S . 1 , , ' the beginning, containing 60J acres. 2nd ought never to have been tempted One tract in Franklmton township, adj 0Qt of a crcity and unredeemable sol- loininci' estate of W Hnv.plw 'nod nnn . J . others, bounded as follows: Beginning itariness. If you waat to keep your atc 8taoll Hazelwood's corner, thence chUdrem away from placet ot sin, you s 64, w 88J poles to a hickory stump, . . r v , e 18, e 214 poles to Tar River, thence can only do it by making your home along said road, 97 poles to a stake, attractive. You may preach sermons Hazelwood's corner, s 18, w 15 poles ' , ; , N to a sassafras, Hazelwood's corner, and advocate reforms and denounce thence s w'53 poles to the begin- -wickedness, and yet your children ning, containing 127 acres, more or. , ..' . , . ,'. less less 31 1-5 acres sold J. N.Perry, will be captivated by the glittering f h 1 9 i am " ERRY Trustee. gjobnof sin unless v you . can make your home a ongnter place tnan any ether place on v earth to them., ,Oh, BARGAINS IN EVERY LINE Iiota of new things ju.it arrivwl for the AN IOC COUNTER Come in nnd look them over. THE BARGAIN STORE- W. Q. COOKE I Eats Up Ru. 6-3-4 will make an old, r.stv S tovc, or Stove Pipe, look like ncv , because it eats up rust. When y 0:1 i-ct up your Stoves, this Fall, g?vc. them a coat of 6-5-4; It is applied like paint, will not rub off and 3dlC5 314DIC5 Ulliy. gather all charms into your house! Having sold ont my Livery De- 11 T0 cau &noa u2 Drm DOOK auu . Saves Hard WorR If your dealer uasnt - it kcKinne 1 1 partment, I desire to announce to j pictures and: cheerful entertainments I ro., have. Louisburg. l'oou norses ana mines, auu vim 1 giaaness. mat it tnrows ouaius 01 tne mgnest Diuaer, at tne be orlad in Bfill nil wbn winh fn f biiv j ' .ui : t doer in Louisburg, N. C, on nnmrZ:"r:j:t- " IBVfS"1? UUB .ltt uu dav of March. 1909. it being 0 . 1 itf a tie public that I will continue my to the household; But, above all, Ct I 1 .1 T I,:-"-'.''---'' ... ' oaies ataoies at tne same stana. wdk nriiilrn not hv hlf an Nntir nrcei I wish to have a settlement with , " .. , all those owinff me for livery ax I - J-?4 . ----v Byyirtue of the power confered on . , " I uaV. DUl QaY aUcr Uay auu BVerT uoy i me as CiXcCUbOx ul lii will ox VxcO. I shall endeavor to keeD a stock teach them that . religion iff a great iSSSfvS Eff i 1 1 n V-' '. . J ' -1 1 I ' l . , . -m i. "- : I . , . i ..",; f . . . w uourt nouse the 31st in accord terin from the foot, no, blitheness ance with the terms of said will, the from the heart, no 8parkle from the ESffSEjK eye, no nag irom the ; laughter, but hn county, N." C near -Wood a v store MA ViB WWW i , .J . .1st Tract. A tract of land known at the Buck Gupton tract in said - town ship," said county, bounded as follows: On the Worth by in. u. , uupton, on tne East, bv N C Gupton and on the West and South by . the landa;known as the old Tom Davi3 land, containing 51 acres more or less.-'.v: -1 2nd b A tract m f said township said Notice to Tax Payers Ordered by. the Boara of Town Commissioners, that D. C High Tax Collector, be ami i hereby in structed to collect all taxes due the town by March 10th and t ) ad vertise all property on which taxes have net been paid by that date. U. S. CLIFTON, Clerk. J U S T OPEHED UP a nice line summer clothing, also spring and fall clothing, prices are an ngnt. nere i some special bargains in other merchandise that must be closed out;' knives and forks, pooket knives, razors, dreas lining 3 l-2c per yard, laco lc to 4c yard, calico 4c, ladies shirt waists 25c to 65c, belU 5c to 10c borne of hese belts are silk and cost 3ic only 10c, hair brushes.tooth brush- ej axes, pat. andrews drapery 5c yard, ladies shoes, soap, faoe pow- deT, hamburg edging, men e sua benders, diamond .dyes, cornets. babv caDS for the babies. The a. above are bargains. c A ram now reidy to farniih all kind real. Belt LunpjJint aad arttut- ctt, P. A REAVIS P. S. Plenty of bc-t hop cotd. R. F. Fdxleb, Louisburg, N. C. Wharton & Tyrce, ' Workers in Artistic Photography ,, - Raleigh, N C;, , ; Eatabllshed 25 years. Write us a card making -an en gagement, when coming- to . the Capital. x pll CC itt tasedic reiier to T iLLJ Dr. Shsop's Msgc OitiztLl tliat "her ways are ways of , pleasant- neis, ana au ner pains are , peace ;! Hr: Millet, Howeaotiia,a The bes t way ; to iorm an opinion about an article is to use 1 it : yourself, yet tne testimony, x rPonntv -known, aa -the GeoF., Allen . . ii u . vr . i i w F - i niace. oounaeu aa iouuwo On the Moweaaua. , aii.. says --fci luovomv i. i j - t tt u .i6 S32?2l and BroW' on the East bythe land, t . in-r h: k "iinnrmj". i in t.n wear. ana 4-11 k lJrnHv A ' pcniBOund 1 South by the larids "of C. GrTood, coxi" the mat L herb laxative , , qcmpound uining acres more or less. The wnicu is saxe auu fVo,i is on tb first tract a good bouse with taste. at,-i absolutely guaranteed .toL. , e , horse farm . : y-i . a i . - j. Ann : it "irriii i . 'do what is elaimed for it,v and - if you , i 4 hafnMi hnmnff . SPTIfl VOtlT I - . . , wftiiv w a tract tnere is a store house ana severe aaaress wraireesaiuyw "r other houses. V ; -: V !: .AT&mMtET Executor.. ticevo, 41 i auxu Wm. H. Kumn, Atty. Ferry. Dra Co.; at 50c and $r a ott'e. y.,::L,;;..;'.':v, Tours truly jnsa, THETIGii TO IEP0S1T J. P. MINSTOH tiUYLERS CANDY v ALWAYS FR.E S H THE B0DD1E-PERRY ; Drui Company : your money u now. ljon t wait unul tou gl mora. Ton II be teat t- ed to spend what yon have wbiio watting. We accept rrnil aa wdl a largo depoaita. invite yoa to become a Defxwilar and crr yon all he facilities a man of many umej your meiaj enjort The Farmers and Merchants - Bank . LOUI3BURG. H. O.I CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OVER- S40-000 .-. . WU BAILET. Prcili eat Legal Blanks ' at TIMES Office ' ;Y FIRST CLASS JOB-PRINTING. - V

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