kidneys; heana and Democrats, mi tirsd- of l"T?li r5 11 IMTPr5C ""I ?' ' ' 1,'v'.'i v.. 7 7. 7- , 'i: ? '' f'f';'' V' r ' ' 77 ' r- i i '7? 4 f HOMASy : ED. &: OWNER ' lint YJtsL'-' ;1.00 six moitths, -k- t --- :o. . - ' FRIDiY?MAW?H; 5,1909 r, ,r The tegiitatare will probably journ next Monday, M:0J;: ad. It is now President Taft and Ted- iv is a "back hutuber,? 'V Members of the Legislature who are attemntinsr , te defer the eaact- sent of anti trust la w o the ground that trust a are matters for Federal regulation, will hare to. find some their excuse Jf they want 'id aBvbodv. This Supreme ourt of the United States of Missouri and Texas, aad only this wee J: tne same seurt upheld the Arkaasas aati-trust law, under which the Hammond Packing Company, of Chicago, was iaed $10,000. The apologists for the trusts pan o loager truthfully say that State legislature is not affec tive. Statesville1" Land mark. 116 Need to Take Any Further Risks. . . ;. j.Why, jp6ple dnttnuVftb suf- ferthe agonies of ? kid nejvcora plaint baekaeheiiriaaryduorders, lameness, headaches, languor, why allow them- seltet tift df onoJhrptnc:;inTahds4 when a certain ure is offered them? .: Dean's kidney Pills is the 'remedy' to. use,' because' it gires - te the . kid neys the help tlier need- 'to ; perform thWworkfi H'- :Z if ton have any, eTenohe, ot ; the fmptoms of kidney diseases, eure yourself now, before'diabetes, dropsy or Bright's disease sets m. 1 ;, Cast beliere that the Knox bill will to allay it for a while. ssrre ,VIT1 POTUIOtV' Knox- bill profides u7hat any , employe ot a common earner who shall knowingly deliver any ; in texieating liquors, which hiTe' been shipped from one Stiti to anoth-r or a1 foreign ooantry into a Bute, to any persen other ; than the one to whom they hare' bee a censiened :ia each instance or; "to any ' fictitious rson, shall be ; guiltT of a misde meanor and fined not more than $5,000, or imprisoned xfbt mere 1, than two years : I bajo a good 12 J x IS Chandler and "Prices Jol bcr, almost oj good aa 1 neiT, thrft can be bought for S 1 70 J o.; b,; Louis- Hburg. Also a Chand ler and Price - 23 inch "u paper cuttcrf in cplen did condition, f. 6. b., Louisburg for Go Th , are gredt bargains. Headquarters For everything o Goel to tal and goed to wear. Oar Mcttcr. IrwrU rr! aiwayt, iu VJuaJity slT, Troopi D alwajm. . . - PHONE 4-7 alattry 1 1 r or Louwburg residents .demand mre perit who lhaU ia eon wit MfTiuwuK i.uwx amui traasportation or intoxicating JU T. Uarncs, Kowiana liquors colle et the Durehase nrioe. be. derson, N. says; Joan's Kidi, fonrtr after delit sry, shall be' guilty J. A- THOMAS, i. ' ' ; r LouisbiAi:, NJ C TAFT IS PRESIDENT. The inauguration of Wwa. H. liaft, as ! Preaideat efj .the Uaited States, took place at Waikington CSty yesterday. Of coarse it was a big affair. Those . pople who , are complaining at the expense of inaug urating a Governor of the state, enght to see the expense account of the President's inaauratioc. If Id man George Washington : eould rise ap and see it. he would' have forty "night mares." . The following compose Mr. Taft'i Oabinet: ;: . Secretary of State Philander C. Knox, Pennsylvania. ;t .1; Secretary of the treasury T?rank lia MsoY each, of Illinois. Secretary of War Jacob " M. Oiekinsen, of Tennessee. Attorney General George W. Wickersham, f New Tork. : Postmaster Geaeral Frank Hiteheoek, of MassaehutefeU. "Secretary of the Navj George von L.1 Meyer, of Massachusetts. Secretary of the Interior Kich ard A. Ballinger, of Washington. Secretary of Agriculture James WHsoa, of Iowa. : Secretary of Commerce and La bor Charles Ifagel, of Missouri. my case that I do maf hesitate to nnak in thir favor. As a result of disordered kidneys X was troubled a great deal by dull paims through my back aad loins. The kidney secre tions also caused .roe vmuch annoy- ar Ce on account of their irregularity ia passage Seeing DoarTa. Pills, ad- vartised'T obtained a box' and after i using them a short time I was en tirely relieved." . For sale by all dealers. Prioe 50 1 ents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo! Jfr York, sole agents for th- United States. Remember the hame Doan's and take no otner. BIG DAT IN NORFOLK. ABRAHAM LINCOLN AND RACE PROBLEM. Henderson Gold Leaf. In the death of Abraham Lincoln the bouth lost its best friend -the ne man who would have,, been in position to do most for, it in the days following the war for had he lived we cannot help believing there would have been no reconstruction times such as the bouth experienced. Nor do we beliere there would have been any race probjent as we ' have had ever since the enfranchisement of the aegro sudden and . full thrast upon him and the ballot given before he was prepared for the intel ligent and- judicious use of such powers. In his famous debate vwith Stephea A Donglas, September 18, 1808, referring; to the blacks Mr. Lincoln expressed himself as fol lows:, Home Coming Fleet Parade and . " a Special Rates via Seaboard. Aooount qf the Parade and Recep- tion to be given by the City ef Nor folk to the home-coming American Fleet which will be held Saturday, March 27tb. the SEABOARD au- thorized low reduced rates: There will be a parade at 11;I0 a. m. that will be participated in by 12 to 15 thousand marines which will paw in review netore Aamirai o perry, uev- Swanson and other distinguished guests:. 53)0 p. m. officers of the fleet, will bo entertained' at reception: 7:00 formation of the big torch light parade will begin wMch will be one of the most notable affairs of the kind ever held in Norfolk: Included in it will be automobiles, fraWrnal and secret organization, floats extrav- agantly decorated, and various civic organizations, and every person par ticipating will be supplied with " tor ches and .large quantities' of red THE light- - ; - The r Seaboard's round trip-- rate from Raleigh will be $7.25 ' from Durham, $7.05, Oxford $6.05, Hen derson $5.45, Weldon $3.25, an rates on same basis from other points. Tickets will be sold for all trains of the 25th and for noon tra'ns riving Norfolk 27th, with final turn limit of April 1st. That it shall be unlawful tor any person to ship any package of intoxicating-liquors from one State -into another, unless sveu package be so labeled on the ouUide .as Co plainly show the nature of the contents. -and the quantiy? contained , therein. One who violates this acy shatl be guilty of a misdemeanrr and liable to a fine of $5,000. -This is as far at the United States can go toward regulating interstate commerce, declared Mr. Kuor, whe made a thorough stvdy of- thn ques tion.. His argument, as stated in bis conclusion those whe read ray earlier, article an this subject will recall, are; "Interstate shipments are net com pieiea uatii iney reaen tne con- signee. "An interruption or interference with interstate, shipments before they reaen me consignee constitutes a regulation of commerce. "Regulating interstate shipments is an exclusive function of Congress "Congress cannot delegate any part of its exclusive function to the State. "To remove the bar of impediment of exclusive Federal ' power which shuts out of the Federal domain and thereby allows them to enter that domain is xo. ptrmr .-or sanction & State law ia violation ot'ihe constitu tion and in effect to delegate a Fed oral function to the State." Those who live in dry territory may paste this law in their bats for their liquor deaters and carriers must comply with it. LADIES , Don t Forget C G. WOOD'S Millinery Department When you want your New -Spring and Sum mer Hat. I will have the most up-to-date styles that can be bought,- and at the cheapest prices. C G. WOOD Woods, N. C S o z My ICB HOUSE is now opa as4 the baUfica of lHs year. wifj ct!tjfce J NO. W. KING LOUISBRG, N. C. && oomoxooo lo) mniovsd ii - 1 u - u I fcrit3 et..oM to' mj fhc&Ji aed cciWtM- I J.., D0td taj GroOTrj ,tot". u 11 buildisg famiilj ctvfir-i l. ta txtrj 'k lim tt li L1(.. lfftri.. frciU. ttc V1 Bt4 of rtii0; iu ny !;., It. ne. Your IrvJ. U1 b j-nk. 1 pprj:U.t DAVID G. PEARCE LOUISBURG, N. C. 4 o ur 3 00HjH00HM XMiHHHii Chamberlains Comrh . Eemedv the v Host Popuiar Because it is the Best "I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for the past eight years4 ani find it to be one of the best selliajr med icines on the market. For babies aud young children thero is nothing better in the line of cough syrups," says Paul Al eny P.ain Dealing, La. This remedy not only cures the -coughs, colds and croup so common among yountr chil dren, bat is pleasant and safe for them to take. For sale bv The Boddle-Perry urug Uo ar-re- Another Supreriie Court Opin ion on the School Tax Prop , ositlon. Raleigh Ok patch A Threatening feverishness with' chil-l Tn a hatnh f 1; onnoal. d-ea is quickly and safely calmed byl . , , , 4 J .. Preventics. These little Candy Cold ciaea Dy ine oiaie supreme Vourt, Cure Tablets should always be at hand one of pirticular mtereat the Stte r f or prombtness is alMmpottarrt. Pre- . . - , , i . citizenship ventlcs contain no quinino, nothing l uuaru ui uucauon vs. . " 1 harsh or sickening. They are indeed 1 bnaril "the stitch in time," Carried in pock- . J . etvor purs, Preventics are a genuine Cherokee county, in which the board safeguard against; Colds, 2oc. Sold by 0f educaUon appealed from a ruliuc The Boddie-Perry Drug Co. ; V . ; . r - . . st'writ of mandamus compelling the county commissioners to levy an in creased' tax rate so. as to meet the s Hmate of the board of education as to money necessary to maintain four moatbs school in the county. It : Job Department : AT THE RACKfH"! Under Management of ASHER F. JOHNSON The Knox-Liquor Law. Washington Correspondence to Charlotte Observer. the! The Knox lienor bill, affecting I will say, then, that I am not j nor the traffic between states, has .passed aver nave been, in mor nf hrm hit nnn tn A .;n .a:. -.. ----- 7 , ' u.JUg 1 xxuu ;test UU Till wvH40 aT VI I - , . . X. about m any. war the social and do- the land. T nredictad in .thi. Aotta. J bapp.e-ned ,?,th,, W thuh '.nty litical eqnalhy.orths white and pondence; .ererai week. aKo wmiaissroner. held tD the opinion Mack raccsthat J am not, nor ever this measure would find favor ith " ,eMrawowouuDo Cw i ; t i s - . lthe parpose. bo, although the ik. ao uu, m wiui wi mauug Tows a raaiomT ! ORD6 iner jssmen.; it -' . . . - Reraeraber that our Job Departrarnt, to which ranch attention will be paid, is now under the management of A. V. Johnson. O i We are Prepared to do ail : : Kmds of Work In y Turned out in a "Country Office' n ru.nt rc-ciTctl St vlifb slijv prs for Ladic. ChiHrrn. A worlhj selection unftirprveKxl ia value aud f trie You .ire invit! fo.c thrr MRS. A. M. HALL i tne union. . rne. ue-1 . ' , :A . -? . , , ' aay in additibn to this, that there is publicans in Kebraska-and Indiana ?irKV?nW' a, physical; difference, between the have suffered oa account 'oi the aei- mt? :?UlJ??. of lte white races -which; I be- taliori of the issue and the Democrats aot aniw commissioner, to 7iere will forever'forbid thetwo V in Georgia; WthVarohna add Ten- oa airecUon aa to tes imng together on .terra. , of , o-: mtum bav. felt "the : effects ot the -" v""" i ,- ; U t aad , politfcal l eqiality.;'- Andl coDtroVe'rsiee ckmed on in - their re - they joannot .0llie, .pectin States for .'years. . Vireinia - - 'V-rV WhUe theTao remain together there U. about Uhe only' Soaihern' - State l? 'V - WT the positioa of .operior and where the Demoeratio pirtj Wen. t inferior, and 1 as mriftl."fla'any'. tl'.- -i'uA t.-'i 't l801 la " - ' ,-:. . w.. m ;n r tu'i r K - i . . . 1 I This is taken to mean , that man am in favor of having the su ' perior position assigned to the Svhite ': j race. ' : J, de 1 not - preceive-M;har be i cause the white man is to nave the radicals within bounds, and there ait lume wuo oeueve 'now- mat a outbreak will nrtmM thp'ra 'h'ofnfA tfio - - i . ' . f i . , I : . ; . Bflpenor position, the ? begr. should i next election is held. . Senators Aand be denied everYthing" Representatives in Congress; itepub. the commissioners can use' their '.discre tion, to- some, extent at leasts and while they are compelled to : provide the money they are not compelled to accept theestimatea of thej. board of education. ":i,.- ':'.",?Tr:'",-"'--.;i - ; t t And it is our purpose to fui niah goed work at reasonable living prices. In order to do .this wa must, '.neceaaarily adopt tha v r ' " i, Stridly Cash Sy&em tbia i department. A bill will follow each job when de. livered and from this date we nope our patrons - will be ' '' " ' ' ' J ' ' " ' - - - " - - readv to.aasist us in niakinir a new departure a success. t 'til f w - V.Afti5tict Printing...; We Want. 100,000 : DOZEN GOODS CHEAPER 7 7; j. THAN ANYONE GASH - OR - TRADE EGGS 50,000 WE WANT POUNDS OF HAMS jm ALSTON COMPANY Louisbur, N. C, . - 0 O 0 o o o Q O o A. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o s s o o o o St