'J , We Sell iHll! on the positive ; guarantee that if it does not give, sat-' isfactioh we will return thei entire amount of money; paid us y ! f THE -SUiJDAY SCHOOL, Lesson Xf.First -Quarter;: For v;; March ;141909.' THE ; INTERNATIONAL SERIES- J, . if' .'it f. ;, .- ' : - Text of th . Lesson, 1 Actajx 31-43. f Memory; Verses, 1 41--Go!den; Text, Acts ix, 34Commentary Prepared sWw D f S Ms, - - " - 1 We ask all those who are run-down", ; nervous, debili tated, aged , or; weak, and every person suffering from stubborn colds, haneingr-on coughs, broncliitis' or incipi ent consumption to tiry yinol with this understanding; ; THE B0DDIE-PERRY;DRU6 CO. D T. SMITHICK. Dealer in ?toks, Bonds, Real Estate Colletien of Rents, Baying and Sllinir Timber and timber lands.Loans srotiated. Lis tins of property for sale or 'rent aohcited. Prompt and careful attention ffwaran- We over First National Bank, IxraidbarK.N.C. D R. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING, ' Surgeon Dentist, - ffice in Ford Buiidinsr, Main aad Nask street, .suiaburjr. N. GL ' Hours: 9 to 4:30. Phone No. 40. ' D R. JOfcL X). WHITAKER, ye, EarNose and Throat Specialist, Raleijch. N. a Will be in Louisburg, at the office of Dr. Arthur Hyes Fleming, the first Monday in each month. 0 K. H. A. NEWELL PHYSICIAN. ' LOVISB0BO, N. C. Teleohone No. 156. v FR4NKLINT0N HOTEL Franklinton, IT. C. . t. Whitfield, Proprietor. R. C. U. BANKS. DENTAL SURGEON, LOCI8BORG, N. C. Office in Hicks Building:, Main Street. p H. COOKER " ATToWe Y-AT-IrA W, Office on Nashitreet Prompt attention Wen all legal basineaa entrusted to me ' R- J. 8. 11ALONH, raaACTlClNaPHT8ICIAW AITD SUKOEON. ' LouuBvae, h. a ' ) aoe In rear of A yeoeh e T)rag Store. , jJR. 8. P. BURT, ' j fRAOTIOUTO PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Louisbarg, N. C. - ' Office over P. S. & K K: Allen. JR. B, P. YARBOROUQU, ' PHYSICIAN AND SURG RON. Looisburo, N. C. 7" Offioe In Tr borough Ac Bickett hullding. vtgnt calls answered from T. W. Biekett's '"ldence, phone 74. H." MLA8SRNBTJHQ, ATTORNEY AT LAW WOtTlKBCBS, Will practice in ail the Courts of the State Office in Egerton Building. yM. HAYWOOD RCFFIN. ATTORNBY.AT.LAW, fcOTTlIBTXBe, . 0. WBl practice In all the Courts of nd adjoining countiea, also la the Supreme Tout, and In the United States District and Olreutt Courts. Offlce orer First NsUonal Bank. 'H08. B. WILDXH, ' ' " ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, , touiBBixxe, v. o. . t tnee on slain street. In Cooper uildlns'. ' Spruill & Holdcn, " i ' i ( - 9 ATTORNBY-AT-LAW. , ' -, tovtsBvmo, . o; ' W1U attend the courte of Franklin, Vance 'ranvllle. Warren; nd Wake eonnUea. also be Supreme Court . of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. . ptnes in sprutll building. ; , Copyrigiit, 1909. by i American Press Aviation.!" xne lesson committee seems to have been led tor continue the studies con- cerninsr Ppfpr tfwr SnniA ntAnKi ...ii'. every person sufEeriner from senPln the conversion M saui tmtii , I we take up the storr ofthP more'fuUy given to . the gentHes. We last saw Peter and John in Samaria, working with Philip, and then on their way; back to Jerusalem, preach, ing the gospel In many.villages of the Samaritans viii, . 25), " Peter went about a good deal. In Jesus' name win ning soulsand building up the saints, and now we find him with the faints at Lydda: It may , help , some to ;be reminded that " God cans I1 . true ' be lievers saints. , See Rom.: i, 7; 'I Cor. 1, (omit the italics); Eph.,1, lV Phil 1, 1; Col, I, 2, and note that the worst of sinners when they truly receive the Lord Jesus are by His blood equally washed and sanctified and . justified (I Cor; vi, ; 9-tt ; Heb. x, 10-14). The standing before God in Christ of all the redeemed is the same for aU are members of His body, a part of Him self. Down here in our daily life our walk- should ; correspond with our standing, but the experience of Chris tians is not always true Christian tex perience,so therj is room for sanctifl cationand growth in. grace every day (John.xvii, 17; II Pet. ill, 18). ' - : Among the saints at Lydda was one who had been eight years, in bedslck of palsy, but the power of Christ, through Peter, gave A him perfect health in a moment; and one: result was that the whole town and neigh borhood turned to the' Lord. We trust that it ; was with them as with the Thessalonians, who "turned o God from idols to serve the living and true ,God and to wait for His Son from heaven" (LThess. i, 0, 10). This inci dent and other -miracles of healing by the apostles give rise to such ques tions as, Is the health of the body in cluded in the . atonement, and, if so, why are not more believers healed in an swer to prayer? It is made very plain that the great atonement of the Lord Jesus includes the body as well as the soul of every true beHever, and, more ;than that, the planet called earth on which (We live, and in due time the whole earthy shall be filled with the gloryy bf God ...and there-Vwill be no more ;curse nor: sorrow, nor crying nor death ijon the whole earth (Isa. xi, .9; Rev: xxi, 4; xx, 3). , But the creation shall not have the benefit of the atone ment till the coming of Christ with his saints, and ' the , saints must wait for their redeemed bodies till the resur rection of the righteous at His coming to the air for His "saints. These two events will bring to'the saints and to the earth: the full benefit or the . Inde scribable sufferings of the Lord Jesus (Rom. viii, 18-23; PhU. 111. 20, 21). But what about . health now-?' The great thing now is to live in the love of God and the will of God, ceasing all strife about methods of healing or modes of baptism :and .whole- heartedly seekins to hasten His kingdom bv ariv- ing the gospel to every creature, that His church may be completed and that He may come again, : Thus wholly oc cupied with Him and His affairs we" can , rely upon Him to Include In ; "all these things all the health necessary In His service to glorify Him (Matt vL, 33). ' The. remainder of our lesson refers ; to a disciple named Tabltha or 1 Dorcas, who lived at Joppa, Which was nigh to Lydda (verse 38). She , mani fested her faith by her works and by her ' self denying labors for others. While we are saved wholly through the finished work of - the Lord; Jesus v by faith alone wlthout any works ofdurs, if It is a living, saving faith there will certainly ;be manifest in our , lives' the good works prepared . beforehand for us to walk in (Rom. lv, 5; xU.il. 2: Eph. H, 8-10; Tit. ill, 5, 8). . ' J v . . This disciple, full of works" of .tatth and labors of love, becuie sick and died. She departed to toe with Christ, which is very far better. She was ab sent from' the. body. and present with the Lord., She had. really gained (Phlt L 21, 23; II Cor.T, (8): Itwould be unscriDtural to sav that 'she had cone to her reward, . -for. ! rewards are . nob given to the righteous at death, but at the coming of Christ, at the' Judgment seat , of Christ. I which is. for the i re deemed only (Rev. xxii. 12; . Luke xlv, 14), She was in rood health and rest: ing. f rom'her labors in the presence of Him- whom she, so loved. ; . Now." - con sider the conducCof -these other dis ciples. f Peter Is sent for, and the weep; lng widows take pains to show him the coats and garments vhlch Dorcas had made.; Peter put them all. out,. and In answer ,ta- his prayer ' Ddrcas ' comes "back " from the Tsphrit "world -. and - re-, enters the mortal, body and is given back to, ner weeping mends. 'Well, W.BIOKBTT, LAWTBB. tovmvMi.a The settlement of estates .for Bzecators, Administrators and Guardians is made a speo ty, and the bends required by law can be wed m the oace, . MfflitafcYarborous, Blekett building . PBB80J ! t ATTORNBY AT-IAW, , , ... oacK - to., ner . weeping inenas. " eu rraetlees in all eourtsv'.v OfSen n Main t tMf ixrn-v rTiYtriA no aa fionBl. ueet. ' ' ' - , - I " .' .-. t ' . X .t I- -T ' L. iujvu. aua ine t tfrjr same jesua us wuen in His sojourn on earth He healed -the sick and raised the dead. 'The incident was also the means of leading manyto believe in the Lord. But W. YARBOBOUOB, IM. .'n 4T1011NT5T AX LAW, Lem8Btraa,irio. OiBes n Kcerten Bnildla U& biM ' intrusted to - him teeeiye prompt and careful attention. CONTHACrOR An BUlLDEa,"'. iii. AAV for , . ALL CATION J ; I ; 'NERVE; BONE. AND MUSCLE IN 1 MEN World's Greatest Pairi Killer ;X forrAii Aches and Pains 4 v .1 sweMsssassssi m lo: My; Friends And Public Generally a -V . V x 9-.e8e to say to all of my friends and patrons that! will continue . the ' business . fnrmflrl. . nnAn. u - " w m m a aia aa a aar a w V " ; Cooper arid Pleasanti " at the same stand . in Lbuisburg, and V te 8ad taye a libera! share of your patronage. I shsJl endeavor at all times to ierve you right, and sell you goods at reasonable and. liviag prices. s I Tery respectfully, M- C- PLEASANTS "wmm BBBSaBBSlSSSaBBBSBSSMBBSBSSSi 'sBWBBBBSeSBSSBBBBBBBS ''SBl '''''B'''''''B''B'B''B v Bijr bargains in Shoes for the next ten days. I have a lot of odd sues to close out in order to make room for the fpricir mf lV1 of 1,1686 are.new stock arid goHl values- Don't fail to .see them. Yours for business i .if B G. HICKS, LOUISBURG, N. C. 4 v PHONE 100 --r 'i-' Y Gpmbination Offer Franklin Times, The Farmer Mechanic and Weekly News and . . Observer, All ani or ( $.1.50 la order to furnish th :P.oPU of this st.Uem with a tari.ty .of readier at a amaU eoit, wo hatV taadt arranpt. tal by whieh we can wad traU new tiibacribera U ihe-TiMWad U lhM wU Y i v ""J owo oa Jtar in .alfaa.a, the fallowi.r- The Franklin Times. ' The Ftfnner and Mechinic arid AUFor $130 The Farmtr and MMhanic U what iU ntist Iar4i cailala. 16 paSe. of goocrtading taatUr for the fara aad toi u4 the WeeUy Kewa and Ohstmr coauiaa I fnm at Ctatral aad political news, whUa th. Tncai aonUi J 8 paes p.rtaiai.r taaJalj to Hon. affairi. Every family in th, a.ty thoaJd aaie a aacrf. fies to teeare tneti three rtaner f;l . - i ply of newspaper reading. Send in y.r aaaaa. wi a,. tu!, Z!! S8 0ffiM ia Lottisb,,r aft4 lil Ja F at When You Have a Photograph Made DoYou&taLiKeness? Something That When Your Friends See They Will Rcccz nize? That is The Kind I Make. Respectfully, J. s. COBB THE CITIZENS mi HENDFRSON NORTH CAROLINA NoTeraber 27th, 1908. HES0UBCB: Loans and diBCouBte, Orerd rafts, Stocks and Bonds. Banking house and txtares Insnrancs department. Cash on ban J' Due from basks Total, 1450.311.14 7,755.01 29,401.25 ,10,782.78 l,717d SS.62Q.68 112 979.41 I051.737.9S LIABILITIES: Capital stock, $100.tB0.OO Rnrplas and prslfs, 61,791.17 Due to basks 28.40Q.&3 PfPOsttr 4C0.016.90 Cashiers shacks nUtaarfisf 1,480.66 i crusea coects 42.69 Total, $651,737.95 REMEMBER thislbank has One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars of its own Capital and Surplus to guarantee your deposit, and in addition lo this, the stockholders are liable for an additional 1100, 000.00.' All our officers are bonded; "We are fully insured against burglary and daylight hold-up. Deposit your money with the Citizens Bank. . It will bx satb. ; J.IB. OWEN, Pres. , Win. A. HUNT. Cashlar. The fraiikliivf cf petual Building and Loan Association i -. F. B. HcKINNE, President, Mil H. RUFFIN Sec and Treas. I OU I SB URG; K . C . -A .A This home institntion offers "a safe inTestzaent to -all vrho desire toi mrest small 'or large sums weekly; and a fair return on. the iarestznent can be promised underoonserratiTe manscement and enercetie xUn. sion of the bnsiness. " Its future cannot be fairlr indeed hw its tiaaL both because of the expenses1 incidental to organization and leek, o! funds to loan until accumulated, and because liks all business under takings its beginning is necessarily siaall; but its prefits zaust and will increase from year to year.- As : ' ; ; , , s , .: - ... A;?Sng:: Institution 1 consider whether these f eei tag "disciples 1 were thinHngmore-jof Dorcas' welfare-; or , their own .when they ' so ..aeslred - to hare' her - bacfe; on earthl and Is not all mourning-for those" who are" wlthChrlst; simply aninolca-. tlotfof sorrow, for pnrsetves? , If to the believer "to die Is galn,rwhat was' It to Dorcas or Lazarus to return? ,-v-,--'". it inrests the weekly installment of the inVeetor ra real estate mort gage security; assnring in any erent a safe return of eapitat , 'B ; To those who' desire to bail.d homes and pay for thexa ct weekly installments it is the best plan which has been derised. II is the greatest factor in the upbuilding of a community; and this associatioa can point with pride to seVeral haridsoihe'and desirable hones, as trcll as tnosr of humbler construction but none the lees desirable, built with its. funds in the first twoTyears of lta existenea. X'. ' Join the Association, and take etoek whether yeu'dexire t henretr or inrst and build ut your community. ': : : ' '. Forfurther information as-to plan ef eperstion, czz ta, els, 'cpply tovthe President, Secretary 'and Treasurer,' er any etlcr mcnlsx tf tie Association-.- .'- .-". M E W. V7 W w t " i u U U 3 U IVe have opened a new and up-todato Livery and can furnish any kind of rig yon want. Nice Carriages, Driving and Sad dle horses for both ladies and gentlemen. Omir Peaces Are' iReas- If you need anything in Livery call Phone 79 or see . BEN WILLIAMSON , OR NED FORD AT FORD'S STABLES. Jimyeinilbiry wta .. . .., . , m Bhewe too aoy goods oa haal, so for tbe aext Thirty Uays we GIVE AWAY - ''J - . f ' ' . I ' - .... ... " ' j . - . . ; , . . . . v : .. ' 1 $15 eat wort with aaeh Pire Dollars ws'rti of ko4 or Jrr Cooas " t . V:''- ' , , " ......'-!, t ' - ... ;.s-v:;::;.;Fpi1;;.',CASH;- w TTa also hare soao wonderful iarrabs U Uiici UrU. Elirt u -sf;, svut ucai iJCATVO, JUSUI-COAO aiUl lisJOdl CTS LU la as Our prices oa groceries ara as low a the lowast cai Ue scalitr hijh as the highest, TTe alio hare oae hcrse fsr ae. :W.;P.,rL C; CO.