.KolthcaxLiittdea Gift. 's -Tht Kiaetenth Annireriirr of. these tr Literary v Societies of ;, thi Xouiiburg College Wat eelebrated ki the AsOiiegt on rriaaj - nigm yi week, and quite a large and appre eiatire audience wat present to bear the likerarj.addreii of Mr. J. W. Bailey, of Raleigh. He took for hit, ubiect "Elfzabetrl? Barrett ; Brown ing," and for aout an hour he spoke eleqaentlj and in a Tery entertaining manaer of the - life ; and beautif nl character of this great woman." The introdnetory remarks of Miss Frances Thomas, President of the Sea Gift Society, and the speech of thanks to the speaker at the -close , by Hiss Mamie Wilder, Presidents of the Neitbean, were most utscuy na eie ajahtly performed. . Before and af ter the address very choice selections wore rendered on the Piano bys liiss JSallle Williams and a number, , of young ladies of the ma tic elsss, which added much to the enjeyraent of the eyeningv Mr. and Mrs. Allen had a nunfiber of their friends to join theni in . light refreshments after tha exercises had concluded, and the younc; people had their usual social "chats" which are generally allowed them on these oc casions. - Report of Hectical Depository V-'-'For February.. V The report of the Mamager of the Lo uishurg ; - M ed leal j De bositor j ioz February shows! that he filledduring the month 81 prescriptions, the gross sales amountingto $67.25.. This is; an increase of $11100 orer the month of January and.l ay.ou oter tne raontn of December. VV - - -.Vf i Foad Election in Sandy Creek In eompliaice with a recent act of the legislature the County Com missioners has called an -election up on the question of "good roads" in Sandy Creek township to be held Saturday, April 3rd. .1. R. Earrish is Registrar, with E. TV Alston, A.T. Wilson as poll holders.. The books, are now open. The election will bt held under thesame rules and regu lations as those gorenng regular elections for members of the (reneral Asgembljv , . . . ' The Twln-Weddlno;. ; - - (Poblkhiu by mot) ,' Cs? On Christmas Sunday pec. 27th 1008 at the home of the bride's father. Mr. fill Wheeled, his twin daughter uMattie'was happily mar ried to Mr. Joe,Pearee, a twin son of Mr. Billieearoe, beta residing near Flat Rook- - r . . The wedding day was s till and calm , t ; And :all. seemed sd serene :V , t At the bride's residing home ' -J , ..Tlie wedding did convene. The day rolled on, and half pass tern The waiters took their stand And happily gazed at Mat and'Jo. March in 'hahd in . hand." As waiters stood face to face" And erery yoice was stilled v To witnes "this solemn ceremony , Each room was largely filled. While every anxious eye was turned And erery word did cease Sve the solemn ceremony From the "Justice of the Peace." In holy wed lock joined together To march along' through life Extended cheers to the happy coupled And pronounced them "man and wife." t A FRIEND. In ieness. if a eertaialiklddea nsrre goes wrong, then tke ergaa that the nerre controls will also surely rail, ic may be a stomach nerre, or it etsy hate giT en strength and suprort ; to ine Heart or Kidneys. , it was Dr. aaoop that fiist pointed to this TiUl truth. Dr. Shooo's RestoratWe wai tt aas to doss the stomach nor to ttmrorarnr itimulate the Heart of Kidntys That old-fashioned method " is . all wrong. Dr thoon's RestoraUre irses directly tc these failing inside nerres.: The .re markable success f : this Drescription demonstrates the "wisdom el treaung the actual cause of these failiss. organs. And it is indeed easy to prove. l slm nle fire or ten v days testT will surely telll Try It once,-and see! Sod bj; The Boddie-Perry Drug Co. 1? Dissolution ' Notice ; ; The firm of StricUana: k 'Whe- leis has been dissolved by matua consenL The business will be con tmued by F. V. "Wheless, who . as sumes all debts due by the.' 6rm Accounts due the firm will be placed in the hands of an Attorney for eollection. , . , J. (X STKJCKlUliW F. Wheliss. i : Notice : C I have ooened a Gtaersl If ere Kan- die ad Fancy Grocery store in . fro lit 1 1 1 of V. X TXarphy's Meat Market. Mr. A B. Collier As with rae and will, bet C ) glad to serve promptly all my friends 1 ( v y - -o- 0K .-n and patrons with aBytkiaj in my line j. 'r: murphy; (). C) !()" () () The Best Fumitiire What Jefierson Said of Wash ington. Perhaps the strongest 'fatre in his character waa pradence, never erery ; eireumstance, acting until every, conideratioa, was maturely weighedj-ref raining -if lie saw a doubt but, when? ence 1 decided, going through with his purpose, whatever obstacles opposed. His integrity the niost. V Items From Bunn. After a prolonged illness, Mr. Meek Mullins, one of our oldest citizens, died av; his home Saturday evehing. The f anejrai was conducted by Rev. G. M. Duk, and the body was laid to rest in the Mullen cemetery. ;. The literary society postponed its meeting from Friday night until Mon day night on account of the speaking at Pine Ridge Academy. - Among those who went to Pine Ridge were Principal J. H. Nanny, Misses Minnie Nanney and Etta Alford and Messrs. Gus Al ford and O.-H. Mullen. They report a pleasant time. . The , literary society met .Monday night in a very interesting session. The question of 'Woman Suffrage' was discussed, and the committee de cided that the negative had proved that suffrage should not be extended to the woman. Misses Pippin and Barnes, teachers Tarn iiow prepared to furnish the public with ICE regularly. , Call phone 47 and gire yobr orders, ' J. W. Kino - - - -- Fine Cows For Sale - I have ssreral fins Milch Cows fer sale. Will- sell .out right, or will trade for iry cattle. W H. ALLEN, Louisburc N. C. was most pure, his justice flexible I hare ever known, no mo tives c(f interest or consanguinity, ot in the Pine Ri3e school, were visitors f,M0r,rlQW i. hoW u;nnK! . acre ounuay. bias his decision. He was. indeed, in-every sense of the word, a wise, a good and a great man. Thomas Jefferson. , Out iri jl aUfbrhi? . Miss Tuna White returned Sunday after visiting her aunt, Mrs. Clifton, who has been very sick for some time. J. H. Castalia Items. Many of the best thinking people in NOTICE OF ELECTION Office Coumissioxeks ok Frank lin COUNTY In accordance wiU Act of Gen eral Assemblp, and in obedience to a petition presented to this Board bn the-1st inst., an election is hereby odered to he held on Saturday, April 3rd, at the uiual voting place in Sandy Creek township, when and where the question as to whether a tax of 30 cents on property and 00 cents on the poll, shall le leried for the purpose of improving the rJirts of said township. The election will be held under the same rules and regulations as eh ctiuns bers of the ftoad .Election Fop Erankllnton y.f i-';;Toniship... . Notice xshertbr trirea that tn accor dance with the nroviiiom of an act of the General Assembly of 1SC3, enUUed f ; "An Act to proride rood roads, in j1; Fraaklinton Township. Franklin Conn- C J ty! duly ratified en the 20th ,dat of ( ' February, 1909, and In accordance with ; the order ot the County Board of Com- ( ) misslooers of Franklin County aide at f V their reimlar meeting on the 1st day cf March, 1909, an election will be held do ( ) Tuesday, the-6th day of April, 1909, r . at which election the provisions of the y , aforesaid will bo submitted to the Cy qualiftd n ters of Tranklinton Town- s ship for their approvaL i The - pollinc place for the election ( ) . shall be In the- town ei iTanxunton v B.; A. White is appointed rejrlstrsr and 13. F. Bullock and C L. Moota are ap C ) pointed registrars. A new rccistra- j uon of all Toters is ordered and anyohe desirinff to vote In . the said election O must apply to the registrar for mris- r tratlon within the time fixed by law V i for the registration book to be keptjv J open, namelv, from Thursday, March j s a o o o o o o o o o C) o o o o o o 8- o o o o o o more than thirty-five cents on th onf hundred dollars worth of proerty n J i of not leva than forty-five. cvnls ror IfJJ more than one dollar and five cent on j the poll " j Sec. 11 Provides for the ab:n;f-: k sion of the provisions of this act to tV V? Qualified voters of Frank linton Town-' Cl (r.aii shrp at an HrcUon onlf-rrj by hn s:vxuniy voTnmi53or.cn ;tna oraors a newTecisiniuon. . Sec. 12. Directs that si! fun tived from pal of bonds s-al! be ws?A for conatructini; roads in Frzrklin:"r. i C Provides for uf of cor.- O 4th to Saturday. March 27th. inel sire Belew is civen a summary of the provisions ox the said act: Sec. 1. Creates a board of road trustees and fixes th( ir terra of office. Sec . 2. 'Gives to said board ccrp rate" character and powers. Sec. 3. Gives to said beard con trol of public roads in Franklin ton Township. Sec. 4. Provides for the election of chairman, secretary, treasurer to the board and of an executive committee t of thre. Slcs S. Provides for election of a superintendent of roads. "Sec. 6. Provides for purchase of machinery and implements, jrive the board general powers for carrying" oui the provisions of the set, and further provides that no per? on shall be liable for road duty. Sec. 7 Authorises theohuinin? of gravel, and and other material ncci sary for the construction of roads. Sec. 8. Provides for locating roads. Sec 9. Authorizes the Bxird of Trustees to jvsuj bond of Franklin- ! ton township to an amount not to ex- ceei loriy inousma ooiurs,;n orar in terest at a rate not to exceed ix per cent. These bonds may be issued at such time or times and In such amount or amounts ns may bo demel boat to meet tr;e expenditures provtdWl for in the : ct. Sec. 10. Provides for the levy of a tax on property in Franklinton town- -II' : . ' :.. t T ' ' : i ' ' r II It all wija the cirspeitia Tvotat cf , service, wt ha. die tha besi, ccda w eaa Iraj, Ibtre ctaj .be eVhsn who raj the? lite soaelhicj jest a.s gtJ far a , 1 1 litue 1j but we can't tt an j tin a g II good aa the test for leaa, , . THE i(ARPEN CHAIRS Lousgea and DavenpcrU are the rvrs r ior.to aatthin? of aaj sale md pric that cxn be bad, w are ajala fcr HU Superb line of cu-sxle, - Claia frosx 110 to tlSO all eolrra a! Upboliterir. tad ftredV The DtTn- porta and Caucbe-1 fro a to fiso. H L tor meraoers ot tne uenerm Ass-m- .ship or not !s tnan niteen cents nor bly. The tollowin4 ar- afi)ointed Registrar and Poll Holders for said election: rtegitrar, J.' R. Parrish: Poll Holders: A. T. Wilgon and E. J.AIston. those tavonn the. tux will vote a ticke: upon wine oe written or .i rinteu, tne won "For Good Roads" and thoteynot fav oring will vote a ty.kt tipon which shall Ie written or printed words "Against Good Roads." Bj order of the Hoard. T. S. qOLLIH, C hairman W. M. BOONE, Clerk. v W will j;"lv ut tc- n ocji a'-, tb iaifft Hug. Drt;- 1 vrd Cr- i ""j in I,. i u.xc 'i rt ti n to?i ar.d il J. i!d to h-.tr xou (h-fe hni, V t-tfct do i u oll Hn-Jfv roJ t3 PIANOS & ORGANS if r.r.t m-11 J. W. HOLLINGSWORTH GOOCC-COCOOCCO CSOCOOCCOOO&5 GO GOCOCCCO CCOGOCOG?eCGG th- to.vr;:r.rr.. fecc. i rovtdes lor u.f ict labor or ht,rcd laLor or both. Sc. 14. Provides that r. mcr.ev raised undor this act miv pc-t r. ( 3 Mr. June J. Edwards, who moved all portions of the "county are of the from this count out to Calif oraia. opinion that Nash county should issue ft abont Chaitmaa.'ha written a mUrt bonds to the amount of one hundred! letter toth fiditor.nf th Ttvttt tnousana aonars to. mature m , tmrry , . il ..;"-' . years to aid in building and ' maintain-1 rrom Jowier uaiiiorma, tne place at inff. ffGod roads. The wear and tear of which he has located. He says they team' and vehicles in the winter mud have frost there but no freezes.' ;He I holes is greater than the taxes to im can see the mountains east and westj Prove 0ur Publlc highways. ... - i any clear day, and they are cover d Washington's birthday was fittingly with snow, winter and summer. He observed here and a large crowd came, i - j and were highly delighted with the pa tnocic aaaress DY'Kev. li. M. . uuke, who held the audience -.for more r t.hnn Kaisms seem to be the mam crop, a Un hour with his magic force andpow ton being raised to the acre. Butj er. nesajs tney are very-, caeae, ;only , Hon. T. W'.-Biclcett. of Louisburjr. 1 3-4 cents a pound. "Says the far who is widely known in the State, and mers are ennearormg to organize to vwuwuyuu;i8noua ieei jusuy proua, I L.- "L ... a. T t . cet a better nrice. bntf th hr it nas oe.en ,inrea ana win aeiiver tne ;. at, ,.-. ,L,- Dnual terary address before . the .so- "-V'0 lim- ,vuuun' Willi , says that all frnit does; well in immediate section except "- apples Notice of -Change in Firm of Youngsville Lumber Co. Notice is hereby given thnt T. H Whitaker has retired from the partnership ding , husincs in Youngsville, N. C, under the firm name and style of 1 the "XounKS rill Lumber. Co.," haying sold iis interest therein to W. C. -WhitakeY and the firm is now . composed of Geo. T. Whitaker and W. C. Whit aker who willjuontinut? the busi ness under the name and style of the 'Youngsville Limber Co." This 27th day of February, 1909 n UT. JL .WHitlkBR ' - ;v Geo. WmTASin" :-; W. C. Vhitakek Q O 0 G Cieties of the Casttlia High 3choolV on the 28th' of vAprit""Mr. Bicfeett is1' an wording against the ' farmers. ' He orator of high rank, and a rare treat is says that figs art . ano hsr industry, n store for all who: may hear this dis some ireei irmwinfT n. hi.K o. RO unguisneq orcn aronniam. , . r D O r- """.'"''b w 1 i... feet, and makimsr a ton of dri Rev dnrincr spii ; TT K I Duke feeding raisins to hi." mnli.. and tfc.f aamea appoin.rea aeacons ot ir f9 7 . w ue-"dBUU;ei ,e,a corB to nor Uessis. Frank May andOscaCruch. ses or males since he arrived there: h-C-- , T- 3 i':'-Jll' '!'': He thiaka he will like hi. new horns. Um to compose our Board of Commit A Common Cold. ' J " 'l w i and wealth to be second to none in . the We clalin thafif rafhin r.A m i awte ana now we are asKmg ana .ae- be avoided of the most i dangerous j niahding two additional commissioners of n . 11. .. ...t.i. , - -j ii.i i in. j. i r.vcrv K.ri nn luiimi a rk tm i i v. ,.ri... . : . . . t . j 6 - . v me z5tn oi April. Mr. eicKett is an v. G. . W. May assisted by Key. Mr. t, wno. delivered the charge ior id the newly appointed deacons of the Baptist church here Monday night, , ; LT- iau ureases won' a never be heard to be. chosen from different sections ;.o A cod often forms ac culture bed thecountv W x-iip':'4r' I for. erms-of, infectious diseases r , Con- r ! T , ' ; sumption, pneumonia, diphtheria" and . v ' i 5 i , -'J ' scarlet fever." four of the- nmt rianm. - -V - vV t ous and diseaSes.iare of this nla.4 ' ,rrh e'ulture bed formed. by, the 'cold? favors the development of the germs of these ..diseases, that would not otherwise find riqagment. There is little danger, .how V ever, of aiy of tlese. diseases tAiny tracted when a good expectorant eousb - ,Remedy , culture Card of Thahks.-r 'J .' The family joins meirrankinif; ail our irieuuB anu uoitjnuoruiur xueir many kindness in helpings us dnr nev iike Chamberlain's . Cough ing the illntss of " our : mother and rciuio. ( uuv oniy , cures your -BiBcujr, wuv minimizes tne ri$Jc of eon- MQK our cold ftnJ spoken, to ni jince oar. father's .-.V-' v' '';' ' :"?.-.' '' ' i Noai K. Cliptox. Sale of :Valuable Real Estate By virtue qf the cower of sale "con tained in a mortgage deed executed to the undersigned by John H. Cooke, Lin wood Cooke and Everard '-Cooler. duly recorded in the Register of iJceds i.i: f a mr -r rau&.im vAum,jf iu ooOK page 381 I will on Monday,- the 5th 1 dav of April, im at-iz mr sea to the highest bidder for. cash, a certain piece or tract of land lying" and being - in Franklin Creek township; and described and de nned as follows; to. wt: Lying on the Warrenton and LouUburg road 5 miles from "Lbuisborg; bounded oh the least by the lands of tee estate of ,Dr. P. ' 5i Fosterand the'lands. belonging to the county; used for the. Home of the Aged ana innrm, on tne norm by the lands of Jno.R; Williams and the lands for merly, belongmg 1 to' Medicus Edwards; on the west by the lands belo? ging to the estate of .Mrs." 'A. v A. Hayes, de ceased; and en the South by the' lands ot Mrs: Lutle Cooke. 'Foster -'and Miss Gnssie Blacknall;.containing.20Q acres, more or; less, known as the- Virginia Cooke home place, and being the same tract of land conveyed by F..5U.Spruui Commissioner, to said 'John II o Cooke and others, by deed dated. May 17tb, 1906,"and subsequently oh same ",day conveyed by said John H." Cooke "and others to, A,- Ci 25olIicoffer. trustee for R. H. Southerland, to secure a debt due sa?d Southerland, and this aalels made Subject to the said debt to Southerland secured In said deed of trust amounting to about $2200, the - exaet 'amount of which will be stated on the day of sale. This March 4th; 1900. . : , thy to . v: Cn AS. MACOK, A Guardian' of Chas.D.'Uacon, Mortga gee; W. H. Yarborcpsh, Atty. any strt or roaa n an icr','ortx: town. Sec. 15. Kcnals all 'awn in r ;i fiict so frr a concerns Frank hn'cr. towrship. Sec 16. Providf. tV.al th- s'. shall go into effect from and aftr r:- By . order of the lkar.1 of ( ou-iv i ls. Commission-!. of Franklic :Q ihis nrstoay oi .Marcn. i.'. t rnt i i r Chairman of Board of County I rnrnis- ;V sionsrj. f O Clerk to Board of County (x)mmwj sioners. v,y CD Commissioners Sale of Land. Bv virtue of an order of re-sa'e made hv . the Srrior Coort of Franklin County in that special proceodinj en titled M. L. SUUings et al r. J. U Cornwall et al the undersigned rU), on Monday, the Sth day of 'April at about the hour of noo i, ki .the eourt house door in Luiaburjr, N. C, offer tor sale at public auction to the high est bidder, that certain tract, of UtU in said petition dweribod ; as follows: that 'tract lying ana rciajc n rrnua County, Sute ol North Carolina, Cypress Creek Township, adjoiniS the lands of John Batten and others, and bounded as follows: on the north by the lands of John Bitten, on .the east by the lands of Zeb Avcnt, on the South by the lands of Mrs, Nr.nie Svkes, and on the west by the Ellis lands, containing 100 acre, more or! less, and known as the Penny Wilder Homo Tract, being a tract ot land con veyed by Wm. Williams ta Castod Wilder and af ter his death for many years-occupied bv his widow, the said Penn Wilder. One eighth of an acre buraf ground is excepted and resumed Terms of sale Cash.' Balance to be QUI wiul O per cuik uwnh wui!Mit 1910.. Possession 1 of land giyen on confirmation of sale. This ftK day , of of March, . : - . - 'Wm. H. RUFFIN Com. Egertori's White Fro t r Notice u By virtue of adecree of the suprinr court of Franklin county made in the m cf W. II. Griffln iz Son to use of S. S. Sykca ajalcst Xhmcan Bollock & wife,- I shall pn Monday the U3 day of April. 1909, sell at tniblic auction at the court house door in the town of LouisbuTg-, N.- C. to the highest bidder for cash a valuable tract ct perccl of Una. lying and : situated ; in Cyprcas Creek township, JFranklin County acd bounded as fouotva: On north by lxnds of Sam Sykcs,' on cast br' Unds cf W. IL Spivey, cn Kmth by lands of S. L. Arriccton and on west by : lands of John Iloss containing 2&i'atrcs. Time cf sale 12 o'clock m., . : ' : March 1st, 100D. - l5 Ti. U. TERSOK. Com. 1 Our Mr. co rrth in 11 1 want to mo t , t o' 9 X .Trt.t O ' . (be btt O O llv are f ; Tacc of I r , ' 1 11 i v j r - in . ' i - ...Ill r . .s . , . M ( ), , , - 111. : U ( ) ' H ()::-.'..-.,..' 1 1 j K. Z. Krl: a ft-rr ilav. c!ToY-rviiirr i . r t arv offMiriC 1 rpun. ppcr?. all colors, and brAutifF. $1.00 ! 3. uitf. Whtt-r (toodf. alt Aylc?, Hn?ier- IkcrchicfSy and JoLa ofxcw aHus. Doa't.fiil to will please you. Louisburd, N. C. e erton 8 0 8 c i c; O Q 8 G C' o o o o o 8 O O r w w