.7. V"". FRANKLIN TIMES ji. TH9MAS, ED& OWNER SIX MONTHS, leave here at 6;2ty .:;in.-;..Ceminu sioner Aycook oted to relieye the pablio of thij usnscessity hardship. The, other two commissioners' to ted Gscd ;Ccl'2h Uediclna fjr Children. The season for coughs and coldi' is now at hand and too much care cannot be ' used to protect - the children; A child is much more likely , to contract v -sift ' ymf . ' : : I ; ...;V. y. .. . t00 t.,kp thUtapiaoaon,tb. p.bU. .S PkerrS-?5d TBBXX MONTHS, . f'i-V:' ,l-:-:.vVt, j scnedules. when it tMms plain to al-1 , V .V - ' : (Maying llr. Taft a Maton -on . '...A.ii; ai k happj thought. ' tii:jr:- raUrodi ao'tgeV justice. I Doubtless there are some politi- ; - -"r 4 :.. . . . . .'i -Sr- larv. . . ' .5- .- . ' - cianfl who beliere :that u Lrnooia were alire Ee iwouldi 46 iustwha?fc thej're doing, SVP!"rri,?"T?' Ali,'afu?-; fw 'f . thr w1 have on the part of the railroads, and the l tried it are willinzf to use any- other. failure of thelSute Officers no ;lor ee ZZZll; y '2 S "tL'ia' -eA-S ; r -i ?5 ;'-. .--1' v- .-: says: 'fl nave never used . anjininji other tbaiLCharnberlain'a Couffn ; liera- eay lot tny children, and It haa always given good satisfaction." This .reme- contains no opium or other inarcotie do sft is oneeause for the complaint and maj be given as confidently to a that is venr often r heard :- that- the beforo From him drie learris economy?.. "' child as to an adult. For sale :' by VTbe Boddie-Perry Pmg;Cov .: u 1 '1 ' V' . ilavic? oualifiiid as executrix of "W. II. iBeddirtgfield defeased, Ute ff Franklin county, K. C, this is to no ti- ly all persons having. Uima axinat the said decend&nt to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the -12th day of;Marclv 1910, or this notice will he plead in bar or their recovery. All persons indebted . to 'said estate will make immediate payment. 4V: 'r'-' vThis the 12th day of March 1900." Executrix of W, II; BeddiofffielQ;' de ceased. . ;.:.- : . rtr it :VifnprkTTiiTr - f;; -. .: ; ' Attorney., A - , ..' " jw I ' iveinyiLiiiDinis : : Wanted : .'.v V. : X A Lath Mill-QuicV. W. D. Daktil O ' k Co., Iisburg, N C R. F. D. Q : No; 6. BEYOND PUPILS' QBASP. iilCk siijfcxLim His : favorite mods rof settinev type Americans of the future will nave , vnuoweu ujr x-ujr01uAa.ua. blak;e7es. If the habit of calling New York Times. 1 ine anotherl liars listl may lie right sub jects iihbald ?xor should not 'be taught toTyoung children, American j GoTBBincsMT preblems are always Medicine declares, that the mental ..m .. - : 1 . . . . I Ann ripn m ru rrrv.vi (tmmi i V about the samei'and if we can't have immaturity of sehool children la not I . ,Lr , . , :: good1" ' ; , - . ' old .... ; ' - staircase t you would please the printer ' boy xr . it.:. ' y j . a -11' 1 1 11 l- j . t s ' - j " '" -' t ' !! I mar iguii k uiu you u uefib man u iIiaw hi whit liinpiln fs t tas lxtii Dr ndacrorrue8. It 111 , t J m ,, . - - p j o " 7. 1. i t' i T 1 m 1 .c&aava K.av uuu uioiief ua puaix:fl. 1 saoiect arei - ould do now it might? 6e Weit-tot the almos invariable !rul tiej pmbli- Tr- v " " v' v - w 1 : The man wher first made leads and 4 a taught seveial years before the brain r .. ,W , i i . - v,... - auadf. ' '' To whom it may concern. -There18 sumcienuy -grown 10; unaersianai . . " .. ... ;'o !- thmr Thi: it av. i tt most B- H ; wor8b,P8 4,1 th BUW vuxj xU4 v - . ; Because he helps one spin out ' stuff, Hiaii. wvuiiiu auu tciuivi ui tua wuu-i t r w i T - ' - - . . .-Ls-t. .l:. l-: .it In try. The perplexing question is, iem, wmcn, m tnu respee, reauy How can I geV mine? ? - j wastes the time of the , stnaent ana the money of the taxpayers. yv v , : A MjlSSa&husetts man says he "Mathematics in the curriculum " this long; Winded has a food that will enable of good constitution to years. ixy 11 ior xwo prr inree is a science requiring ; hundred years and you will use no Even tractions and ': ether. a person the editorial "article eontmues, "has live . 250 1 invariably been out of place; for it aauit Drains. style! Wje are now informed tihat the eost of the fleet's world tour Would tion is wholly misunderstood. A failing tiny nerve no. larger than the ; finest-.' silken' thread Ukes from the heart Sta imDulse.' its nower: its decimals are j regularity. The stomach also has its tantrht maiW v.m hfnrA it i nn.ai. hidden, or inside nerve If was Dr. .j , - - rr gn wnofirst told it was wronor to ble to understand them. 1 I drug a weak or f ailng stomach, heart proper age; begin ed0.a- JSo Si ur tor the cause 01 tiiete ailments these pay the salaries of 17,000, ministers, coarse a child begins to -4earn the wea aJd Itering inside nerves. This . ... . . & . . . . no doubt clearly explains why the res- j-iny preacners not getting ineir mmute it. takes its farst; breath, and torative has of late grown so rapidly UftT thia rear will nlpftaA nnmmnni- I in Xk0 m' I m popularity. Druggists say that those r. -. ?7 who test the Restorative even for a! eate witn tne government. learns W, quent i.i uAx aouue um requiring inai au understands little of th phenomena sickness is the onlv sensible and sue- interstate Jiquor packages must . be !t perceives. Until it is nine or ten cestui way. Sold by Th Boddie-Per- labeled so as to show their a contents years old its whole purpose in life is ry Drug Co. LADIES Don't Forget ..1, C G. WOOD'S Millinery Department . When.you want your New Spring and Sum mer Hat. I will har& the most up-to-dalo styles that can be bought, and al the cheapest prices. C. G. WOOD Woods, N- C Headquarters For : J Goo to et xnd goVd to wear. ; Our if oito: Lnrrrt Prico slwaja, ' Host Quality al wa TVotsg t ' DsliTtfy PHONE 47- . l My ICE HOUSE is now open an 4 win eostte the balance of this year. - 1 l v . " ' ' JNO W; ; KING LOUISBRG, N. C. ' : I herewiih acceucee to mj friends and cuttotatre that I lave tnoTed my Grocery tlore U tbe building fortacrly , occupied W tb DUpenatry and I will caatiav to carry a nice line 4 f the th,rt proccTit, fruiU. etc Vtl , need of a.nTthiaj in ray lint r t, re rac Youx trade will b yrk ly' appreciated, DAVID is going to result in an immense de- learning its environment, and ,some- Sugar Loaf Cotton Farm's Highest Grade erease in the ouantitv of books-'shin- t- ia C,oM T vJtnx I - " - "... ped to some people. - . - reaUy understands the simplest things ?'t-. .nnn.iw, Lin.s.inft I vf . .. .- it has learned. . It is, s therefore, not per acre the increase of the Products . i: Now, traitor to -her se come, at.aU .triage Aat if ahild i. kept SSSSl Jt&i for ward to explain publicly" how alout xf school until its brain is fairly y v L w. MITCHELL, Prop woman's rage ;may be told v by hr welL'grown, say until nine or ten, iu! wrinkles. As if mhis age ot beauty aubsequent progress is greater than Notice SMllnrA on1 narAnniaf rnTitri in.Kntn I ,.tilJl' n.V n.t tm I " r 1 ' "'V --7 f"-" wuulou T have onened a 0nral UarrVan-1 .ever saw. sach an anomaly as a learn many ofthe absurd conceptions dise and Fancy Grocery, store in front heyformjd iu the fir.t year, of g; Sniwith me t?d" rtllbe ? Kaa1 iiftk - I rtkt f oarTto nntmnf1 all m 4ai m I His many friends throughout thai "We must realise tbat until nine State will join the editor of the I or ten the school is merely a nursery . Times in extending sympathy .tol relieve mothers of the home - eare Editor J. P. Caldwell of tho Char- of ehildren a species of socialism to lotte Observer, who suffered whatsis j which Ameneans are wedded. Our. PEARCE LOUISURG, N. C. YoungsviiicNc I vob Department j wrinkled woman. ana patrons with anything in ray line 1 4 J. P. MURPHY, U Under Management of t t1 ASHER F. JOHNSON AT THE RACKET! Commissioners Sale of Land. By virtue of an order of re-eale made by the Saperior Court oi Franklin X thpughttobe a slight stroke of par- VStQ gsn to hese tots ; must County in that special proceedings en- i alysis. May lie Very soon recover, be postponed until ten or thirteen, titled H..L. SUlungs et al vs. J. L. j . ... Cornwell et al the undersicnQed wilL on T 1 &- inunuay, uie.uia uay oi JLpni ijiw, A fAKURB speaking of the good dren are really appropriate , for the aooui xne nour or noo.i, at tne eourt , , 4. , . , .,-1 n m. 1 j house door in Louisbur?, N. C.. offer - - mr sale bi puduc bucuoq 10 me ntgn- The farmer losvS, the "-merchant on.r est bidder,: that certain tract ofJand 1 , , , , , v t .. . 'V- - j vu m said petition described as follows: T loses, and everybody else loses by- "Every time teaeher reads ab- that tract lying and "being in Franklin i bad roads. In faet bad rnaria Ibvt-b aurrfiHfs in examination nsnori Rtin bounty. State Ot North Carolira. tax that none art escarie:-' Tt " ia I should rnaliKA that t.h' Jchild it crftn I Jf I " jc I ; o- iouuo ui iiuwi uawu OMU UlUnt ftuu much cheaner to hav omnd rrnilm V v tna -enunor nd that th whnlo. I bounded as follows: on the north -r. - 7, r. , j j - f,, . . T, ... . svstem must be ebanoraa. aa.t u tu a . v . - 1 1 b uj uiv uuua J u XV CO C un UiS I A South by the lands of ;Mrs. Nannie I Sykes, and oh the, west by the Ellis I T Kemsrabsr that enr Job Department, to which mmb attention will be paid, is now under . the management of A..T, Johnson. Many persons who ate - otherwise total abstainers permit the 'use . of : Receipt f0V a Good Town. We are Prepared to do all Kinds of Work Ordinari y wbialiey as a stimulant in case oi ac- S ia eichange kaa the followiDg ad " the Penny Wilder " . ' 4 cidentsJ ' It : is jnteresting to note I sensible receip't for a good town: Just received Stylbh f.lir pen? for Ladicr, Mtws and Children. A -worthy selection unurpa&sjd io value and tyle. You are invited to see them that the regulation "first aid" sJtimu- lant for miners is becoming, 'not alcohol, but 'coffee -and aromatic, spirits of ammonia. .-. r- . Kansas proposes to teach- its Women citizens, how to 'cq$z? An v Kansas is a ; statsin iwhicK j women "ghave" jhe. righf Jfcj vote, ..The suffra ?: gists may find therein a potent argu ment to use to:overcomo the . mascu line opposition on ; thevi lines of the celebrated ; recipe itoV make a man fiappy-Feedthebrute Grit. : v Vim. vPush. Snap. Energy. t; Morality. Advertising. " Talk about it. t Cheap proper ty ; -V; Help to improve it. ; .Patronize its merchants. Elect god. men to office. Help all public enter prisbs. r;. Fire all loafers croakersjand dead your object be; the .wel- ITT'l . . ..... A I F' wuaer ana alter ntsOtAth tor manyj -vfr yeara uccuuieu uy.nis wiaow. tne Bald I t v-iiv.c Penny Wilder. . One eighth of an acre I X : cuxHi ground is excepted ana resumed Terms of sale Cash. Balance to be due with 6 per cent interest Jan 1st; 1910. - Possession of land eiven on confirmation of sale. This 5th dav of ! And it is our purpose to of. March. 1Q09 T . Wm.H. RUFF IN, Com. )eats IMPOSITION ON THE PUBLIC fFe romo? 5f . 7" v C . o All thA nnn a alftiicy thi mt! " r - y : hdder.t Wilann na1f- AV - - r,-.-Vv? i ., . , . ,. . . ; if they wish tbIkyiOTiit . V'.'.-. 'y:; ? or any other pbinlin1tbe:ltKeait2 l!MSfe!Hor', ' . 1- . , - - erh pavt olithe JStatet? thoughWbySa; ; fWe offer one hundn v'-"". ' ' '.-'r-s- - -' -!- " any case of Catarrh , . , .: . , y. ' cuaugp-oi BveuieeavnBinBie, witn- ', V ' ;' 'i .I'-'fsame disregardof public convenilnco , ' 1 ' i 1 tiiiAtiJu rrninff frnm .Holomh i How's This? N hundred dollars reward Jot that can o o t.- btf cn red by Hall' Catairph Cart?.- a ' , . . .'":r; J. Cheney & Co.; Tb1doV OV - Wethe nnderaisned, bare knoa F J. Chtmev fir the last 15 veara-.:and bftl.eTu him iWectly honorable in all business ttransae 'I: : J Ji :tl j.. : a uuun nuu uuauutuij nuw ig carry out aoi -VI: a.t i 1 i. .'. ii ... ..-.. ' 7 r-. A'O" :; v ' . . ' r. -.. - - . f obligation made -by hi firm.' -.-n. . 1',pOple going trom dialeigh to north ' t , Walding, Kinnan & MarVinV ' ' '. j ;?i;;4:30',imaM tlose.2 hourSn route acting directly npon the blood and mtlcona - " c r -. ... . - enrfacee of the system. : Testimonials -sent ' ,' .fipelma WhenthlSallghtcharige fi Price 75 cents per bottle ;Sor4; brail it t fUT - s FOR ? ALL CREATION . . '. v of a good liniment is i frits airniin scattering squalltiesC The ingredients of Noah's Lini ment , are such that with very little i rubbing th e parti are warned, ; thei inflamA matron and co nges tion cattered9and ; re relief is ; almost instantaneous. - v u-mz m .v.wieuo.iV,Tate- Halls Family Pills for constipation ?inf.Rmx.ftlSI? uv Lame Back, . Stiii tSS wi'.anr.UJtCTeS1IJOrer? V0' Cold. strains. Sprains , Cuts. Bruises. Colic t ramps, 1 nd!Kkv nrt Xai rhe K""in has Aik I01lc.d -ooby all del- , - 'ajux. sample by malllree. KOAHIIfIE0V C0.,IICHIiOl.i,WA., 0TOA.. U.t.A nish geed work at reasouablflT X . living prices. In order to do f this we must . seeeasaxily adopt the ' J . Staidly . Cash TSyflem V'' J - depaxtrnent. A bill rX .will follow eaib oh when de- livcred, and 'from this dato X 5 ; we hope puxypatrons will , be ready to , assist ns in making thus new departure a succeas..'X .ArbStic Printing.. PIIIEULES for iho Kidneys O OXYS TaiATVSIHrco S tw , . . A. M. HALL I A. Kk0h0:0:OC OO)kOmo-0h0 s v OhCCO0h0O We Want 100,000 DOZEN EGGS n 1 - CHEAPER -1. THAN ANYONE CAS H OR - T R A Q E WE WANT 50,000 POUNDS OF. HAMS S.: THE ALSTOIM COMPANY ; Loulsburg, N. C, V o 0 0 t 0 o 0 o o 0 o o 0 t o I o -0 o o o

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