1 . . HCiVlE CIRCLE COLUMN J" V P .-sant Evening Reveries. RGolUmnDedi: aatecP to ;Tired; Mothers s;h6U; Join ;; the Home Circle at EiBning Tide , CETJDE THOUGHTS TBOII THE EDITOMAL For jyiftjftfc tbo daughter of a good motW. '. A great singer had just finished Singing Home, Sweet Home" and many of the audience were in tears. 'Iff a bea.Wifu.l long," aid a girl ty afi dlder wOfiian, who sat next to her. "ITps," was the reply, "and the senti ment to which it moves all those peo ple is beautiful. How much happier the word would be if 4 everyone had as much principle? as sentiment on the subject, and followed out a plain every-day rule of making home sweet," , is chary of administering t unsolicited advice, analwho always: -wails- until .. ... ,. , - . .1, -.. -V. ... ! , .m .,r' -i . her socia J and useful capacities are requested, and never readers herself ofli ious even in her moat Sanguine efforts at proving to be, a gfcod neigh bor. ' v A gehilemaii Uxih U the M iiii scrap; and We prelum1 that he knowS betteHhan We do as to the statement being a truthful one. From the bit of confusion we have noticed in approaching these mas- culine groups, we rather suspect the vrnrds are not wide of the mark. "It is certainly amusing, when one has a little leisure to approach 'a group of men on the sidewalk, and listen to the conversation just to hear how earelesslv profanity mixes in. This ----- r v man tears off an oath and that one tips off a dozen bad words in no time All of a sudden the loud laugh cease? and the most refined language th "group77 is capable ot using takes its place. Goodness what a change and what caused it O, nothing, onl) a lady has approached them, and thev have a little more . respect for her than themselves. ' Well, well, a lady is a missionary wherever she SAFEGUARDS FOR YOUNG MEN l$ow, what are the safeguards of young men? -The first safeguard of which we want to speak is a love of home. There are those who have pq idea of the pleasure that ) Concen trate around that Word home.w Per haps your early abode w&l shadowed with vide 6 p6Verty. Harsh words and petulance and scowling -'may have destroyed all thz Banctity of, that spot. Love, kindness and self- sacrifice which have built tour al tars m so many abodes, were Btran- acrs in your tamer s nouses ijroa bity you, young man. You never had a home. But a multitude; of young men can look back to the spot that they can never forget. It may have been a lowly root, but you can not think of it now without a dash emotion. You have seen nothing tion to the modest canvas. for: Fi-AnT, TREASURE' Th. Owner Didn't Appreciate the Gtm . V v. of: His Colction., . Somi years ago a. well knonj art expert , was "summoned to" act in the Capacity' 'of private appraiser to a young , man 7who desired to sell at auction tne ; contents oi iiis latners .picture gallery. :, Thermal apprccf ated his own limitations sufficiently tpTealize the need of such advice as .the critic had to: offer; though the actual depth of . his . ignorance was pet patent at the beginning of the mtervlev. . .The two men were in the gallery, and the. owner discoursed somewhat intelligently on a pair, of enormous battle scenes'or- which his father had paid a fabulous .sum and out of which V: he hoped " to", .realize much more than the ) original price. A few other ' highly pictorial composi; tions came in for their share of ap- proval. "i;ltewpuwtherlilreto keep those reaUyl- 'fgbod'&ings". But he felt that they would com- rnaiid the highest price at the sale. The expert passed them with a glance.' .He felt sure, that the iyfrn- er wouia realize ms acsare to keep them: unless he was willing to sac rifice them ,for a tithe qf. what his father had paid .for them a score of years before, when that sort of painting was in vogue. , t Vrom the "moment the connois seur entered the long room he kept fhts eye on a small canvas disdain fully "skyed" above the opposite door, ' Though the light wasbad and the position the?worst possible, he tdok in the matchless sweep of technic in that painted-head. As soon as the young man had exhaust ed his enthusiasm over the showy pictures the artist failed his atten- I II . , , US Orlri THE SMALL BOY. N o hing is belter calculated to ruin a small boy than for him to have, two home-, to either of w hick he is -Tper-mmei to go at will If mother re pr 'ves or chastises him for hi j nautrtuiitess. he takes his hat and goes over to grand maV or auntie's house. There he is leceived, cajoled petted aua permitted to remain a day or two, or perhaps a week. Then because of some overt act, he is reproved, and he picks up his hat and goes off home, where be is kind ly received and no reference had to his former, misconduct In this way he is permitted to oscil'ate between two homes, all the time developing his disregard of the restraints of rightful authority. Trained in way, he grows up self-willed, has no regard for the rights or wishes of on earth that has so stirred your soul. A stranger passing along that place might see nothing remarkable about it, but oh! how much it means to you. Fresco on palace wall does not mean so much to you as those rough hewn, rafters. Parks snd bow ks and trees at fashionable watering place or country seat do.not mean so much to you as that brook that ran m front ot the plana farm house and singing under the weeping willows. The barred . gateway swung open by porter in full dress does not mean so much to you as that swinging gate, yoursister on one side of it and you on the other.' She, gone for fifteen years, ago into glory! comin v back to ' you today as you swept backward and forward on the gate, singing the songs o! your child hood. 13 ut there are those who have Oh, that's a sketch by an ob scure German pairiter," the owner returned, "a thing my father picked up somewhere. Jt doesn't amount to anything. I had it hung up there to get it out of the way." "Will you sell it for a hundred dollars?" T cliATlll fVioi. ihtnh- T nrinA the owner replied in some astonish ment. rBut I don't want to rob you." . "And I don't want to rob you," his guest echoed. "That despised sketch i the best thing in your col lection, the one that ought to bring (the highest price. It is a Lenbach. JNo one else paints like that. A Len bach needs no signature." The owner was not convinced, in- That scene Uod, was rather anxious to make the sale on the spot, and his doubt was not dissipated until the auction was over and he learned hat tho lit tle Lenbach had brought something over $3,000, the highest price paid for any picture fli the collection. a song. R IC CK PTT3 n 0 In all our work in filling Prescription, we aim at precrioa. Nothing that can be done to insure safety and satin fiction in results is omitted even in the smallest detail. W E E U-.-T w their second dwelling olace. It is your adopted home. lW also ia The war canvases went for . - rru5 , , . New i ork Tribune. Every order large or mnall with promptness and despatch. acred forever. There you establish the first family altar. There your children were born. : In that room A Missing Point. Professor," said an acquaintance. flapped the wing of the death angel. "yu understand Latin, do you not?" Under that roof when your work is .r,ePue ine P. . ' . may be said to have a fair, knowl- done, you expect to lie down and 0j jtin." die. There is only one word in all "I know everybody says you have. the language that can convey your I wishyouwould tell me what 'volix Nobody that 1 have asked -v i idea of that nlace. and that word is nieans. "home." We never knew a man I , , - , .xL. . . , . . , -"ii mere is any sucn.wora as who was faithful to Ma earlv and i- j j i. t i. - . i vuiii. uiauuiu. ox wuiuu x uave be- in m mm i others,and unless some remarkakle adoPted homf who wa gen over nous' doubts, I certainly do not PlAJjPf VAf AnflOtl freak ot grace interposes to check I ai me 8ame um io any gross i or m Know wnax it means. VU iQJll , VV flUEVbiO of wickedness. If you find more en- xou surprise roe, proiessor. a iovment in the clubroom. in the lit- man , of your attainments ought to. Come here with your prescript ions. anywhere. THE SCOGGIN LOUISBURG, We deliver anything DRUG CO N. C. grace interposes to his wild career, he is pretty certain to land in the penitentiary. Mt - ' I -erary society, in the art saloon, than you do in these unpretending home pleasures, you are on the road to ruin. Though you may be cut off NEIGHBORS. A good neighbor is always the- most t desirable of possessions, al- from; your early associates, and though, in some cases their social though you may be separated from value is underestimated. What con- all your kindred, young man, is there 8titute8 a good neighbor is also ' f re-, not a room somewheretbat yoU can quently misconstrued, although the call your own? Though it be the know that 'vohV means vol. ix." The professor devoted a moment to calling up his reserves and bring ing his light artillery into action. "It is no winder, madam," he said, "that I did not see the point of four joke. You left the point out of it." . . - To week and B1hm women, that Is ImA oat kit with tb wt. two treatment. must be combined. ' OQ& Is kxml. otvs is consttto WST to belpw But ' bos both sor taporust, both s I urnt ctrra is too jloch. some V Quick Wltted Divines. Dr. P. S. Henson once delivered sensible acceptation of the term is, the fourth story of a third ,classboarding York ? Chautauqua. In introducing uiguwvi!nuv u mcuuij . nnuuut uubc, iuiu wiai iwru,. gaiuw uuu&B) mm jsisnop Vincent saia. being ofticipus, helpful without being pictures anoT" a harp. Hang your . "Ladies and gentlemen, we are uperflously so and finally, one who mothers portrait over the mantle. respects the privacy of others' house- Bid unholy mirth hold affairs by -a certain degree of lhre8hold. consecrate s formality of mannpr . . . - The social neighbor is not always 8p(Km rT WUQ e 01 the. useful neighbor, yet each in her Praver' ?7 tb.e memory of other place has special influences,, to ;exert djs, a father's counsel, 7 a mother's 01 equauy oenenciai consequences, love and a sisters confidence, call it The sympathetic neighbor is also a tme popular one, but she has to exercise AontinuoUS tact, lefit her nnlsiri n or i n . - . . . " - I a ' . ' ' ' . .": L- t - 4tn&n.A w.o nfl,.Anniu tL I , ' ' A' buaraiii6cQ ' Article. Ir. Eboos's BettonttiTe. the OomtltotlatttX The former Dr. Ehoop'i N Lcht Cxire li tttosicaj tnaood membrase fapposltory remedy, while Dr. Ehoop's RetnrtvtlTe la whoUr aa tateroai trm. ment. The Bestormttre reeches throctsboas the entire mtem, klnx the repelr of ell &srre il tLSsa. txtd ell blood eilZDents. The hMctxiCH.ajfu Dane lxnsl2jBi.dw Hi work while jva tiemp. XtioothesioreeadttUUo. d znoooos sorbMte. beis local weakaenee aa4 dlKhanea. while the BesSoratira. eaaas oervocs exdtemeat. siTet renewed Tlfor and amMtkn. build op wte4 brtixrtri abootrraewed trenxth. ttror. aod enerrr. Take Dr. Ehoop's Beetorati re Tablets or IJQukJ ai a reoeral tool 9 to the tritexa. , For podttTs local Lelp,tcss as wtil now to listen to lecture on Tools IviTlO lrir (( .tlTI tr?25 by one"- The audience broke into - aroar of laughter, and after it had THE BODDIE-PERRY DRUG CO aiea ' away uisnop v mceni aaaea ica. - 7 T BOARDERS WANTED, Dr Hehson rose and, with a 11 have opened a boarding' hbtde at genial smile," said, "Ladies and gen- 109 South Blount 'Street, Raleigh, N, tlemeri; I. am not ofgreat a fool as C., and will be gbd to. hive all who Bishop 'Vincent' - Another roar -wish good board to call and sc me. I oi iaugnter, alter wnicn tne, speaser snau re giaa to nave a;i ray trankiia Dissolution Sale, The firm of Cooper and Pleasants is this day dissolved by mutual coo sent, M. C Ileasants harini; par- chased the entire stock of mer chandise belonging to the firm. Ho will collect all debts due the rm and will pay all outstanding obli gations against tho firm a per terms of sale, Geo. XL Coorou ' - ' ,' M. C. PziusAxr' c no D C E Cut Flowers t ! added, "would have you belieYe.? over done or utilized at untimely J periods, j Many things V are . advertised and Thift innn?tivfl nftfo-hhnia Voa Imany promises are made, but it is not v J.ne mcuisiuvo ueignooris always., a dread to everybody within the reach " ,' 't of her inquisilaive curiosity,' as she ' rinAA not RAem to have anir infiiiriv 4 V ' respect for, others', feelings ; as4 re . , gards their divulgence ; of j personal i "' affairs to an outsider; t ; The truest and most respeted; of ;?;who,alway8 s well of , every-! ' body, who devotes the largest 'share always, that these promises are maae xn good faith nor can. , tbey always ipe kept. . "With a laxative remedy like Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin; it is different. This remedy will cure - constipation, in digestion, .liver trouble,1, flatulency, heartburn, sour, stomach and all r other diseases- of " the stomach, , liver and bowels, ih, old or-young. -A; rich com- f any is behind every statement .made, t is absolutely guaranteed to do . what ia claimed, and .if you want to rtry it before buying; send your address for a free sample bottle tof Pepsin Syrup Co. 119 Caldwell Bldg.rMonticello, 111. - It is sold by. The Boddie-Perry" Drug Co.,- ; ' ; of her sympathies to her own . affairs, at 50c and ?1 a bottle., Into & general store, of 'a town in Arkansas - there; recently came a darky .complaining that a ham which he fhad purchased there wa3 not goocL V ' ; - ' . .5The ham is, all righty'-Zeph in sisted the" storekeeper.,- ! t': i 1 0, it ain't, .boss, insisted' the negro; .'Dat ham's shore- bad I 1 , Hdw- catr that:, oe," " continued the storekeeper, x'when it was cured only last week'?" ' . : ' " : The arky Vscratched his head reflectively -and finally suggested: ' fDen mebbe irs had a relapse.' Harper's ."Weefly. - y County friends call to seq me when in RaleigH.- r v i ; ,. . . Mrs, S. W. Jones - . ' Notice to OiaEcy.Ecitoo, 4 You will take notice that on tha 4th day of May, 1903,' I , bought for your taxes, due for the year, of 1907, m lot of land in Franklin County, and . in the town of Louhburg, containing about one-half acre, said lot was listed in your name for taxes You will further take notice that on the 14 th day of next May, 1900, 1 shall apply to the bhenrr of Frankun County for a deed to said land unless the same is redeemed on or before said time. . s MRS, E. a lERRY, Thiallth February, lm f Returned .without finding, J. J. Lancaster, Constable,- ; ... DlssoMon Koticc Thtfina heretofore known as Murphy & Willi ma hat' this day been mutually dissolved and the business will be continued by Ix. W.E. M urphy at th a aame plac e. Mr. W. B. Murphy having, bought the interest of MrV. C". Williams he yi' all claimii against, the the old firm and also-collect all ac counts due aaid firm. Thia Feb. 101 tOM; ' Y,. E. MtntPHPY ;; v, C. W ILLXlalS . . r -. Having bought the above buai- nesa x trua xo aay to au our cutto mera that I will continue to 'carry a nice sioclc of frcjh aeata. etc, and will aUo give tho very best of service. nau appreciate the trade of any new coilomtr wishing good meaii4nd Sood service ' ,: i i W. E. M URPHY Boaet, carnation and noltt perialtv. Wedding Wuqu-u ud floral oSericgt arranged in Wt ttjle at abort notice. Sanaa tr flo-wering bulba, bddinc flcU, jrofte bukhca, and every ihicg in tt J florist line, at J LO'QUINN&CO . PHONE 149 Raldgfi, NorthJCorolina. 1 Notice to The Public. I have rented ))r. Bc Moort'a floor and gritt iciSa near Toungarille, which have rocecUy been put in first claas co&diticm new bolting cloths, etc Gtv tse trial, I am certain I can p!re jem- 8YL FEAKCE. NOTICE. The place for baogrjr torn will ,..,. . "' fouod at ' NOTICE V i Having quail Sed a executor ef tbe will ef John 11. Gu5to- deceased, late I noury ' all f perton fcag - cuimt againat aaid estate to present the wtme to ma on or before the Uth day of Feb 1910 or this notice will be r4a4 fa bar of there recovery. All pcraoa lodeb tcd to said estate will please xnaka I ta med late pavment " to the usd craijjned thU Feb. 13. 1900. . - i- - i r. - : K. If. GUPTOK, Exr. 6: S. WHITE'S KESTAUBAOT having recQotlr ooveJ In Hea4 owa sew balldlop. firtt-claaf mal can atfd will be atrved fret and hot, with the Wtt the taarket affords Coeae to r tne., ! Yean to leaie, O. a WHITE. -

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