V v VV'.: V COliTIUG:MO?iEY.; Th Way Uncle Sam's Experts Hand? ' k Bills and" Coins. L.i, : j- i Ah. hlESSURE: "TNotice - of Change In Eirmf . There 'iS, broadly' spealqiig biit i oner; place , the United States where , newmoney is , always, to the YPrywJiere, 'Wee js rto wjf oundfrag -; dirty ot to iay , filthy paper 'i money, germ laden "and ; disease . breeding, f. The question 6 has often been put, "Why is this "'; , Congress " makes' appropriations amounting to . many . hundreds of millions, annually . for the ) govern-4 ment expenses. ? This enormous I amount, wHi;h is backed - by gold ' and silver in the treasury vaults, is printed every - year" in Washington and is issued . through the - treasury department. . It must be recollected tat, while banks all over the" co'un- trv issue ' old notes, the ; treasury never issues anything but new rrion- " That isvhy he money in Wash ington ;isi always jiewi: . t:rt:'ml There are more than 30,000 gov- ernment employees, at the national 4 capital, and they are paid in bright, new notes twice every month.' Thoy distribute .their money foWthe ne cessities of life, and hence, a' groat 'deal of it is found 'in circulation. 1 - Another question with reference! to the money supply is often pro-i pounded, "How long does it taKC for the' women experts in the treas ury' department to count 1,000,090, new one doar notes, and how long, does it take to count 1,000,000 oil notes of4 that denomination?? Ac cording to the; treasury officials, t:p answer is as follows: 1 In handling new notes .an expert could count in a day of eight hours about $50,000. Of course this re fers to notes of the denomination of $1. In counting gold certificates of the denomination of $10,000 each it Would require but a short time ".to count $1,000,000. At this rate twenty days would be occupied in counting $1,000,000 represented by notes of the denom ination of $1. However, it is hard Iv nossxble that anv one couldkpen X it J 7 7 r up . to these . figures for such a pe riod, and it would be safe to add five days and to say that $1,000,000 paper) could be counted in twenty five days, . . v ,V Of silver dollars '40,000 may be counted m a day of eight hours which rate, i f adhered t o,; "would i finish the $WOominne J days, but it V would be welt to add five days hre for the same reason ana maKe it tmrtv.ua vs tor count ing 1,000,000 silver dollars? t In counting old notes the oonc!i tions are mnch changed. There are ' five different kinds of paper money -gold cer.tiiicatee, silver certih- cates, United States nptes (green- Ths Weight tfuman BtdyJeCocX ' YOUngSVllle iAHUDer UO. . , ...petted to .Sustain. ''"- v - li l 'fe&HZiba had giveV no Notice is hereby given that T.H thought to thematter were told Whitaker haetirecV, from the tfamtVb perpetuaUyJsustainin'g a dCAC J08? fi .V?' .'v v j L 1 ?' ji YoungsTille, N. C., under th firm weight ;.of? about ourteetons ,and n4mr 'lebf . th ."Toanga. jthat that stupendous, burden is er,er yin Lnmi,er Co.. haxing sold hia varying, - ' sometimes increasing, Interest therein to Wi a.WhiUker sometimes decreasing, to tne extent and the firm is 'now composed, of nfrmnnilLSOO-TMUndsrVinl- th Ul T W,nVr WriI Wf'Wlni. cdueVftc:-OTin,vhftwonld "alter who will tontinue the bnn probably 'consider that his Inform- nesi under the name'and style : of jjri ant was' .demented. ; But that k pro- the "Youhffaville Limber v Co digious- load, represents the weight ThU 27th dar of Februvy, 1909 of air which every person of aveis :K rr' rv-t; age size: is always bearing Jail ; ' " '" " V; though, as the pressure is equdl? on jt , v . 1 1? 'iVWiprAx ;Dissblutioktfbtik. not only not felt,' but under, certain, conditions of the i atmosphere, when the barometer stands hiffm indicat- - 0 - - . .-.a' inc: that thepreseure is increased, a I- The firm of Strickland :Whe sense of invigoration is experienced, less has been dissolved' by mutual which passes' away when he has been I consent. Tbe business will be con relieved of the .additional hundred-1 tmued by F. V. Wheless. Wha ae- ing. - Some idea of the tremens T!firin iWill ibo pressure of the air may be gathered placed in the hand of an 'Attorney by placing the hand firmly over the 1 for collection. receiver of an air pump and ex haustjng the air theref torn; ;!A large hand measuring eTght square inches WOU1Q tnen. II tne air were com- - a am now prep&ra a iurmia Road Election Fop EmnKIInton j C C C C C C C C C C C C O C : ' ; Township j D. C. STfticxiavB. ' the pletely exhausted, have' a weight; of S0 17" phoDe upon its upper suriace. v yniy a Samson would have sufficient mus cular force to lift that load and re move his hand from the mouth ot the receiver.? J. WcEtvo) 4- FineiCdws For Sale I have several fine "liiUh Cows or sale. . AViU eli , ouV, nzat. or oadly mutilated. Where cases of this kind occur the count is tedious and slow. But, assuhing that the currency sent is in accordance with the regulations an expert could, on . an - average, .fcpunt $15,000 in one ollar notsa day This would re quire about seventy days to count a million one dollar bills m old Although our t atmosphere, is ; so fViU de f 6r eaiUe. transparent indUochanouet ' y'H.rLTJEN, its total Weight is computed at the f Louishurg', N. C. enormous total; of fivll thousand5 five : '. hundred mo c. ? i h - ' And when this ponderous element NOTICE OF ELECTION is set in violent motion, as in a hUr- Office CokMissiovans or Fa awk- ricane, its weight and density are . LtK Gouittt 4 more readily realized, for then, ' ; " ; ' when in allHts: fury, the Unseen air In accordance wiih Act of Gen is madly rushing along or furiously eral Assembler, and in obedience to a whirlinjsr around and around at the petition nresented to thia Board on ratej of a hundred. miles an hour, the ltt m8t.;--an election-is hereby .u -n i j j a ordered to be held on Sa tarda v, infuriate and fierce onslaushts. inl 3rd at the u,aal votinS P". Great trees are felled in a monient, in Sandy Creek township;' when and stacks of corn or hay are scattered where the question as to whether a t the winds, and fven human be- tar of 30 cents on property and 00 ings strucfe by: the iprnado are hurl- MtM nn ihtk - . - k x-,aAifrr ed to the ground or even caught up , . and whirled through the arr like r'" t'4"00 v of said township.' The election will b "held under the tame rule and regulation la election for members of the General Ataem bly. The tollowing: are appointed Registrar and Poll Holders for taid election: Registrar, J. R. Parriib: A. T. Wifioa and E. T. Alston. Those favoring the tax will role a' ticket upon which, shall be written or ' printed, the ? Vords "For Good Roads" and thole net fav oring will rote a -ticket upon wbieh shall be written or printed the words aAgainit Good Roadi." By order of the Board. T. S. COLLIE, Chairman feathers in a gale. A. Banker Ran; of Eyewghjk.' iThose who: are ; curious in such matters inay be interested in testing the correctness of the Conclusions ofDr Schnecket of Mtinich con cerning the distance at which, peo ple can be recognized by their faces jQ Holders: and figures. If vou have ffood eves. he says, you, cannot recognize a per son whom you have seen but once back), treasury notes of 1890. and before at a greater? distance than natidnal bank notes; Remittances twenty-hve meters (eJ-ghty-two. feet). of mutilated currency mav contain tb person is well known to you. aii tnese '4lirrerent kmds of eurreri- Juu ma-v recogmzej. nun ai uom ou m. ' .... . - -I XJ. 1 Aft i. Jf --1M cy; ; They may not be assorted prop-i w iw.uieiers, ana u is a memoer erly by denominations and may be or your lamuy. even at 15U meters. at- from twenty-seven to twentv- eight meters and the eyes themM W. M. BOONE. Clerk. a i . . - ..1 ' selves at seventy-two to seventv- three) meters. The .different parts of the body and' the sfightest move inents are distmshable at ninety- one meters. The limbs show at lo meters. At 540 meters a V 3 Notice Is hereby 'srfven that xa accor dance with the proviiiona of an act of the General Aasembly or lDCXJ, enutled 'An Act" to--provide rood roada to Franklinton Township, Fran klin 'Coun ty " duly ratified on the 20th da? of February,' 1909, and In accordanro with the order of the Count Board of Com miulonera of Fxanklin Connty Trade at their resrnlar meetinoa the lit day of uarcn. an election win o new on Tueaday, the 6th day of April,. 190?, at which election the pro vu ions of the aforesaid will be aa omitted to the alified.v ters of Franklinton .Town- ip for their approval. ; - Thet)oIlinr place for the election shall be in -tie town 'of Franklinton B. A. White ia appointed registrar and B. F; Bullock and E. L. Moom are ap pointed rejriatrars.v A new reffistra- tion of all voters is ordered and anyone desirtnz to vote in tne aatd elecuon must apply to the registrar for rtris- tration within the time fixed bv law for the registration book to be kept! open, naraelv xrotn Tnursday, March 4th to Saturday. March 27th. incl slve. ! Belew is given a tamrnary of the proviarona of the said act: ' Sec-.-L. Creates board of read truatcea and fixea thiir terra cf office. Sec z. v Givea to said board corpo rate character ano pow era. bee 3. otves to aaid Doard con trol of public : roads la Franklinton Township. iSec 4. rrovidea for the electron of chairman, secretary, treasurer to the board and of an executive eocxmittee W three. Sec 5. Provide for election of superintendent of road,' Sec. 6. ProvidetN for purchaje of machinery and implements, rives the board cenerai powers lor carrytnjr out the proviaions.of the act, and farther provides tharno prson shall be - liable for road doty. - ; Sec -7. Authoritea theobtalninir of jrravel; sand and Other material neces sary for the construction ox roads. Sec ' 8. FYovid for locating rosii. Sec 0. Authorises the Board tof Trustees to Utue bonds . of - Franklin ton township to an amount not to ex ceed forty thousand dollars, to bear in terest at & rate not to exceed six per cent. These bonds may be issued at eueh time or times and in such amount or amounts aa may be deemed best to meet the expenditures provided for in the t et. See. 10. Pro t idea for the levy of a tax on property in , Franklinton town ship of not less than fifteen cents nor mOre than thirty-five eents on the one hundred dollars worth of property and of not less than rorty-nve cents nor more than one dollar and Ave cents, on the poll. Sec 11 Frovtdee lor the submis sion Of the provisions of this act to the oauned voters or rrmnaiinton Town hip at an election ordered by tho County Commissioner and orders a new registration. Sec 12. Directs that all mnoa de nted from sals of bonds shall be used for eenatructim; roads in "Franklinton townthip. Sec 13. rroTtdM xor use ox. con vict labor or hired labor or both. Sec 14. Provides that no monev raised under. this at may be spent on any street or road in aa incorporated town. Sec IB. Reoeals all lawa in con flict so far as concsms Franklinton L township. I . . A A A M. Sec 15. rreviaee tnat trte aet shall eo into effect from and after rat ification. Bv order of the Board of County Commissioner of Franklia County, thia first day of March. 1909. T. 3 COLLIE. Chairman of Beard ef County Commia- awaers. . - ' TT. M. BOOXE. Clsrk to Board ef Couaty Commis sioners. humiture la all wsva tha citsrMt in rorat of ertica, we ha.dle the bt ce&M we ean bujv tb era tnaj h others who aay Uier bavo aoaethmir suit aa rood far & litUo leaa, but we can't e;tt asylhlsr; M gooa aa toe ttst for leaa. - THE .KARPEN - CHAIRS Lounges and Dacn ports are the ruptr- lor to anrthia ox aajiaakw a&d fnce that can be bad, wo are arista fcr lkis Superb line t p;ooda, 1 - - . Claia fronxllO to liSO all colore cf UphoJiUrinr and ' trade. The Dsts. rort and Cuehea Irca $50 o $110. C f, f o o s wwwwwwwwww CwwCCCCCCOCOO We will gladly asud vcm a cop? ef our Urge catalopne of Ibia o fcrtulsre .aln the Itrl Hup;, Drugget and Car pet house in tb ptittd Suti Thote ua to call. on vou and w will b rjsd k abxtw jrou theaa lines, Ws taar do vosi orae good oven i( we cant you. ' PIANOS :& ORGAKS J. W. HbLLiNGSWORTH 4Wf ccoccccccccco ccccccoccccco Egerton's LYNCHBURG PLOWS AND CASTINGS movm'T notes of various kinds of paper cur- Jnn appears only as in indefinite rency. Chicago Inter Ocean? '. form,; and at 720 meters 2,361.(5 C) o () () C) Whit e rront feet the movements of the body i are no longer visible. x outh s Com panion. How He Got Him. A New .York dramatist was one i veninir visitinsr a well lrn own niav4 ' ers dressing Toom whftr. Wa wnal V ;The Ges Nteder-Morlen. handed inan apoeal for financial . In the , little Hessian ? villagel of assistance, written in the French ieder -Morlen, , says the Strand lanarnaffe . hv an actor, a .British!-, Magazine, between Giessen.; and , who nrides himlelf scene xnay.be .. edge of that tbngue. rrl ,f , ; witnessed 17 eyeningat , 5 :30.. To the dramatist's astonishment, oome uui geese, "wmen nave speni the nlaver to whom thte notA t the day on the river's bank belotr - addressed irornediMelproc yiUagearaKgiye signaWrorn IIald.'the" mesiiWe1r4tr. krlriooTit ; their leaders iake.tHeir4wa nbm. skeoorS" "! mueVpbmp and cjrcum -fSurelr.' Henrv" sinterrosftd th - stance . and raucous noise. lnc friend; ''you're not going to let him strangest part of JtheJ proceeding M , -J haye the idonev ? Whv. the man is vseeri ;- when 'they reach the village everrwner&as imu, wimuuv uv Kiuuauw,ui er, iJk Knowhat. SfButlyoil don't i yaTQ Ior nigrum liuce so many suppose 1 can - afford to have him ,squads they, break off in their doz ' iv: going' about town telling every one etiS fromUhe main body, knowing nat i can t read Urench r,Har- 1Dln5llveiy eir owners poor ana perV Weekly - ... with solemn :: g&it entermg in ats rts have .-. 1 . 7 if' 7 v. - witn solemn gaitji entermg in vits " .--f V though-' conscipusi of their'' dwri iri- Domestic Cat. ' ' 1 . nate' cleVeriie-v' v : iave held that the so ' . - I i called "cat" of the aticiftn onriiJ VWi "riJo;H?ghi' and Greekf auurus fttie lwavY lahqugh zis Building ha only lt ;V7.Ji:kii 4;ot weasel. The. mummified er4ip;M; : : .-?f!': Egyjpti raljSbiifnaVI Vefrvt tta3,paid the J; elevator ;::vvif'ificiilt toerd it Tiftflr-plfltri lust ffot ?? on .one. of .your elevators. . ;? , : of the ;modern domestic puss. :Thc ,Qne-passenger, said,' Three? please. ' ;'YV-'; 6thaii?7SeYen.;an riouslviithdole fi'S-Pffittf ltort;witobfmuclv:of zf ZOm?'t4W nPl 7.still vKAtAAA :;f "iRut;7?1.945l ia an-ofiBce number." ihewila c,catstilaboMaedv . , ; able to satisfy themselves that the : domestic cat and" thewfld ?dne are "N6! You deceive! " 1 have no ze trust ; m you -Tomorrow . i re In all sizes, the bcaUmade. ff you have to buy a plovfcome and see me. If you have one of these plewe you can, get all kinds and sizes of castinge al my store. I also vhave a lot of ehoes that I am filing below cost to make room for other stock. A big lot of hamburgs and lacea' that I am telling below cost. Come and Bee me before it is al gone. M. C. ' RLE AS ANTS 6oooohxco xoo xxxxxx 1. ft.: Bij? bargains In Shoes for te next tea days; i I have a lot of -i.odd sizes to close out in order to ". make room for the . fpriog" line. : All of these axe new stock and pood valacs Doaft fail ,. io gee tnem. , i oora ior DU3iness j J'.."" "1!J-"V- , v . ' j if PH'OtitM'00'' U' " ) a;,V LOU13BURG, fir c. Our Mr. It Z. Kgcrton w.ll gOjaorth in a few dajf. aac4 vrnt to run pfTcvervlhiag por sible and are oflcricr iwroc plcndtd borrniiLa. Jutt rrccircd a big jVock cf the Ia!wttjle abrJet cCTerrd. Opera Slippers, all lor aad i tbcj arc beauties. $1X0 Ladie Suit, While Goodp. Laces of all tyle. Hcmrv. HaadkcrcblcGr; and lota of mew and prtty thisgf. . , Coats to see ua. Don't Tail to I', v :4-, MM . " ' 'r .V ( y v.'-';Lcuisburf 11 ( ) : i'' ,S. y-- Egertori O 8 8 O 0 o 8 o 8 O o 0 o o o o o o o o o 8 o o o o o o o o o o o () C) () () 8 () turn to Paris I'-New York Time3 JfS., 4--7A ? ai-iTf- -7--i;.J ..f "7f

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