- - ' v 7 : - r ' AMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR THE COTOTY, THE STATE, THE TOIOIT. , j A, . - SUBSCRIPTIOK.SI.OO Pin TEA t loL. XXXIX. b LOUISBURC N. C.V FRIDAY, fUABCH; I9f 1909. nUZTBERS Contest. ntp the New-UserTtr con m that is noir on, lijcreating right , iBtere.t in thu cbftntjand a8 . ;norAt wa crive , below h namei of the IealiaRrcanawatct" Franklin, that hare Wif . tnrther with :tbe nam kminHll""' - , . r t)f yoiei they had reoeirea up .i:u irii,. V I I in. ,t,. LOVItBUlttr. ,HP Olife Bryant, hn MilU, Martha Harrif, rH. II. D. Kgerton, eil Green Morria, t88 Martha T. .Harrie, inn Mabel Vann, TOinTILLE. iM Ella Ilarrii, r. J. T. Wilson, . V. Bobbitt, 36,640 33,280 32,960 moments morning and night, "inhale A deep, alow breathe, and make .these aaaertiohei Then t& forjthleTerj'day determined to look for the agreeable trait in everyone-you meet for th pleasinsc or pathetic qnalitv, aad, tor COHAN'S ESSAY" ON II AN. Evidently Han v - Is-aJ :.- Strange ; Animal. A! boy can ait still' on a .sled six a chinceto ad!a little to the world's cb,ur Mtbfisti!ib moTingt Chieaio eren - tie riocrett 'roar store of - bappinesa - y T some kmd ttU ",r,ulr: U1? i tiate a deaire for such ojoTmeU aa ik buivuu m Buia iiTB . inmaiei ior pleaaamt f .She bad allowed hr aind b follow a: falta coarse. Iladl ahe stepped to think of the myriad : bit is- ioga she .'enjoyed daily : she1 woild have decided that after all there wia something to lire for. In a city like fodUUy "actaelirsta. Vet ike aJda iratieYte tbe,3tsfeTt aad. jrpeyenty of the fam boec; ' - . i Keep the losJtry hosae eieaa aai neaiaa4 yocr eUsrta mP W .ajsply rewarded by th e buUt ax4kitl words tree yoxJrieii, act. dollar. ;A mam. will ait on am' ineh her aoul crared. i .t . " - -- ' . . . w f .ula hio worm urmjrr u mo -doobt Think of yoarself as neeesaar v to flielrdi '.;of aboardandtalk poHties;for ft qQeatiomw. all sometimes aak t) me or I would .not be and-the U P Mm a church ielTea.: ew ffka make v thi 30 look f or therf Jepportunity r m prore D nerToms, -y throuSh V lif e- without r eachiajj tke faet. ;: TomlwiU find it. ; ; aad tarni a?a ffoea te 'aleep: Mrl. wh 't... f ereSpil lie ebeeks with jetfwhen the roseiu hie is ? Wem. great tro'uble seems to ; be f tha yon ,d well too much on thoughts of your self aii4: your troubles and think too Uttl ot ntnir nonlA shnnt'vnn. ' j rc eon 9T teTrj our tne twenty-rour, v ao -;r - ' -r ded into a cbeerteaa drab whem ;all . -U.4--. f . -I m. 111 t!-" ' rr " "- I. . - . ' - - - - -raw vviia ri i r t . m-m a n v - v . . . . . less fortunate than ourselrei. Your "ku -U1IUT . Aaeoond theuchf will ."the mghtwife don't know where he ii, fact tbu m(8t uf uar iUt tr tamcied me.n. froa " townthip comes borne wben he pleases, bat v if i,.. ....... a mpai is mot read? iuat on time, pouts, frowns ; and aaya un pretty things. Evidently man is a itraage 28,420 26,89a 2o680 45,430 li,690 .Personal nqntlon." ilir. L. E. IHcks 'epent . WedDeai day m Raleigh. : . Attorney General DIckatt speol Saturday and Saaday at' hie 'heme here- ' ..-.i- -' .- '.i x c r- If TTT.1 a I Johntton, were vUtbn. here W lftJ r. ,v. eonUiaisr dead rarma. Ttl aWla Ktnn. J. C Eittrtll and B, n. 0a tKe !ouis&ttT a&i ramcrre all . ... -- z rerry, two proaiaeat la wy era .II bat tbvae boldbj lireclUkaaa. Uenieraon, were in Loaubora; onl Afux tU cLid axe lira week piuiwioMi voauieu mi iioaa.?. I old. tttre U virr f ti!. .V f rhichl Next to per air, water ia the ;hinkotSToarself Kiust ; a vou IdltiWJbOnd imentaUy ani,oaI- Get fal, beastly drunk, im- Mttfofarf lhaavelinivif no agmea he rich, a great man, beta on Ms6m atflBC. luw lOBiug uorB, goes urwe, quarx,,- com e seems (Seme kind friendi have ented the editor of the Tnsly Keep 0n iwi hj Hh Ianda $ cJe drtssed for Tof hetvnt imiU akore us. . -l ' l : t. .-. I - I' - -. . . . - - - t i ; J I 1 J I - . . . sting their to'es tor mm, wmcn ne tbe rcaalt8 wm appear. : aer, iace irescoeu anu noraie u. nnnwAiofm ' kit m . h v v. ,, .ii -.: - . . nravM. Tfit D u "Lora dt an crit. t WT7 trr la m i i w aiuui wva w - . i -am win nil . -r r a tiim ivrn t jr r avvm st-v i r t-t - - not a oaadidate m this wpa?ticular tunitiea to do-kind acts. - . . . . . iircui r w 1 w v r . i . i . w h h .r-ri I iT-n in. n T v..-. - l qJte a itxn number of auaeua of I , ' . . . ' J bear wit mrV. t B t , , poaltry. Do act fomt that ss aaast . , . . , . . . be irem to rdar to gat ere K.tW T J O T W,K. n d8C l0"111 ff I will co with it. W. H. Yarboroagh, Jr, amd B. T. Holden appeared for I'earoo and W.U. Tenon for PrireU. reaeona why we . should patience the load that of times.se this tooheaTyX: .; "What beMer motto thaa: t ?Tfe live for thosr who love uiy For those whoto hearts are true. tion and monarch of all lie srvevs.n un. I ...-hi Via flplarl f a ' tllnaa CM lit) WUU1U iia wa , viivav ho feel a disposition tc vote 'for , to east their votes for some' of l 1 . . V. n n j. A.Mijnf a. nm in ftch contests we teel tnat tney are ore entitled to win than the Nmen. It is wonderful what an imterestl SttaBSe "inthis man-Ex. we wiU find in people whom we jean benefit,: V. - "T': SPREAD OF THE SUICIDE ROB. TEB- For the g.od that we eaa do." ' All ot as ha.ve frienda the rich est boom humanity may bout of. Every one, no matter how lowly, hte more or leas iafiiehee, and wields that ioflaence either for good or evil. Fran tl In ton Itenuu (Came to after the Jra&kiiaUa After I Deparuaat want to prrea.) ooan.g we eTwence, ooio utien- Mua Peoabpe Davu, tf JUIajV, daoU were bound oter to the aext - - h.. k- . t'w tirm ox irranLiin opcnor tort, x Bickeu'a ia Uaitbwg eptat Friday navtag oeea provan mat a eaUy Dftl Al Ur. B, Tf. Ukllirda. weapon waa used. Tbe defeadartta gaTe boad. is He Believed In Coldi. While waiting for tbe speaker at a poblio meeting a pale littU man ia Each one bae oapertumtv to aoeom- A Religious Service. r Aa the Charlotte Newa well aaya, pligh mueh good. At the residence of Mrs. Jennie nfty years ago a auicideiWaa aeldom Criof ia a harden whirh nv 1m only in such contests, you know, Yates March 22nd,at.7 o'clock p. m., heard of During the .past monh borne eaaiiv if onee the bearer ti 1 'I TU 'J I I ( 1 MC 111 W I ai . Ill LJKann 1. mal - a . H fc. T . m A-Wnwn I ars Afa r n a -v aa A a avllAaVaKMA.K- . . OJ i-Mr,: WnBQQy,iflroouyn, ;.is, ttt 01 ""UBBkruc- the ritrht viewaoint. After all. one'a the audience learned rerv nerroaa. irtfl ) Y.. Will talk on Klods Misgionarv tion have been recorded in daily at r.tA nhi.fu in i.i. ... h..,. rr- -1 -vn . . - - - I -a ! . , . i ". . I I Work," having recently returned Paa oispaicnes. a stuay ror tno Hia life may bt thiped glonff p.tha timo to time and souirmed afid shift, hlli..-. tf U from,a miasionary tpur of the. Orient, sociologist new andat the same time j that irt puagintOT hia pathway l- d about in his eeat. At lan, unal?le W. 6altarda thia wtk. set with worry and care. I to aUnd it any loagar, be aroto and irt u.irt ViA ui t a. s :n a la . Ai ia a vise 01 win power ana . me imtOQa. m a oign, penetraimg Mr. Kicobro Josrt, cf lUUlgh, was in town thia wk. Mitaea Kena Uallard ted Keie Joyntr waot to Warrtnloa Teaoiay to tpead twTaral days. lira, Eluj Carr.of TarUro. aad Mra. Marmadako i. Uawkxaa. of School Association. The greateat Sunday School meet- All who are interested in scripture Rave an vexatious . s tudies.are most cordially invited. . ir.'' g of the year will take place m ncord, on Tuesday, Wednesday (1 Thursday, April 6-9. in the First resbyieriaa chnroh. The enter- inment will be free and aayoae in- raRted in Sandar School work ma? iHomuaio wii iu cu8 om inaoBCtioiL, CantJHuet. ot th& e88rs. xuiiaranm oiereoun ol :cw XS Armilt belpresent in In this day and f generation we live , rapidly. Frenzied hustle is the characteristic Attention. Corrinanir OT 106 American. , roe nervous. The mem.bers.of Louiaburg Rifles; j rapia gauv uiaunguisnea irom me iu wuriu Go. D- are hereby ordered to repOrt - vilu: t Z m SmitlSiMS er evidence ot.racegwtioii.W ofered. t ?t eruve iaucu niacu iasier man our me 1 emanceo. tn a man who is master of his owa mind I voiee, 'Ia there a Cbrutiya Soieatiit will mayor mnd vxutenea worthUosjin this roomf or trouble safieient le make till A woman at the other aiie el the worao by a raaht act. , 1 ball got op and aaid, 4I am a Chriat. o-' -liF "V'(-Ur'lV4.w." a1 1 iHtraon alemday tsrgfct .to 11 Gonejfoxth. - - --VCrTU . thaaWdam reaaaatcirv --f. . urday axd SQaday with lira, C. U. Ulacknall, ia KiltreU. IdeMra. Edwards, Balivek, XWlard and Utrri. f Kranklmton. ini J. i. Barrow, of LoutiVary. were ia - IIa- tuc4 t mdrrtcm ahoeittois' lived, see- more : absorb Mr. R. Z. Ee.,ton i, 5n h. Nqrtb- th. Irttl. m.n. -wld' . -WU.j,.. ,WM ork Citj, both of wheni u ka.wo y,, ;CompinTfnd STerj iem- more information, accomplUh mor. A ia nail of.ta Tt arlll laa I . - ' : ' . '' - S " . '' . I ia. an Vmnv aaa IaaoV tViSnk - aioveam or suive. " wm e wwiu ,be xDected to reoort.; im ortn a trip to ncora jus. to m mU aniform . e 8ong sernce ot the Conveution. , " VJ- B Thom qaptai. 1 tie rauroaas nave given reaueeo, ites. Tbe ticketa will be sola on re Uertiticate plan ana tno rase wur one and one-third fars, plus 25c r the round trip. ; The representative of the Inter aional Association in the Conven- bn this year will be Rev. Franklin ycElfresh, D. D. Ph. D. of Chicago, eacher training: SuDermtendrnt. - a r. McElfrash is a atroner. orisinal oughtful and pleasing speaker. e is eqaal to any demand that may b made on him ia Dreseatincr the' inday School work. The program has been prepared ith great care. Among the sub- Saw Stamp Walk off. A -young man at one 01 tne many Keeley cure places, so runs the story who had beem.vjeeing bags, :snakea, monkeys, etc , for three or 1 four weeks before going, there was as sured - by. the : physician ; im charge in an hour, rest leas, think faster, en oy tne rapia paaorama ot parsing daily events witb an infinitely more accelerated seaie of abrfreeiation than did our fath'era perhaps we live too fast. To treat the question im all of its phases would require much time and Space. -o; - ,V- .V r ' Woadrous creation is the human r . . . ' . ihicd. -.The' helpless thing" in the era msrketsrthla week bavin r tke spring and samnter stock for the . mm ir . w . aavaMtwM. av m a. m w foro leaviagbo iatormed the editor that it was hia purpose to inclado in hia purehaaea everything in tke dry -goods and mflliaerj lino that ia needed by the folks. aaa aaaaaa-a Gate sy 111 e Items. The GateavQte school dosed Pri- day the 12th and an entertaiament! . patho Royal Ar.b drgre. iLaipur was i4pctoa ny wa a mrnn rfSlrK aWkna-iataw? rJt At . ...-. o I - 5 a Sail . ... f w " -t m.wm w..aMra vr ... .. .. . -. I tar n art urari af - th a aavlnn Bn.tki.ia I - K X ISa wna 11 nh Ha A ntxr 1..a I fvv v n Vl-u BOIIUUI, -111UIIII M . . . . a I I - ::'my -t:" f0 W9"! UDl" aniI, Brother Swop and hia ood wif. t-aotmioBf and -An . toItmb .tft h """"""S IU u uiouiuwt i . ..t ' - " .11 J .1 V -v -"- r'-;w -r- i- iftD1; 'intl, inirthU.i eea .y.mpuuBga. au proaeai hlT6 ajnd.arod themaelvea to our poo- Te,. d iron cna wnt. your wp P'ojeii : icanm, ; de l-:.,. ; ... , I"?" .' "V u" " . y ' , Void of reason ia a fearful ro.mTil I ; sympavna;! wiui uiitaiaMiog eauea oPl. thM jott. already hon. ia. Lo.Ubwg . ir. np tb.ir td.r bab.. TU ' TT nfa knt n trn-'ir tn Vl-u mium uumihw iwb wiwieui.: if f . .v!.-,A-.i t ctfl to be discussed are:f Tie: He wrote at once but in trvmer to plafei stomp on his letter the form- mina A.n7 P?et;ia r alind from hia hand and fell nn- "eiae Aiyaian anu wnies der the tabieith thc:nioistfadhesive 01 weaa unareamea o. py. tne , avsr- side covering a: cock-roach: Seeing aSeinai1-- Ambther oxample : of'tbe his etamp run of! and up the side of possible uttamments of the human a waU th Toong ma. laid to, aim- uenauoa Uh.Sandar SA.wrh. j brought on, p.A.pa by th. too away from here im two years 1 wUl "TT w i-.. - ;WXrfiws' v- rl unpleasant, ... a " mad .. 'ends', his .-life. xnose or us wnose mmas are trainea to follow; the beatem paths ef eoa sefvative thought cannot understand ' ,. -V v i '.,. ui utttve ui meuiu uistoruoa voiea puts 'our fellowman in the madman's cell, lifts another : to . the Olympian. pope of Teacher Training," . The eek-Da? of .ho Sundar School.1' ne Fassioa for Service," "The hild and pantry Suaday School ,n "The Or fuued Class," "The Evangelistic lesion of the Sanday School," and hers of int . Zw.nA- slki rkerg. - , The afternoons wilf be ivon4to "terenoe work on the Organized Class. RUmnBrv' TT.m T- rtraent, Teacher Traimin Coliwfcr ricera. lfi is an interdenominational fndaJ School Oomvehtiomvand -y oanaay Scbool in the State - rotk Tae Hick m- W aP a J Wit Words of Sympathy. ' pnst uraswe oi. a&eic. i What meaaage doea our beavealy, lieadersoa f-eopie u-tiUd timr vis- Father design to sand by a little pil- royally. Cotcparaoea Gary ami triaa of three weeks journey? We Cbaek'wDI probakly rememVer this may not' know Hia deaigm, but wo do occasion, a great maoj yeare, know that the little messenger Wo regret that one of oar xnaahe. touched new strings ia the parental teemed ciiiaeca, CapL D. T. Ward, bearta and in paaaiog en to the man- has Wen confined at hia home wrik sions above has drawn together in tac scalar rbeumatisa. Ho and his tendertst eympatheuS love of our wife hafo the ayapaUty of ibo Fnuk- oomm unity tor tbe stricken octj. Jltaton people. Wo are glad to know that Ur. Lawrence lfoye ia fretiln oaoo aloely sod ia able to sit ap a abert time daring the day. The attention of the reaJara cf the a hiS Ait-ioboQl for foar Father makea no mistakes and w. h-nt of Tt wllillard Cta. months V All art yery sorry to trMtni ih to HU BtindiogL.n- -. wilt lA u iK gr- Frankiintoa departmenL ThCy ad- vertiao many usefol .labia meets fee t. . a V .. . Go little flower and mature oa oar m M ouow e mi lovbg Savioar'abreut, popular brands of fsrtilitera, as weil Fold your tiny pinions sad im His as many ice lie at t ranis of Coax bosom rest. mnlix,. iti. And ncttfiW thai their Ibo for cash or on time. ould hi a representative ie don- yoo wishing to attend should nd th i name to Mr. BrEHarrisV jucota, and enterUuratmt will otided. y: A Pretty Home Wedding:. bmMaVch 10th. at 7:3Q it, m. lat thej residerncellptf MrafeFannie :Zi Ionaefledge officia- ttnnr t.haa waa. a varf . nrnftff moT. : u ir "tT t t , j I heights, or drives still another -o to HyaaemV ltartMiss,EUa ; 11- --v mw w d - . tt e ao kuow nowever tBAt, - to.- a The. parlor hai been" very tastr. lf .aye - ontrol iy ano peaamuiiy aecoratea: inis f z&SZ.Z s?'":717;v v ; rr: rrT-r:." her t. lesTe. , : Mils Ethel Collie. MLs. Anna Up. cKvreh and .little Baaie Gray Hat thews, -from Spring Ho ate. alias Sal lie Bridges and Xfiaa Bloomie Wheless, from Oaatalia High Sohool were visitors of Misaes Mary Mitchell Yoar loving miftsion trm will aell vom anvtlaac ta J TTT 1. .1 .V t- lr:..l. . Vsii. af a v vltfi a-a a Kif I J J auu jci t ucii -mirn wee.. Aiuai j " w...f Your message of love and joy blend- II- W.MKV- tJ A I tuwHU.,. irwuK t man was rum over byMr. Framk txanaplanted above'. r Parham' Friday night on his-way We wosld not hold you baok from from ' the enter'Uinmsn and badly ' Hb paradise of love, hurt. :.V ' do many precious no wars in inat gar v tt- ' it t. dsn you will see, , Mus Genev Hinea u-at herome ForuJ Sttior -of Ul on a, snort vasaixon, alter teacatng in i th Uttle ones come unto me." ash w ! Be What you ?1II to Be. Mia Whaler Wilcox waa aurelv good woman, a. ;trjf ofiowine sen. rats xP8ed by lVer wili testify: il yon aesiro to be practer dif..;A- C.aniva it. SJ to yourself eaeb velav eheerfalB... i' ? ' t. .1!: year rooaa aloao a anything tn or conduct with the presenee ot the i man v at-J amu can in.aarge uegree, steer tne tendanth oeautif aLyoanK womal presented;!a 1 ITelancholia m adisease that bwa most ch arming ? .soene, :i, as ;? the eon- ("by. continuous 'broodinjg oyer ; the tracting' parties said the vows which: dark, side of life Normally most "of make them man and, wife. y , , rr -1 us are cheerful of mind, philosophic Immediately after the ceremony j in the face disappointment orsbr- ,was perfomedv the party repaired ( row, and so long as we are master of to the, home of lip? Wu ramsh, t our.wiU, we'remaim so father ot tne groom, wnere ngci :re county four months., -She will I We will try to heed the msuage, in a few days to " teach three I -'.jour.utuc me woeia onng, Iwoeto longer. , AUrwiU ;be J wZ?h - 1 . HIHrV n wa uuigi , , return xr four glad to welcome her home. to stmy A Card of thanks. -Tov 6ir tauch loved - frisada Louiabur: - This r- card v la to thank joufor ; jour abundant kindnoaa t than it docs a good one.-; Mors wor us and!oursjduriag our recent, aflisv ry, sa'ort Yexatloi; more- diuatlifac. Our little aom. could.-sUy. bat three v. About the first thing "you had bet- few fresbments were served and a most nleasant evenine spent The writer and their host of friends wish, there most estimable young: people a long life, of ; conjugal bliss - andhappi- Recently-a-ybung lady of Cnieagc j.Jort;wce when. there U:aoythiBg the committed suieide and : ief t- a .'nbte ooand us in . love as with ; cards of T.H. 15 explaining ; her - reagons. . . ; She . loved muiib and art.T With limited means she was unable to enjoy; that "which her soul craved, and because; eft the deprivation she re sol Ted to end v an existence that she faaeied was ma- ... Bteol, both to you and himaelf. It ia woirwitb the Tcbild; saay it be with us -'all when ' wo cress f the bar.';:-':";;-''' 1 'i' Host sincerely years, . OJim. va aUjns. x. n. ontr. SAME FOE THE LAWYER. Scae of th lawyers for the de fease la the trial of the Coopers sod Sharp a oj. to thiak that asy maa, especially if ho belccgs to tke bla UoodlamilWa of Teanasoto, la joa- tifiod la ahootiag to death an editor who has severely criticised hia eo- aluct. If that be eowhit about tke punish m set that ahonld bo meted oat to lawyers who vilify and slander wUseaseton the ether aide and wko attempt to break down a rrrpecullo womama UsUmeoy by ndicalicgber im his speech to tke. jury? . A Laeryar who will denouDce $sx exposing wit mess boas aao ho canset break do wm kis rvideooe oa creaa oiamtcatioo,of. will attempt to briag tiiicalo opoc s weraxo not daring to df comet bar. sasttcr with your heas ia to look . for I shoald have as much and co raoro llecw. . ' - !' t ' Ifcrotectiou than the .Cooper JswTcra -..--". t t . 1 . t . a PonltxT Hlnu When lis come iato the htihocie f I profit goes out. ' It coat more to kce noor boa .' Apply keroeeae U the rooita with m cloth or a swab every two weeks daring warxa 'weather to kill the red Spider lice. : lUaptst the ken, 6 he may cask! would glte the ei iter, who, they aay uajcxiJy aad too oeTerily rriliaiaeiivm manrs pablio acts asd private aaxna tar. Wilxaiagloa Star. . . Thaa's car sentiment, ' 4. . I f

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