1 i, t - - ' . , - 4 ' -w " - - - , - ' CDAMU'I !NM T MES ' lon't fail to read .what K: P. , ' ' H Hill lias to ,savY about those sound i A. THOMAS ED. & OWNER .horses and : other .things hwhich .he win sen vnu "nn-iuniv" - . - - -Mr. JTHTifif obeli," of -this 6o'un-J tvvbas- taken ;a position. with' the! Fbiday, March 19. 1909. . - . r r, Sptuill & HoldenrNotice. , TAR DROPS; Vim A wiif take a;c6uf&e:in embalming. h ; T--alr.' J ,VI., mrper, the celeJajjited bladksiQiil v- o as , again fittecf up hisi -The iekfolki Bqdandrba. 1 i i. . ' ' sopplj of shoes on 'hand- for springi saoeing.. . ? - . ? , -. - 1 ... " IJthe contract, & rebuild V. nicel home Vc are getting just a few be-. for" Mg UfA- Qn Q u,l jolts from .the grpund ho?. : ' " .which the 'dwelling whkhwak're St. I'atrickVdajrhas corat and: cently burnedand pccapied vattho Xw get ready for Eister." " 4time by "Mr. J. F, Murpby,was'" lo- i . v - cated' s ' ' " - " '' Yur each disease there are any' - . .' ' - - - v number of cures that dont help; any. ; "'The peopl of this community ' r 'iri-'j-!iSr8aily sympathize . with 'Rev. 'Mr.4 -Winter maj-pmt it ovef spring ' . 1 but there wilr come - .- , , . lot tneir little mtant son. wnose deatn occurred this week. Thel burial to,k "one . A Good Xoueh "Uediclufivfor Children. The season for coughs and colds now at hand and too much care cannot be used to protect the children. A child is much more likely to contract dyptherja or scarlet feyer -when he has a cold. The quicker you cure his cold the lessthe risk . Chamberlain's Couirh tji ' " .r, : a- VT v . : TJ . ,".! Remedy is the sole reliance .of re any BrpwniCorhuliouse la.Kaleiffh, and I mothiirs- anrl fpwnf ,tw hA ihat.i - -i-'-- . - v , - . K y - w. x. . V uicu iiaie wumig u use anyoiner. Mrs. F. FjStarcher. of Ribley, Va, aysr. 'I have.:never used --anything other than Chamberlain's Cough Reci edj for my, children and it has always giyen good -satisfaction.";' This- reme dy contains no onium or other marcbtic and may be "given as confidently rto a V f - v r.". il J Li'' " ' -1 : r - ': 1 '-' ' ; ! ' ' " ' '. child as to an adult' For sale by.- The Boddie-Perry Drug Co. " ; i ' r - -s ' - ' - - v ... INATORE rELLS;Y0U. -aU -- -'" - l : As Many . arLouisbur; reader ;V - for awliile, time. waists that button Never ask a wpmajrwnou ports her family b5 nabkn cement is made that the Now is a sood 1 aWt to aKjl'. your spring a.lvertising; .You whherata they have been wearinulg what is said or tnearjy pira. v on their heads, but most married The lirst robin lias not only ap rnen would be more deeply interested peare.l, but he has brought 1 Mrs.' if : they were; to hear that the women Kobin ana Degua:jarpurig nap ; . -r'f :- -J in front The next term ot Jbranklin &u jierioi jourb win .euuteiw'iM acLpm- .iuii,"uj Wl . "ocn. 01 12th, and Jtfdge Oiirer IIAilen 3vill oIox .Cafct. Huguet, of the !reside. r "4 ' '' ' v " LT. S.irmyv wilT inspect the Louis- $:-U H ftr f . V '-' burg t:It'iiaes. The bovs : 'geueially The mattressiactory is turning . t , &, J ; ' : - make, a jgjood showing on such occas- i a r . . . ionsr and Captain Thomas is anxious ManageiK. A. Boobitts.; that .. : , . - 3 . ur-tbefia -ta surpass rthemselves on they have quite a number bt prdrs v . , " a"- - , . ; frivf;::i..:4xns;occ Dyyonr, uap- "if Good roads elections- will take tain: boyS, and get a. good' and clean Have you paid your wntaxe8 : rpril If not, Tax OollectorHisrh is setting ' f,v von inrl lio intimites t.hflrfk he is ' , . . c placenn two townships iq this coun- gomg to do some advertising ot town , - T , x - ty as follows: In Sandy ; Creek! , on . " Saturday, April 3rd, and in cFrank- Mr. P. S. Allen who returned dnon, Tuesday, : April " 6th. It 'is from Baltimore Wednesday, informs surprising when bad eonditio of; the uh that he bought a nice lme - of roads is considered, that so many are clothing, and he will tell. -.our talking on the wrong wdeV, Suppose readers about them next wee'k. Louisburg ; township had kept ub the The "friends of Miss -tEsteUe Idplan? : ' . "'-r :.Knows; too well. , When the kK3neyv are sick, JNalure tells you all 'about, lt - t The urineuig nature's calend ar. W infrequent ortoo frequent,, action; Any urinary trouble tells k of ; kid- ney jlli.: , . Doan's Kid Qty Pills cure all kidv uey uis v , -v--, ,..-.. ; r.. People in this vicinity testify,' to .this..-. .; . v , ' i . Mrs. George Powell, 635 E. liar gett St., Raleigh, N. C.; ssys: "I suffered from kid beyond v bladder troale for aloug time. ?I could not control the kidnev secretions and the passages caused me much distress My back ached constantly, and there were - "frequent pains through my loinsl My husband hearing Doan'a Kidney Pills highly spoken, of pro- j uuiu a suppiy ior me ana alter us ing them ashort time, I was entirely relieved. Doan's Kidney Pills proved moVe beneficial than any oth er remedy I ever used and in- view of-this. f act I consider it ray;dutv to recomend them. 4 ; & r- mu. wage eatiner:- ' ' ; rigk, v. - ,t Did you ewUimk tiUt taigul kirpea to -V gbl kappen to yon or to Toir fc;i!r. if aar .thfJftVTt,1lsio0.U fiuJ vtth notloar m the bin. acd Co raocry in tit tn 1 Uouldn t ltjbo wise for you to proTide attest that day, atd Wrin cow? Oai -- c.;aTjng3 department will assist all whoih to sate mJl orlarrc 'asaoaaii. ,4 Z When Ypu ; Send Money iAway Ust?ur sl?ier'? chccks.jast ftA SAf an a post office money order of aajlktcs else. . ;NowriJing to do, no trouble of any kind, and Very ur to bt had. W x charge nothingfor them. Get . Yealtliy "by Spending Les Thon You Earn FIRST NATIONAL BANK, LOUISBURG N C UNDER SUPERVISION OF U. S. GOVERNMENT. ,For sale;bv-all. dealers. Price GO Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo for th- United States. Kemember the name Doan's and take no other. cents. rsew York, sole agents .ipscomb ,wiii bejeiitedk Farra's nicest Grade I t hat she? will again be in charge Vof the millinery" departe'nt of i. Z. Egerton, the Coming seariJ This is the month when any thing goeo or comes in the shape of weather; balmy spring or desolate winter, but always with the hopes df beautiful llowers and fraiis and "per fect weather in April. - Mr. A. W. Alston returned fr.m the North last week, and as "a result of his trip:, new goodsare (hiily arriving at the; AlstortCprn any's store on Main street. " lsad t heir advertisement. " - v.. A thinking man whj'has figured it out, says that the average farmers wheel tax exc eds by faFthe 'tax Be would pay on his property .for good roads. Thiuk . afidiguT: ia yittie yourself farmer,bereoif' . Rev. John N.vCole, Superinten dent of the Methodist Orphanage at Kaleigh, occupied the pulpjt":pf i the Methodist chiircli in iLoyfsrg lat Sunday, morning ahd night preach- , from He iv Yorkand her.new goods. atlready pouring in She pni- chassd-a large stock of the very lat est styles and patterns in dress goods and she says that her millinery de partment will be especially attractive this season. She invites the ladies lb come in early and see ' tHe large display before they are picked over. Miss Ethel Pa vtfe will be with Mrs. Hall again this,s3ason in the milfi- ; : J J . 1 3 '1 1 - 1 - . uery uepannrenr, ana sne nas aireaay - , Wanted. A Lath Mill-Quick W.D. Daniels fc Co., Louisburg, N. C., R. F. D. No. 5. . SEED " IRISH POTATOES arrived 'M' . -His friends, wer curious to know the. cause of certain unusual performances, on the part of our friend , Mr. . F. . . N'i Egerton. a few days agb, s he" came down the street; but when they were informed : that ." ---i;; -:. r ; -:. ' ...: a' nn e iutie poy m tne ? person or Master Frank. Egerton IJodeihill,had- arrived at his house the night before and that Mr. E. was ' a full-pledged geafipa theirs curiosity was, ap easedlandrtheylwera ablO tefQlly Frm r .'.V Jk I'UI JkbUi - ".Two crops annually" 'preducing $500 per acre the ' increase of-- the Prodocta three fold. For full information send t address on post card to I. W.XMITCHELL, Prop. Youngsville, N. C. i ?- V NOTICEV: Havini? qualified a9 executor of the will of John H. Gu.ton, deceased, late of Franklin 'county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having clavms ag'ainst'said estate to present the same to me on or before the 18th day of Feb, 1910 or this notice will be plead in bar of there. recovery. All persons indeb ted to said estate will dease make im mediate- pavment to the undersigned tnis r eo. ib, iyjy. E. M. GUPTON, Exr. BTOBAHK I I -I - RED BLISS EARLY SUNRISE EARLY ROSE - ' V: mmmm - ' ' ' ' II CJ 1 Burt Bnd White Spring Seed Oats New Lot oT Fiouvr Pots and Jardivere?, .Iu?t Arrived. CO CD o Chicken rtl. PralL Poultry Hcgnlatnr. Pr.ilt5 Hr .itm! , " Cattle Powder. u ON THE CORNER 3tEV PHONE 42 CKS. LOUISBURG, N. C. inn; two most excellent and able ser mons. - '"'."',. . Recount forj the, antics that? betrwas cutting.; Are you sure.1 thatyod are doing right in opposing etterroadsly ne' thing is tiue.' no country will ever e ' as prosperous as it poald beVinlest good roads are ke'pt . np, and exper lence nas proven mat . ine w piaaas a dead failure. - . ' , - "I'm 'not in favor of this ''scheme f putting a tax ori 'oldS'-. bachelors,'9 ' ' v ays one otthese ahbappyL; megapel ers on the earth. "Or. the 1 . eontrary 1 think most of 'em "shouldbe r peh: sioned for tefraihing1' from making homes unhappy." . -''r'''y S' Under the" law all lajnd' tax.es ot paid by Aprilllst,' must bead vertised sale by Khe Sheriff, fand this officer says that he' will be forced to advertise a large number ,if - they do not pay within the next week.;-A word toJ.he wise should be sufficient. The good life is th'eVnVthatis great with goodness, enriched with every resource; daUy; -growing, - be conning more, enloVma 'morel ' and finding sucK completion in,- the rat-. temp to awaken! dormant, livef ; to lift lagging hve8 and to lead itsfel- ivW8 ,nT0 tne life that is life 'indeed: 5Reyi A. Holtzhauseri; ; o f WittehbargA;ermany;eHvered; a lecure at, dieBaptist Church on last Tneayhightp)n 'Martin Luther, 4Th monk that "shook .the orld:'! He spoke for about an hour and . a quarter giving a vivid and;: very ln' teresting acedantbf the carter of the great religkus fretoTmeVw highlyi en joy edby. bi h earersJ:f Tfis to be regretted that the) shortness tf; tne notice ,prfexenjea4iarer:pum ber of out ipbpfejheing: Lpreenfcand neanng tnis entertaining &na instruc tiv'e lecWre.-V:;; i A f ailing'tiriy nerve--no ,-arger than thefinest.'sUk'entheadtakes"W)m the - heart - its .impulse its -.power, its 'rep-ularitv.-The stomach also has -its hidden, or inside nerve $ It vwas ; ; Dr.( Shoop who nrst toia us it was wrong. xo drtfg'a weak or faiHng stomach, iheart or kidneysxHis ? prescriptionPr. Shoop's Restorative is directed straight for the cause&f J these ailments these weak and f altering: inside nerves." nThia no doubt clearly explains; why the resr; torative has o? late grown - so , rapiaiy in popularity.1. 'Druggists say that those who test ' the: "Restorative even - for a few days5 soon become fully ; convinced of its, wonderful merit,-. Anyway, don't drug the organ: , Treating the cause'of sickness is the only sensible and - suc cessful way. Sold by The s tfQdaierr er ry Drug' Co. , r ft -.Ezecutrix's Notice Having qualified as executrix of W. H.-- Beddimjfield,- deceased, late of Franklin county, X. C., . this isto noti- fy all persons having claims "against the said decendant to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 12th. day of March, 1910, or this notice will be,plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will make, immediate payment. This the l?th day of March 1909. - c I IDA H. HALE, Executrix of W, H. Beddiugfield, . de ' ceased. ' J " ; , . W; H YARHOROUGH,. --;' , ' - . Attorney. 111 1 111 Sale Valuable Real Estate By Yirtue'of the power of sale con tained in a mortgage deed executed to the undersigned f by . John ; H. .Cooke, LinwoodCooke and E vera rd J Cooke); duly recorded in the Register of Deeds for Franklin County in book' 142, page 381, I. will on JIonday,;the'5th day of April, U909, at 12 mell to the'hfcrheat bidder for cash, a certain piece or tract Of land Jyidg and beinff. in Franklin county; - State 1 aforesaid,- in " Sandy Creek township, and described and de- tmed-as zollows, to - wit: v Lying on the Warrenton and Louisburg road Similes from; Louisburg. bounded on the' east by the lands of the estate of Dr. P. . 5. Foster and the ahds belonging to the county used for the Home of the Aired and Infirm, on the north by the lands of Jno. R. AVilliams and t)ie lands' for merly belonging to Medicus Edwards: on the west by the lands; beloigihg to Jthe estate of Mrs. A. 'A; ; Hayes, de ceaseds and on the South by the - lands of Mrs.iLutle Cooke ; Foster and " Miss Gpssie Blacknall; contammg 200 acres, more or , less; known f as t hie Virginia Cooke home place," and being the same tract "of land conveyed by F. S. . Spruill Commissioner, to said John II.- Cooke and others,. by deed , dated' May 17th, 1906, and subsequently ; on same .day conveyed by said John H . Cook e and others to-A.; C, Zollicoffer," trustee for I R.: H. SoutherlandV to secure a debt due t' I J f " x. i i i i iu: i i- sa u ooui-uenuiiu, una una saie is maae subject to the said debt to Southerland secured in said deed of .trust amounting to about $2200, the exact amount of which will be etated on the day of salr. This March 4th, -.1900.-r . ' ' " . y r-. 4 chas; macon; , Guardian or Cbas. D. Macon, Mortga--,. gee.' Wv IL Yarborouh, Atty, H0 N T ME A-' vHave you jnade your arrange inents -tb traclo on time! If uot, we can;furnisli you. " We have xinytliihg '." , ' t , . " : ' '- V " '- '' ',. i . . f . , . ; - -1 , 1 . - . , i vou need and will make prices; 3)0 ft UISBURG..N. C. SATISFACTION .OR YOUR MONEY BACK. 1 . Si $ V --V I k O O O o . o o o o o o o. o o o o t o o o J o : 0 -