V , tU-.v'i V. ' '4 ' - THE HOWIE CIRCLE COLUMN. PjBasanlEvBnihg;RBpriBfc : Gated to f iM ; Mothers as Tfi Join; : the Home Girole ;at Eireriing JTide : CKTJDE THOUGHTS FKOM THE EDITOEIAL TEN her BBPOBB IT IS TOO IiATE. ' $f you've a gray-haired mother , In the old home tar away, Sit down and write the letter You put off day by day. " Don't wait until her tired steps Reached Ilea Ten's pearly gate, But show her that you think of Before it is too late. If you've a Under message Or a loving word to say, lon't wait till you've forgot it, But whisper it today. ITho knows what hitter'meniories May haunt you if you wait? So. make your loved one happy Before it is too late. The tender words unspoken, The letters never tent , Toe long forgotten messages, The wealth ot love unspent, For theso some hearts are breaking, For these some loved ones wait; So show them that you care for them Before it is too late. One kind thought spoke is worth two ansaid. ' ' A girl aevyr- marries; her ideal. One reason is that she seldom finds ' kim, and when she does she doesn't like him. Better simple food with pleasure than luxuries, with annoyance! and There is a difference in "intelli gent" dressing and philosophies! dressing. Tne first s to keep your dress up with fashionable fads, and the latter is to keep your pooketbjok p with your dress. - -' . , r -. Right here is the seoret of awk wardness. It is self consciousness. A girl who thinks about how she is going. to look when she extends her hand will hold it out as stiff as a pump-handle. If she is worried about the appearance of her walk she will stalk over the landscape like a wood em dummy. What a person does gracefully is done unconsciously. So if a person would learn grace she mast first learn how to do things un consciously and she earn only learn to do things unconsciously by doing them often. CHERISH YOTJB CHlLDHOOD. join' 'boon -companions who walk around billiard tables orrsit : at cards, I and keep very thirsty until the drow- sy steeples ion iwo auu uiree. inn is overwork, but " overw,ork";in the wrong direction, and of .a very dif ferent kind from that supposed . Overwork covers a multitude of bad habits; it is made a scapegoat- for countless transgressions, it is very often a shallow pretense, a miserable shain. While there are , far too many w no overwork, tn ere are a great many that break down and kill themselves by laziness, self indul gence and dissipation. , Very decid edly, overwork is overdone. before your appreciation of her be no kindness to her, and the Mil PaialnthheaJ--tJa ajtywhen,' faM tta etaa. Fain Is cooxettioa, Din is blood rrerar-Tuxhin eiiuspally.. JU lakst. to mj Vr. Bhoop. and to PTOTB it he haj creatM a liiila pinfc thk. That ttble-caUed Dr. Eboop! Headacha Table coaxes blood pressure a war from pala center. Its effect u chtnnlnx. pleasing bj dettchtfuL Gently thoushaiely. It noIy eouallsaa tho Uooddrcu. lauoOf - -- , , t II you bar a headache. If blood tnmm.. If If painful periods -with women, same cans. , - II you are sleepless, restless, cerroxs. If s blood eoagestion blood pressors. That sorely is a eeixalnty. for Dr. Sboop's Headacha Tablets stop it In SO mlntrtes. and the tablets simply dlstribot theunnataral blood pressure. , Bruise your finder, and doesn't It ret red. and swell, and pain you? Of course it does. Ift cctv resUon. blood pressure. You'U find it wbere pakl ls--always. If s simply Common Sense. -: : -Jv. Wa sell at 2d cents, nd cbwrfnlly recossaeod ri Shop's THE BODDIE-PERRY, DRUG CO. v f Two ovfn LbU For Sale Lofinown as Holloway lot and. lot adjoining. Very: convenient to Graded school. Fine opportuniiy ro get 2 bargains. , For . terms , &c isee me.' ; J J Vf. KIKO.-J I 9- Dear girls, don't be so often wish ing you were grown up to women that you will neglect your girlhood. In a rusn .and. nurry of these fast maoi, inere m danger mat you win teach and strain after "young lady hood" too much. , Be girls awhile yet tender. . jovous, loving, ; obedieni amd industrious. Womanheod, - with , its privileges and powerr its burdens and its trials, will come soon enoughs On this point one has said: patiently, my children, through the whole limit of . your girlnood. t Go not after womanhood: let' it come to j you;-'! Keep out of public view. Cui tivate refinement and modesty. - The cares and responsibilities of life will eome soon nougn.i ; : w hen thevv ! come,' you will meet them, I trust, a truer" women should. ' But, oh, be not so unwise as io .inrow away , your girlhood. Rob not yourself of this 'V Veautiful. season whioh , wisely spent, 7 i"-'' wilt brighten all your future life. - - - APPRECIATE YOUR MOTHER. . The graveyards are f nil of mothers who died taking care of their chil dren. Better appreciate vour mother a a will post mortem regrets will be more and more of an agony as the years pass on: Big headstones' of polish) Aberdeen and the best epitaph which the family put together could compose and, ' a garland of whitest roses from the conservatory are of ten the attempt to atone for the thanks we ought to have uttered in living ears and th kind words that would have done more good than all the calla lilieg eyer piled up pn th silent rnoundi of the. cemeteries. The world makes applauditory ado Over the work of mothers who havt- raised boys to be great men and most of our readers could turn to their books and : tlnd ..the names of fifty distinguished men who had great mothers Guy ier's . mother, Walter Seott's mother, St Bernard's mother, Benjamin West's another. Bat who praises mothers for what they do for daughter who make the homes of this land. We do not know of an iastanee of such recog nition, i ou never neara a woid in appreciation ot the self denial, of the ratigues aaa good sense and prayers which those mothers go through who navigate a family of girls from the edge of the cradle, to the sehoolhouse door and from the sohooljiouse ''. door. up to the marriage altar. That is an achievement which the " eternal God celebrates high up in the heavens, though for it human bands so seldom clap the faintest applause. My! my! wnat a time that mother had with those youngsters, and if she had le ased care and work. and advice and solicitation of- heavenly help that next generation would have landed in the poor Jiouse, idot asylum or penitentiary. It is while she is living, Fine Cows For Sale , Iliavevtfeveral -fine JMilch' Cows for sale. " Will - s6ll out : right, or will trade for dry cattle. W. H. ALLEN, - ' Louisburg, N C. Sales StablcsOnly. .Having sold out my- Livery De partment I desire to j announce to the public ihatI will continue my Sates, Stables at the 6am stad. I wish to have a settlement with I'll those owing me for . liv ry at once. ' I shall endeavor to keep a stock of good horses and mules, and will 'e glad to sell all who wish to buy good and warranted animals. r " B- F. FOLLRB, Louisburg, N. C. Wharton & Tyree, a Workers in Artistic Photography N. C, 5 Nt 7 THE-STANDARD " i y-ffl:.' FERTIliZEIlS OF (f ' A J-'-y-' -'i''1 THE SOUTH A'' iTRADE MARK V : , Raleigh; S. Rovster Guano C Worfolk, Va. (2 (Lfl Your CR P n V EatabHshed 25 years. In all our work in filling Prefcriptiona, we aim ttprcLncn. Nothing that can be done to injure safety and eatufsction in results ia. omitted even in the smallest detail. at en- Write ns a card makiiL' gagement, when coming to the Capital. Y;-'; V t:'i'?J,4',. but nevtr iwhile she is , dead , that some girls call their mother "matern al ancestors" or "the old woman. n x A Guaranteed Article. 1 :Many. things, are advertised and many promises are made, but it is not always that these promises are made in good faith nor can r tbey always be kept. With a laxative remedy like Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, it is different. This: remedy will cure constipation, in digestion, liver f trouble,' flatulency, heartburn, , sour stomach and - all other diseases of -the" stomach ". liver;: k and bowels, in old or youngi; vA; 5.rich 'com- iany is .behind every; statement 'maae. t is absolutely guaranteed to do vwhat is claimed, and,- if you want to .. try ; it beiore buying, send your address for a free sample bottle to Pepsia Syrup Co. 119 Caldwell Blds. Monticello. I1L It is sold b rThe Boddie-Perry Drug Co M- rr s -r j . - -.- v- . Notice.. Having qualified as Administrator of Lucy Hunt, deceased, notice is hereby given to all those owing her estate to make immediate 1 payment, and those holding claims against said estate must present same on or before March 12th, 1910, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery.- This March 12th, 1909 G.'C. MITCH EN ER. Administrator Commissioners Sale of Land. By virtue of an order of re-sale made by - the Saperior Court of Franklin County in that special proceedings en titled M. L. Stalling et al - vs. J. L. Cornwell et al the undersigned wil', on Monday, ttiq 5th day of April 1909, at about the hour of noo i, at the court house door in Louisburg, N. C, offer tor sale at public auction to the high est bidder, th'at certain tract of" land in said petition described as follows: that tract lying and being in Franklin ' ounty, State- ot North Carolita, Cypress Creek Township, adjoining the ands oz John isatton and others, and bounded as follows: on the north by the lands of John Batton. on the east by the lands ot Zeb Avent, the boutn by - the. lands of, Mrs, Nnnie Sykes, and on the west by the Ellis lands, containing 100 acres, more or ess. and known as the Penny Wilder Home Traet, being a tract of land con veyed by Wm. Williams to Gaston rvuaerana alter nis acatn ior many years occupied by his widow, the said Fenny .Wilder. IE E X u E Eyery order large or email with promptness and despatch. Come here with your prescript iorw. We deliver aa thing anywhere. THE SCOGGIN LOUISBURG. DRUG CO N. C. Notice , of ;CBange iri Fkm-;of Ypungsille tumber Co.) a .' " . hurt by oyer worV, do not v work half ti nongh. TJieir trouble comes from "., -V w,' ty x xneyyawotnrougnrtnree, r 1 ".fifXi four hours in ; theXofficei or counting room: are too indolent . to walkup town; eat too heavy andyrieh ? din- Her; go out afterwards to see mer ; ) ' chants, bankers and . the like, and Notice is hereby given , that 5T, H Whitaker : 3ias rretired . from the tiirlnersHplinerll bu sines i V in Yonn gsyilleN p.; tinder the r firm name and style .: of the Youh gss vill Lumber.Co.,': having ; sold ' his interest therein to W O.' "Whitaker arid the firm is .now . composed of WepVYitaker and W,- CjWhiti akervt olwill ibntinue Athe 5 bui ness under the name and style !' pf tne 'tloungsville Jjt mber Uo." . This"27th' dav; of Pe1liruiryil909 Geo. T. "Whitaxeb. . . Cut Flowers ! ! bural ground is excepted and returned Kmhi m.) Ai-.th;nr hi,. Torrna rf nolo roVi RoUnxa f I . ' J due with 6 per cent interest 'Jan 1st, 1910. Possession of land given on confirmation of sale. iThis 5th dav of of March; 1909. , n Wm. H. RUF FIN, Com. Hoses, carnations and violets a spe.'ialty. Wedding bouquets and floral offerings arranged in bet style at short notice. Summer One eighth of an Acre j flowering bulbs, 'bedding pltaU, North Carolina Franklin County S. L. Duke. R. H. Duke, Monsell Duke, Dorsey Duke and others: In Superior Court NOTICE OF flqrist line, at J LO'QUINN&CO ,PHONE:143" Raleigh, NorthGironna. BOARDERS . WANTED. I have opened a boarding' hous at SUMMONS. 109 South .Blount Street, Rale!, N. C. and will be clad to kve all who io Monseii lJUKe,' oerendent,' in the wish good board to call s 4 sf me. J . .-.k.:uwti cuuucu ntuwii v . V.-- I -1.-11 u 1. J V -11 . t t.i: Tou will take notice that a.inrtlL - . . proceeding entitled asjabove has Been VraiT inexKt! n a.ja commenced in the Superior ; Court of I Kaicign. " : '; Franlclin County for; the purpose, of IC- ' . rMT8.' S. W. Tones tenants in common thereof of a fprtain tract of land situated partly in Frank- ; 1VT OT t E 1 adjoininjr the lands of George Ay escue ! uu uujwb, , ttixu cuuiaujin co acres. I Tt.. more or less; and in whichTit has been P1? plaC foi,boD?r 13060 The Franklin Perpetual Building and Loan Association F. B. McmSE. Prcjidcnl, . VrU IL mm. Sec and Trtas. . LOUISBURG, H. C. Thb home institution offers a aafc iavtukstst lo all wW &mr to invest small orUrge cttmi weekly; and ftir nlzrn oa tie UtuWimt can be proais4sd under oonserrativa iranagctaasl axd mztrtU ertm aion otht buaincjss. Its future cannot U fjJrly iodgi4 by tta pat. bothbecattaa o( tho expecfcs InddfesUl to or jranisxtioa aad Ukf fund to Joan until accumulated, and bu him all Wire uar Ukingi itslginning it ucciril; amall; but iU rraiu start a4 wl increaaa from year to year. JU - . A Saving Institution in k. G.; S;. BITE'S RESTAURANT : shown bv affidavit before .:thi.-'vmv I i : found lit 5Xu are interested as tenant in com-1 . : v - mon.v ,And you will further take notice that you are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior' Court of Franklin County, N. Q.:. at his fnA' m xh rnnr hnna m T I burg, N." C.;on the 12th dav of Anrii 1909, and answer or demur to the pe-tbaviog; rcceutW moved in"; Mead LiLiuii iu saiu s(rxuu proceeomg, or the plaintiff will apply to the court-for the relief demanded in said petition. ' This the 9th day of March. . ; " v r J. J. BARROW, Clerk Superior Court, Franklin County :! vW. 1. YARBOKOUGH, ; .;: i :-- Attorney for PlaXntifT ows new building, A'flrsUclas meal can and will be served fretb and hot, with the tt the market affords. Come to. seemed Yours to ple&ite, v., s, ; f- o avaiiTK.; it invettt tha weekly ixurUllnu nt of lh iavncr in rral rtUU gago tnrilyrtjciuring in anr rvenl a aafe ttlMm cf r;UL . , iowom woo afire vo Duiia Ldojm axd ry fcr tie a wUv installixicnU it U the bct plarv wLic!T Laa Wo 2fHrd. It it Lk greatest factor ia the upbulldix. of ccaan-iiv; aid ilia aaoUU3a can point xith prido to TrnJ fc&ndKfae asd drVirvlJe Irzsc. M well as thosr ot humbler conatructlan but cone ihm Je w cle dratlr Wli U its fund in the rt two yn cf iU c. - . Join the AacUtJO and Lake ,tok vbltf ycu dirr lo Wrr' or inf .st and buudji your crcm:ui:ty. .? .v" i2fon:5,lioa " S? cf ccntiea. aU, eU, to the Prcei(!ci, SccreUry and Trrtr, cr y cH.r trtati ef UiV Af-soeiatioii.'. "