.Vv' the men , I have ever The M ft Of- aTvlSl V ,By CECIL A i Copyrighted. 1503, by Associated ; Literary: Press;. The girl leaned forward J af te.rsc2n: i ning the road in bi,ldo'.il;, .touched- tlieA'chauCeur's arm. , ; The great crimson car came to a vpantlng r .deliberatesidsttll.' The girl didnot' wait or tbe iChau; feur to help her; but sprang Jlghtly to f the road and Vanished to. the Jwood? land on the right. The chauffeur turri :: ed the car as if hia thoughts were con centrated on the necessity of making , the, smallest possible turn in time; of t safety, in order to be prepared in; time . of emergency. And then the great crim : son car shot back in the direction from' whence it had come. "t ' jsv S Safely screenedby ' the uridertwu ' , the girl found a clearing in the wood land and sat down on a moss grown - log. Deftly , she unwound the swath ings of chiffon from her-hat. baring, a face delicate and sensitive as the anemones opening at. her feet.. She drew off her gloves and felt of , the velvety moss ojl the old log, then . stooped to gather flowers. Finally, with the blossoms forgotten in her lap, she leaned forward.; her elbows on her knees, 'her chin propped in the, palms of her hands, watching the woodland life around her. Chipmunks and squirrels scampered alone the edge the clearing. Where the sun shone upon a tangle of fern and jack in the pulpit two robins perched pertly on dry twigs and dis cussed the troubles , of' May moving day. From the shadows of . the wood "beyond came the persistent hammering of a woodpecker. -.J Beyond the screen of underbrush au tomobiles and smart turnouts spun on toward the race track, where the, world of fashion was foregathering. An hour passed, and then at the distant wail of n,( a peculiar siren whistle the girl sprang to her feet, dropped her lapful of flow era and ran to the roadside. Bearing down upon her; was ; a crim son car, twin of the one which had dropped her so unceremoniously an hour earlier. But the resemblance stopped vitb- the car. The chauffeur in the first car had worn a spick span uniform in tan color from the tips of, his highly pol is h- ' ed boots to the crown of his heavy red cap. The mau in this car. wore a dis reputable looking storm coat of Eng- , lish cloth, a shabby visor cap and a pairof goggles which had certainly seen more prosperous days.' f' -. He was "scorching' r.Ionjr at a fine pace. Rut the girt alq;!y. sftppl;;tq "the edge of, the road and waved a ? de taining hand a bare hand at that. The machine slowed (iwa, and the man made preparations 'to descend,' as became one hailed by a maiden in dis tress, ttut again the girl raised a de taining hand. , "My car met with "an accident thought; perhaps I am very anxijusUo Teach Dalton thirs iiftemoon. Perhaps you were going that way. Would you give me a lift?" : She looked up eagerly into his star tled face: Then the man coughed dis creetly, swallowed a smile, and sprang from the machine. "I was or thought I was going to the races, but I am sure it-will be much more pleasant at er was it Dal- ton you said?" The man's accent was English. The admiration in his eyes was the sort that knows no nationality. The girl flushed beneath it and sprang into the J car before the astonished man could , assist her. For a few minutes the car ran on in silence. Then the girl spoke abruptly. "Let us take this crossroad, Then . a mile farther we will ! strike . the " old , Dalton turnpike. There "we will not meet -; I understand," he interrupted grave ly. And the great car swerved into the crossroad, - running through a 'stretch of woodland w .. Again the girl seemed plunged in x thought . But at last the man remark- flh Vlt4- 1 ATM a1 m , ' ' rPeife&'dayiri 4. The girl -looked up at him shyly. Her eyes were soft and luminous. : ' "Oh, I have had the most beautiful hour there in ' the : woods. I've never seen anything?, half; so t wonderful as -..- those; little creature doing justaa they ; '..pWaseiLj birds J : 'rf tired e;'lree fern they flew1 off to another tey dldnot mind , ,' me nor each other! - Jost think of being r- - like' that all your lifer' ; - JJbe man looked at her curiously, as ::; :v: if ; she ; 'J. were i anewlanmefeiof the : 5 ; genus; femlnme and eirely wdrthjr of Vf feep studyf bypi rMM ,r- u i ;It is 'all so different-from"; what i C ,.; been: ijsed Vto : arie -wij I ;J55 "hoErolate. nd 'thewjwnl cotneardss ':?ind"; malll an ! ,;ygaret. Of course A;unt Margaret ; is fa "7 ;.;.. dear, but ten years of . doing ; things i frpm any of I- met" -f.-' .... . ne pauseav ana tne man at her side I f studied herewith 'grave eyes. ' Y .-.s. -'Now,-; there wa Bessie Stewarts- she,;? married' Jack' Coghian. They'd gone to kindergarten .-and -dancing scliobl: together. And then she'd, gone tq all his ,;ollege!proms;and the 'same cdtfllontYy vvas justlike' marry ing .some one Who ; had lived in. your wntf amflyal way-sC ji" V. ;.X-; i "-;' ; :Ana now they;re ; bored to deatn with ; eacb:-other.-Vrheyhad: a honeT- miponatte'Carlo,vwhere they had : Job Department : 0' ; - ... - -- - - v ' f ; '.;.- - - . 5 5 -UndcT Mahagementfof been; the. year "before on, the Borden- .:Aor1t.- V . JUrifNoUfS the. same old round of teas and dinners o " (20 v w w w w O n C(Q) seines , and dances; . There was no romance in , The manahook his head. V 5- ? "But' Harriet .one 'f four parlor maids, married . a miner way .out. west She met ; him by answering idn advert tiscmept m a matrimonial r paper. He came east f ter Iheiy . and f she .wrote MarieJ; that they , were; awfully happy. He iiad never beaten, her once." .The i mam flung: back: his - head and taughed,"and '- the girl - laughed with ;him.; .Then suddenly she clutched jis ."Yo.u'vep and I must be ; at Stohey wold for lunch." Jif f -' -N 1 t'We. are not going to . Dalton. said the man calmly.; Tve been out this way before. Just. two miles beyond we will cross the state line." "But why ? Ob. I must go- on to Stoneywqld." , 1 . The man ignored the remark. "And across the state line, I under stand, there is no need of ; a license! "Oh!" said the girl very softly; and the great car stopped beneath the arch of freshly leaved trees. He flung aside his heavy .driving loves and took the delicate sensitive 3 iwmenioer that ur v JoV Department, to which 'roach attention "Will b paid, ia now -, the .under j tne .m&n&geraemi oi We - arc PrepdrcfJ to . do all j Turned r out in a "Country J Office1 o t ! - :,V- ' And it is our purpose te fui face of the girl between his two hands. nish good wotIc at reasonable . "Will von: den rpatr " ' .1 ' -'.' ' i "Will you, dearest Her eyes'stopped dancing and turned wondrous tender. "Oh, I hoped you'd understand,, but f did not dream" rWill you. dearest?" persisted the man. , She lowered her long lashes oVer the eyes into which he trjgd so hard to gaze. Later she murnlfcred from the shelter of his arms: "But I want to tell you the truth, Lester. I never loved- you till just this minute. And I had made up my mind that if you did not understand I would just"- He threw on the power. "Let us get across the line quick be- fora you change your mind again. Hirjtm Manning justice of the peace in - the th district, nlucked at his living prices thu we In order to o J -mast: necessaxDy'J t. adopt the Strictly Cash System in this department. 'A will fpllow each job when de livered, and from this date we hope our patrons will be . readv to assist us in making J ; , ... a beard and regarded the couple doubt-1 this new departure a success. fYill-tr. ' :!r IT' ma'am "I'd like t oblige you. but this ain't no Gretna Green, an' well, I . don't mind tellin' yon thai the girl lopks un derage- ; -fi TBut I am hot" protested the girl "I am 'twenty.'' A ' t "Not castin' no, jteflectiona; but I'd like some probf'--T - TBe girl and the man looked at each other; then the girl's troubled glance traveled to the table, and a smile brightened her face. f -isn z , tnat proor enougn tnat my family, are willing?" She held the paper " toward the jus tice with, the face of a girl peering straight from the printed page. The justice looked from the picture to; the girl, and his face alternately flushed and paled. ; .Gosh all' hemlocks;' youre banker Claflin's girl, and he he's" "Yes," said the: girl, her eyes danc ing. "He is Lord Gramaton. , But In deed, he's very nice in spite of the fact' she added as Justice of the Peace Manning continued to stare In credulously-at the man's slhri figure In its disreputable motoring apparel. "You wait a bit I'llxbe right back,' said the, justice, with: sudden accession of spirit and he started f orTthe" door. The girl and man sprang after him. -"You are not going to telephone to town to those wretched - reporters Please, please, let us be married quite alone with just; some of your; family for witnesses." cried the girl.' "Yes." Added the man nervously. "We've just run away .from all that sort , of thing piffle,, don't you know. Please jet us get away quietly. Don't telephone. I beg of you." . .j ""Telephone ndthinV " exclaimed the justice heartily. .'I'm just goin to put n;jny Sunday suit Nerer expect to marry v a Ulionalre's jgir! : and a ' lord agattt-iii;;::0;i.;f; t."'. ..Artistic Printing.. () ( ) ; () C) o I o a o cr o Karpcn Brothers -'. . j$.MWKyi I : -Mr Uf.hc.1 7 it nr. f: rparaa teccJ, ou csia't buy any ihicg cheaper thai i! jut 83 pood, thert Li Dolhbg , belter known the ArtirU can a4d to the? e bcati tifal patterrpt (Fm tory AgtaL) These B e n u t iftxl Chairs for $8.00 To $150 S? our Terms $l.Wt Cah, and $l.f) monthly for the cheap oar. Wr arc, ftill felling.- Piaaw, Or gan, Kew Horn- M chisct, Coflin uti.l Jo Wo' Biollimieswoirltho Loulsburg, N. C. Last Gall For Siflinid Horses, a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o All Broke and Sold on Easy Terms q On pair large well broke rauUsl x -K more mules until the fall. I r ) Be quick. The old, old saying, the first sixall be hat, and tht last shall () ,f w w w wvw W W W www w w ws w wwwww E,gerton s White r-ront Home of Real Val ue 1 will hare a car of horses to arrita Wednesday, March 24 th the Come and come qnick if too want ene, as thT wont Last until the fall. Iat long. : s be first Now listen. First call to the Buoys'. Buggi es Buggies Buggies : '131 araquit sure It must be a terrible i ENFORCE, THE" LAW. . -. i- - . - 1 Jait as toon as the AttorneY -Gen- eral and the Solicitor; of , the State are able to fullr t digest iind, under itand-the; anti-trust 1a;ie bfjfaU an4 noteren call -your name the lair legislature, which itstriends I don't that sbuncL godd. and supporters claim has a sniBcient number of. teteetVlto :. do the work, tlieysbould; proceed toentcrco ;it-r- in order that thoie Senators -v.wh6 : .1 hare car of brand new Baltimore .Buggies, the finest in the world. ..Gome and see for.yourself. I will sell them on fall time, and ifyou canVpay, I. will take them from you and care a "Vandne next Yoa miT get a wife by the deal. Now! (J o o o o o o Oar Mr. R. Z. tettuxt it now ,a k Yrrk. xA h rofer U bnj acnttyasd ttirmcU. ikek la r7 list, ud UW b. ki Sat, w wot to ho kitn Ui.l t hart est bn-i Xft At rcjTJ VHof tr trrifx cooit mad i'J t ier ptcia IftducTOMU fcr tb n.xl two w U Uxai. C3 tad eMmio lh nr it;l. md r li. new prk Ebort. Coiaiw' SUporr. blck ud un. UMtoitt. the Vctt rtrr fcS for U moojr. tluwrt. Zvln d olber 6s tokkm lfs uaSo, Ol HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY The celebrated CaxJrt llr.t. Mca'i, Kobo ax4 CLUdrra at r per pair. We hare rxrer htA bol or cyUist, and ku cf enrr a jobber who fail! We took th lot aad wia mU tbrws t l! This U a bis barbate, worth ri cal. Wago 3er that; those fought so "manf ally", fqr1 section ma hate a f nil 'and .- thorough indi- ns- Wagons Wagons Hickory, best of all. . Piedmont, none better -made. Eagle, iibme .made. 1 and 2 horse, See me before you buy. Harness- Harness h i-'' '.';! (?; : ;;:V.nre,tharyeu replivthf iBjan i eraTeiyl i; ierery where'AyW t ei will see no one that " j;v,:4i-'f4 lW,Tbe .wa';bit his p at thl&niTe swn , '.; . f esslea.. y T f 4''-Xt " :: ;'; v ' Pe y onv kaow jfcaidthesrlrM axlng- - oBiranrjai' ti nt ear; lazeaions o.Ter. ; the - tree litms , nokd, Tre" " always . ') eeaixie4 of hTiax maa coine te my resc-ae 3"iat ta-Cii--a 'fesa' I" had nerer k-we -a' -tarn cttte Cerent V";StiNeck .Stiff neek5 is ; caused by rheumatism oi the muscles of the nectc. ally Confined . to rone ; side,-: i : r v . - - x " - . DacK oi tne necic ana one it is often 'unite' rainfui maybei-had by applying i. fvhamberlain's Liiniment; ,Not one case of rheumatism in . ten rea uires V- internal - treatment. When there ia ho fever, and no swellinir as uj muscu iar, anq cnronic rne omatism, Chamberlain's t liiniment rwill:' accom. plish more than any internal treatment-. For ;f al by iTbe Bbddie-Perry Dru; Co. Plant bed cloth at P. Hick'a S Black 4 pepper, Berax, Red pepper o () () () () o MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY Some beauties in trimmed Sailor aai Straw Hata. tm tW fof early spring. Spool cotton, ail etssrbcn; Ladirs Vrrt Kic c AG. Cornets WadlCO. UtUe boy, rSJ au"l f?i injra. riasUe Wb, an wraths. eam Up. A bwuitifol IiiL-Tf Rttchteff and CoUara. LadJt lUlta, UauUfd tjl 2S a37- yoa wmattoalheta. jr estber Booea sjv3 a lot cf rSttltire th you want now. r" ? .. k LAD 1 ES -.SPRING. SUITS . Itie fotne wmH for J1S Uut datot UXm Ul roaVJ . "cs All of the abote are nrwi rtndt rrir u.is k ! tbefccaJ cf the UHliixny Dfwtcwat this rxaol wtirh l- AU kinds and prises, v Just leek! My new stock jost arriTing. A () iLC.w fiUrrr fcr srae 'w'wf-'S iet of good barneis.win saYe run-awaya and broken limbs, v . t CJ ;' rbcre Ue catil yxm gamine the ttcwh mWi4 by Wr. ifm gttSm?. Guanos: Guaub: -Gnano ' L"rA5r. t u aTIS jj H ; Shirley Super-PheajshaU 2-S-2 ; Hampton Tobacco Guano 3-8-3, fo4 y . I Cotton and Tobacco. The best'thacan bebouRht fer the crops. V ( v', IT9 nd good cool wtr )( ) ( ) . headquarters (when you are in town "JPIenty room ai I -v f ,V -it f- ' . -V 1 w-. v- - . : () xiio.Lo iceenon Loulsbiird, N. C O O O o o 0 o o o o o o 8 ll o o () o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o C) o o o o o o o o o o o C) () () C) C) () C) () C) o o o o o C) o o () o o () o o o 8 () () C) C) C) o o o o o K L.L. aze. aaii;, ai u, r. okm .i c -v -k - ,v . - V -