fx- A, -r JAMES ATHOllAS, EDITOR THE COpiITY, THE STATE, THE TJIHOIX. suEscniPTiou.si.cD pee teak VOL. XXXIX LOUISBUnGrik CM FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1903. -:J OUR SENATOR SPEAKS. 7 SENATOR HOLDEirS SPEECH ON ANTI-TRUST BILL. He Gires His Reasons Why the Ariti-Trost Bill itKTfeeti Should Be V EnaeteiiKinS Tlie greatest problem that jliai asitated the minds 6! the : public in this State and in the naonloratne last decade has been and is now the trait problem. Tttjeristmij erils of these giant ereatures haTe beeorb e so great and so apparent, that .when our State Democratic ConYepUdilasJ Mmblfld in Oharlottell lasWsaminer they pat into our piac-iorm .ine j! fol lowing plank, iz:riTaternori opolies should be desirojed. .: Cpn- spiracies by prospective purchasers to put dowft or. keep -f;a own prices of articles produced bj, the labor of others should be fnpde; crim inal, and all persnscorpbat entering into such V. j conspiracies should he punished, and we condemn in ever j form subsidies, gratnities, bonuses, trusts and monopolies, ; and they should not be tolerated.-; We pledge not only to eitizens of this' state, but to citizeus oi other ; states, that all capital invested U m egti mate mterprises in North Carolina, whether foreign or dcmeslic corpor ate or private, shall have -the equal protection of the laws and the equal consideration of those who adminis ter the laws; and we farther pledge that all such persons or corporations violating the provisions of the law shall be made to feel and sutler the full penalties .tor $ such violations. This pledge was put intboift fhalid hook and most of usirtthefecehi campaign turned .ijj-J ii'' WilSpf Id. ana reiterated our,:, lnaiviauai en dorsement and proiaised to stand bj and carry it out both in letter and in spirit. The voice ot1 the people torougnout tms state was neara on. the 3rl dav of November, andf their individual endorsement evidenced by an ovei whelming majority. ; And as for me, I need no persuasion now on tne part ot otners- to convince me .1 ... . ' . -t 1 - " . - tuat tms legislation is necessary, wwe and proper; that . has already been settled in mv mind. V " ' In my feeble way I endeavored to persuade others during the campaign that some such measure as this would be wholesome, just and : right and now for me to say that fp.waif just partially convineed then of the - po sition I took, te disown and disclaim now the sentiment I expressed then would not only be a ridiculous ab- aurdity, but treachery in the 'highest degree. They tell us that - - the. American Tobacco Co, will leave tne State. Bat if Kv thair lMTinwietfi doors of comuetition .Were thrown open on our tobaeco markets, would aot it be better for the farmer, : who 18 now forced to take for hb produce, Reprice fixed Don't tha of Ja Jiqnai e4eal foJalfj; men; each standing nppnliis"oHL -f eet with exclusive privileges oV; govern mental aid to no inan ? and ' no " elass 3enunga special privileges tc none is the ideal. AattainnntorWwh liveoir; foref ersnd Jfet it this ideal that is being violated eab selutely and contmuonsly 1 in ' the and J"fbe pracepf trusts snonopolies.: A thoroush , study its workings only re veal? the ' fact that it n as ;fbr Ite f'pnrpof 6 i the'v eh - rtchment of : a class or group of elass- es bjat also the ; eouree of economic wealth.. I believe, that true - govern ment and real prosperity cornea from the masses and iiotifrora the classes, and in accordance withthis iea I Jbelieyfe the ;vbice y of Ith'e "masses should jbe heard in. this matter and tliey should be Igiven relief. Those tirtJUi xrz I lit LlUVl ill rhlJ rLr.ll,TCl 01 llleana itmj cUir mn la ( sIL tmtt 1 me ceaamnuy ts poorer by rtia Its.4 rae wha Ujred est U sUsi or h prwttiM, wbethtr t re wUte I for the rrt. THEIR UOVEUEUTS 1H A1ID 1 out 'op Tovnr. ; He wxrivtr a L tTTrriu.ue Those Who Have Ylslted.Loul3- . V T ft w oi,or wcat not, . xoar ca- trained, in e Cecal c ts s c ; r f fnood cf tie rcis - xri tlx?, r tOQtl?uiii nf it rtrttt T I Popie. -wno earn Tbe Uw d wWuttUnrt U' rt 1 lue sweat oi me orow are tne .pnn- or- ousmess .or rieasuro. lchangeleia juitlc 2ertj tUt ralcfua Lav. 1 ttli cipai ones wno , are ' demanding the passage 4t this ' law, these-whov by unjust and unfair : means on the part of trusts and combines are ke j5 1 upon a bare existence are ; those - who de- sustau df:n !.V -o'se, spent Tueedsy ,iatntut ttse or tall, deoli&e cr Fc;r,fsiTiotI iateign. ; , -4 v wuh yomr aebber: Tea will Ul .T tralr knew aad a.rcliu LL- U Mr! W. M. Person attended 2(sjh I nohr for his wealth, potrer tor Ut I wis to In Us UU&L urt thUweek. :v3 v . poverty;- I Wbta lie dark saril ef dik de-1 ; r .'- r S '"ti:-k. ltil. I And aa tair tttrv mis U .'.l.t.tt K... ,4 . WUOMk"w w wiuiuuu- . j 1 9o inai u proa a tee eair hail wnaillieve bet thai .1- fw iV- Rck,Bond "j r tmeUenUr'.duetJ labor wnU LilosellWh,:.. JplpIS MKR- iSlt" maaityisdr. down the l.vsl He wxs uaitrly V U.I SS!fg terjr titalof . the, existenco ,are from a vtt to fnend.; , W of Wd foVe'nrr othsr mtu'lk. t.Llativ- ai te.lu L .v IKSt : ' 'v. ! V eemmunit. : Soprose - yW f ere kU wu aiiUd asi Gil eall-l Urn epusness Ja net the Supreme is theircry that should-be: heeded :. J- AFleramc,oCUkldUbarg, f-ifow c?,,: tfc.a w,a. M.U.t. a ineir conqition mat snomia e -ame ,B!u?g "cr ufinier, axra. o. x.i iaeuotccy,cis poverty, Wet tie of teuJoedT jiorated, and I for one do not prol' Wilder. V -jx . r 1 1 failure to entribate te public lacie won prevails : equity : ana rignteous- pose to oe nignteea ey tne tiireats Miss Katie barman rturnrt.;lfttt and public movement, yeu tasjt ,"'ria Tobacco Company, day of It ; week Jreui' Ncrtbstd Have poirtrroadsV poor echooU, tion Jaa natural power, pne that was nor influenced ,by: their hypocritical where she has been teachicg. r . rn tine c schoolhomj e and ooart h ease jgiveh to inafr to curDhis ayariro pretense of fairness, but shall cast Air. Aaron Deitx left vesterday tor i shabbier eh s'reb, lower priwJ E??????? my vote for this measure that means Baltimore wh era he will purchase lands, jour 'teacher wSU be more fcoor. e;- so much t6 the people of North' hu spring sto:k ef geol's fsrnisv If pid; your preachers salary will U iSWiSW1 ings,etc - - smaller, your newrp.p.r wiU hate a actmentinto tatuipledge of ' ; - Mrs. X H; U.Uoway turned this mXl circulation, joar iea.UI m m7 : Piovies tat itf .shall Prof. J. B. Carlyle at Ingleslde; wek ffum vuit to her Deonle iB nate a poorer market, your ralUvsd -; ''' a. '7.'- -. ...The closing to make fori have agreement with any other r person fcauuv WUI arm or, corporauon wnereDy to put uu, wuen u auuirss u dojvjjdowtt delivered by Prof. J. B. Carlyle, of artieles . prNucedjby : la Wake Forest. ' He ranks with the suitable and sample,! machmery for :-r; ,: - o' '.- : people of the Ingleside section may its enforcement. .Surely this is, not r ... , J aurafticgtegislatto uPVtt uaT4UB nenU of the bill :rclaim.af corpor- the opportunity; of hearing bira. ing exercises of Ingleside Warrth. BhV wax aeajmeanied by naJltr trafie, year Betthini small. illtake place on Friday, her neice wridwUl spend some time saUler depvaiu, ., with her. jour raaaufaeturer: dimlnlsbe4 pl 1 vBahk Checks.' There are many reasAns why kuii neas men, and-all other -people " for that matter. . should deuoitt ' thetr money in banks l and .utw' ehesta in paying bills , - An iastance cauie un roaags; aid so on and so on. C IL Pee) Were wiser wrjs ale a g .this li&e ever spoken? Herre a Tim a a, j , .We All Are U&de of Duit,1 li some iwxs would sotneiuaes forget ta)be."atsck epn Iea esot jrb Ationehaveriucbuagreem h:-i?hrr' l-' 'J - -'-i deri.thekedUer!evbbseiatlon aly Jut 1 1 relriembex.' that ia r 4v --..t are - i - Pease te hu rata; cry! 1 E. WhcrwloFlndlL litre Is lut ef paactrs wiote locations should le fatsHUr la or try Chritdia: Tie lord's iViyer-. Uatthew C The Cctsma&4xs&u Uxodas II. Tbe Bealitait Mstibew 5 Paul's Coavsrtico Ads 9. Chrtit's Great Prayer JoLm 17. The Prodigal Siea LcU li. The Tea Trrpae Msithew ifc. PmUe cf lbeTs!e&ts VI auktw " " AtUisg Chapter John li.. RresrTM'ic-o Chaffer L Oar. 14. Eheabtrd Chi; tr Jfrla, 10. Lov Ckaater 1 Ccr. 13. TJt Cktrur Jaaes 3, , Artier CturKtbu'ttsC. Tr wit r's Pm! PVa 21. tisers. - by Check in February, but the Rieh cemmon doat aae onto dust win r- . iLJL Trase Paxla lift. Vreateat Verse John: t:lt. the laboring class, the t f armers i of I i Beginning with next week we will I mond firm faited to give .full credit I tarn: that ral tMti af nt;r m.rm ivllSMr-l . - . . L Great Jonuiiea lUt elauaa v?'t.- ''q- pnat me ximjss on.-,xnursaay even- marxea or., lae o raw try liars 7 t t t f fefPlfMu inmsteadf Thursday lights as A Mhd9,X9o9m. created by ial poaiUou.or w.alth; 7 v.l uifIv m T,-e of those articles put; of which J.hejr; -. - -: - . vene the book-keeper that we had gnd then unbend theaaaleil from .!T ,rN"Mllu'W '?Mi--xU-' - -neitofore in order that we can have . r - . . ' u - BO,Ba wmaeives ireo Worker's Tana 11 TlcitiVw are beinc cheated and -r - patdthe acoooni waa to prvduoe the the imaginary lotty heights tad cir. a . ' lutcU) Wh agreement., to . denounce check with the 'firm, endorsement ales with themaelrea lung ea.sgh w f' w w - -Af V.Vl .nnMa. 5t. ,m,,,;wM;roi Friday Tn tha nst. whra T j . T . Aaetser Tt oflers Tarae Psalst Hr5 "'v " r - i k ipwijii, u vui nuiw i gev uowq v a xrse, ounsnu, pcrv,! l tie pnee ot a commodity snouid ee the papers were carried on 11, F. D, the book-keeper could net deny. A unallo yed mingling with souse of QodU people who perhaps have not own be& meal, more of the Christ-spirit shows, and there would be fewer people m aTa ' ' . a "at texretoTsr a taosiana ssa' one little things and harts that some determined :gtar routes from offices word u tb wise,w kc uemana ana not or. an agreemeni; Qtler a.-TuUburg , thev hav, not z?l at been going out until Baturdav and A 'LeSOn:.6n. HoldinfT Cotton " lunate t every mpeot is they. ?S?tthV vr :A A certain Cabarrus ceuntr ftrmer would be acre ef happl- ot reiiettrom. tne present situation is - 7 , .. . to pave the wa y ' legislafaon for itoid this delay it will neeessitate broaft 10 Bli V't" it,?i' r t-'i.,''i"t.-; t -''.. . ; ton held from the season of 1907, competition the thing sought by this the closing of our forms not -later . . , . . ? consisting of fourteen balsa. On 0 . . V . .I : than 10 a'clock Thursday morning j. ot loos'he waa offered t waive yje tA L.i!' " j through the faH are. ef oae elais te 0fe8Pm butrefussdtoU being advUed te ukluh t sel.ct caste thai Is who!- itmMmmmtl. 5 atr Or. held lor advance in the mark.t Jf K" cf another te reach Kl v . After holding his cotton for over a lD joys or eosamiag. As 1 haen see. any news from Th ranitiil nf thia ontirttrv hae nnit- Will bear this in mind and send in . .14?1 whwm iwr i - - ,v-. U ..... ... . . . :--"rCw f? v- " .1. -r v v.; Tear he marketed tnia -week, at nine! r-.4' w as re uuty i wtueena tn t lew Us a a. ed m a war unto death with its - la- theut articles earlier than heretofore. any!one half:eents sustaining a loss themselves Sued by nature, bat from bor. Byassiduous approach Thw change; wui also makrit nece of ieVinUen and one-half dollars per weh they are either exslodsd or ia uiM?r,uB mauageuxtjut u u-: sarV fot advertisers to eet their .lU. .f v 'ar--1 wniea toey are reeetrea witnscact ehedPO t n. " welsossirfiereartrealdiffsrtneestt llowtebe saved AeU CJL Should I Ccafeas Ckrit7 Ive- mans 10.3. Teieher's Teraa DxrUl IZX Tbe Creat Ooaambaka Uirk 16-3 Chriits Lut ' CocuaaAd Arts 1:3. CtrulUa Oatlovk. La nrel Itecit. ylat their 2j change of copy for tkeir advertise- land forty-five. dollars. tration of .national affairs until to- rj - . , - l . , . I by thiat Company? be deceived . ; the American Tobacco Co. Ji;'''tmi1'lyoihi?ls North Carolina. In, the t firs tlplae li can'f- afford it, and; inV the Vpecoud Place if it were to leave bvvituef of this statute ;t would be 'a self:con fe8ed criminal' uderthe IJnited States Statute, and' their!! conviction ,n the federal CourWOuldlDelfsS wed. Why should'sucriKo raised by that Company anyway? n violating the law? HI it is -notj t.Vtart . ' ' - :..:!' ' .-.': 'x- -. 1 u .t wouia not be 'amenable t6 this statute, on the other haiid,ifV it ,H' sureIy it should suffer a penaity therefore like you, or or any; other 'dividual who violates the ' law.-; It we violate the law; We sufferits pen 2afe unt0 vou ; that ithe mmiricin AonacCO Com nan W tmtH & -r-v umucu ; to t no ore consideration at thi hands; of "we wno ttdm .,j:iii:-.-.vw- humblest citizen ? in tthef landl -HuauieniiLi iaea 'ia the --... jfj vaua s one wnicn Paractemes it above alli t and true worth to itaed eat mere I fneoda. ns remsaUr ike par- MU. Ancle yeur U vltitz her The farmers are very buy lag, gettlag ready to slant crops for this year. rr, ,.' l T, IT? 7m A . .,-.t vsj- iv t -. ... .i i. , . .... , . ' . . i mil bbu woman. a nmw in rn mm w w mm . ambt i y ".jV ;; .t iianta in th office not later than 12 flouot verymucn wnelber tau . .. :t"" - , , , . , , . 4ay-it Wsi particular' indiTidualcabe indaced wtablUh characUv reaaeosnt tad Im Tsseday e tctctct ef itedrrepres " - , ealttie. .''itteUicence riritaaUr. the tUaea of Wits Ulue Craispe - to hold cotton in years to come, and v , . ., -. , . , Taaliaett.olis nationiith - ; . -r -i- 1. There are imaginary elifTereacea that Mxae Xdlie is a rood tairher ?"::-:6 s ..:. tnere are many instances where seen - t- , .... t, . 3gBfeem& con- K.inA ,h. M. ke the foolish appear more foolish, wilt U greatlf. cuaeed -by hr snshnwasunappeasp hipe - haTe th pv deavotoW tbepriftt -f.tht d t. Wbti f8!ffiiA ,n,ft. - o V . - ; Usarly. ,Lst islation and Jontrols; indiaaries.; Iti V - . V - - ; r Z . ' .. I able ef tha rood Btmarrtan who La.U.M tr:.. r:-.T. c. .i.t. j t " f 'i f .f-tM!'if ."- 'imZ " !Wn ?nin.V5n-U: - .n... ' ' ; N .V It WOUid meaa mUCQ IBOW tOf tOO I . I'". " . I . " " riSSSSlffi aAtnVlMlt.eex!..tnh.v.muted ffft.ed ttt dtf piled - jew. Tor 11UuUUk mm? .tone, the entira, cron when the umw w!r aui.rsnces tn hmiUtions around official cconducU . i - . , . ... ' . social staadbir esUblUbed bv" birth. edu cation, habits, etc and per hi pa enough toimpose aconditionsttpon .7c-'- r, Vu;V. " - : .-11 '.,T for all Ume to come this will, roa- , r,. (: i. ' game with the club at that place, easy for all concerned.. Tet we see . , anddictatetermsto tbat govern ..vr.v.,.-. v. . a-r.-- , -i.;nVi. " .w:. ... tiaue. .It Is not natural that .maeea t1 nd our boys report a good v time, farmers. willmg to tie-up their sea- . , , ment. which created them now bid m . 'V--. . - , - v: ,, it v n . . cenul-natures be long aasocaied. mmiiytch.nA. They eayv that v.theyv; were 'treated eon'e work; allowing their bdU tore- V. . ; defiance to the law, andhrQttle com . , . : - ' , ' . . v ted any effort to bring this about petition. The healthful spirit of ;r-allh---H.' v:rir ' i--; I. . . -. .1 would prove " a '- fail ere. Bet there in the money out of cirWtiOD, tad ,0CIli P"uc w" ? . .."..ii?a t .t . a.a fni to 1)8 niagniSed; sad thoaghtfal. q It?a;i T-.tVT God " feanag. and God.seviag aad commercial activity is btiag; destroy ed, the rights of free-born citizenship usurped and 'discarded by these thdn sters which ever-ride our legislatures whieh . over-ride the will of the people and which pyer-nde the principles of huWn'justioe.;c'And Jask'yo here anfinew if Itfis hotliigir for this centralization of power and ac cumulation of wealth into, the .bands of a f ew niade possible by the m a- nipulationx of trusts and combmesi to square deal. i ne names ana po sitions of the Xoulaburg boys were as follows: If : lv; 3 ; PitcherOsmond llale. ; . Catcher -Julian; Hart. - -v 1st base -Graham Egerton. V - 2nd JaaserTem Ruffin. ' ( - : 3rd base-rulian'Pegtami . j Short f top Russell Harris, u R. F.--O. K. Cooke, Jr. ; Xl!F.WalteT;Waddell; j.'P.Raymond Taylor., ;Th sensible people will give no heed thsatw Ex., lo J; Prosperity. I do not knew whether or not it has ever been worked out as a., prla-1 In Uemory of llr. J . H. SUlllugl eipal of political economy,, but "any " Our conraunity has been made aid how it is unquestionably , true that by the death ot our good lnend,Jao. wealth Is, by nature, not anatocrat- IL StaUin WhUe a temble, Itn -"'I -' at ft 1 . WVV I m m m, . Bw - aa ic nnt aemocraue. : ids Tjoorsr i tua iumv vs a Hni -trarm HrvVTriTn9nipd i VfV.r rn.ri i tK. nonr.r vrtnl EindJ for 'thft DlTltion. Vt BUT beaiecxed?CTeeableTO the prin ' . k, " a ' , a " I llessra. J.' J'Iitncaiter,- J. A Turner Ure. . The richer every other man 'is hearts were greatly saddened , when oipiea x oi our jueniocxauu , goTctn rnektand I ini! accordance 'with the -There was a caady party at Mr.' B. L. Carrol list Saturday trgbt inhoaercf lliaate Alsna and Xfjr Ptgram, ot Loeiaber K lira, Mary Uiekj retamed hotae Saturday from a visit te her Vrothrr, "W7 D. Fot Ur, who iirsj arir .If at son. "'' historic tenets of democrato , faith' I believe the people ' themsslves sre net only the ssat of political. .. power. Osmond Yarboro. Y. C;TTiUuma.l thaL 'richer von axe. Ererv man we beard that he was no more. J. Williams and Badger Hart, . whose'eaming power. is', below f arf j llr. CuUiagt was a mui ef pecu- The garae L resalte'd'i&a. score vf below mormal, Isv a bardsn en the 1 liar ongmality, a deep thinker, a wue 7 to 2 ia favor tLouaburg. ; community: he drags down the whole ccaasaior, a stroag inaca tzi vai lira. S. J.-P race is vichxsg kar brother, Ur. Btzui la Oifard, ." , Mr. B. T. Psrsca give a errtrrt at Ml Zta Academy J ur Saizrisy night aAdit was greallr eej?yadby all who aUeaded. - . . MUs Martha Kxaa is Turila g Mlas Ixlz Ikt Psnca. - dr.acJMn. J. C PoeUr ifent the day lut Saciay wiiij hla rilLer. Mkss Lexs PiiUr xrd AHae Hiars cloted tteJr iclool at Alert Friiay and retarced be:e Fri!xj eTsatn. t Ut-U . o A