1 i i i 1 d 1 i 7 y.- " : : ' ' ' ' m. i . i "Bread The Upon and dollars; and negro :traderitaii peculators lare ithere ffrom-altover tbe country, to attend the -ialeV-.-- ulhe morf cracks ara hoM 1W- VvanVi in Richmond ancL Petersburg; and Mr. Lyon who is stopping witn. me i uieir repreMnauve.v ritte. i people around here are so fond ; of Col. Lin- toir they ledrtodajr ralseV imoney to stop" the sale; but - on aeeonat rof !. Linton, two year atter, JiV I the money panic, they were uusue- t!tt. nit norae, naming icessiui it you wisn you can walk Written for the TIMES, by "W" NUEU'FROM LAST WBiEK.) j f .nv rrwwuortr want In I w.T , i. ....... V. a burg, Va., and opened' a large 1 the" announcements the sale on'the i mercantile establish ment. I Knar-da w ,(IC-'" . . . . . ., I i . i,.. ..fill livoil 'at fjitlr - H all ha .Tho ... . 1 . ji .vt L Hlif " .- "v I .j AlO J JWMJ4 tuttuoi atviueu Will t n part of his time in raters- no further notice - of f the sale; was on i T'. hint The Best Fertilizers for Corn f yThatfhe , yield of com from the aTerare farm can be rrdtlr In- ' creased by. intelligent and liberal . fertUUation haibeen repeatedly demonstrated, f Large crops of good corn result from preparing the " V Li U Carolina Fertilizers Sales Officii Richmond V&. NorfoDcVa. Columbia, S. C Atlanta. Ga. Savannah, Ga. Memphis, Tenn lie uau mauj iucuu ;iu snown io ms room aaa attsr ' arrang uth anJ did am enormous busiaeia. ing bis toilet, was seem to walk over eierae(iio pruauvr.. ai.- ucbi, uuwio me court nouse , ana into 1 tne tive years, there, came a panic Clerk's office. Om returning te the n )0HT affairs, and with a half hotel, he asked to be soowif Mr. dollars owiag him he could Lyon's room. He remained; in Mr. w . K. frurrl. lil' f :l'ivoa' fi-rki. 1 T "U m. m .. I- 1 3 v bankrupt. To uy51 ( e lere were rnaay speculatlbns about uitl t mortgage his v farm, slaves the meaning of it. everjimnn u uau, tdu w ui i i ne mysterious : stranger same L)ueMoii iHi Bnurw, vu raise mo uue i irenv ois room aia tooK a seat oa tne red thousand dollars to pay him front. perch, and entered into eon- Or.licarily Ool. Linton ceuld j versatipn with the guest about mat- are maue uus iuuuvy iu a iw yean r ters in general, ut cua cot mention i . mt ttn.ua m(Trtaixana :' hnt I thfl Bale. y 1 hl HaAmACl fltrsnsrA tn Jhm .aemed to b sjai.g against everyone, for nothing else had been tte yUDS V braciag him, L at this time, and he was f.rcd talked about fer weeks. Col. U. . Tl F , f ' the will. Tbe holders of these too passes ana wnen the stranger ortpag lived ia Richmond and saw him, bejuniped from his chair etersburg, at last they were held as if to speak to him, bat he resumed crtaia Danfcs, aaa wnen tneiuwneai wuue ime sjoi. passte. on. ti became dae, they acUertised xQs saystenous stranger went to nis e proper t) to be sold in thirty room early after supper, but he was ;iVS. It was a sau, iau inut iui iubj-j' "wutug owwa r hearted Col. Linton and the sad- the eomrt bouse square as Cel. Lin est task of all was to inform his tou s 98 nearoes marcbed in frera the if and lit?ht haired Mir tie. who farm, each with his little bundle . 1 ' . ad just graduated and returned u be could carry with him. There orae from St. Mary's, rtaleigh. Jut were in tne numeer oia ana young, all weeping even thev little children were cryiig. It' was a sad sight, and pearly all who looked upon the scene were moved to tears. , The town was seon full of people and at 10 o'clock the auctioneer came to the fromtdoor of the court bouse and made the usual announce ment. There was a crowd in frent of the court house. Col. Lintoa was near the door with bowed head, tears streaming down his face, while kii trien3s were try ing-ttP" console him . Says iie WI esea'6t So much for my will greatly increase vour yield per acre of corn or, any other crop. In some cases 'remarkable results have been obtained.'.; , - Mr.r C. ,W. Caru thers of Sumpter County. FLl, writes : " Words cannot express the value of your fertilizer It Is really so zar ahead of xther companies goods, that it would not'pay anyone to use other brands, were they given free and put in the fieldVJPT can prove tthat I say to be a fact. I made a test on five acres ,1 used on cne half -the land your fertilizer and on the other half another coooDanVs fertil- i .i j r . . . . I. kept a correct account of the amount of money I rot off tack half ana j got tjoo more from the land on which luted vtrgtnta Carolina Fertilizer than ' I did off the other half, I got four times as much i2er, same grade: the land received, the. same cultivation everr time. ack Cart as i com from the land on which I used your fertiliser." x Write todav to nearest office of the Vimnia-Carolina Chemical Company for a free copy of the new 1909 Farmers Year-Book or Almanac, full of the most valuable anLon prejudiced information for planters and farmers; or ask your fertilizer dealer for a copy. Virginia Carolina, Chemical Co. i . Salts OJUts Dorhax&. N. C Cbx!esya.S.C BalUnorc, Md. Columbus, Ga. Mont joinery. Ala. Sbrevtport, La. - V. i FIRST NATIONAL HENDERSON, N. C ' With Kfwurw of BANK 4 1 f.Psri e Hundred Tho sand . Dollars i wo axe prepared I ooraodaU our patrons, ATe Uts aiae ! hundred well satisfied depositor and UI welcome yv. Watch Us Grow S. R. HARRIS, Prcs" ST. PEACE 4 OtshV AoiriiottJiiniccinnicifDlt I inurtsl cf J. ?. HsJl in ike burp deir te ssy list is is toe mucn tor yeu to ao ier me says Col. Liu ton. "I don't f deserve it." "You do deserve it my dear Sir, and ten times more if yon needed it. I am fully able to do this, I don't ay . it .boashogly, but I am three times a millionaire, and what I have done for you is a mere trifle. I depos itea a large .mount ot money in Richmond banks te invest in this The undersigned baring purchl tb Whit-IIU Furniture Coopsay. v- Locisb win continue me business at the same stand. I wib to say thst I will settle all account dee by cr lo tbt e!4 finn, and therefor it becomes nec..rv for adl old scoou&U lo be 4t itltd within a Limited Time. All tho ind.Lt,! tx ihm V.L,iA rranKlinton Department Con- irurmture Company will therefore pl. od forward axd arra.sf tlnued. tho SAm at onoe, as under Ue contract tbe old bcti&ets ct be MtUed ,up. Personal. Mr J. H. Whitfield went to Hen derson yesterdky. Rev. T. B. Jsitica I went to Youngsville yeiterday. Mrs. C. F. Best and Miss Nellie I Undertaking Department. Whitfield went to Louisbnrg yister day. Mrs. J. H. Harris, of near Foreit- I SHALL CONTINUE to keep a full stock of everything in tbe Furniture line, and will be f Ud at all times to sirvo my fiend and cuatotnere. and will cuaratiU. tt heretofore, satisfaction tn every particular. We tsake a special tv cf cur section, and ave Mr. Lvon checks ile, is visiting her people in to wa Jlfg. Liston had anticipatea tnis' rouble, and did all she could to con- le her husband, but while she were bright faoe, there was deep trouble V her heart. She had always been Wealthy, and never knew the want f a dollar. And peer Mirtie who ad gtown into sueb a handsome Voraan, was then preparing to go to reeabriar White Salphur Springs spend the summer. How could e bear tm tell the dear child that II was goue and that she was left in overtr. However on a visit to a riesd in Louisburg, she was told the hole story at Mrs. Linton's request. he seemed, to the surprise of all ike the matter with , less concern P . L TXT 1 1 1 iiaa anv oi mem. vv nen sne reacu- on the Richmond banks which he readily took, as I exhibited to him certificates of deposit. "But bow, Mr. McDonald, can I ever repay this moaey?" "Repay indeed, I had rather give you a million than to ever take one cent from vou." C5ena tnese aear oia eoiorea peo ple back to their cabins. Thev are still yours, and will be forever." The goe news had pervaded the this week. Mayor C. W. Conway went to Wake Forest Saturdav to see hi daughter, Miss Msttie, and inciden tally to eee the lall game between Wake Foreit College and the A. A: M. College, of Raleigh. Among those from here who it tended the hall game at Raleigh Monday between Philadelghia and the A. !b M. College were MeMrt. A. II. Vann, E. J. Chstham, Miss Respcetfnlly, W. E. White Furniture Company, By W. E. White shouting and rejoicing with all. The e j m , i, , negroes had changed their wailings to 8lf and family, bat these dear old" , & . colored people who have been' so vast tbrong - aml en -.tliert;V as ) MubeWan&',06a Mrs McGhee, on automobile; and Meter? : -' 1 bouit she threw her arms around er father neck and begged hira not to care ne bit," that they Ironld continue to be happy. . That )r. Smedtis had offered her a. larere alary to take charge of the musie in he collfcge; that she had in her , own mht 15000.00 and that she could ay "Daddy and Mammy" and have 6ngh left to buy a nice little home Kaleigh, where thv could hve in 'ase and eomfort. "But, my dear child," said C1 jnton, "your mother and I would living on yoar hard labor." That's ill ric;ht father, nothing could make be feel haaeier than to know that I cas eontnbating to your and moth- r's support. Yeu would have; no rouble ea your mind, nothing to do so ceuld visit around among your nends and be happy. ' V "Trol la la, I ana so happy ? and he flirted away to the flower garden, m fin i? at th tn af her Tnia - o - r - The day of sale was fast approach fg. Negro traders from all over the Wastry were coming ia, expecting picme by baying these poor , slayes 1 a very low price anci taking them cotton plantations down south aud felling; them for an enormous profit. The day before the sale there- af ved at the hotel among others, a TMmaA vonnor "man1 dark auburn hair, heavy auburn nstache, and every appearance of a Pan of laTcra raaona After registering . his name I and bkint 2 aat in kndv ha wo a pproached by tbe propri3tor who aid to him,l suppose sir, you have ome to attend the big gale to-mor- "What sale do you mean sir? 1 am stranger in these parts; hare heard t no sale, and have come to Louis rrg l visit ol friends whom , avo not een or heard from in ten years." ' ' i' ntons property: Everything he on earth will be sold , to-niorrow. e tailed .for ovAr a -Vinna v.Ar. faithful to me have t6 be scattered and will, find cruel masters. Oh, it is so hard to bear." "fow gentlemen." says the auc tioneer, "I offer for sale lor cash, the property of Col. Lintoi, the homej place known as Oak Hall, containing 3000 acres of land, 98 negroes of all descriptions. The negroes can be seen on the grounds. After sale of the above, we will repair to Oak Hall wjien all of the personal prop erty will be sold. I offer first Oak Hall, with 3000 acres, cf land. How much am I offered?" About this time the handsome, well dressed stranger with silk hat in oie hand and a bundle of papers in the other, was observed pushing his wa y through the throng, from the clerk's office, and walking beside the auc tioneer, said: Mc. Auctioneer, can I have the privilege of saying.a few words?" ; .-""Certainly . sir," says the . kindly auctioneer. : ''You have the privi lege or., making any remarks . you wish." r ... ; "". '' ' "Gentlemen," says the mysterious stranger, Jt' forbid the sale . of . this property. Col. Linton owes ne man aeent jon this broad earth. I am just from the clerk's office where I find every mortgage - and note, has been canceled, and I hold the cancel ed mortgages and-notes in my hand.' Col. Linton advancing towards the stranger, and looking - him . in the shouts of joy. Everybody was happy, but Col. Linton, whose face had brightened up, was the happiest uf all as ne ordered his negroes back te their cabins. They left shouting and singing a happy crowd. "Now, Mr. McDonald," says Col. Linton, "Call me Jimmio, Col., it sounds sweeter." "Wll Jimmi, we will now go up to my friends house where we. will find my wife and daughter. They will be as de lighted as I am to see yon and hear theglorious news." But the good news had preceded them, and Mrs. Linton and Mirtie met them at the gate. Mrs. Linton for a while was too full to speak. Bhe fell on Jim mie's shoulders and wept like a child for joy. Jimmie informed them that he knew nothing of their trou ble until his arrival here, that be came to Louisburg especially lo pay I tlem a yisit,but thanks be to God, he came just at the right time. "Thank Cod, thank God! Bresd cast upon the waters. I -always told Master and Mistis that boy wonld turn up some of these days," ex claimed old black mammy as she rushed in to , greet Mars Jimmie, as she called him. To make . a long tedious story shorter, I will state there was one, of the grandest weddings at Oak Hall a few months after this that was ever Known in this section. B. W. Ballare1, Karnice Britf, A. O Perry, W. J. Ballard, Dr. S. C. Ford. BARGAIN STORE Ket p your fyes on the IUrgetb S:ore. Ke Goods arriving very week. l prict rtvtr before beard of THE 'BARGAIN STORE W. B. COOKE Good Roads Mass Meetlncr. I Everybody is invited to come out to a mass meeting at the Opera Hjnse in Franklinton next Baturdsy at 2.30 p. u. The road law will We discussed. This will be your Itsl chance to get together before the election. There will be noma god speeches. It is hoped that there will bo a large crowd present. face, inquired j W hat does this in ean r I don't understand V it?" ' A stillness and surprise invadedSthe 4vast throng, as the stranger said: fColr Linton do youj-remeinber ten years ago in driving home from churcK yon f oahd a por dck,V (delir ious! Woyj lying; at ' your front gate? Do you remember iow yonjftnd your 1 . i .i .r .i' i: ; geoa wne iook i;nis , sicsv ocy w yur borne and nursed him back rto life? Do yon remember you ;.did this with out price ;not even expecting any re ward?s I ani J that boy, dear kind Col; Linton,?! 'am Jimjmie M whom y bu.nursexl back ; 6s, life ,nd treated so) kindly. 'Thank; .GodI am now able 'to; partly i tepaythal List of Letters. Remaining in the Franklinton postofiice uncalled for: J. U. Allen, Mrs. Sallie Bectwith, L. Chester Cole, (2) Isaac Tsr- brooch. In sailing for any of tho abevs letters, please say thst you saw themJ advertised. W. P. Edwards, P. M. LYNCHBURG PLOWS AND CASTINGS In all sires, the best made, ff you he to btsv e plow come and me. If you hc one c-f tbce plows you cjn get all kinds anl sues of r.ti&s si tn v store. I Uo have a lot c-i br tb&l I at 'it2 below cost to m.vke room for other t--ck. A big lot of ham burl's snd laces that I am cli& below ctt Come and se me before it t all gone. M. C. PLEASANTS The old fashioned way of dosing a weak stomach, or stimulating the Ueart or Kidneys is all wrong.' Dr. Snoop first pointed out this error. This is why his prescription Dr. Shoop's Restora tiveis directed entirely to tbe cause of these, ailments the weak inside or controling nerves. It isn't r&o difficult, says Dr bhoop, ; to strengthen a weak stomach, heart, or kidneys, 11 one goes at it correctly Each inside organ has its controliing or inside nerve, .wnen these nerves fall, -.then those organs must surely falter. . "These vital , truths are. ''leading druggists everyweere to dispense and? recommend Dr. bnoop s Restorative. -Test it . a few days, and SeeT improvement win promptly and surely follows Solcf br The Boddie Perry, Drag Co. . ' ,.' . : $100 Howard, $100. The reader of tbis ppr bm pILd to learn that thru, is at tat o vdrvstlfd 1i e ae that science has beo aS's to mrt io all Its stafrm. and that is Catarrh. Hall's Ca tarrh Car is th oulj piMltir ear o knowi to the medical fraternity. Catarrh binx a eooMtitalioa 4is. mioires a roe tltutieoal treatment. liatl's Catarrh Car is taksa internally, acting directly a poo tbe blood od mnrons sort aces of the jtm. thereby detrojinir tb toandstioo of the riiae. aad RiTiag the parieot stro-oarth by haUdiBirnp tb cosstitatioo and aUD natore io doing lis wore. Tb proontor cave so m neb faith in it rorativ powers that tbey o&r On Hondred Dollars for acy case that it fails to cor. Send for IUl of testimonials. Addres F. J. CHENEY & CO , Totdo O. Sold by all Druggist. 75c. Take Hall's FamUy Pills for constipation. Sugar Loaf Cotton Farm's Highest Grade Two crops annually 'producing A 1500 per acre the - increase of the Producta three fold. f Fer full information : send address on post card to ; A-:J -: ' v 'J Fancy New Orleans Sugar house mo lasses. Genuine St. John's Portorica molasses.- Excellent sugar syrup just received by The B. W. Ballard Co. r r O r LJ . DENTIST. Franklinton, N. C, OfEce in Statuiton Building. EGGS FOR SALE M have a lot of -Bull Orpington, Barred Plymouth Rocks, White Wvandotte and Brown v Xeghorn eggs for sale. .t $1 per setting of 15 apply to : . R. U. PUIwtrvJuD, i . Franklinton, R. F. D.No. 2. sold , to-mprf ow. am now able tolpartlyitepajrthat ppf LW. MITCHELU'Prop.' ' nr kiadj mj a hundred Vthous-kimdess. - Col LintoiL;iww:r ANTED Second band bajre aad berUp anr kiodi aov eiantitT. aorwbere: w TT a. l. Wt - TS - la. V jwicaxDQiHi vrn w iciia9sH r TO DEPOS 1 your money u now. ion I wwl until yoo get taore. Ten ll te Unti ed to spend what yon bare while waiting. We ccrl szaU as wIl mm targe deposits. We invite you to Wcomo a Depositor a&d cStt yrm tQ bb facilities a man of many times your means enjoys i The Farmers and Merchants Bank LOUtSOURQ. IN. O. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OVER $40-000 WU BJUIEY. Preildeat T W ItATSOl, Cutitff Legal Blanks at TIMES Office ' FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING. K