" ' '' 1 V f '" ' -BBS P FRANKLIN : TIMES ' " ' '" ' " "" ' ' ' -, oms ykab, - - . - -:$l0 glX-WOWTHS, ' . IHUJCJ4 MONTHS. f7 V U Ot BO Hll " IB' IUDUIClUOf' UUl JUBb the same , thatV; about ' 'the only chanea 8omi discreet ' pe tple s dare take at it. eably 10,000 laws were passed by the last congress. Have you read tbem carHfuily that yoa may know whether r not you are obey- ing tbem all? ' The lialeigh primary is orer, and Josephus Daniels, J. H. Bou and Joeiah" W. Bailey, all roted tbe same tickefcr-tbat ia if they roted like they talked. ' HAD IT IN FOR Hill.' Read the pain formula on tbr- box of Pink' Pain Tablets. -Then,;' ask your Doctor if there Is a better one; V?-111 means congestion, blood pressure lome- wnere. Dr. Snoop's rink rain Taoiets check head pains, womanly 'pains," P-ln anywnere. Try one. and seel 0 lor ;c. Sold by. The Boddle-Perrr t)ro Co. -).' w " was V -In writingVa message President Taft does not consider it necessary to copy the Encyclopaedia Britan- nica, the ten commandments tbe golf player's manual. and One Man ;on the Panel Edgar Smith, who is one of the bier law vers of C iluskoeree " now. but whe usedf t praetice in Arkansas had a ease onee where : thr was . t great difficulty 'm getting a jury is earl v all the talsmen bad excuses .Finally, one man was called "What is year excuse?" askecT the judge. f "Hain't get neaeT "What?" asket the judge, mueh astonished: "you - have no excuse? Are yeu sure your father itm't sick?" "Bin dead twenty years." "Don't your eotten need tending?" "Don't raise none." isn't tne barn m -need ot re,- At this distancejt appears to an enlooker that the distruction of the "records added to the "snap primary " is what (Hd the work for Badger and Mullen in the Raleigh primary. The Aldermen seemed to be defeat in the start. What was termed the ."Reform" ticket won out in the Raleigh De mocratic primaries last Tuesday, only one member of the "old" Board ef Aldermen surviving, viz: 5. Sherwood TJpehurch. And by the .way, it was he the "reformers" ssem ed to be hottest after. en I?" - to pairs "Ain't get io barn." " "And you can spare the time sit on this jury for a month or se. "You bet! Glad of the cbanee." "Well, well!" exclaimed the judge; "yeu are tbe only man on the panel who has time to serve the State. How does that come?v. - "Waal," said the juryman, "I heern tell yon was goin' to try that ornery Ham Mitchell this yere term. He poisoned a cow of mine oncet." The Greensboro Record seems to be in trouble regarding some el the new fashions, as the following will show: There are a great many things we do net understand and never try to get through oar brain; there are others where we "hadn't ought" to butt in and try to fathom, but suns- times we can't help it.' One of these is this new fashion of the j waist line among the dear women. It is given out that it is to "be made ; lower this season down about the ; knees for iastanee. We do not know how the dear creatures will look, but this is not what is bother ing ub; what we cannot understand is how they are to gtt this waist line down so low. Wemems some respects, are supposed to be made like men, but imagine man shift ing his waist line so mueh as a six teenth part of an in eh! It stands to reason, therefore, that if -a . woman ean aeeonaplisn tie iob sne is not made like a man by upwards of a geod deal and ail our suppositions have been eroneous. And so afer all woman1 is "fearfully and wonder fully made." Dr. S. Rapport will be at the Louisbnrg Hotel, Tuesday and Wed nesday Aprhy6tb arid 7th. His spec ialty is fitting eyes witty lenses suited to their special reed. Charges are very moderate. Prompt Payment. V. ' 1 Springbope, N. C, ?:;i r aro:2G190Q Jefferson Standard liife Insurance Company, , ' ' JUleigh,N. C. s . Gentlemen: - . .' ' I beg to acknowledge- receipt of ernes, ier jl wo xnousana uouara in full payment of Policies Nos. 599 and 1600 on tbe life ofNBeniarain F. Edwards, of Sprin cbope, , X. C. As administrator of tbe estate .of tbe late Mr.' Edwards. I desire to i . Lthank you for your promntnesa in paying inis ciaim. rhe proofs ot death was leceived at your bfiict on tbe 24th aud tbe check was dat ed tbuame day. This promptriet in payment ot death claims by tbe policy-bolders should commend it to policy-holders. ' Very truly, (Signed) & A. MAltSHBURN, - Administrator. Mr. J. A. Turner, who. is Rpecia agent lor tne aboveCompany; de Uvered this check jast Saturday Mr. Turner informs us that his company has just put en the mark el an Annual Dividend policy that guarantees in the face of the pol icy, C per cent dividend First Year 8 " - - 2nd " 10 " 3rd 15 4th 15 . " 5tb and-tbe life of the policy. And he will be glad to show this policy to anyone who are on the' market for insurance. Rheumatism. More than nine out of every ten eases ef rheumatism are simply, rheumatism of tre muscles, due to cold or damp, or chronic rheumatism. In such casts no internal treatment is required. The free application of Chamberlain's Lini ment is all that is needed, and it is cer tain to give quick relief. Give it a trial and see for yourself how quickly it re lieves the pain and soreness. The med icines usually give internally for rheu matism are poisonous or very strong medicines. They are worse than use less in cases' of chronic and muscular rheumatism. "For sale by Boddie-Perry Drug Co. . Too much self-will warps the im agination and stunts intellectual growth. Object to Strong Medicines. Many people object to taking the strong medicines usually prescribed by physicians for rheumatism. There is no need of . internal treatment in any case.of muscular or chronic rheuma tism and more than nine out of every ten cases of he disease are of one or the other of these varieties. When there is no fever and little (if any) swelling, you may know that it is only necessary to apply Chamberlain s Liniment freely to get quick relief. Try it. For Sale by-Boddie-Perry Drug Co. ' STATE PRESS CONVENTIONS At a meeting of the executive comm'iatee ot the North Carolina Press Association held in Raleigh last Saturday, it was decided to hold the anneal meeting jf the editors in Hendersonville on June 3 and 24. Tfye entire Association will be .enter tained at the ..-Gates Hot, one of the finest hotels in the State, and the rate will be enly $1.50 a day for the jeditors' and members of their families accompanying them. No more delightful place than Hendersoaville could have been se lected. . It is expneted that a trip will be arranged to Lake Toxaway. After the convention at Henderson jlle the editorial party, will be taken to Morebead City for a two davs stay at the Atlantic . Hotel. Definite and detailed announceraents will-, be t made soon. OPERA HOUSE RENTING The Louisburg Opera House will be rented to the highest bidder next Monday at the Court House (Joor at noon for the year beginninc July 1st. The renter will be required to give bond With security (ot payment of rent. By order of the Board D. C. High, cz o () o o o o o - C) o ): () () () () o () C) o () C) C) o () o o o C) o C) o o () o o o o o o C) o o o o o o o o c f Se!l(2ctoliiir ee e eMBaBi ee-- . 4 , r t ' " ' r Choice and handesme garments aH blocmicg with tht tt - tyle features and Spring fre?hat TKcr Never Was a Better Time For the Spring Styles are just in from the World's Bet Tailor Shops. J! Stetson :Jri Hats The celebrated Stetson Hut, the best make of Shirts ind the .very best fitting shoes ri . ' ill ml it Cattle Wanted want to buy 100 head of cat tle, ranging from one year old up yearhrigjr or heifers. Bring them in quick and get the cash. John R. Williams Louisburg, N. v -If-V : ; s JOSH BILLINGS SAYS- s ? Kiae emy, work ; hare, and late', t Jiye")nltSy fc,nothin away, and if you .don't die If you dislike a person show it on ly whan a point is to be gained there by. ; 'V r- .. Is the Stomach Indispensable. An operation for the' removal of the stomach, m a Ghicago hospitarrecently, oronioted discussion among tne sur geons whether the stomach could be removed and the patient he none the worse for.it. Before the discussion had well died out, the patient hadN died. It demonstrated he could not live without his somach. To keep the stomach in good conditian, and cure constipation, indigestion, etc., use the great herb laxative coin pound, Dr4 Caldwell's Syr up Pepsin. It is absolutely guaranteed to do what we claim, and if you want to try it before buying, send your address for a free samp e bottle to Pepsin Syrup Co.. 119 Caldwell Bldff., Monticello, 111. It is sold by The Boddie-Perry Drug Co., at 50c and $1 a bottle. Tbe Weakness of an individual is shown by the colors used in drees.1 .- ; ' -, . Beauty of Body. . . A healthy body is a .beautiful bedy, and beauty of body is to be preferred to beauty of face. . It is easy enough for a woman to have a geod complexion if her body is in good health To in sure good health it is necessary to Keep' tne - stomacxi active and tne " bowels open.- -This can; best be done by the use of" Dr.". Caldwell's Syrup Pepsinl the 'great stomach, liver and bowel regula tor, it is aosoiuteiy euaranteed- to do what we claim, and it you waht to trv it beforebuyinsr send your .address for a free sample pottle to rppsm Byrup Co., ixy vair.pju xiug.,-juonnceaie,.iu. it is sol by The Boddie-Perry - Drug Co., at ouc ana 51 a oottie. ;i r . ; , ; y , , ( ;:;Kn-t0,c ; r '--lbe man wboikan ware ; apaeer it klean, ,verry pt tew .ain't; fit for enny thing -else ; '"wasn't mutch'. ' It iz jist so, with the ,; '; - CV ' ; 'roS on thevjumpj'he-V kant' remem- Attention c Old Veter-is Av: meeting of B. M. McKinney Camp N. 1528 VD. V.' will be held inntbe Court ;House in Louis burg on ; Monday -the ;-" 5tb ' da ef All. - old r yeWansi - in )I?janklin County fare earnestly f requested to be present ai business : of ; impoV tance to tbem, will be transacted . Choice and Fresh Cut-Flowers Or-Carna'iioas, Roses, .Violets, etc. floral designs and Flowers for all occa sions. Potted Ferns and all kinds of pot and out door bedding plants. Veg etable plants in season. .All erdor promptly filled.- H. STEIN METZ, florist. Raieigfi, N. C. $1 0, $1 5, $1 8 'and up to $30 Correct Models and fabrics for middle aged men and all the swell stunts for the dashing young dressers F. W. WhelcSS. Louisburg, N. C. w w w w wwww ww wCSCCCCCOCff I Our UndcT Management of ASHER F. JOHNSON liAriifcJlTiON AT THE : Job Department RACKET STORE auuiui line of 'Stvti.h' Siir Ur IJ, Ui end Cbildrt-n. A worthy ifW:; -:. . tt?b STRONG MEASURE Become.1! necessarr when tbe body is debilitated and tLe spirit flags. A tonic to earicb the blood and build up the system is the bes medicine. B EEF": IRON AND WINE ; . . v -;Te. combination of ! these tnree elementaaid -Nature : ber efforts. It is best for : anemics, the weak and ema- v;::ciate.;-y.. r BUY, A BOTTLE. TRY IT Remember that onj Job Department, to which much attention will b. paid. i ow 'under the manaRonini o(' A. V. Johnson. O Vc arc Prepared to do all Kmbroi4ery, lactk. VVdicx. CoreeU. White Gt:l, Fancy Tr You are oonlinllv inT:i v call od mimt ti . TT. M RS A. M. HALL Kinds of Work Ordinari y Turned out in a "Country Off! ce o And it is our purpose to (ui nisb pood work at reasonable liTinp prices. In order to do this we must nererily adopt the Stridly CaiK Syea in this department, A bill J 2 will follow each iob when de- livefed, and from this date J we hope our patrons wiH hn io AAsitt us in tnakintr wmp OiiM-mj w i - f , this new departure aucec. New Goods We have reivJ & UUfal tacf Wfeit GiK Git tfe.. Pricu etc, fall tia of CfrU li. CrUrV Stxru, urjnirr. etc aesxrt&brr we carry tly rTrryU.vtc tj i fcsi0rc c pric. Pull lo of fruita, cX, cuZrt, cic 1 . ! Crockery of All Kinds It nill pj yon lrrt w ij gr.r .-.. k Core yoa bti jr. -t C-Jeicat, lls u. l.ift Z THE ALSTON COMPANY S : Louisburs-, N. C, ! 8 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 4 o Gek il at tbe -Pure Dmg t ..ArtiSlic Printings ole--bnt ?9 babnzt, Com . , -fcure. xuy qi.Uij. ". THE BLEYrAmON co; "1 ' ..j- . other tolks kan .- . .: ' i - ' 1 " 'a ' : y Jr -'. .1 tits

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