'J-!'"-. i A' ' I' FftANKLIN f TIMES J. A., THOMAS, ; ED. , & t OWN ER CHEEK MONTHS, ! 1.00 Tbibat, aprid 9nd. 1909. TfiB Federal Judahip vacancy of the Eastern" North ! Carolina' district w becoming to be a regular "faree?' Govebeob Kjtchin's neV Board f Directors of the Penitentiary Mook barge thfs wees, and filled all of the piincipal positions with new men, mpon recommendation of trie yever nor. . Among the new appciateres is . Dr. I. G. Riddiek, of vYoangsville, who gets the position jtff - Physician at a salary of $75 per month. Ail told the Hollander pays about 12 per cent of , bis yearly in ome;for taxes. He is taxed-f orchis hnainAia in f or the interests he llects, on his house rynt, his fur aiture, on six fireplaces and !all the stoves in the house he rents or owns, n his horses, bicycle and ''servants. On an income of $2,400 a year he pays $298. X' A Syracuse woman refused legacy of $5,OOOron the ground that she believed it was. justly due . the mearest relative -of .the .decedent. .It is omiaons if the world is growing this honest, for Hamlet long ago de clared it a condition in which dooms dav would be near. But comfort ie to be found in the fact that' such startling honesty is just a very rare exception to prove a very common rule. - THE BUTLERS GUILTY. In the trial of the case for libe brought in Greensboro; by Spsncer B'Adams against Marion Butler and his bmher Lester F. ISutler the jury rendered a verdict of guilty and Judge Long imposed a fiae of $500 n' Marion and $250 on Lester, They appealed. The 'TwahFfthe ease was a surprise to quite a number, as during the trial very damaging evidence came out against Adams. SCHOOL DISCIPLINE. Some Thoughts Suggested by a ReqJJit North Iredell ; In- ; cldin t;-t A Sensible Vie w; ? The trial of the tacberYMr. Gibbs, '-;Megrbos..Call oa Ur. Jaft.'; Under date' of April 1st ' the ''As sociated Press sends oat the follow ing from .Washington:" , - A delegation -.of - negroes " .from Mississippi, comprising bankers, busiaess men; . lawyers, aid ) edaca- iorpanishirig a student in r school, tors, called at the White House to amd the disposition of tke case' in a I dav to offer to President Taf t what- iiaifeU&ateVJeat could , render more cieseiy stuay.tne reiaueus 4 oe-j m oeiping oimw wo oai mo. y- u I ' tiavis licies outlined by. him in his inaugur-K ) V v. () ( ) () ( ) () . T tweerr teacher and student; no thoughf to ofEer-.whicH would -:bo al address. .The visit-htd to do.ssle- k) . of .benefit; certainly nb t advice to ly with the so-called negro problem ( ) give. But I ask all; who love "the in the South.- ' . . . :.' ( )..' eause ofedneatiom tQ.eonsjder fairly t In his address to the Trend sat ). , a teacher's surrounding, with scores the 'chairmam of the. delegatien (). of (different jiispositions and temper- said: i . - ; .-- vi araents to deal with. I do not mean - "Likfyon, we do not belieVe that Cy to cntizise the motive or -judgment any satisfactory' and t lasting results ( ) of the magistrates who oonsidered can I e reached without the ' c-oper- ( ) . the case whose Barnes I dol aot re- aiion of the representative ot Ue K) member- bub unless - the ' teacher more than ten million negroes who w ' shewed malice, or 'permanently in- ate' the bone of contentioa; like yon, ( jafed the student, I thinb il would we do not believe that . any satisfso O have been' far better" that no char-1 lory. and lasting results c in be 6d- I es had beea preferred against him. tained withoat the approval and c6 ( ) . It would seem that the-V taacherv.be- operation of the dominant class. ;the ( ) lieves that he can shoir that no tmal- I'whites, in our section, and any policy ( ) ice was see', or permanent - injury j that makes for peace between (D8t( ) afflicted, as he appealed toSuperior j that means to bring as more clo-ely I C i - Court. ? ' toe ether so far s the pabbe good If J The teacher who takes ri oar enil- is toncerned. and the general.. uplift I ( ) dren in charge to mould their char (of our section, and ia that-uplift. the If ) aeters and impart correct instruction I uplift of (the nation as Well, is much j ( ) to tnem deseryes and needs the sup-j desired, by us, and our presence berejQ ) . port and sVmpVtbff fPto, ?,ar .J- that -the negrota of ( ) 01 iue Bouooit auu tue pairoa wuo aiississipi wuj ao uieir pari ia Dnng- ) heartily accords hini these is but de- big about the desired'endsitad hose ( ) iog his duty to his children and to aet te so conduct ourselves at any ( ) e'oonimunity arif whibn'he' lives, time as to embarrass youir well be- () o o o o o o oft timeid a'lotofEood, it helpa one to Cjure out the whys atd tie wherefores. Have yon ever aaked yonrtelf.wby itii that this tbre troa- ------- r . I ... o vtvjr. - w uy iv is tail jo taauy hundrcds.of the .families of FranJcib Count- como here 9 after iwca tofiupply all their dry good V clothing, nnd shoe and adriw their friends to do likewise. THERE IS A REASON It is becauwj thi ftore fAt JsGea, becauerKefU ntrve but the best it i pciblc tu secure for a Fpeeificd eura, because our prices are lower oa the f&mti qualities. The logical rtult of our greater purcliaj ing power. A teacher might make a mistake in gun administration. judgment, as we seldom find a spee- imen or pertection weanag mertali r PlnoRldffe. uu.uwuguu wr mm The school here is now charitably, help him to mend his ; . - faults, and remain loyal to. him; rath er than start an influence detrimen tal to order in schools. We should never desert him while we find. hira aiming to he just. The man who is not willing to en force order in the home or to have - in a flour ishing condition. ' A largo belfry has recently been added to the building, and a new $50.00 bell just received. Pine Ridge is improving in many ways. During the past winter several new dwellings have been bu'lt. Mrs. C. S. Nuna, our music direo- Arc You a Regular Patron of This Store If not give u a chance to make yon one. Look u, oTer, make compar isons and you'U readily pec why you should be. itomMuuHi.Bu.., u, "r K tor, of Rooky Mount, is now having uya w reoruu inai coniempuoie Q Tm . Knilt C. THE WHIPPING POST FOR WIFE BEATERS. The Times fully agress with the Baltimore Sun that the' whipping pest is far from edyilying. It is very brutal, but not near so 'brutal as wite beating. Twice Within the last few months has Squire Francis Smith, of Frederick, sentenced . wife beaters to receive from the sheriff lashes on the bare bask. Not long agj the same measure of justice was meted out to awileater, m Wasfr ington county. The sheriff of Fred erick county, before lay ing the lash on the bade" ofsaJohn Easlebrkrht. delivered a short sermon to the cul prit and hopei that the correction may ba a; warning toT him. The whippiag-post is a most, approprate remedy and preventive for wife beating. To stud these scoundrels to jj,il otto the. House of. Correction : tj; i- slight punishment. They cannot be hurt in their pride of self-respeet," because they bavg none. They are tirutes in that regard In. deed it is almost a libel upon. brutes to call the Avifd-beater a brute, for we believe tke wife-beater is the oaly animaL which 'will attack the female of his own species- The only way to reach the sensibilities of wife-beaters is with the lash upon hisbare back, well laid on. , A . bru ,4al, husky man, drunk or in a, bad temper, comes to his home and v vertb himself by .kicking and mauling the helpless woman whose protec tion- ig alsaest his . highest duty. u. Sueh a creature cannet bj? reached t by reason nor by any punishment except the lash should not be spared. Ten.applicationg were Joofew, " If each, one of these brutes "could khow lor a certainty .that whenever. Jho beats his , wife he will feel the sheriff's lash, women would be safer Let the good 4work go on Vntil .wife- ueauug oeeomes an unpopular diver i SlOnj'.. ; :V ZV.S ' clan known as Mhazers.,, I noticed m The Landmar of the 26th inst. that a poor boy was hung by the feet,s by that detestable set, until it caused his death a short time after being taken down. Lest our own boys become sueh as these, I think weoHght to submit to rigid disci pline in our schools. Axti H AZER. New Hope,lsJSC., March 29,1909. Commenting on the above the Statesville Landmark says, to which the Times adds a hearty Amhn: ; It isav great pleasure to Thb Landmark to print the above r sen- sible and sane view of discipline in the sehools and in the homes. The Lakdmsk dees not pass judgment oa the ease which suggested this discussion- as our corresponded dees notoit it d'oesnltv kjaow (ln xacts. , i5ut speaaing geaeraiiy, it is a serious matter to take the part ef a child against school discipline for it certainly tends to destroy the school. It is nonsense to say that a sohoel can be malntaiaed without qiscipnae, ana r no - sensible person will contead that the parnut,. whe is not present, should be the judge fin the matter of nunishinn -.a . child in school. There is too little gov ernment in the great majority of the homes, and if insubordination is en couraged in school children it means that he child is taught that it should not be' subject to any authority.' The result is net only hazing, the strong nere, just 10 front of the Academy, which she hopes to occupy soon. Commencement exercises ox J'me Ridge Aoademy, April 23rd, open 10:30, a. m. . Prayer Rev. A.. A. Pippin. Masio By school. 11:00 a. ra. Literary address Lawyer J. W. Bailey. Dinaer.- 2.-00 p. m. Preseatatioa of Bibl and Flag by .Wakefield "Junior Order." Presentation addreu Prof. HoltoD, Principal Wakeloa High School, Aeeeptance Sapt. R. B. White. . : () o () o 8 o wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwCwCOCCCCCOCCCCCCCCOOCO P. Wo Wheless, touisburg, n. 0 0 8 0 . o o 0 o Out f Job Department Under Management of : 1 ASHER F. 10HNSON 5 evening exercises :ou literary r ana musical entertainment oy scnooi. AT TMC RACKET STORE A WauUful lint of 5iylub S.it r-r fcr I3 and Children A worthy Wtjcxi cr.crp-kt4 ia sttl. ; M oppressing the weak, : but lawlessness - and ' anarchy end. - - i- C V'" it means in the IB LAIC i7m1um.11 J UMiOUCUoftUlgt ; 7 An operation for the - removal of the ' stomach, in a Chicago hospital recently, promoted - discussion among- the sur geons whether i the stomach could be removed and the- patient" De, none tne worse for it. t Before the discussion had well died but; the patient had died. . It demonstrated he could not live without his sf omach.To k6ep.i thexstomach ;in good conditian, and ;.ure; constipation, indigestion, etc.,' use " the great herb laxative compound, Dr.- Caldweirs : Syr up Pepsin. It.is absolutely guaranteed to do what we claim,' and if you. want to try it before buying:, send your kddress for a free sinle bottle.' to Pepsin Syrup Co.. 119 Caldwell Bldg.7 Monticello, 111 Jt is sold by . The - BoddiePerry Drug Con at "600 and fl a bottle, v j' ; Prompt Payment. Spr?nghope,. C, . ; March 26, 1009 Jefferson Standard Life' Insurance v Com piny, - ,-v Raleigh, N. C. Gentlemen: 'I. beg. to acknowledge receipt of check for Two Thousand Dollars in full payment of Policies Jfos. 1699 and 1600 on the life of Benjamin F. Edwards, of Springhope, N. C. As administrator of the estate of the late Mr. Edwards, I desire to thank you for your promptness in paying this claim. . Xhe prodfs of death was leceived' at your office on the 24th aud the check was dat ed the same day. This promptness in payment of death claims , by tho policy-holders should commend it to policy-holders. - ' " Very truly, . (Signed) S. A. M AKSHBURN, 4 .Administrator. Mr. J. A. Turner, who ia sDesial agent for the above Company, de livered this check last .Saturday. Mr.. Turner inionra us .that his company has just put en the mark et an Abnnal Dividtmd policythat guarantees in the face of the pol- 1,6 per cent V dividend First Year and the life of the.policTr,-A.hd he will be glad to show this . policy to anyone who. are on the market for insurance. ; , ; . - Remember that our Job Department, to which much attention will W paid, is cow under ttje manaRenieni of A. F. Johnson. : We arc Prepared to do al 'Subscribe ''to-V the Franklin Times. .$1.00 per year. Smiths Litha Water-for sale bv J W King: It s highry recommended by. all ' nhvsicians;" Good" for all aches and pain,? Rheumatism especial y, J ,W . King; ; w : i-y,-- ; i:- ciHEULES for iho'Kidnoj it 1 VANTBD SonJ hand bac and borlap any kiod. any avatttitr. unrtW nv freight. , Richmond Bag Co., Richmond, Ta Kinds of Work Ordinariy EXHIBITION O Turned out in a "Country I Office" And it is our purpose to fui nish good work at reasonable living prices. In order to do this we xaust.neceAsa.rily adopt the S - ' EmbroWtry, Lcc. VrlUng. White Good. Drcr s Gtvxj, Fancy Thmnjins lilies Ncckivrar You nre cordially invited to call and ittjcl thenj M RS A. M. HALL Stridly Cash Syflem in , this department. A. bill , t trill follow each job when da ,'..,''' .. livercd, and from this dale .. ,c ; .. -' - - - - ; we hopo our TJatrona will be . J ready to asiiit us int'xna'king J ' ' " " . this new departure 4 fncccas. New Goods We hav rrcrcd a UasUfal let of VKiu Ck,$K GirtfU. rriau U., full Um of Grata tU aa4 Collin. iSUru, Su ;tdr etc RcoW r cirry txxf rrrrrtti: aai i a rr6ci price. Fu3 Ut of frclu, cakes, cxrxd rlc Crodccry lt01 ..Artistic Printing.. 0HHH0-O0 of All Kinds ly ytm to cH oar ric orad:4 rnv forayou Wy. W wt CJr2j, Krrr at tWs warlft prk. . . . . THE ALSTON COMPANY Louisburg, N. C, o o o 0 o o o o o o o 3 o o 0 o o 8 o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o 0 0 o o o 8 0 o o o o o o o o o o o 0 00XC0XC OOCKX0Xx0 .-