'K6f Interest to the Women.; author arid ' we commend the ideala therein set prh-v7- " . . v W hat- makes a ' city great and tha. gerraea I r.ti ThiP arur fAnnH An Ait tkaT VH w- -Y-tM rrrhf thcgliisj rsteoiighf. JThen they marched their army to the top. at Half em UU), :f2TOBf& fill;;', - - Chroaiele to ask yWDat J4ot weal display nor titled I a'. -." boast od claim 1 ward sense, Not gross display 'of ppnlence. But right, that wrong cannot remove j And trath, that faces oivio fraud And smites it in the name of 'Goi. Its strengto not briek, nor . stone, ndr Wood, ? ' v - Bat iastioe. Love and- Brother-' hood. . '"' TO Statesvuie Lianq mars, i.:, ; OmW 1 he largest ehnrches in lawachnsetts: has official! barred trng fr em worship all women wko refuse ; ot to remov e their tiats before enteriig trengch. S A? the chareh ) aaitonini: vThe "tru ov. factories extenled length", : tees say that "the'f ancy milliBery. ot But men wha see the eivio wrong iv' f te1 present time attracte; teBtuvthai: women1 ? examining' hata than ing to I; - the Cherlotta v the trustees larations of Paul ib the 11th chapter I f',i; Kot fashion's lendly- t: 1st Epistle to the Corinthians, where- j But women, rich id yirtue's do wer, in It IS said j ' pwt eyrygwoniami i i ji aoie v nomes, inouga - liuiauie. prayeth er prophesieth ? with;g her j ' . still aregreat head ,ncovexed : disnonoreth ; her I Becaase of' serrice to the State. neaa: a oe washes, wm pouWJ What makes a city men can lofe? V V u,aeJ the out- , r swerea wnen eitiea to doo, iaaz jraui was. never ihlcontaet witn i modern 1 Diillmerj ereation andf had ne' con ";f ? ;. eejption'of it, and that nndef the cir fiomstaneftg as the v exist todst he vrnnld modifv his order. Unnr told of a Wilkes rain who n P0B a nation's hill, : mad .eh ood brandy and some- F A vmce tha eyU cannot still, ; tim iittU for th sfmaoh's A source or piessm w me iana; sake He mned a yerv pious wo man fwho used all her influence and a good woman's influence can. hard- - v I lv ke measured to induce her bus- band to stop making and drinking liquor. le ia stop oat ne Kept, a barrel of brandy fcr His brother, from. whom been separated, was to visit him and Brand new outfit; good and exper- it was his purpose to' celebrate the ienced workmen in all the departr occasion by tapping the barrel" of ments. We ara the people &ho brandy: which had-grown old- and brought the price dowu from 2 1-2 ... .r w. , cts. to z cents ana uunx we are en uUu.w ,.cu iu. ..,ip. titled to part ef your business. We wife feared the reiult of this cele-- will appreeiate any ..business you foration and while her husband went will give us. We go after Laun to the station to meet his brbther she dry every Monday and Wednesday bored a runlet hole in that barrl mornings and will deliver same , , , : ; , Saturday afternoon. If you have WUU,1A "w W any laundry you want to get off his brother all .that remained of the brandy was the splendid odor that permeated his ; nostrils. When . he realized what had happened the old man,-was furious and made' much ex cited protest Hii wife tried to calm him. "Remember Job and his afflictions, ray dear," said the good Wraai "D r Job!" .ani wired the irate husbamd. "He never lost' a barrel ef old brandy v v And it may be said that Paul rr ever preached, to women wearing Herry Widow hats or any of the mod era erations; and eipecially did he never sit behind one of the things at church or some other public assemblage when be wanted to see what was going on in front. X- The following is a speech, reiacsd to poetry, w hick was delivered at a May ICth, 17th and " architicture r- graceful r-Dnion of Confederate Veterans in Cola mbta, S. C, Mi folX-1'': " "18th;i906, and is published by request of an oId Yet:' faSrfiinii lWtK" The Tanke'ts thoncht ther had-in when the . wir Ci thought they had-us when the wir Citt beun; They daimed it. misfortune at the battle' of Ball Una. - Gnl Jackseo w hipped; them there, we will tell.yea the nuon why: lhe Coafederate Beys stide tbtm siafi, "Koot Hog or dir iiauing vdi yiwvym touBk uuU'. ; ' - v ; But they soon found out that theyVkad 1 no earthlysfght; v For the Cenfederata Beys whipped them at a.Cair field fic-itl1 4 Our troope down at Richmond were jmbued with eood action For they were under the command of General Stonewall Jackie a; Oar troops at Kiehmond were anxious "for a fighf Bdt the Yankees were oowirdly and kept out of sight! hereas thIitUe Moaitor'tnit ru to NorfolkfWeU peeked; ; She fought for seven fcoure alonjilde the Ilerrimte; : But .when she opened fira she made? the Merrimae sound She crippled her with a ball that weighed 480 pounds! FREE FREE ooo To-every person bricging their baby ta. my Studio o Monday, May 3rd, li)59. I will make freo of charge a cabinet negative and will giro the parents one photo of same absolutely free. No xrrouDes rcaUtinir 1 ?3nrlW Ol-o ith this offer and the parents must coma with the baby. Tbis date U ,1,10 . I.C1UI 111,1. J . v;l,o for White people only. On Tuesday, the 4th day of May. I will emergencies viJ." F""" otter to tne Colored-Vcaple. In cweaf rai- theio offcra hold ;he had long gt g7 (J tka Monday or Tuesday the following week. Coma on. and al d S. GOBB rvvvvv wvvwv W V ' EVERY BODY - INVITED I Jo MaVe" n Visit to My ' FURNITURE PARLORS Sri' &5 call up pnone 4 i ana wui nave ai boy there in- 3 minutes. Jno W King & Son s OPENED UP a nice line summer clothing, also THOMAS' CHILL PILLS Have No Kqnal a a Trerentiv or Cur for Chills. They not only Cure Thills, bni. Bnlld and Tone Up your System. For sale A L . L D R U G & I S And etc the Urje ditj4j o M ted all ktsd of House Furnishings I am tiZennz VI cf llfnu 4 1 tt Hi aa ip-cii c f ad rrde. C 4 - Danger in Too Much Kissing. oeienusts ana otners nave in re cent years prononneed cissingt-es pecisliy a promitcoous exercise of the oscalator habit dangereas and uasaaitarj, a practice that is liable to ceramanicate disease.: While it May be admitted there is something in the contention, there is. small likelihood cf any general uabandenmeat of z castom that is so inviting on occasion at least, bat for many reasons, which is not necessary te enumerate, the ' practice should be exercited; with N discretion. It is especially , danger ous to kits sick people or - a corpse. This is often done throagh affection aad sometimes because under the circamstanees it is felt to be a datv ta show affection in this way. 'Bat the danger is too great to take the 'risk. if.Ai Camberlaad, Ifd recently , a trained ntirse sacrificed, her life bv kissing; : paUent. : She r nursed a , siek, woman who became very mach attached , to .her and when the patient "was dying she asked the - nurse to . tissher. The latterdid o butj tha " act was fatal. Threughtha kiss disease, a diphtheretic tronbla, which , caused the, patient's death, wui trans mitted to the nurse and she too; died notwithstanding ' physicians If made every effort to save her life. spring and falfelothing, prices are all right. Here is some' special bargains m other merchandise that ntust.be elosed out; knives and forks, pocket knives, razors, dress inihg 3 l-2o per yard, lace lc to 4c I ( yara, eauco c, isaies sniri waists ir n 25c to 65c, belts 5c to 10c Some of V I these belts are silk- And coat H7n v J only 10c, hair brushes.tooth brush-1 V J es, axes, pat. andrews drapery 5c J C ) yard, ladies shoes, soap, face pow- f aer, na.mDurg; eagmg, men s sus-if n penders, . diamond dyes, corsets, j ) C Dahr tans far the bAVtiAa - ThftlV ' r - " 1 v above are bar trains. I V ) trH'7 o neadauart mm crs For C." (T () () o Sale of Valuable Real Estate By virtue of the ' power of sale con tained in a mortgage deed executed to the . undersigned , by John H. Cooke, Linwood Cooke - and Everard Cooke. duly recorded in the Register of Deeds for Franklin County in book-142. page 381,-'I. will 'on Monday, the 5th day of April, lyoy, at 12 m, sell to the highest bidder for cash,, a certain piece or tract of land lying .and being m Franklin county, ' State 7 af oresaidJ .in ' Sandy Creek township, and described, and de fined as follows, to v wit Lying on the Warrenton and Loui&burg road 5 miles from Louisburg. bounded on the east Foster and the Unds belonging to the x wuui, lu uuj.ivu iieaa oi cai- county,- used for the Home of the Aged and infirmonthe north -by the lands I tie, ranging from one year old merlyr belonging to'Medicusr Edwards; on the ,. r .;r. & r - s . What-: Hakes, a Strbnp; qity. Every citizen, of Louisburg wants , te'sea bg town? groaprosper We want more peopinpr r dustries provided themr'We?nead to ; lengthen "our cords, and strengthen ; aur stakes, -r But these things r'ate not' the chief ridi "Wa snay :i nt ve 'nbese.-and .yat baf :eakBWhat makes a city 8tr6ngJaM1iati5V 8 ) ) O 8 ) 8 8 () () -C) () O O () f i God io et and gd to wear. Oar Motto: Lowt Prie 1wjb, Bft Qnality alwayvProiopt D.Hitrr PHONE 47 My ICE HOUSE is now open and wifl ceatinue the .balance of thia verr. () J NO.' W. KING :V LOUISBRG, N. C. Cattle Wanted the west by the lands belonging to up yearlings Or bcifers. j estate of Mrs.AA. Hayes, de- . ' vv -: ;v.-..- ; olM:wti:acSt:edSB thW in Wkand get the cash: ; " ' : ' " 'S ' . Gussie Blacknall; containing 200 acres. morejr less, known as : the Virginia Cooke home place; and being the same tract ofj land conveyed by v S. Spruill Commissioner, to said John H Cooke and Others, by deed dated 5 May ; 17th, J906, and subsequently "on same day eonveved bv said John H. Cooke and others to A. C Zollicoffer. trustee' for IL. H. Southerland,; to secure a debt due said Southerland, and this sale is' made subiect to the said debt to Southerland secured in saiddeed of trust amounting to about $2200, the exact amount Of which will be stated on the day of sale This March 4th? 120d&t :v Tf --r:Vu -: : chas: macok; uardiah i of ChasV'D. i Baconi 1 Mortga H. i Yarborough, Atty. Dainty Easter Gift Ot& bottle of our prf ornery or toilet water makes an Ideal offeriRx. Est. cuuy pot op for the season, eltbtr will prove mora thin acteptabl to the fair recipttni. . JL ISA V. TaKc 'A Page Ad 4 mtiiE John . Williams ...-.. liOuisburg, NJC, - ; f ' : ' , " ' . " - FINE OPPORTUNITY" TQbUY t ... . . , V" I have about one thousand acre of lan, IrMcb IJam'twilling td ' sell 1 on lon.timeUf .'a,taaor.ab!c- cash payment . is . made. -Any ;ona- de siring to r. buy a., iarai wUl do wcl j ta see me, aa I will sell-in: 'lots . of 0 acre or more. - ;' r ' ; ' i,"-,7"x .Cn T. TT: BiexriT, ; W. E. WHITE Furniture Company touisburx N C ccoccccccccco CCCCCCCCCDCC V 4 Egerton's Emporium of Fashion Millinery Op enmg Tou are cordially ir.tito) l to b fcld Friday and Saturday, April 2nd and 3rd IWi tsif it TouiH U eurpri4 al nya-ntr. itj ' and pnej. All U lat-CHit tjyl. rait r"4 Wrls wilJ ! worth coatcjr nsjlr 1.9 see. Tea trjj) i jtn i, tbipp in our btS ttclt thai yu -rVt 4 f cla mUb 5ed at tbe price, id Gauic Vc?tj from 5cL up. from -1 There AreAl! The Odors" Tbst fmbioa hu- drtM 1J correct, n th6 Rood old tcenU tilt ti older pple tUH prefer. Ko joa tia telecl a bottlo for HER and her rvjtier. tt M well. . New tot ci EutT tVr' Carij jnt retcivej. .'i ' C) 0 0 () () C) C) o () o () o Q () () O () O C) 0 () o 0 () () () C) o () n Jo Louulmrj Ja tk UU cx4r zi mt!m. Tu, Oi. ( J V; ?? kx-'d to s ,lie tta. for UsTi tl t-ri. -i-mV. v ( )'.-; fer, tol-tjT lies. - - 1 1 j V y v r v y . Embroidered C o 1 1 a r 5 from Sets up. D nerj Good all ftvlf d ill f rice. Oar bujers hat reUrra frta ttn Kcrttra maiUtt aai utw sxcLs aj vts: in davlr. A tarcaJ ,a. tried to bar for cur maimer tUt kici. w will tst rw. wm irota f to rk call alUtlicm U tr liaei and mrill kitt big bttrti la all 4 .. ; SHOES,' SHOES SHOES W. ; R. Z. Eg - Louisburd, ft. C erton 5 1 0 0 0 ' ; i ' TiOuiflbuTg, N. 0. ' 8ee K. P. Hill if you wish to pur X'l find the question ns wered5jh the ANNUAL 7 STATEWENT . following- tines' by - an unknown kase any cf the above Unit v. ) 1 TEE tEASLEVVTC.-i r C;UG CO;' zzzzecco 1 v ' -vz-n,