V.' ;5 V ti ii j) j) ri I SAKD. IS-. A obserred loaomotiTo in the railroad yard, one i day; , , c V was waiting at the round hou8e,whrj thl6oomotivs tay;:, wa3 panting for the jonrney, it was coaled and tally manned, ln,i ;t had a box tne nreman was nuing iiui or sana. , t appears that loomoties can not always get a grip 'J -r J hn their slender iron pavements, 'pause tHa wheels are apt to slip; L when they reach a slippery spor, their tactics they oommand, k ; . 'ind te get a grip mpan the rail, they, sprinkle it with sand. - ' t'g about this way with travel alonsc life's, slippery track, - , t your load is rather heavy, and you're always'sliding back tt; )U'll provide yourself in starting-with a go td supply of sand. . your track is steep and hilly and Jrou have a. heavy grade,'.: f vou'd ever reach the summit of the upper tableland. v - ; 1 f,,u ll find you'll have to do it by a liberal use of sand.-?- f you strike some frigid weather, and discover, to yourcost , ' hat' you're liable to slip upon a navy coat f frost, - - - , r jrttu some prompt, decided aetion, will be called into demand, d you'll slip 'way to the bottom if you haven't any Sarid. t ! pfou can get te any station that is on life's schedule seen; there's tire beneath the 'boiler of ambition's strong machine, : nd you'll reach a place called Flusbtown at 'a rate of sj)eed that's 8? and, -f for all the slippery plaees you've a good supply of sand. . y ' ' : SUPPORT OF HOME PAPER. we 9 Ve Merchants Urged to Back the Local Advertising Medium to the Limit. fchelsea (M238.) Recerd. Aa uppreciative view of the home bwspapr is given i tne umce vat- Ktur, of Chicago, from which nv ke tbe foiiowiug extract: "Many a good town isn't worth a cent because tke !oal newspaper is nvgletted. Many a good merohan- lising center is dead beeause the 1 a i.i 1 : men in DUSUieBB ire&L iue eunui ui th newspaper as anobject of charity Tkis ia wronsr. 1 ne local paper is a . the greatest thing ia the comnMrnlty. It should be supported. It should be read and eatronized. The merchants 1 who think they are clever and smart er when thev slip one- over on- the local paper make a big -mistake. very dollar jou take away from the oal newspaper in schemes and -j ..... 4 . - . knocks hurts the town. It hurts the merchants wh indulge in it. - ' VV hate ver else you merchants do patroniae your home paper. . , Don't tell me that it has a small circulation. Don't tell me that you reach tem times as many people using circulars. Don't spring any ef those time-worn ragt ob us at all. Stop standing in Tour own lihL Get behind the lo- tal paper aid push it for all yon are worth. I don't mean push it to: the wall. Fash it ud srade to a position where it ought to be, and as sure' as you are alive you will push your ewm business up wit 1 it to a point you1 never dreamed of before. "When a man tells me that he reaches Kore people and gets better results from his circulars I know that he is deceiving himself and tell ing me what I can prove to be un true. A newspaper in the commun ity is read by the people. - They learu to wateh-for it, and when they gei it every member of the family wants his turn to see what it says. Adg and all are read. If the- mer chants ef a commuiity will f educate the neoDle to look in t.hn. nnwnnnnATs tor your announcements, the "people will reaa the paper mer? and greater WH be the returns.' uThere is no alley so long but that t has its ash barrels: and there is no knock so powerful or subtle but that n reacts. Do vourself a iavor and , 1 , ..:-( ..... local newspaDer and support itfor a'l Vou are worth." y- ' ':".:"M& 1 11 can De added tnat wnatever tne 1 local ton is of benefit to every business ian therein. made therefrom, the paper-making industry will be transferred from the United States to Canada. But the announcement from Atlanta, jGa., that a company formed there will make commercial paper from cotton. stalks, gives hope .that the ultimate development ot the use of the cotton stalk fer this purpose may enable the Southern stages to more than supply the home demand for paper. Experiments have been carried on for some years to determine : how v to utilize the fiber in the cotton plant f 6r paper-making. It has been dem onstrated that; one-third of the gross weight of tbe cotton stalk is pure cellulose or fiber of the best quality for making-all grades of vprint paper and to the 12,0p0,000 tons 'of cotton stalks produced annually in the South the country may well turn for' a. permanent supply of a- larie por tion of the. paper J,Uied. ! ' . One of the obstacles 0 the. use . of the cotton stalk has beeh the .. cost of the chemical treatment necessary to make: a pulp fromit . suitable for paper-making.. Its adaptability has been, well understood, but the cost has interf erred with its practical or extensive use: - Recently it has been discovered that the by-pToduct con tained in the chemical liquor after it has accomplished the dismtegra- rtion of the cotton stalk lias been treated in snch a way that it can. bt aade into & fertilizer which can bt used ; upon - the. ct-tton lands, and largely restore the fertility f those lands. The revenue received from the sales of tiis" fertiliser will reduce the difference ef cost between eot- ton-stals:. aod.Wfddrpalp paper. The 4, 001,000 tons of 'cellnlose ox pulp for paper-makisg that can lie obtained from. the. cotton crop of the How hto Increase :the Yield of Fruit - ..,. V 1 : Increased frmt'crbpa are more often the result 6l rood nunip meat than of good luck. 'Fruit Uees and fruit plants need a liberal -supplyof r-. --'v- V "' 'r: " , yuyuuuz uuiruunu Fertilizers k -The trees absorb plant foods that Is, nitrogen, phosphoric add ' ' and potash-rfrom the soil iust the same as anr other "cron. FTrri. 1 , ence has shown this over and over again. This truth-has become so J- wen recognized that . return to the land what the tree removes If yea '-would expect the best results !. has.' become' an axiom with the best growers...- -V .. ';v '- 7U- -" r,i"-- ' . ' ' ' l:4VfrA.pple, pear. peach; oranee and otherfruit trees-soon resrom! to' pear, peacn. orange and other fruit trees-soon resnond tirciui xeruuzauon. ; rsut oe sure to use tne pest lertiuxers . I made a test with other companies fertilizers " says Mr. H. O. ;;.;""Lowry,-:of Manatee County, Pla,,. and1. yours proved to be the best. -The yield where I used Virgima.Carolina Fertilixer. was just twice as much as where -the - other two C companies fertilizer was nsed.,t Hundreds of users sav Virsihia-Carolina Fertillxers are cheapest because of thpir good qualities give better satisfaction and crulcker SV results. y ' ,. i $y C t? r:.:-- - Many lacts oi preat interest ana value to inn: growers axe pur v lishedin thenew 1900. FarmetsVY ear Book, a copy of which will' be s.cui.iicc on appucauon to-any ot our saies omces. ' Virginia Carolina Chemical. Co. , Salts Ofic$ : Salts Ofuts - Richmond, Va. . ; Korfolk, Va. .Cotumbla. S. C. , .. 'Atlanta, Ga. ; Savannah. Ga. " Memphis, Tenn. ' tChemlpcay rarhaa, K. C. ' Charfestoo, S.C. Baltimore, Md. Cctombtts,G. MootgoixMrr.Ala Stirrreport, La, mm m m ' -w -w -w -"v "V "V U1 'U V "V Jr,V ,Cri1 WJFt f!ff fPftOTr"."; r t 1 n. 1 m M M ; riKa I ;. In A 1 IU In AL fcJAlMLi ; ; - ; HENDERSON, N C Three Hundred Tho sand Dollars -' 4 we are prepared t aero ram oda to cur palrots. "We Isve ri&s 2 vu mmucu ucMwivil un vui UOOZBf TOO. f .---'. - . ' ' .Watch Us Grow S. R. HARRIS, Prcs't CW rti A A AAA 4 S T. PEACE I EASTER - OFFERING Q Regular $1 Shirts M 75c 75 cU 50 cU - 3 rU Ladies WaisLs from 3Sc to wear. 110, Ltd it MtxsJta Cfcdrr- I - $100 Eeaxd, $100. .The readers of this papr will be ple&sd to learn that there 1b at lea&t one dreaded dia ease that science has been ab'e to core In all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Ca Ltarrh, Cure is the cmlj positiTe ctire sow Known to tne meaical fraternity. Catarrk being a constitation dianaHe. requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous - . surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, aad giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature m doing its wont, 1 he proonetors have so much faith in if s curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case tnat-it fails to eure. Send for list o! testimonials. Addres . J. CHENEY & CO , Toledo O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation IF WOMEN ONLY KNEW. What a Heap of Happiness it Would Bring to Louisburg Homes. Hard to do housewort with an aching back. Brings you hours of misery at leisure or-at work. ' If women only knew the cause Backache pains come from siok kidneys, 'Twoild save much needless woe. . Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kid neys, Louisburg people endorse ; this: Mm. J. H. Bobbitt Kash St, Louisbura, N. C, says: MI suffered for some time from pain in my loin Land an almost oonstamt baekaohe. I used Doan's Kidney Pills upon the recommendation of a friend and am pleased to say I received relief at onee. I do not hesitate to recom mend Dean's - Kidney Pills to any person suffering from similar ail ments." , ' For sale by all dealers. Pric 50 Foster-Milbura C Baffale We Ask You to tako Cardul.for your fenula troubles, because wo are sure St vill , help you. Remember that this greatlemalo remedy WINEff3 o r I! has brought relief to thousands of other sick women, so why not to you ? For headache, backache, periodical pains, female weak nesE, many have said It Is "the best medicine to take." Try it I - Sold in This City n THE BARGAIN STORE- W. B. COOKC a r?n im n nn k iijiiiii a 11 MM LYNCHBURG PLOWS AND CASTINGS In nil six, the bent taaJ. ff you h t-o bur plow com? and nif If you La ooe cf plows you cxtx grt mil kind and it of culinp l mr store, I 1q hav lot of rbo lh 1 ata M-Ui&i: below cot to make rctn (or .tbr tock. A He let of bamburgn and lacr that I am tlficfi tlow cct. Come and ae me before it t al pono. it Eats Up Rurt- X 6-54 will make no old, rusty j --10 vo, or drove Pipe, look like new-, because It eats up rust. When you wtup your Stoves, this Fait, Kive thfrn a coat of 6-3-4; It Is applied t'ke paint, will not rub off and CHINOS rfSCLP, ItatAO M. C. PLEASANTS Saves Hard WorK if Bro .X onr uvtu: nasn t are. Lcobburs. The Best Policy The Safest Company Remember the ana take no other. ama- cents. Koutn would be a, scrareo ot iuppiTlHew York, sole agents for the greater ir amount than is consumed J United States. by all the paper manufacturers in the United States at the present time.. been of no special valae" to the plant- jeak stomach, or stimulatingthe Heart er or farmer predueiBgr tke cotten. W Kidneys s an wron2. xrr snoop The planterhas had to deitroy the his prescription Dr. Shoots Restora- ft;,iiU K tvnin i,flm ; v" I tive is directed entirely to tne caaae , - VV J- , . V - 4 -r B . 1 of these ailments the weak inside or der.' to- .a esiroy tne- y&jux-ix tnis cbntroling nerves. - It isn't so difficult, rv Sv.---,'.. ' I stomacbiheart, or kidneys, if one goes now; promises, to De, wui aaa um- at it correctly Eacn inside organ nas told railfioiis oi dollars annually to its control ing or inside nerve. -When . f . , - , , . -these nerves fad, then those organs that section, of oar country which .. is mUst surely falter. These vital truths . . - ... . j ana and oddle- tabllfhiQT:he tates producing I perry Drug Co. The strength, consarvatisra. economical management of the and Equitable Life Assurance Society of The U. S. Last Call For Good Soood Horses, 1 will havo a car of bor to amT W4ney, Mtrtb Ziih VL insure. The liberality and adaptability Mt until th fall. Come and wmc .jnic if yoa want os, aa Uy ott iaci long Make it the safest company in which to of the New York Standard Policy Make it the best form to select. Full information- and rates furnish ed upon request. Addresa R. H. DAVIS, t, m. c me great . inuunwy 01 paper-majviug Restorative. Test it a tew aays, .i i-:j. ;ii l se!..imTrovem.ent will prompUy lri,?;;i:ifi-";-; . surely follow. Sold by The 13 Beauty of Body. 1 1 -.fUk'i, a healthy body Is a beautiful btdyr and beauty of body, is , to be . preferred jo beauty of face. It 4s easy enouirli , her body is in good health f To VinC -t Kooq neaitn tt is necessary to keep lQe stomach active -and f thAKn-mais "fn- iiscan best be done by the x,r. aiaweu s byrnp Fepsin, the jreat stomach, liver and bowel reeulai i' 11 13 absolutely gnaranteed: to do wnat VfQ Claim onrl 4f j. ? t before buying send your address for ?ifarene? ftle to Pepsin SyrupCo., rr'SSi Monticello, 111.. It a XZ1. ddie.PerryD.rugCo., Vi a uouie. PAPER FROM COTTON STALKS. statements hay been made re Peatedly by those conversant with' industry that if thft tariff ,; Any lauv reauer ut ims paper win ie- ;, COiiee siraincjrcoupon pmucgo,- - xjtuiu Dri ShoopBac4nevWisit is i silver nlatiid. verv trettvi and nbsitively rnre- ehts all dripping of tea orcoffee.1 The p . - . ' --i 11. .:iu" az mji. m.. a . n Healta Coffee sfenply to introduce! OT u gDUU Jiiiiiuifiii mmm iw this clever snDStirate ior reai couee. v.v'- - i'r' Dr. Snoop's Health Coffee is gaining its WaWllIjg, f penetrating Oil Q creat popularity because : of, first, ;'ite : i;;! '': 'T, All Broke and Sold on Easy Terms One pair largo well broke tauim. No tavrv taulci uttil lh faU. Be quick. The old, old Mting, th 6riaball b It, axd lb lat KU bo first. Now liaten. Firat call to tbe Voys. Buggies Baggies Buggies I have a ear of brand new tfaJtisiorv Buggi, tbe at is itc diseajidFan Grocery store In front moT&. Comt and aeefor yonrU. I will 11 tbra 00 fall tin, a4 of W. H Murphy's Meat Market. Mr. . A. B. Collier is with me and will 'Be if you can t pay, I will lake them from you and r.av a adnt trxt glad to serve promptly all my friends fjUI 3 nol tveQ CMx your nam. Too taty get a wife bi teaat. Sow anupwvuo .Ujrv-.K w - , , r , . Notice I have opened a General Merchan- J. F. MURPHY,, Wagons Wagons "Wagons Hickory, best of alL riedaoal, tonp ttUr ca!t bccTe made, 1 and 2 Jjartc, See me before yoo Imt. , Harness ess ess pleasantsurprisetSoIoVbyll grocers. venience. JNQaiDuszv w. ow P"18 ry- -Jt' J'u 4U with boilirig. c "Made in aminnte says , Dr. ment are -SUCh that Wit tl Bnoopxry;wayiiB,v:-.. are warmedtCthe' in flam- maiioh and congestion scatteredfahditheSrUet ill Suiar Loaf Cotfori Farm's Highest Grade fv"' V'r. '..-i ; rarra aeea. ,: .f - Two crops' annually - producing $500, per acre the 0 increase of the ; Products three fold. . Fer full ' information send address on post card to : - J ? , r . ; MITCHELLProp.; ; . ' - J",Youngsville, N. C. p-ft: tt Vie.iim-.tUmA Sciatica. Lame Bact SUA lAi.f. -r.ri Sore Throat. Colds. b train. i- ; rnt Rrn5. Colic t. rimes. Indlflrts. tion, Toothaci'e, and all Nerve, lione a nd M osdj Acnes ana runs, kcuiuhc on every pack.ge. ajc, 50c. and i-ooby al I deal ers in medicine every waere. . raxupro uj juto HUYLEtoCANDY j ALWAYS - f IMiSH; .. ":. I Hi The Scoggih Drurt Company AU kinds and prieea. Juitlool! My cw alci )ct Warririrg. I ret of good harncts will jaato nxn-awsyt arui brclo liba. Giiaiio Guano Gtiano Shirley Saper-PbMpcaU 2--2; Ifaepfcm TcW Ga fai, j Cotton 'and Tobacto. Tbe hmi that eaa Ihi boolst fer, tL rrejm. - f -All of the Aboro will bi told on pood ey Utxts, Hale ny UU headquarters when yem'an la town. "Plcniy roeta aci gc4 rtel waur K P HI LI en off wood pnlp 6r the (paper tOAHREMEDYCO.,niCHM0ND,yA.,aBOTOW1IMi.,W.t. riUJ Dr.Sh: t r '-7

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