-'..-. , . :. ' . ... , i ..- . ' ...v. . " " ; I ; 5 V i1.' r -77 7 - .77 : 77 ;v. P'"' ' A,. : V: )" , 77'7'- 7' !f 7r7x:, .-71 k'7 :V' . .' .. r ;;,-.'. v. 7T7 ,a7 ; 1,1.'. v.i., i W;'7 77j"7 7 7 '..V;-v--v: ;.;7J:7A777:i;Aid , T 7 UOCAL.S. Now is the'tirae to greasw the wbeelt of yur business ; with print- It will be t vour interest to wateh) well your advertising at this season' of the year." ' " ; - Severa.1 papl froim Tonngs-r ville carae?over to attend the enter tainment Friday nistht.; ' .' , . Work is prom easing finely on the new residence' of Mr. W. P." Ed wards on Winston heights 1 '5 We are sorry to learn of the critical illness of . Mrs Hebecca Sandling, who lives about five miles west of here. , . The railroad , bndgo crew left here yesterday for Louisburg to put in twe large corrugated irjpn culverts under the road bed about one mile from the depot tbere. , The small boys went over to Lomisburg yesterday and played a game of ball with the boys of that place. We learn that the playing was vary good and the score 'result ed .3 to 6 in favor of Franklinton. We are requested to announce that a speaial called meeting of the Junior Order is called to meet in its hall on next Monday night. Wrk m the initiatory degree will be ir order. All members are reqested to be present Hon. T. W. Bickett will delir.r the commencement address for $be Franklinton Graded School April 30th, 'at 11 o'clock, a. m. All the patrons of the school are urged to be present. The public is cordially in vited to attend. r ' llev. A. D. Willcox, of Zebulon, and who is a member of the Mission ary Board f the North Carolina cenference, gave a ,very . interesting illustrating' lecture in the opera house here last night. The main object of lecture, from a financial point, is to establish a Methodist ehurch at Middlesex. ; Rer. J. H. Shore, of Greenville, will preach at the Baptist church in Franklinton, the annual memorial sermon to the order ef Odd Fellows on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The lodge will attend in a body. All the people are invited to be present. The pastor Rev. T. B. Justice will supply for a chureh in another part of the State on that day. Personal. O. D. Hawley visited Raleigh Monday. W. M. Best wet to Louisburg yesteiday. ' Miss Fannie Bullock went to Hes ter Saturday. Mrs. G. E. Rid g way is visiting her peopleiB Richmond. Miss Mattie Ballard went to Henderson Saturday. Postmaster W. P. Edwards went o Louisburg yesterday. Mrs. C. F. Best visited her people in (Louisburg yesterday. Mrs. G. L. Whitfield went to Ra leigh Tuesday on business. Dr. R. B. Henderson went to Raleigh on business Tuesday. Mjiis Katie Bet Morris returned to her school at the B. U. W., Raleigh, -Monday.;.' xi:.- '";"''. r v : Miss Josephine Henley, returned to ichool at , . Salem ... College last ' Thursday.; ;:; . ' ;J l;t y , ; ; 4 Mis. F. L. Fuller and little daugbr ter, Lncille, ef New Jersey, are visit ing relatives in town. , ' :';; ,' . : Mrs. J: B. Perry and Miss Zola Mitchell ...of "oungsville 4 were in town opping yesterday. r " Mrs. Mary Vines and -Miss 'Ellis, v.J.; ! ; ."were among tnose wno attemaed tne ontertainsaent Friday ; night from ' "'i.:ii-v:V ngaviUV. V,' ..-fJ. '-i'S, X QUUVXl!UL9jWtf&Vk! 7?7-mA77477Q:7: ..',',;' r 77.,ui .;4-;iy?i .vwwf.'vrV ';t; 77:2 &77:' Y777r FRANK i era of Vocal Music and j Voife in the J3aptist University for Women and Mis Phyllis , Woodall wbo':ia doing post graduate work ajt thatin institutioR, were induced '. to' 'give a musical ecital, instruuental and. vo cal at the Graded School Anditoriun The songs were of a high order of musical art ana rendered with great ability. The Misses Day who did .the siaging, are without doubt the best, qualified in their line ,of work of any, trainers located in. the. State.". The scope of voice, accuracy of tone and melody made that feature a very satisfactory one, the violin ist was an expert and. -whether she played difficalt pieces regarning ras- tery of bow and btnng or - touched softly the plaintiff strains of some familiar air, nobody wanted her to stop and it was with regret that the audience realized that, the program was finished. We hope ere long to have an opportunity to bear a simi lar program rendered. Good Road Supervisors Meet. , On last Friday morning the Su pervisors of Good roads, elected on April 6th, held a preleminary meet iu; for the purpose of organizing anu to appoint committees to investigate the places of building roads and th proper kind of machinery to be useu The following officers were elected. Chairman S. C. Vann. Secretary B. T. Green. Treasurer Citizens Bank. A committee of four compossed of B. W. Ballard, S. C. Vann, C. S. Williams, J. W. Sandling were ap pointed to investigate plans and ma ebinery for working the roads. This committee accepted an invita tion, from Mr, A.. H. Vann to . take a througb-the-countrv trip on, the Automobile to Wake Forest where they had an engagement with Mr. W. G. Allen, Supervisor of Roads for Wake county on Tuesday. On this trip Mr. I. H. Kearney acted' as substitute for Mr. J. W. Sandling who could not go. The committee will likewise visit Warren county and Louisburg, and possibly other places where experience in road building has been had, before pur phasing any machinery or anything else. We learn that it is the purpose of the committee to make every dollar spent on the roads count one hun dred cents,and that work will be begun, as soon as they can possibly get everything in readiness, after the vote has been canvassed by the County Commissieners in May. Youngsville News. A representative of the Times made a short visit to .our neighbor ing town of JTouhgsville one day this week, and gathered the follow ing items in that pleasant and "hust hag" town: The Bank of Youngsyille building is being treated to a fresh coat of paint which will greatly improve the appearance of same. Mr. J. H. Timberlake is erecting a new residence on the lot adjoining that of Mr. J. S. Timberlake. Mr. C. G. Cheatham has about eempleted his new residence on Franklinton street . and has moved his family in. Mr. J. i5. "erry made a large shipment of cotton Tuesday!- Our little town is on right 'much of a boom this year and it' is up to our citizens to keep it going.; , Yeungsvilie ball tetni urider'7the management f Messrs. R. C; Under wood and ;1 J.' T. Vf ilson 7went : to IndeMontanoV , played :. V pretty game.of ball last Fridavi resulting in a score lot 11 to 3 in ' f aVor f Youngs ville. ; ; The? ; features ; of the game rePttie pUchingo Bakeir" for Henuersoh aiiid 8ii paying oi , Tfin- ston, at short-stop and. the home runfpFhitaker, Cv m the;9niin iung, "with, jbasesolt f or: Youngs ville. Our team played a very - fine came.1 f erKiuson .,oacK an tne- ame this the y delight 'of - ey. eectthebest Anyone wiahin him(ind7he will V--. ' ' Til. '. ' I N TT p,N - WEDNESDAY S3 S3 "J v McGhce 7"' . r .; -? : GOOD LOOKS IN FRANKLINTON'S BIGGEST lose Dr. I. G. Kiddick nd his xoj-1 Iftflt wifu ti'o ara fin VttU vv. iiin-u- n favored our town with ou of hi appointraents and we are nur the election of Dr. Riddick as Prison : Physician will be appreciated bv his many friends throughout the Statn. j The Youngsville Gradel School commencement exercises will be held Wednesday, April 28th, in the Grad ed School Auditorium. Prof. R. H. Ferrell and his able corps of teachers deserve much credit for this another successful term of the school and our citizens teel proud of tbeir school and well they may, for it is one of the best schools in the State. The town primary last Monday niht ended a very warm campaign for some of the tows offices and the boys are once more (the CMef espec ially) enjoying a breathing spell and are relieved of suspense. The result was Mr. Clem C. Winston unanimously nominated for May ot ter the next two years. The vote for Commissioners was as follows: J. B. Perry 59, O. C. Cheatham 50, J. W. Winston 54, J. W. Woodlief 46, D. W. Spivdy, 58. The best speech made in the prinUry wm that of Mr. H. B. Winston tn nomi nating S. E. Winston for Treasurer. It was a gem of thought nd per trayed the progress of the town down to the present and his ef fort won mu(ih, applause and con gratulatioE from those present. Now the primary is over let all pull t getherfer. the" upbuilding of the town and for unity.1- : " - ' , : -.f i.r: V7' , r 7 .7 , , 7 ;" Mr; John A. Willia roe, . f Boles-' viUe, has moved his family hero and has accepted a position with Spivey &--Timb6rlaker 'i-;-:7l.':vT- r. Quite a crowd of our people went down tfi"Mooje,a yond where they enjoyed a picnic Easter7 V 7 7 - Our two planing mills - are , now runnine on full timo and. ship about 8' or 10 cars of tiraber7 eaeh week. Why can!t or bvsiness men get , to gether .and startaome other -enter- mmmmmmmm SO - Joyncr Co. '. - H " ; ' DOUBLE SATISFACTION HIGH ART t ,-. . , m n High Art HIGH AKT CLOTHING 14 cAT (His. richt whn jou buy il, but Alay right alur yoa wear it! It U rr.a'W rf tlie brt and purrt fabne-s. itWu-d by an able corr ef expert witb icf.nit PA care &a to quality orth. o i.al K'j the rinc tailoring whicJi i ar. n;ar- t'J able feature of hih art cl -lhrnr hx lA XouodaUon upon which to abide Wfccu put to the test of service, it wiil wear ,3 and keep ii dtyle 53 why wo sn it! The new prins S3 rt(uiTP 3 xor your cbooainc! You pay lew here V-3 for the r.n t 10 cf.v) McGhee-Joyner Co. THE STORE Red Road Items. f r r i irmers are an verr bur ;p!mins their cora crop, and ilo i jetties raad v for the tobaaco and i cotton crop. The Sindsv School chUdraa cmr' eoiiien ai Mountain Urove scad t my Monday night of last wak. It was gitratly enjoyed by all who at- J tended. A large nnmber of our neighbor- j ing boys and girla attends! the pie ; nio at Guptoa's Mill Kaatt-r. Theyj reported a nice time. j MiM Carrie Ball, from Franklin- j ton, aocotnj anied by her coain, Missj Martha Morton, spent Kater with her parents near Alert. j Beauty of Body. A healthy body U a WaoUfat bdy, I and beauty of body U to pn"fertl j to beautr of far ft i xor a woman to nave a crf complexion it her body is in xh health To Jr. -rf - 9W J r - w ft w sure food health tt is ne.eivary to rp the stomach active and the tiwU orn. This can best be don by the use of Dr. CaldweU' Syrup !pln. the great stomach, tlrer and bowel rriruU. ! tor. It is absolutely gvarantred to do ' rhat we claim, and if tou want to tr I It before buying, send your addrcs for f " w w J J I U It 1 is ol. by The Boodle-Ferry Vrvs Co., at 50c and II n bottle. Read the rain formula on tb box of Pink Pain Tablets, Then ask. vour DtMrtor If t lT la n KMn - wwi 1 am where. Dr. Ship's 1'iok lain Tabku chec h-ad paina, womanly i-sltw, ra anywhere Try net and see! -0 for i$c Sold by The Iloddie-rrry Drug Cx Fancy New Orleans Sufir bouse mo lasses. Genu too St. John's. Portoric molaMes, Excellent sugar ayrnp joit received by Tbi It. W. liallard-Co. Fancy New Orleans Sujrar house mo lasses. Genuine St. JohV rortortca molasses. ; Excellent surar syrup Jot teeeiTedbj The D.W.BaJUrd Co. j i ..... . For Sale. 7 7 ' Ond nici "bttilding lot; on lb Winston heights.' Ayplj at onco to ".7 7v- . ".-' . '-, " ' 7 r . 7 C D HaWlit." DR F"0 RD iJTankiinton. X. O, ' McGhee-Joyner Co. GOOD CLO THING . . . f v 'JW.'.I . 'r Clothing t 'A ad hzpe --that's modU in 11 mart PMacj r r-aJT for the be I than o!awK A . A : OF QUALITY" AND BEST I? XI TlXITt Tt TITt Tt TtXl rl N Spring Millinery And Dress Goods ? I 0 MRS- M -C. HENLEY, ;cn S - ! J7 I ( JOliri Roberson's Great Circus Coming i , S V0 1 f t fl "hU we 14 y. i ittf fZam Compute Orr.bciaUcsa Coltiwn ax.4 (0 rows. pUr.U t Cc'.U dUirit-m - oo time. Crrat icspruvrtru ha J U will erx thr au 12, IS or is pr-xcr. 5 fe1 "r- Gruhasn raiaJ 1 03 wtllod PJowa, cv fcnd two hce, Bwt Patent aJ "H6,if rktr. t better, try t, quart f cr Soaday :THE'; B. iW. dci very. irxcl rr tcsiacas, ca lie f cr ch. ... . C . :? u ; 1 1 M r; WEAR I i t r i i e f 5 STORE EL XI X Tt T. T". TL Tl Tl Tl T X rf-t vrt Urvi. '..tr;r r;r;tif rc.ca ! fca a l;r.e f tl 1 t ri It r.ii ffr: j ci? too to r. aJ aarr. fx- rr ; tuxt J f e yto k.i ifr.-naxa lhaa rt drrut CVca fTAistrrs,. U ric?i a. Cvaa ajad cmVra it trw4e la CcUn put - tchs 4jan, or cw J t, UiUs tb 5yrit V irr yea s. t.vt ra Jo- fW IvJ ctr..7" tK , BALLARD CO. r I- 'I ;: I 5.M J r I K. i If !v '. Si t 1 ! t i S O&ca in Starjoton Baildinff. f J1 , ,7o'7-".' - v"5l-'&? - . ; 1 pllie.- f New is a good time; -1 ;