AMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR. Ci: TffB CpUliTY THE STATU, 4 HEC XJIXIOIT. SUKOirpTICW 51,00 TZti TIaB ALSTOII BPI&R3 OFFICERS ARRIVED WITHHIU SUNDAY EVENING. The Graad Jury Found a True Bill Against Him For Killing Kaziah Jones Three Jekrs Ago Trial In August. programme, gave some i46a ot tkt exclleney of the ;day's j programme. The prizes wre awarded im, the af ternoon, the presentation speeches being tterby' Rev, Go.'M. Duke and Br Aj H." Fleming "of rLooii- uure. i vro regret ttiit v f itArt in i GALA DAY; AT CASTALIA. ' - '-. of th e -winnera : .of The Closing? of the School hx --7 V. That Place.-. . ,: In'company with Attorney-General T. TV. Bickett, the editor attended the' commencement exereiseaTof ' Caa- J R Colli returaed'last Sunday a united pull together on. tho part of ;n. iu tiraw ptniw, linefrero Botton, UusM whereliti teacHertmtoea'and patrons, attendance waa I art;, and tke went to bring Phillip .Alston,' (great good wUIpontiano tobe accom- d-'8 Pgrammeliighly ntertatning. OUT OF The young men v composing the class contesting for the ; declamation medal acquitted themael'vea -.hand somely and ; with v.much much ee that the credit-rso Judges- were al- get xroa name priseaA -vr i ' V?" A p I Ulw Jereparatery: School vea ;Wed- ,The people ef : Bnna, are -jaitly f,eiaya?a n the language of ntarr proud of their acheoL ,'It has' 4one ?XC:ewy ':on.;5:PaV'v-X-J dl.- tt a irQmov .nW mnfth fnr tht'niwMnTliwi- w?th 1 certainly gtcd to be - there.w:. 'r The- Mr J R. Colli, returaed-last Sunday U united pull together mnAh part of X:10 almost perfsct. evem tber colored, who saot aadilled-Jiis eel- pHsked. ored sweetheart, Kaziah Jenes, in w ,In ctmpariy with. J J, Barrow, the "Cripple Creek" section ;-of the theditor and his fnend Thog. Dean, t,wn, aboat three years .age. The of WillQW Springs (one of the founds .K,tirnr took nlace on'; Saturdar era of Bunn Academy) spent the ni-rbt and the murderer fled the same mgbt at the hospitable homeof that mtBl P1" lu . - . uccme nlght and has not been seen in ihest prince of geod fellows," - ifr. W.A. uP the w1QDer. : iThey , finally 'einse until last, Sunday. cYeV JMMtti; Sr., and to say that wer;"all awarded it to Ru.seU Bartholomew nc We hospitablyen tertained doesn't -rni object being -Mother . and rru, 0.inM tavn ifnr. tVi half exuress k X The sood wife.: the Home." The fuU class waa as f ol- v.mnr fttthtimeof the-killin? is Uauffhcer and the beysw all make Uwif C. Pledge, A; L.I)entoiv most damaging to the while there was noeye the shooting, the circumstances concluBiTe that the shooting was pre- sured that a hearty welcome . awaits meditated- Joa Since bis arrest it is reported that Phil qHaiita tha hnntinw. hnf. claims i The Orohans. that it was -accidental." It will be L The singing class ' of the Oxford "T dre8,' aDd tor one. hoar w very hard for him or, any on6 else Orphanage.wiU give a concert in the to prove that claim to-the satisfaction Peach Tree Baptist church, in . Nash of twelve men. Etis trial will come county,at 11 o'clock, a. m., May 21. up at the August term" of court. . , - A small admission fee will be. charged ' "N and all who gomay expect to be well Military Election. i 1 entertained. Turn out and give the piisoner,and one feel at hee, and in departing . F. Boseman, A. . Deans, Russell re-witness to from such a place it is easy to prom- Bartholomew, Hugh Parker and Ar- tnur ureen. are I a "J vituw aK1"? icei- a- At the conclusion of the declama tion contest, the Principal, Rev.- G. Y. May, introduced Attorney Gen eral Bickett, who delivered the liter In accordance with the order of worthy cause afulLhopge the Adjutant General the election . , for a Captain of the Lohisburg Rifles, ; . , ,v- Elegant Barbecue. . on account of the vacancy "caused: by Mr. E. S. Ford. gave- - an elegant the promotion of Captain Thomas to barbecue to a pumber; of ' his friends Major, took place on jFridayFeyeliin. ! aihn-!nmmeiprhdm5pat. hixfit. i ant C. H. Banks; was elected Captain He contemplates" moving his : family unaniraouslv by acclamation, and out about the middle of May. His Swond Lieutena.nt J. A. Turner was house- contains four .comfortable elected in a like 'manner as First rooms with a wide passage" through the centre. It is located amid 'ithe make, and at its cob el u ion he : r.niVAri mnnv ftnnfrrtnlnifn pines. Lieutenant. For Second lieutenant there was quite a npnrited, though friehdly con test, between Sergeants S Gf. Bod- die and J. R. Perry. Perry was electad on the first ballot by a jrote l of the Farmeis Educational and Co of 27 to 12, some of the members operative UTnienj of 'America, will ad- not voting. As yet the Captain has dress' the people at the following Appointments. Mr. W. D. Harrington, Organizer not anounced the officers. non-commissionec R. F. D. Carriers. Ia response to a call of C. T. Nicholgon, President of the Franklin county R. F. D. Carriers Association, a meeting of the carriers of the coun- House May school hous 5S at 8 o'clock: DuiTJc's Towirsmr. Pearce'a Alfords' Pilot . Bunn - . " Pime Ridge HAKRfs ii Math 'Rock Cafton- 'V' 1 Strickland's ldetring:- j&.3r6speci: 'Freeman Vv 3rd. .4th. 6th. 7th.- 8th. Township. May.:; 10th. Ilth. .; 12th. 13th. vOL4th. 15th 17th. nave -never seen an anaiecce gye better attention or who seemingly 'were ever better entertained. To sum it up in a nutshell, the speech was ona of the best and most appro priate that the editor ever heard ,hini re-An attempt on our part to give a synop sis would do the speaker great in- j8tlCO.v , We are unable to give a- full: re port of Jtbe tntfre-'progirammebut all eayhatvall of - the; fcxeicwes :; ere Very interesting and reflects credit upon the Principal, his excellent corps of assistants, and the pupils. The following were awarded wed als: Recitation Medal Miss Blanche Jones, of Halifax county. ; Declamation Medal Russell Bar tholomew, of Nash county. Scholarship Medal Mis a- Sallie Bridges, of Elm Oity. - Music Medal Miss Mary Hollings worth, of Franklin county. x A bountiful dinner was served on the school campus. and ; most :cenacrratlYe man, " who wer dwelt is mr xaidsti - and . th "mother of ; Mr. ArUur "Arrington, who survives hsr.. o mother, aTsr loved a o with a cepar devotioa, and; hi filial respect f and Undar coarttsy: : wben Arith her," and i the'af -facbocate'teno: of - his letters 'whan away, w era ha delight of r her , lift, thatjsttlroinated in ' k :' beaatifal ra. dunce, whrb little Arthur br san to aapplement his father mestengtra .to "deaf crandmothr.N - ; Aoe wriwr is an oj ana sinoere friend ; aud 'as aha vaulted the bow ed forma'6 the two Arthurs,1, bead tug o'er, the grave of their loved oar, sho remembered that just one rnoath before they bad atood togetherVat the grave ait. i.uiie Amnjxoi, n wite and mother who was laid to rest in . Oak wood cemeUry. Sorrowa, sural v have not ceme t them ic aia - gle'filealV: " ;, And- by the grave was aoothsr woman; f.ith(ui, dtroted Mrs. Pitt- man, .who for more than thirty yeara oas Deen me truiiwoxtny nouaakeep er, protector and eonstant companion of Mra.: Arriogton. So worthy aad true baa be been in the dtachavge ef hex duties, that the love and repot of the rslativea will abido with .her through life. ' The f on era! exereisea were on Anntmti Uit T.v timr, if Ti.i - 1 the uiioecs 01 Mra. Amngton'a near neighbor aad . - - - i THE T.IQVIIIG PEOPLE. 'K-XCA J nea. - . THBIIl EOTXUBirrs ' III ARB " J" M fTMftJ all tLar tM I Those Tho Hit Tlslted Ionlt!aranoa i ; hurr the -Past fcWikThoif VUj di H i Ttsy , Who ; Hare Gone EUo where J u hxr9 tu e&act fvr .for Buslnots cr Mexsarc. lws n triple- !ne a2var9 Ur. 8. Davis mamadUuia W.ia tT t4 week froaa a vU.t to Warrenua. "la awxaro-- iWy aro .,M.JLJ.doek.,of. Cl!ase City. uTT r? Vataviaiting at Mra. Mary Fci I f-. tejVi. ; and grow ipiato prmaasi aute x aa the daya r&U by. . Mr J. L. lUi, .f Kim.ll, U ,b. i( r vm e,wI - BmwJ a3 net at the e!ub r base arov4 11U Annie J" oatsr, of Lacral, waa latere or public t litre a tltitor at Mra. Caddie 8iritkliad'a Vothbg cSUt tbeLaxrt f a J tag this week. ' , wife oo cplckly aa thia, to . fcJ ii.n ... Ur. F. W..Whala and Mxtttx -o ia aprtcld by c5J artdiS Frink left ytattrdsy to riait rtla- arvi old haaau ntker tlaa lis wife. Uvea in Sutetville, x To U Uft alcn crttu errptdsn la Mias Ocnia Tackar, wbo haa Un ie miwd of the Tons wjt aac uaahiag in the IBgh School at Kit- btart Utllnv troll, returned hoc this week. lt 1 tr 4 B,r,7 eArri asan I Mr.C.lL BtJm.son and bride ef Dl n V SuUtTills, wUl arrive la Loakburg fT.tT,a kwU- to-day, to v'uit hit relaOtta, M.aara Jbrt jatloj aod hard Wbja F. B and D. F. MaKinnU. b w,f, 4 nb Mr. W. M. P.raon atJI Vuh . -loo om.b a! itS. aif at- n t. u . -lucuon to olttr wenu ta U,e tit week. u, Jage O. U. Allea, no court waa bald UQtU yesterday. of cumtd tm. Oae can be rta ant aad aocUU wjtheat Uavlog tbe latpraatioa Lhst be U tf Ma friend, at her requstt, landing, iu I Mr. T. W. WiUon wxa called to wtfe and wUht to make btt ooa. front otthe ciiket that htld the pre- arren last Saturday to atu&d the HttetU penak, cf tb. fU3da cioos clay, he read with gTat fueling funeral of hk au at, Mrs, Dewtin, I troit. I caie net whit the ttlzt her faTorlte chapter from iSL John, mgaiy Miecmea uay. el Uiat ceca- n0 A -. to commenting thereon, and applyiog ty. Uoiopda such caaftrra. He has the scripture aa he proceeded, lie Little M'us Beveria Ptaxoo to- Ukta ctV vwa ap-ca turxML llii narrated with touching pathos many tarned this week from a vuit to tar k tart and life beleng to asotbtr, and beautifal aita of her character, and aunt, Mra. J. JL Tucker, at Wloaloa- he ra&a. be tree,. dwelt with glowing eloquence oh the Salem. , Her mother atet.. her atl If I vr a Ctr taarrkd rata iigai, mx emmawsa irom wit- dooi; tuieiga ana ateompanteO. bar ncraa, I mmld do y JaVtl bel , to taake the atrengthening infiuenco that her - Mr. Malcolm McKiwa, ef Priao a Urwg' xTr mjiOf col -fTf . I christiap fortitada and child-like ton,Jebnaton count, accompanied cu uct tay if,a fi ve faith had upon him. "She waa eour- by his brother, Mr. D. F. McKlanie, support u. If I 03aU net eake Usy and patience itself" he exclaim- ie(l ber h0UiiMj tor ChcaKe, I!U nT owo 1T 1 btur aJita ed, "she waa as pure aa the merning where the form tr waa atarried ou aftiot my ioarrjUg Ufor I dew drop, as gentle as the eveninfz the liSth to Mkt Ethelrol Peteftwa, fll U'e to py tay y, aad ptre zephyr, suter Arnngtoa's preitnae 0f lhtl xr ray i if t back. Too raaay cata are lillii c;K.a If I Were a Nowly Harried lL front Cillery cr by the rtid was a benediction to her neihborl" May th gTace ef a loving Savior! apply the balm ot eoaulation to the bereared ones, who 'have the tender sympathy ef raaoy triends, in the lots of these priceless jewels from their heasehold. A Frikxd. Man. j while the wtfe w dUtg the work. If I were a oewly mirritd Mia Likigi& w&rk, cr gt3 cut u I weald not start est toe sweet atlwofk.aad mtkiog ike linr?. The u tt iv was held m the Uourt tlouse $ in Louisburg on Wednesday. The meeting waa called td order by the President, who expUmed:ihKgthe principal object for calling this meet ing was to more fully perfect the or ganization, by inducing all the carriers and substitutes in the county "to 7 be come members of the Association. J. E. Wilder was - elected' Secretary and Treasurer. . . .. ' ; V - Those present were C. T. Nichol- son,F. B. Freeman mStiSdieS Wilder, J. VT.MemnB. MemSs Some minor matters : were ; passed Vk .KiM tr. tamed the aud ience . withdial osiues, r Closing at Mapleville. The Times is requested to an nounce that the closing exercises of Mapleville Academy will take place Origin of Woman. Accsrding to a Hindu legend this is tne proper origin oi Twaehdi, the rod Vulcan woman: of the on next Tuesday, May 4th, instead Hindu mythology, created the world, V Closing at Moulton. . The closing of the Moulton school took .place; last Friday ' night, -and wai attended by a large and appre- in of the 5tb, ss'heretofore announced. Mr. Josiah William Bailey, of Ral- - eigb, will deliver the address at 11 o'clock. Other exercises will fol- low. v' After, which ithe association taiourned to meet asram the 4th bat- iU---f s -:v . H "day in May, of 'which due -iiotice who attended seal inhigll terms ? of " will be given.' 7v5W the excellent manner V . "f5:50 children acauitted themselves, which MSwfetJfeoial' bothfpupUvtftmd U. D. C. The Joseph J. Davis chapter U. D will hold its regular meeting in the Masonio Hall on Wednesday, May 6th. The near approach of Memorial Day, May 10th, makes it very important that we should have a full meeting, henceall ; the mem bers are most earnestly, urged to be present. - ": ; ; ; . - . C jMxsJ; E. MaLOE, Pres. avis,' Sec- Closing atjBuiAeaejaiy Thursday ofifaatS'veek-ii closing day for Bunn" High 'School pUPrizea.wer awarded to the follow- vu pieasant ' eavuer ajfouku , lngjf- 5:4 'juue a j.arze ? crowu . &nampet jsesv - oeing from a disiance, to 'witness the j Bledioe. exercises by the pppilsVand J to hear MpsimprovmantMaMw the able and interesting. .address of "caster; &$$$$&; irof. Hiirhsmirh WaV FreBt hrPnr-"- -i'T1: all-round ; t siitudent-Maye J - -r ; 1 - i . ne editor of the Times on account h ttndanoe-Ludi ot previous engagemehty didnot get J jBmith.. - T i 5 to Bunn until the evening; and y? was L1 ;Mosthiadmarks-BerthaBledsbe but on hiacoramencmg to create wo man he discovered that for man he had exhausted all his creative mater- ials, and that not ene solid element had been left. This of cotuse greatly - perplexed Twaihtri and caused him to fall into a profound meditatioa. When he arose from it he proceeded as follows: He teok: - Tbe'roundnesa of the moon. The undultatins? curre of the str- pent. . : The graceful twist of the creeping plant. The light shivering of the grata- blade and the aleadtmeia of the . willow. . The velvet jof the flowers. The lightaeis of the feather.' The gende gate of the doc : The froircaomeneta of the dancing Mrs. Anna Li Arrlngton; At one of the most beautiful old ennatrv homea of Our South' lamd.i aanheam. were; .: assembled on -Wednesday j The tears of the loud. eveaing? relatives, friends aad neigh-1 . The incoaaiatency of the wind borr to, pay their last tribute , of re- I j'c: The timidity of the hare. pect, to Mrs.,' Anna 1 Af rinton, of The vanity- of the.;- peacock. ; t, ; . , iraailiat county, itfCn who died on :rhe:haidneu of the diamond. , . . 9. rw first, for I might net fel like kep. lag it up, then there would be Wtrs oa.tbe part of th wife. She would thin I did not lov her as wU aa before if I dli oat keep op the outward aiaitcU tiont. Some one afked: names of that yoaag door?" "We won't be sbU to ad out fr MYeral wek. They're juat been xaamed, and he calls her Bir die and she calls him Petti." JLater It may be -Old Wo en 10 aad Old Mtrun One mistake made by the newlr narrid mia is the hibit of rngig ine in diicuatioa with the new wife. This )ad to hard words and tear. Then comes the painful or deal of making up aad thU dmaii many kuset, tab races aad much exaggeration in love saving. It I wr a newly caarriod caan - 1 I would not ' ceo trait wif with mther, her way with ray waya, htr thiaga aad my thing, nor deal la irony. , Satire hurt no matter whUh on use iL -A ttorj ts told of a maxnod lady who oomptred her haabaad to a piano limp that h had giren her. Hex huaVand felt quit flattered aa til k zaantUaed th ' etrtlcalars ot th rcamhlaa.' toWll ' aho . aall, yoa kodwrdy 'dexr it ha4 a good daTof braaa about it, it U : naadaots maa Kiting axemrd rrusaUbg W caa meal ar tot ready ca liar, eitticj aruad rckicj aa ld Uack pipe, cbewiug aa e4d cad of tobioro or Kaokiag areltet and ejrlttiog opoa th Cocr or etof. If! witti nwly married tax What ar th I wq-o4 oot wieak my wif's teart couple next over religious tainera. If al lot the church a&i wiite to ge tuA worehip, I wbuli not hiadrx hrr. I would not fUr pool, Ulliarde, cirJ or amy crrre oa Sunday at bom or th dub room aad uim her heart patti and grwC I would r;ct her feliagt and taer hr Chririaa priacipiM even if I were a Leaik. Un It I were -cly rsarrvd out I would be th hrad rf the faculf even tf my wif was the nek whWk toraa th bead. I woull be la asu ihcrrty, bat cat tjTaax.val. I would ad vile with tay wife aad aoorpt ber wU couaeels aad ve two would b one, oat two Haar ita Borttta New. r therelore not afforded, the. pleasure and ;Mamie Clarke., with ithe successful session : Just end- of hearing w'iAf. The patrons are highly -piasu v v. u. .ay e exerces.; was, fidand it ia apleasufeat6;;say-that nis pleasure, howeter, to witness the our community is taking an' in closing concert at nizht and the" ex- creassi iatsrest in education. client rendition bf the well Rtranged J. B. S. April.fith, after an illness of f many V The crnclty of th tigff . : , : ; onMm months.T; ;7 " - : .fv The chill of the anow. h U n?t tnarkUy. .brO. rhough-she 'nver wis a vry strong ! - ThekUog af 'thepanoU V A V "n f VomanrfMrs,-;AJririgton had outer- - The cooing of th turUe-dor.; 'V Uon, b xraumM nnaUady oo lu ed her'eiehtiethear.mnd;: retained Allthes-mixid toti.tlcr. and uSf. lihlt to. explode . wha half X . . . , . . 1- .... , J -i .I with wenderfnl vivacity hrC mental I formed a wma powers,. her ta3erneaa of heart, and P lingeriag traces of, youthful; beauty, that many menas so weu. rsmemher. : - She was the widow'- of v Dr. Toin 'Amogtcn, one of the noblest, purest Ccxlar Bock lUmt Wall Mr. Editor, aa I LsTat a aayiMag nroeatly ta your ft; ft trees it Iixk,l though t I mod sand you a few ko to let all L&aw that we are not all dead, bt ax ssH a kkllai .- MU IiHie Glu ow is etr "beiier now, ah hx Wen very akk f r . tt lat two weia.' '' ' ' Xiiu' 'Xz al Dean acoos pxz 1 Zfj Mra..T- P.Xaaf kft lart ,-wc-ak t ? kit hex eitUX, Mra. W. P. Uetrajx, atCUsr;Ui,2C.a Vim tT e t'rt a 2.zll C.m fall.Car p ciaiod7,M alwayinvp ZisUr, bzl we our aa eeu uxae, aaa . u oouaa . xoi tive trxa vo uti a i;iu ira ccw aad I thtok w will L f Subscribe to the FnayKtcc Tmxs; only' one. dollar per yax, stnetly friaadTaact;::V:- If I wax a nwly raCmd rain I would not spend all tay lotto tain iaTbtTlx: ia exeats, e-aadias aal t tacr Lst acta xaarnxf aoox . I gears I wZl La U Hrg cJI fcT It's tine, 1 wil ull tacr ia tzj ttxt attcsrt., - t , - r, CXM- : V

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