i ? i 4 ? ft i 1 I bR 104c Notes on Frost. - ' -106. Breeds of Dairy Cattlel; 110. Bice Culture in the" United Tii7nr.PNTA POSTAGE Stfltps ' - , r ET A $5P ; LIBRARY. stamp; 1J3.; The Apple ''and "How-to uiunt iii. ie Bobks Are Well Worth $50 Any WIde-Awake bouxn- Mark1 hose iou gi n - Grape Growing in ' .the 118. South. v; 1 120. Inserts .Affecting Tobaeco. 126.' Practical Suggestions for rtf-nt Kill UU lilt? .uittiJik, X'axui DUUmUHB. , .... ., Then Cut Out the List and , 12. important inseeticiaes. " f-t,sWioW ? 132;; Iasect Enemas Jot Grow, Sail to nour vUufi.os. . . . or Senator. ; I85. Sorghum Syrup ' Maniac- IWeknow ot no mui? ""J rice the Times" could ftel iu several thousand subscribers vi38. .Irrigaiion of Eiejd and Gar- ....Uwotidn of a selected ' 7 Y7 -' ' .. ' "V- - .... of the Farmer's bulletins onerea 145. Carbon Bisulphide as an In- l of charge to farmers ever yw hers, gecticide ()Ur National ueparunern, 01 g- 147 Winter Forage Crops for South. ' v ' - -, ? v V: ' ( 150.. Clearing New Land. v 152." Scabies in cattle. 154. The Home Fruit Preparation and Care. 155;j How Insects Affect Health in Rural Districts. 156. IThe Home Vineyard. 151. The Propagation of Plants. 159. Scab in Sheei. 161. Practical Suggestions fer pub- nn T7..1l4..ra nra -At an exDense of thousands 1 .K.Konrli nf dollari: and tne m - ,.ut on mriRt finterDrismg iar- w-vm w rfl the ablest and ITat expenen- scientists, have co-operated in I ing them as accurate, helpful up-to-date as money and brains make them. The list given here udes ali those likely to be of 1 kiriH to our readers, n tnese puo- Garden: tions were issued by some pri- -pXQit Growers. e publishing house, they ceuld be sold for less than 50 celts h; and at this price undoubtedly be good assent could sell you, Mr. l . . . r : i : ader not a itsw uupics ueaim . ua ects in w hich you are interested. 1 at that price you would get money's worth. But because bulletins are offered free, many ners seem to think them ount. lere is the list cf Farmer's Bulle now available for free distribu- and the list will not appear in in the Times for months to he. lience we urge every larmei i i- a. r a. in kier to ruaKe a use oi iuobo ue ds most not exceeding ten, or lve at a time and forward at e to his RepieseEtative or Sena- in Congress, or to the Secretary Vgriculture, Washington, D. C. to copies asked for will then be mptly forwarded, free of "cost- ep the cost you have already 1 in tariff and revenue taxes and will have quite a nucleus! for a i i .. . m norary. y., Kemertber you can get no better icultural literature anywhere 5e sure to fill these blanks. 0, ' 1 64. Kape as a Forage ,.,Crop. 170. Pr inciples of Horse Feed- 173, ; Primer of Foresty. 174. Broom Cora. x 177. ' Squab Raising. 179. Horseshoeing 181. Pruning. 183. Meat on the Farm, i Improving the Quality i Increasing thes Quantify f of Tobacco Crops V 1 e. ambiHon' of.werytobwoVplanWr is if secure the v x largest possible crop o(r the ibest possible qualityand this" is most surely, easily,'an4 quickly accomplished by the use o . argima-'baro XT': irT J "V". m-m"m i' 'C ' ers v.. una TU1Z As a rule the more liberal the amount nCihei frrtUUm i.A .J acre, the better the results. Mr. John F. Cunningham of Cunainehini . Fertilizer is used by the best tobacco farmers in the Tobacco Sfit It sUnds upon its ments. There, is no better, fertilizer made or used n the United States.' r I take great pleasure in recommending it not onlr to the farmers of Virginia and North and South Carolina, but to . all the tobacco growers in the Union.1. cr - . ' v V"! result tire invariably obtained irith the use VirguuaCarohna Fertilizer. Over one million 'tons tcere Ms year. of old - Be sure and get the 1009 Virginia-Carolina Farmcrs, Year Book,, from your fertilizer dealer, or write our nearest sales office and A copy will be sent free. . . - 1 Virginia-Carotina Chemical Co. Sales Offitts Richmond. Va. Norfolk, Va. Columbia, S. C. . Atlanta.Ga. Savannah, Ga. Memphis, Tenn. 0nlaarolin Sales Ofict$ Durham, N. C. Charleston. S C. Baftiaxc. Md. Colutnbos,G teonxrr. A Shrirpoct,La. -.. Man I ?TiST NATIONAL;. ' BANK HENDERSON, K. C With IUftoorcc of , 4 w -we are prprel to accolimcHlalo our patrta, - W bt tain nandrcd Mtsafied depoitoni and will trclcctco yoa. Thrce -Hundred Thousand Dollars i 4 4 4 -J Watch Us Grow r S. R. HARRIS, ! Preset S T. PEACE CashV ING Regular $1 Shirt 76c 75 ctt cU Indies Waist from 38c to wear. $1.50, Ladies McJia Und r Butch- I VllUgj ILlg ui-iva .V-r "187. Drainage of Farm Lands. 192. Barnyard Manure. 194. Alfalfa Seed. 196. Usefulness of the Ameri can Toad. , 198..' Strawberries. Corn Growing... Pig Management. Milk Fever "and ifs Treat- 199. 205. 206. ment. 213; 217. te ' . 1909. n M. C. Washingtoo, D. C. Jear Sir: Please seod me Farm p Balltin9 marked on accompanj- t list, published by the Feankloc h us and oblige. me The eedinc of Farm Ani- Hog Cholera and Swine 8. Weeds: How to Kill Them. Silos and Silage. ;; ; 1 'each Growing for Market. Potato Culture. ' . : Cottonseed and Its products. Facts About Milk. Commercial Fertilizers. Insects Affecting Cotton 4. 7. nt. 8. 8. 1. 1-5. 18. I. 12. 6. I. 7, 0. 1 2. 3 6. 1 t 0. 8 The Manuring of (JottonJ Sheep Feeding. ; Standard Varieties of "Chick- Sorue Common Birds. The dairy Herd. Ihe Soy BeanT as' a Forage Raspberries. Essential Steps in Securing an Early Crop of Cotton. 220 Tomatoes. 229. The Production of Good Seed Corn. . - 231. Spraying for Cucumber and Melon Diseases. , 235. Preparation of 'Cement Concretes. 242. An example of Model Farming. 243. Fungicides and Their Use in Prerenting Disease of Fruits. 245. Renovation ofa Worn-oat Soils. 246. Saccharine Sorghums for Forage. ' 250. The Prerention of Wheat Smut and Loose Smut of Oats. 253. The Germination of Seed Corn. - 257.. Soil Fertility. 258. Texas or Tick Fever and Its Prevention. , , 261. The Cattle Tick. 264. The Brown-Tail Moth and How to Control It. 266.1 Management of .Soils to Conserve Moisture. '- 268. Industrial Alcohol: Sources nd Manufacture. Industrial Alcohol: Uses - Statistics., . r - 272. A Successful Hot-; Seed Corn Farm. V 277. The Use of Alcohol Gasoline in Farm Engines. 278. , Leguminous drops Greem Manurintr. , ' . 279. A Method of Eradicating Johnson Grass. . ' J ture, Improvement, and Diseases. 303. Corn Harvesting Machinery. 310. A Successful Alabama Di- -v versification Farm. 311. Sand-Clay and Burnt Clay Roads. 312. A Successful Hay Farm. 313. Harvesting and Storing Corn. 315. Progress in Legume In oculation. 218. Coweas. 319. Demonstration Work iu Co operation With Southern Farmers. 321. The Use of the Split-log Drag on Earth Roads. A 324. Sweet Potatoes. 326. Building Up Cotton Plantation. 327. The Conservation ural Resources. 333. Cotton Wilt. Macadam Roads. Alfalfa. The Boll Weevil Problem a 'Run-down of Nat- Auy lady reader of this paper will re ceive on request, a clever "NoDnpn coffee strainer coupon privilege, from Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. It Is silver plated, very pretty, ani positively pre vents all dripping ot tea or coffee. The Doctor sends it,xvitli his new free bok- on. l-Ilea 1th Coffee," simply o introduce this clever substitute for real coffee. Dr. S hoop's Health Coffee is gaining its great popu arity because of, first, iU exquisitive taste and flavor; second. its absolute healthfn ness; third, its economyl 1-2 lb 25c; founh. its con venience. No tedi jus 20 to CO minutes boiling. "Made In a minute" says Dr. anoop. iryitat your jrrocer s. xor a pleasant surprise. Sold by all grocers. Jt Eats Up Rusu n-54 "will make ao old, rustv io vc, or Stove Pipe, look like new, jttauscu enisupnxst. wtirnyou ttup your Stoves, this Fall, fglvt - ri .m a coal or 0-5-4; t Is applied .ike paint, will not rub off and idUNES ITSELF. It cLso THE BARGAIN STORE- W. B. COOKE 338. 339. 334. Saves Hard LYNCHBURG PLOWS AND CASTINGS . o z o o o o o O- o In all ize. the Wt rri.ido. ff yoti hat to btay a plow come and m m. If yon ht esc of the pIow you can get all kind acd sue of rutg at my More. I lo hav lot of tho thai I T;i)mg below cost to make room tcr other tk. A U- kl of hamburga and laca that I am elUr.j: tlcw rot. Come antl me before it i , one. M. C. PLEASANTS $100 Beward, $100. The reader of this paper will be pleased to 1 learn that tbert is at leaxt o-e dreaded dis- -t flF ease that science has been ab'e to care in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Ca-1 tsjrh Cure is the only positive cure now , known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh Deing a constitution msat-e, requires a con- stitutional treatment. Ha is takeu internally, actipg If your dealo.- uasn i Kro., have. Louisburc. Work HyK xko-cmkhohc o o .cKinne TO BUY OPPORTUNITY FARM. Tl 1 A. .1 x ue uoout one inouKanci aero EXHIBITION AT TMC a's Catarrh Cure! of land, which I am willing to sell O" :ine nlrectlv upon tne on Inner lima if n 1 I v thereby destroying the foundation of the VJ iiu i ujuuh. Vny one clo diHeae. and giving rtie 1 patient str-ngth by 1 Siring to buy a farm will d6 wel nanre in doimr its wotk. The ,.rnnetn i t0 8ee me ftS 1 sell in loU iff have so much . faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it- fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Ad.ires i? . J. CHENEY & CO , Toledo O. fold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family PiUs for constipation. NSPECIAL RATES VIA SEABOARD 50 acres or more T. W. Bickett, Louisburg, N. C. See K. P. Hill if you wish to pur hase any of the above land. The Best Policy RACKET STORE A beautiful lino of "JHvlih" Slipper for I-4i. Mitr, and Children. A worthy election ut:urpb..iexl m $lr. Embroidery, Laces, Veilinj:. NeU. Corsets. and and and for ATLANTA, G a Conference for J Education of the South, April 14th-16th Round trip from Raleigh $12.85, Char- T. . ., , . ,j otteS8.20, Wilmington $13.30 and on ivftusm. ana same basis from other points. Tickets ' economical management of, tlic ! sold April 12th and 13th, final return ' j imit April 18th. t louisville' KV-Account of South- Equitable Life Assurance Society ern Electrical and Industrial Exposition ! . April 12th-24th. Round trip from I 01 ThC U. S. Raleigh 119.60, Charlotte S16.45, Wil-: mington $22.75, aud on same basis j ' rom other points" tickets sold April . Make it the safest eomnanv in whirh llth-12th-19th and 20th, final return ; Tk m i: ...!.. imit April 26th. route via Richmond "1". l Ma 8aaPWDimy Bee Keeping." fOx'' '-: Methods of Curing Tobacco. Asparagus Culture. , . Marketing Farm . Produce Meadows and Pastures. " ; Kssentials in Beef Production. The Liming of Soils.' T!l Peach T wig-Borer, i Cor n Calture in the South. The Culture of Tobacco. Tobacco Soils. -V Thirty Poisonous Plants -Potato Diseases and Treat- A profi table: Tenant Dairy V Raising Sheep Suggestions Hers. . I n booi- for .Mutton; to Southern En oo. 01. 02 emies of Shade Hog Raising in tb Soutbj Millets. ' Southern Forage Plantar , 280. Farm: 284. Insect and Fungous Ene- mies ot tne ' urape Jbiast or tne RkYiMountMnjay ,285. : The Advantage, of Plant- ing: Heavy yOottonseed. '23o.' uomparauve vaiue or w noie Cottonseed and JCottodseed Meal in Fertilizing . Cotton, O y' -. 1 88. Non-Saccharine Sorghums; 290. ' The Cotton BolL Worm.i 4. & i. 292.;, Cost of Filling Silos. . ; , . 297."- Methods "of "Destroying l'li99. Diversified Farming: Under the Plantation System I iWtfTVSome .-Imnortant X Grasses and Forage Plantar for -the Gulf c , t f Coast Region 302. White (fKxi, Drf- . Cfocxl. Fanrv Trimminpw I a d i on N c k cm r lUlu entM Pario.W The Safest Company You are conlinlly inviutl to call anl inct them MRS. A. M. HALL o o o o- o o o o o o o o o o o o o o and C. & O. Railway. CHARLESTON, S. C. Account Omar Temple A. A. O. N. M. S., April 22nd. Round, trip from Raleigh $9.30. same basis, from other points, tickets sold April 21st and 22nd, final return limit April 23rd. WASHINGTON, D. C nnual meet ing, Daughters of the American Revo lution, April 17th-24th, round trip from Tl - - - 1- k, n rtn t . . a. J r- t -r-rr ruiieign iu. u, Cnarioite ji4.uo, Wil mington $14.40 tickets to be sold April 15th and 16th, final return limit Arnl 28thi; LO U 1SVI LL ' Ky Southern Baptist Convention, May 13th-20th, round trip fiom Raleigh $19.60, Charlotte $10.45. Wilmington $22.75,' tickets to be sold 10th-llth-12th-13th, final return limit March 22nd, extension can - be secured until June 9th. : s. . . , CHARLOTTE, N. C. Grend Lodge I. O. O. F. of N. C-May llth-15th, round 4rip from Raleigh $7.05,v Durham $8.05, Weldoh $11.05, Wilmington $7.55 Henderson $S.05 Tickets will be sold May 8th to 11th. Final return .limit May 17th. , For. further information apply to any Seaboard Ticket Agent or address the undersigned. -v- t ; , ' C H. GATTIS, ' District PassengerAgentv' t Raleigh, N.C.V New York Standard Policy Make it the best form toselecL Full information and rates furnish ed open requesL Address R H. DAVIS, 5.- i Sea Isjand Cottpn: Its Cui: stopied in 20 tntontes ETiro with Dr. Shoop'a Croap - Remedy.. One test will surely croTe. tress. A safe and pleasing ByrnpfiOc Druggists. i bi n U W o o o o o o o () () o o C) C) () C) o Headquarters For CCOOCCCOOOOCCO CCSCCOCCOCCr) o o o o o o o C) o o Everylthiimg HUYLERS CANDY; ALWAYS BR E S H K f ' Thc Scoggin y . T)rug, Company . . (tood to eat nd gocKl to wear. Our MotU: Ixnrrrt Price alrj, Iit Qualitr laTft. Prompt 'Dlirrry aiwava. PHONE 4-7. Mj ICE HUUiK i now orwn and wifl coating o tho balance of this jcar. JNO. W. KING LOUISBRG, N. C. o www w wvvyw W W WW WW WW WW WW J Legal Blanks at TIMES" Office , .. 1 . FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING. 5 t ,1

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