2 . ' s - - - -if f v 1 v . A;' . v." - 7: vT '. ..it4 r .;v i .1 , I. .-..; ... ', -. i ; ' ':'V.'ii'y A 1 ' 't 1 f - " 7i. ; j "T70IIISn HD THB HOimr : v&eadeM ' ..'fox than in one of MuW-it?3ffi wita a mixture of yeileir; soap, '' i mff sail - a iv littli wtr " ;he resiitan wffglass 'J jars "that -Refuse"' to open lean be orefeomi . aettiriff tatmitoD downwards in a 7" Cimlifloirernoald :';i'dowawardi scam may nst 1j anyckance, settle upon the white portions. v? A tin cnp filfed with good; viqiegar and placed on the back of the stove is an excellent means to prerent the smell ef cooking - getting oyer : the house. ' "'i'' In preparing a bed tor an mralid, have two sets of bedblothingy y so that one set.may be aired hiie the other is in use. Wool blankets are preferable' to cottori enes. :., ; To clean plaster of parish orna ments cover then with a thick boat- ing of starch dissolved in little water arid allow this to 7 beeome v dryl Then it may be brushed oft and the dirt with it. ;r- - A few drops of oil of sandalwood, sold by.. druggists, dropped on h 6 1 shovel, will be found to diffuse . a most agreeable, balsamic perfame in sick rooms or confined - rooms that have not been well aired. To stop bleeding of the, nose, cat some blotting or letter paper into a piece an inch square, roll it up about the size of a lead pencil and pat; in to the nostril. The blood will soon coagulate and eeaae to flow. The picnicker and light house keeper can buy condenied coffee by the case, ready with cream and su gar; jvhich only needs the addition of a cap of boiling water to make a delicious cup of coffee at a verv moderate cost. A brilliant polish may be given to brass door fixtures, ornaments, - etc., bywashing them in a mix tare of alum dye. Make a . solution by boiling an ounce of alum in a pint of lye and wash the articles in it whi'e it is still warm. To clean a Shetland Wool shawl, make a lather of lukewarpi soap suds and dip the shawl into it, rub bing and squeezing gently with the hands. Even the rinsing water should be softened with a little soap and particulary is it essential that the ater, wheneveHt is changed, should be exactly; of the same temperature as the water previously used. If this is not carefully observed, the wool is almost sure to - shrink. I- SELL A. J. Reachs Base Balls, Prices right J. W. King. - - N E W B RICK W A REHOUSE I will put up a first class brict wie.-Anomas Warehouse;Lot, -: liouisburg, NV a, and rent at a reason' awe price to the right party or parties, and if necessary to form a joint Stock Company, I will iake a liberal supply of stook. as well aa furnish the company a liberal amount of capital on which to do business.-- For iu.tAcx liiiurxuanon, .ppiy to " N E. HUGHES, DANVILLE, VA' A 6y hTanS teir vlrd T tell! r. A W - v "f.Ac7o ixart? caiimei negauve ana win giTe ?nE?9t9 sanw "T1 offer and th parents must come with thebaby. : This date is fqr hite people only. On WednestHe 5tn. day of JJay,I; will extend Bauic vhj w xue vpiorea .people " on?a7 or Wednesday, of tho following weeH: Come one and , , - ' e babies are hmxted.to 18.months or youngerV NpIG LOT OR . -.'"'.'-'-.jfr' SHOP o I 1 :)v ; For ( ); y Tt -MP. P A REAVIS ( ); ft V V () Many rpeople .obJecttQjrtakms : -theJww AVV A'AA A AA strong rojBdicines usually prescribed ; by J no need : of internal treatment in any case of Jcmnscular or- chronic . rhenma tism, and more thin. nine put ; of every ten cases of he" disease are of one or the' other of these" varieties. When there is no fever and little .(if any) t swelling, you .may' kndw that it Is only - necessary to apply. Chamberlain's Liniment freely to get quick relief ;. Try;; it For Sale byBoddie-Perry Drug Co. ' v JNotice is hfereby (rivpn that on MondaT the 3rd day of May. 1909. t 12 -o'clock M.. ati tne conrt jaouse aoor of fTanuin- uoaoty id the towu" of Lonisburr. I will Mil at pab. Gc as ction for cash, to the' highest, bidder, lands named below to satisfy, the; taxes re mainiDR ' tinpaid thereon, ; as . pro Tided in Chapter 558 Laws of 1901 and. Amendments thereto and Chapter tJ96 . Laws of 190T. The owners of the lands r or the : persons - in whose names they . a:e listed, the townships in which they -are located,' the lands to be sold, -the t taxes 'and ;-; costs remainiug tin' paid thereon. are as follows; i : ; ' - 1 ; ; : " HARRIS TOWNSHIP .. Loaiburjr Wajron.Co; , k. 1 ' . ' : ; NoweD. J. H , 61 acra,Long Branch 6.63 Pri vett, C. W.. 26 acres. Count-Jv: Line Dl '. .'-v ''-.v'i, ; v -; . -: .4.77 Bobbins, 8.T.; 58 acres, -Tarbbrov ' Uoad . v-, ' v PerryW. D., 61 asree, Crooked - i ' Creek. : .. . ... -3.46 Ransdal ,3- S.: 116 acres,' Crooked : t i - Creek -r I - r,.r - Oil Barnett, Wi H. 132 aces v r 18.45 -V ;todngstille township : TonngsTiHe ; ; . . r - 3.4i Tonng; J . B. 1 lot college steet 5.70 S FRANKLINTON TOWNSHIP Green. W. W. - .; ' Gnllej, N. Y. ' -Cooke, Elnora 1 lot. Amy Cook lot Fnller, Jackson residence ; , Lowery, H. S. 2 lots ' T, ; . May field, Daniel estate, 1 lot : Perry, Jamet 1 acre long town Stokes, Albert 1 lot Williamson, Josh 1 lot HATESVILLe TOWNSHIP Green. W. W, -i" , . Amos, James 130 acres Loyd road Mitchell, Lucy 6 3-4 acres Mitchell SANDY CREEK TOWNSHIP Jones, J. F. estate 70 acres, home and mil), 2 acres Cyras . 10.74 2tSt : 183 6.18 4.11 7.3ft 1.90 56.47 - " GOLD MINE TOWNSHIP " Cooper, G. H. Green & Yarboro 66 acres Sandr Creek f,;- 3.59 CYPRESS CREEK TOWNSHIP Lamm, Mrs. J L. 47 acres,' Wilder Moore. -J. W. 25 toree, Moore Stallinge, A. J estate 75 Acres - home ; ' : ;- Todd. Mrs.. Sarab 40 aeres Gay Wood, Mrs.Lncr 10 acres, Wood LODISBURG TOWNSHIP Boddie. W. W. 1 lot Main street Boddie, Williato 1 lot. Blab town Boon, Lonis 1 lot main street Debnam, Car line4 acres, Warren road - Davis. Washington 1 lot Kenmore , balance v Davis, Ateer Hot Halifax road DunstonvHarry estate 3 3-4 a. - Slab town - ; ; Egerton, Chaney j lot Egerton Egerton, Amos 1 lot Eenmore " Green, AnBtin 1 lot Mineral springs Greeny Betsj4 acres RWer road Holloway, J. H 1 lot Academy street. . Hayes, CaswAll 6 1-4 lot Davis land Harris, Sam A. 1 lot Tarboro road 1 lot Main street Hazlewood. John 1 lot near rail- road, balance - -Jones, J. F heirs at Lawl lot . storage, 1 lot Murphy ' . ' Jones. Betsy .1 lot near , railroad Johnson, Andrew 2 acres Warren rod v King, Lonis 1 lot Main street 1907 1908 Lankford, J. B. 1 l;t. Halifax road Mann, W. Bal 1 lot Kenmore, 1, .lot Kenmore vacant, y Perry, E. C. 57 acres Tarboro road Perry, Mrs. E. C. 1 lot Noble- street Perry, Richard 1 lot Fox Swamp Ruffln, Marcus 1 lot Slab town -Upperman Chas F. 114 acres 8.16 2.23 4.23 2.80 l.o 4 30 985 3.17 5.72 8.97 x.u 3.61 2.07 - 6.4B 5.8b 82.90' 3.a 25.13 2.61 44.26 2.83 4.36 jo.va 9.28 38.22 17.05 27.13 9.G7 11.01 Buffalo creek Williams, Gns 1 lot Halifax road Jvooppr. G.H. - v . 26.52 Lomsbnrg Wagon Co. H. CKEARNEY.berift. warehouse on the lot known las V x ' . - ' " : f baby to my Studio on.Monday, ; May ' J:-?-.. - t . J.K. . J t in case of iir.ithese Offers hold () () yA'.nj'--v.j,.i.-;n'.. A ) GOAL Sale 0 ) () () - . r ( ) ' yjVV o .7- -rr. ::-nr.-v-. - oi "").. ; While on the Northern Marketa I found eome " extra bteJIbar ' I jgaba alter haying' purchased my regular . "Stock . and on buying k them I nowifipd myself with too large a stock. , ; v ' , T'So Iean'now famish you wbaf would have been a. bargain for r even less than its bargain -value.; .-' Don't buy tjjyUung-xxnUl yotj' hare first looked over my stock. I can famish you an extra rood ; 'lsait for from 16 to J16. Boys CarfSave You Big : Big lot of Shoes, all sizes, very' latest styles. Prka ranging r: -from.L60 tb $5. I .hare a large line of, Hen's anfl Hoys f Ornish- V i ings that are also beings sold very cheap. Come and see me at . " " r-. -v .N jfN 0 O Raised thia'sason on Aaron also carry a .fuU line of the choicest HcaTy and Fancy Groceries aad Country Produce. I have a nice assortment ot TEAS, the best makes, Gfeen,-Black and Mixed Teas for the table. Wfien in doubt as U what to have for phone 100 and let us make aom nafjgestions. nice lot of edibles to select from. Brantley Phone No. ,10(b--.-- . i : . ? r cccccccccccco () o STILL o () We are constantly enlarging our comfortable Booking Chair line for your njoymcnL.v"e hare re ceived another lot of roily tie most beautiful Rock ers foriarge men and women that we hare ever shown. o C) () 0 0 () o o , , o () ou cr C 1 f sy t M V J f 1 r Tr (, , jf'" il . t - .... . y This Kocker is designed and'made especially for - heaTy people, who desird to make their 'homes cam. fortable, thia ia fu1! spring seat and spring back, full quartered sawed oak, in bajfc grade leather o o o A. Qur store; grows more f " v wo iu, u? gijm iu uit e ; U.l.k..r-l.l . Price inmedfi- rtfi'rrisV'fliA th" f.llrw haII 5 ' , v7 : ; iovr -pnee if -you reer,i)ur am.ia toaell and satisfy , : ( i:S ,5? t"H5ld.8,:"2 al;w prefaryour confidence" . , t elVTani .KTrade - Builders A -V-;-, -vVi, -V--. ?;; ''- ; V.'. ,,. f N..fv'. - ' , A V , ! .... , .. . ... ' ,', - ; . - . 7 - f -AAAAaa A AA a a aA VVV VyVVVV 3 r7.s 1 i salt in proportion. Can fit most Money on SHOES O r, C) istelblles hand at moderate "ttnees, I a meal, call We hare a G. Hicks, LouIsburgN. C () . '-4 "' '' g ccoccccccocoo o 0 BlEl () 0 o () 0 () () o v v f 1 A .00 beautifuUoAch week; and jruu ) Cl .ftDd .JOOK, ,,Uieu AS -111" 71-1 y - Deitz $25 EVERYBODY INVITED ;'To Make 1 FURNITURE PARLORS And aet the Urge" ditpUr of !W3 Itoota SuiU, Kf aal Ilofltr Mat tin g. lUfrisrratcra. HaArncvrki and all kicdt of m House Furnishings I ara t Jrinc t.'! of thK at &ct raon U. prie aid UrrxR. All we ak i aa iciprrUon of frvrxi and pneoc W. E. WHITE Furniture Company cccccccccccco cccccccccccco Oor Sale Easter Millinery y I 1 koi tear aho ciovta Omr prm tram S DkI tact. 14. i iimi n 1 m 1 Wiw () oacaaca hho ontaa 0000 C) f 1 r V 0 Efctrta rf rrary fcia4 tram rJwj t r mxM m Um Ou y ctT Kf () ( ( m Mn HMaMM ill V q Visit la My ;,' . . " 1 Loui&burg, M C of mt 4 wni lNir mvt mm f firviiMw !.. rf jll U4 CI Wi JtM tWf W W mmr Mil mtl . Trm iris Ut'wwMI' r W rrn front rrc cood indttitiimti tvlin frart) 1: , rm mmm f X. - 7 1 1 V 8 V vY SeoT-Hni at My Storage ,House; NearDepot i. v.'-l; A . , " '" 'V "N -S y-N -" -N -S V v -"v y-N , ( ) ( ) C ( ) C) c: DC rr 7

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