r t JAMES A. THOIf AS, EDITOR, 1 i . f qpHE C0U1ITY THE STATE; THE TJIHOIT: SUBSCEIPXldH 31.00 PER TEAR VOL. XXXIX - . i t . I . , . . . -i. ... - W ' . ... o o o o () o o o .o C) () o o () o o () o o o o o C) o o () ) () () o . o o () COUNTY connissioiiERS BOARD MET ON THE AND FOURTH THIRD mawng clean ioore breaking, 25 If CD V QyiCT X FLECTI0I1 lia COIlot raminded . bj us oi a possiDifr za. , ine otner . ; w t . ' f Ui YARBOROUGH CapWXWilion;--H;tWUritmt.;.For more than torty-fire years the mark RE- J pf gftm wak Was. upon him, - a leJt re 'ular met on the 3rd to routine business pati tract for Puttiricr Ini 1UO v ; , Steel Cells in the ' Jail was Awarded to the Pauley Jail Company. The Board attend to and on the 4th to Contract with bid dersfor patting in new steel v cells in l ail- -. s . . : The followine are the proceedings of Monday: : Sheriff was authorized to issae u-f .use to John Brothers to peddle hh horse and wagon, upon "pay ment of required fees. : ' S. T. Robbins was relieved of poll tax until further notice. Tt.thew Johnson was" allowed to go to county home. The following were piacea on pauper list with usual allowance: mil Hawkins and wife, Caroline 1 ' Williams, Abram "Wilder. Mrs. Sarah Todd was relieved of tax on land in Cypress Creek, listed by other parties. Louis King was relieved of poll tax over age. T?u,rt of D. Cx. rear ce was re- ceived and filed. The returns of toe recent good roads election, in Franklinton, as .onvnifl'l were ordered recorded on the minutes. Jerry Mack was allowed to go to county home. Otis Hawkins was relieved of poll tax in Ingleside school district, not hirur a THaid p.nt of sain dtafrtr.t . ,v scores were A. WJ- Person 25:;Dr: Alenimg, 25; tWUson. &een, MAYOR 524, J. K UoUie 24, Thos. Tyack 18, - ELECTED WITHOUT 0PP0S1- having been left bj him on tne bal TION. A lie-field olGettysburg. In early rotnbood he made a pro- B. T Holien 20, and Mr; Womble 17. The: wind was Wowiner a BtifT gale and Ais handicapped Mb shoot ers very much. These shells arid the "men behind the guns" seemed to'do the work regardless of the wiad. The member - of the club " were the shells the Peters were' self sighting and it took a gedd shot to miss a;tifd when yon shoot these shells. - " . ' very much pleased with and tome one; said that New Fountain. work ad mirably. McKIN N E-PETERSON . Chicacro Girl Becomes the Bride - . ; of North Carolinian. Chicago, III., May 5. The mar riage of Miss Ethelynd Peterson, Qtis officers will be daughter of Mr. Peter C. Peterson, next two yars. v ef Chicago, 111., and Malcojm Mc- Boston Allen was relieved of poll tax for 1909. ' ' :' v" V " ; " Superintends lit "fi 'Williams reported 10 whitfe and 14 colored inmates in county home. Report of Dr. R. F. Yarborough, Supt. of Health,, was received and Hied. He reports county home and jail in very good condition. The Sanitary Board, composed of the Commissioners, Mayor Yarbor ough, Dr. R. P. Floyd and Dr. J. E. Malone, met in semi-annual- session for the purpose of electing a Super ntendent of Health. Dr. R. F. Yarborough, was unanimously re elected with same sularv as hereto- fore. A number of accounts were allow ed and Board adiourned to meet the 4th. ' ' .; The Board met on the 4thdo con eider bids for putting steel cells in jail. There were three biddets, and the contract was awarded the Pauley Jail Company, of St. Louis," Mo., for 1,100. ' , Itirine, of Princeton, NilCHt was one of the prettiest events oi the season. Remaming m the Po8t office at AU wg " " Louisburg, N. C, uncalled tor. w eanesaay evening, April ztD, .at T A - A1. A. C. Bizzell, Mrs:Erob Day, AVillie the residence of the bride's father, tneBev. J; JIfEdwatdofficiayni. Mrs. Bettie Neal, Henry O. Neal, J. W. Stauley, Onnie Smith (2) Mrs. Leighora Smith, Mathew Stallings, V. F. Wist, Mrs. Nellie Williams, elma Williams, E. C. Yarboro. Persons calling for any of the above letters will please say they saw them advertised. Newspaper W6rks For Town. The Durham Sun asks: - Did you evr think of it? Suppose every business man hrtown took as much interest m tho uholdingjSf the town and forwarding all public enterprises as the newspaper man. He wcrks for mannfflr.trtries- flo.hnnls. churches. 7 l . 7 good streets and roads, arges, pleads, "colds and badgers and cavorts around generally., ' Imagine his feelings then when some lame, stringhalted . kind , of - a fellow reproaches him because he don't boom things enough If the town does boom and the prices of real estate advance and the owners grow rich from the result of his labor, he makes nothing -by .it He like the poor boy at the picture shows without the necessary . quarter 10 gain admission. r " -;V The Gun Club. 'u;. ' ijuuusuurg Aiun uiuD Jiadv, a b,K shoot last Friday. t . ? ' ihe club had as a guest Mrl' Rob bins who represents theV Peter 'Car tridge .Co. The Peter's shells were shot and judging from : the ' acore f .they are all right. - L - c V. ' - v Mr. Robbbs U expert -and I "owed the worth of the sheila - bj iphe' ride stelf Miss Nessie O: 1 Petersdn, and the V groom's -brother, David F. McKinne, of Louisburg, N. C, were the only attendants. The bride .. wore a gown of cream satin-excel and rose-poinl lace, with tulle .veil and carried a shower boa- quet of white loses and lilies of the valley. The maid of honor wore pale blue mfiRsalinA with cold mbroiriftrv urii carried white sweet peas. After an marriages. ( eastern trip, Mr. and Mrs. McKinne During the month of April licenses will be at home in Princeton, N. C. t0 marry were issued te tne following couples: White John Lassiter and Becky Ayescne, M. F. Ellington and Mollie Oakley, W. S. Odom and Mattie Dean. Colored Henry Collins and Margie Littlejohn, Duke Harris and Millie Wilson. Charlie Ellis and New Schedule- 1 t:-hq Trwa vrflt nH The schedule on the Louisburg Amanda Smith, Nas Webb and Polly railroad was changed last Sunday. Henderson, Hinton Southerland and .The trains now leave Louisburg as Lavinia Solomon, Ernest Reed and follows: -T. B. Williams. 8:30 a. m., 11:30 a. m., and r:10 p. m. Leave Franklinton follows: 9:50 a. ni., 3:15 p. m., p. m. Those Who Have Visited Louis burs: the Past Week Those Who Hare Gone Elsewhere forualness or Measure. Mut AUtt Page, ot Aberdeen, is vbiiing her aiwr, Mr. Y. B. WUder. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Best, of Fraak linton. vitited her people here S to day. Joe MiUhU, of Charlotte, baa been vbiung hit people here the past week. Mrs. K B. Jcmcj, ol Norfolk, Vl, vijited her tUier, Mrs. T. B. Wildir, the' past week. Mr. C. F. Carroll and shUd, of Warsaw, are visiting hr father, Mr. B. B. Ma&senoarg. Mr. J. P. Scoggin and wif, of Warren too, are goeete of hi brother, Mr. G. R. Scoggin. Mr. A. C. Zollicotter, of Hender son, was in LouUburg en profession al bosineas on Wednesday. Mt&s Uleanor Thomas returned Sunday from a viut to br sister, Mrs. C. K. Beat, at Franklinton. Mist Luis Masaenbarg, who hs been teaching in Saropon county, returned home this week, to spend vacation. Mba A nnieS tricklaod, who has been teaching in the Graded School at Kenley, arrived home yesterday to spend her vacation. it; and there is something about one I Mr. C. R. Stimpson and bride, womanvthat makes him want another! who have betn vitriting the ftmiliee feenVM ofF.B.and D. F. McKmne, left a -Hayes, Jessie Hams, L. M. May,! The onty wafto be KappjT with this week for their home ra Iredell. a cusoana is to learn to be nappy Hon Robt. N. Page, member of witnout nim mott ot tne urae. C.imrTML fmm rh 7ih district of Tl:.v-; . - -Kr. "' Ifeaaion of religion and joined the Th A Hoard nf f!nmmf ce!Anoia I - v : J ".J . -rr.w-w.- Baptist; church. Very calmly he Nominated at the V Primary pM8ei into the ahad'owa, seembg ; to Last Friday Go In unanimous- fear no. evil, but to have fnll conn- : ly. l , - jdence in the premiaea of God. .Last Tuesday's election tor : '.He waa au enthnaiasUoMtsooiand Mayor and Comiaisaioners was . the A tno "fg number of the fraternity most quiet one held in Louisburg in attending his funeral and taking part tears. In the primary which was m th obseqxueattended the bjgb held last Fridaybnly one ticket was "teem in.whloVhe was held in the Voted for, as follows: pome of bta aaopUon. ..- I ms a : For Mayor Jno. B. Yarboreoglu - xoe wruer waa a coraraae in war rvu. mx. , nt.Mn4 :n lnA. xxr- lor thia man ot marked snd intpri- a uv uon avAia tvuuuuuiawu . ill 1 jl: vi vuuiujiaiiviici o -vji cv. 1 1 .. a.-vxu,i -- i 1 i the drntr Rtnr nf JWrd-in Rrntifirt Wm Railr. D. McKianie. P. B. hOg personality and tenderlf Cher. thU wATr iaiKinfr flrfmirad vrr. Ariffin J B Thomas. K. P. Hill. ishes the memory of the old veU . w r.ufl) w V J I 7 - , I . - body. It is a fine and costly appa- At the election on Tuesday the erAn 8 unwavering friendship. rt.n n.n? nrlfla'trinMi tr tTiia nlroi1ir labevi ticket was elected withont 1 W. li. KOYALL. nip.ftlv jirra-ncrA rlrntr atnrft Tt wn I onnonition. and f or once there VfHA purchased from the R. M. Green no "factional fight" in a Louisburg DON'T BEAD THIS, GIRLS Company, of Philadelphia, and was town election. The Times hopes put dp by their representative, Mrrl that this meant something tor the Reflections of 9 Bachelor GirL J. F. Burdine,. who performed his future of the town, and not only A man's conaoience is made THE-WHIG PEOPLE. THEIR HOVE HE NTS 1H OUT OF TOWN. AND presented that day, bat any oU ool. ditr," who has made appUcaika for hit crust, catf reoeive ILe axtne by applytog to Mr. Aa StrelbeT.- DatrQirrxfta. those who have been put in charge India rubber warranted to stretch of affairs will work harmoniously to-1 as long aa the fun lasts. gether for toe interests of the com- Husbands re like Christmas munity, but that the entire citizen- gifts yod can't choose them? you've ship will join hands to aid them. just got t sit dowxujnd wait until The newly elected Mayor and Com- they arrive and then appear perfect missioners will take the oath of ly delighted with what you get. -ua - m j i r 1 nv . ... onice nexi luesuaj wnea vne van lneorny people wno believe in elected for toe I a personal devil nowadays are the ClojintYoangTrUle. , Quite a'lirge crowd was pceeeni al the doting txrciaea at the Yoaaa ville Graded School a Wrdnaday, the 2Sth oil. The eCoeat work el the corps yf uaehere ia. charge te evUtooed by the tnianer in which I each pupil a oq allied hbt or bar aelf In their part of the frogtaratse. Dr. R. W. Sykee of Wake Forwt College ditrtrrd the eddroas. His subject being, Tbe ScWl-lIott la a Deroocracy Dr. Sykee as one of the ablest tdscatiooal tpeakri la the State and he handled bit t object in tach a plain, practical cotnoon sense vaT thai it was eojyed, de voured aod almost disled by alL Th People of Yoantrille are prood of their school and realite what a benefactor it is to their to wo; any coram unity that b pertseated with idext like that u tare to ksp paoe with ihe time. List of Letters ores wno : are married to tnal kind. There ia ' something about one cocktail that makes a man want an other the moment he baa swallowed Religious Notice. The Times is reqmested to announce that Rev. A. D. Wilcox will preach in the Methodist church next Sunday morning and night. Strange how joyfully a man will pay a lawyer $500 for untying the kuot that be begrudged paying a clergyman $50 for tying. The average man looks on matri mony as a hitching post where he . . . .. can tie a woman and leave nr until he comes home nights. Bridegrooms have that sheepish oo k because every one of them is morally certain that he is a lamb being led to the slaughter. It's a wise woman that knows how little she knows about her bus- band. returning, -as and 7:15 this State, tpent Sunday aod a part of Monday with bis sister, Mrs. T. B. Wilder. Me&srt. F. B. McKinne, L. V. Hicks and O. S. Msoon are attending the Raleigh District Conference which meets with Brooklyn church, Raleigh this week. His congregation having given him a vacation Rev. F. A. BUbop will, after attending District Confer ence, spend a tew weeks in the east ern part of the State. Silas Murray Stone. This venerable man died at his home in Coal Creek, Tennessee April 10, 1909. During most of his life he was a citizen of Franklin t county, N. C, not havine until 1903 Wonitan.Tavlnv I ' f w.-w. . . (removed to lennessee . ' Me was Mr. J. W. Weaver and Mrs. Mag- born in 1830 and was in the seventy. gie Rudd Taj lor were married at the ninth year of his age when he dfed home of the bride's father, m .War- In 1859 he was married to Mary -A. i en county, on Wednesday, of last Green, a daughter of Mr. Jack Green, week. .Thef arrived in Louisburg a well known and highly respected on Thursday, and, will Preside at the citizen of Franklin, county, 'many Pittman place" near - town. : The yeara deceased. . No man was ever bride is the daughter of Mr. TffvBL niore richly blessed than' Mr. Stone Rudd, while the groom is oneof our fn his lif a partner.. She with Vthfee efficient R. F. D. Carriers. rHe has chifdretfaurvives him. J The children received very hearty conatulationg aro:8.'ria Smith :'liehderaon, from his, friends. ,7 'f ; " WIG and Messrs: Lepn andHew t ' " ' " S v Stone of (aT Cree fennr rne ' tauDiui wittt - and . tne - tnree Mr. D. F. McKinne returned lat Nothing bores a man worse than v.w, tended tne mantage oi nu orotner, Mr. Malcolm McKinne, of Johnston county, to Mist Ethelynd Peterson, of that city. Meatrt, W. K. White and J. H. Mitchell attended the annual meeting ol the State Faneral DirecVar's Asoo ciation at Greensboro last week. The last named gentleman paaeed the Board at an expert embalmer. the devotion of the girl before the last. In a man's opinion a kiss it an end that juttifiee any meant. A wise lover, like a good cook is one who knows wben the fire it oat. By Helen Rowland. Black Rock Items. Mr. E. II. Gopioa is erecting a new roftidenoe on Black Rock. Oar farmers have been doiagaoat nice work oo their tarms, (ilantexi corn, and tome nave i tobacco aod planted col ton. Mr. C. K. Gopioo aod Sont iave Gniahed aawing o are doing om oice work with their drefiag roa ch ine. Mint Joe (top too gav a cU m aid's quilting on Friiay April SOth, all tld raaiis being in f iled. Teitrnt who attendwl -eceee Mtte Mary Bell Goptan, IVirl Hi-ht, Jeooie Ay ccke, Kera Gap ion, Klrothtr In ecoe. (All the others hsl as well attended, for they are old mails joat the same.) The ladies rasl al 10 o'clock asd after qailtiag an1 laugh iog, singing, having lots oi joy and fun for two boors a bantifcl dinner of aloe i erery thing g4 to eat, wx a-erred. After ertrv one en joyed a nice dinner, ther tf-eat the rcet of the afternoon l!lin jokrs that would make a dog laagh- Jtul al ihe closing of the jolly spent day an old bachelor took ihe ladue down to the pond for a nk rile in ihe boats. All went booe happf bod ing for Mise Jo to be gc:l ttl rMr George Davis Peat!, ; Mr, Geol:W Dayisa IpfoTnent cild and hiffhlv esteemed citizen'df W ren countydiedion-Tuesdayl night H511? ?eTotion? ' , - ' of pneumonia. -' He as .yabout t79 ;lOTfwa8 ;a$utli .. Closing: at Mapleville. The last school in the county to close was that of Mapleville; the ex- Uasonlo Funeral. vaVwvO ,WVSue!y uoiv wvqwj f e.w a i Rev. L. WVSwope, pastor of Louis- The TtMK! is requetted to an burg Baptist Church delivered the nounce that the masonic funeral of ad dressT:. His message was brim full the late J. W. Guptoo, will be of inspirauoti and encouragement to preached at Sandy Creek church cn the smaller ones, wholesome and next Sunday by Rev. W. M. Duke, elevatinz to the larger ones, and vu aiaaotjs apewauy inviieu, ana re- gready enjojed and appreciated by qutated to ne present by 10 o'dock. all. Messrs Arthur Amngton and B. T. Holdeci delivered the prizes to Memorial Day. the winners and" their little hearts I Owing to circumstances we could were made tojfeel glad; not make arrangements to observe . The evening concert attracted am Memorial Day with any formal cele- unusually large crowd; bringing ontl bration. We are not, however, will even sweet-hearts and lovers to par-1 ing to allow this anniversary-to pats ticipata in Jthe "good-pleaaure and I without paying our tribute of love ts attainmenta afforded by the oc-1 wverence to those vUeot Sleep- casidn.; Much praise and credit . is ! era" in our cemetery, who, in the Burfc andwife, Mr; V--K;. Egerton anm;thvivar.was a aoldler, of and wifeMrs: Ivey-AlleS add 6tner the;onfederacyAHe was r a: mem- relatives from" Louisburg 'attedded tr ot t3d. 1: 65th ;N. C. Regiment, a thAfnnprl A-V,v': TOmpanr.comppsed largely of Frank- nni fi.ve thee led themtelvee wulina aacnfioee for trained the' hearts and minds of their home and country. We mott cor pupils, but have . been . injtrnmental diilly invite aU who love the mecoory in beautifying ths , .appearance . .of f CQr ttI06l Caaw with u to if. in.MM withh hv nurchaainff caetcry on Monday morning, for the tchbol : a piaooV with Jnnde May 10th and earrf Co vara for . dtc raiaed by then efforts, ; . - rating the graves ot the Confederate ; Tne - people around t aiapievuie i SoUien wbo Iie-trarieU tnertw nave always rnieeua mucn wwr- ; Vfe will meet at the reeideaoe f est ia the cause oi education ana , M"n they now have a school to be proud .Crenahaw, and pe all wiU of. - 'fi ; -:' e9m9 promptly at 9 clock. The 'r's: r i ;.V; , v JBsijiir " I erotica of honor .will not be puhlidy kind asr&in. Viox rrt. The True Phyxlclxu My fneoda, the most beaatifai. the grandest, sabl'tme: creatbo or manifestation of God's omnipotence Is a man created in His own t si ace. who loves his fellow man. One who minisUrt to the wants artd neor3 tic of his fellow man aa softly aod gentle aa the moonbeams fail Vfon the midnight tea, one who viiiis the sick and Ells the room with a radi ance at bright and glorious aa the liehl ot the new day; one who dis pels the shadowa of adrenity at the lightning cleave the cloadt to a sombre sky rach a man it the tret pbyvkUn. "After all, we cannot fail to ret lize that we are constantly Cgttisg a foe that mcaieoontr or later, aoccrd tog to the laraulabtc laws cf ciUre, some out vktorieua, Frota the edict AU that It bora rata t die, aU tanti submit to the dominion stf death, tntre is no tppeal and after a liille whHe they will aay ot each caeaber of ' this graduating ; duta, of - ci&h member of ear profrsxkra, at they aiki of: the 'Great Pbytictaa,- Ue eared otberc, himself be oar.ot aare.9 And wht3 the day ot cifiulaiba thxll . tiriTe, whts that laenuble hour ah all have oas, taay a oertaia irjia a4veraaay reoahe a coUe foe and deal with the doctor. SVca the address ot Dr. McBrtytr, cf Aahsnllf , at the Kcrth Carelisa Medical CeUegt, ChirictlA. . "I