X i -. F R A N ;K l N' r on .WEDNESDAY D' E P A R I---. - - ) . : X M : E N T . """" l N 12TH 1G09. V' 7 v.. V,' J.' vi-v ::'t'. ' ; u j'f; .' :, t I- ' .1 St. V.'';. 1',:" ',' -it:' , 1 tl 1 , t 7 :, Advertise your business and see the difference. We were sorry to learn of Mrs. I. T. Ward's illr$ess. i ' ' We are pleased1 to note that chief A. B. Cooke is improving. If its business you want do some advertising and then it will be up to you. v .-. ' . ,y'xl-- , Read the new ad of theMcGhee Joyner Co., in this issue. It contains information worth while to the ladies. Mrs. E. M. Speed very delight fully entertained the Ladies Aid So ciety at her home on Monday after noon, v Business " men of franklinton your neglect of advertising is the costliest of all vour business over- w sights. ' Rev. John London, of Louis burg, will deliver the annual address at .the Albion Academy on Wednes day, May 26th. Mr. F. J. CaritheTs, of Raleigh, is acting conaactor on the Louisbiirg railroad in the place of Capt. B. F. Carpenter, who is a.t home sick, The Board of town commission ers postponed their meeting set for Tuesday the 11 h on account of the Alness ot Chief of Police Cooke. S A game of ball was played here Monday, between the teams of Kit trell and Franklmton. It was a very interesting and enjojable game and resulted in a score of 3 to 1 in favor of Franklmton. The game ot balk between Louisburg and Franklinton which was played here yesterday, resulted in a score of 19 to 12 in & favor of Tanklinton. it seems tnat it was cthe day off" for both teams. We will be glad to have the citizens of Franklinton and commun ity to make notes of all news items and leave them where our represen tative can get them or give-Hhem to him on Tuesday of each week. ,: : On Saturday a big5 1ish.;? frolic and dinner-was given- at tne mouth1 i of Ford Creek on Tar river, ly Mr J E. H. Evans to a number-.f IhiS' A riends. A general good r time was had and a number of theifinny tribe caagbt. Those composing the party , were Misses Florence Powell, Julia Card , Sue Royster, Lucy Higbt; .Zelma Winston, Bessie Evans, .Bet tie Lee Gibbs,VMra. J. F..May, .Messrs, Will Gibbs, Andrew and Jeff Gibbs. -T ' Mr. J. R. Neathery, of Creed moor, died in the hospital ; at Rich- of last for an operation for appendicitis, which had been successfully performed and he was expected to return home on the day of his death, but death came on . Tery unexpected. He leaves a wife, daughter of Mr. J. H. Cooke, of FrankHnton, and four children. His "remains weie i nterred in the ceme tery at Creedmoor on ' Wed nesday evening amid a number of friends who had gathered to pay their last f sad tribute j;o the deceased. The 1 bereaved family have our sympathy. Personal. " : I. J. Harris visited Epsom San day . .. - -...;. , Miss Mabe Vann went to Raleigh , - yesterday. y,. ' Miss Mattie Ballard went to Kit- trell Saturday. 'v.'s-"'''': ' Morris, of Oxford, is yisiting his pebple in town. J v A. B. Iwell wntito . Richmond op business uesday, -: 4 Capt. J. B. Cheatham? spent Sun f day with his people here V r R. A. Pruitt returned from Wake X- Forest Wednesday last. . Mr. Henry May, of Lynchburg, is - visiting his people in and near town. mouth, spent Sunday with Mrs t). C. McGhee. : i -r 4 eJ; Woddallof Wake Forest College,, visited Mr W' D: Morris; the'past week.': ', ' jv -v - .1'?J. Mrs. Jack Harrisbf Wake county. !pent Saturday . and Sunday with her people here. ' v.' ' , Misses -Lillian High and , Estele Lipscomb, of Louisburg visited Mrs. C. F. Best Sunday. r i:'-h vc vo ca . 2 ' McGheeVjoyner Co STORE OF QUALITY McGhee-Joyner Co f2Jr'" kA. H. Tann, B4 Ti Green and B, W. Ballard went to Raleigh Monday to witness a game of ball. 3 Miss Eloifie Williams and Mrs. S. E. D. Dean, ot Kittrell, were in town shopping yesterday. Mrs. B. A. White and .children are visiting her sister, Mrs. George Holland, of Wake Forest. J. Mr, J. W. Daniel was called to Oxford Monday afternoon on ac count of tne illness of his father. Miss Susie Mcirhee returned to the B. UW. at, Raleigh Wednesday after spending some time at home. Mrs. G. L: Whitfield and children, left Monday to visit 'her brother, Capt. R. J. Cheatham, at Norfolk. R. A. J'ruitt left yesterday for Charlotte, where he will attend the meeting of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows. Miss n.alie ret Morris came over trom tne University at Kaleigb, to attend the entertainment Wednesday night. She was accompanied by Miss Annie Jones, of Rileigh, who was her guest while in town. 0 JF you want the extreme length in a conct, vjiw vwi uit oiig ixncs ana me hipless effect, buy a Kabo No. 701. I ( ( - There's nothing i stylish models that isn't made by the manufacturers of this famous corset rc carry a full line if Svlilll mm mm m. a. w, lllirr ot Kibo Corsets Delightful Entertainment. r "Into each life some rain mui fall," so sajs the- ppet, but ; thanlcs, we say, tne rain is not all. A great broad ray of sunshine struck our Led to these oung ladiea and to M xsn 'inond on Tuesday morning week; He had been there List of Letters. Remaining in Franklinton, Posi office uncalled pr: Mrs. Lucy Evans, Mrs. J. J3. Haskihs, John R. Puroell, -W. C. Saunders, Amanda Smith; Poilie Town, F. L. Townsend, Henry Thomas, Mrs Rachel Wilder. When calling for any of them please say they were advertised. W. P. Edwards, P. M. CojrTlfat Itte JUbo Corwt C. with iKttrlm: Ui 2 pfr of tt fvrr: tV Inel cUp; wtii. ocJr. Sm U to Jul Prtc, Ijro RAboStyU7QXStXl.UcU. ut :. Prices $5 to $1 Wc recommend the Kabo Form Reducing Corset; it is, effective and comfortable. JUST RECEIVED 4 500P .yards Wilhelmina Lures in a beautiful line of i. attorn .ft.ort1 dtH ;s,ru& u zch. rll iu io ic, win f?u t oc. I he.se 'aceft aro nmed for th txvjiuitfu) nxu-n W ChfltniT d r fd Its kiscl wide lor thcir noveltv of design ami wiring quahtie Pueen from whom they derive their name. "THE STORE FRANKLINTON S Bl Dup'icAUn of jli-r. tjd in lh UcrckMtt 4 tl OF QUALITY" AND BEST STORE ; William Best, Jr., is visiting - his - sister Mrs. Jack : Harria in Wake county. I . Mr. W. L. Spbon.V. S. Civil - En cineer, hi Chapel Hill, was tirrtown '..Vfsterday, s v - of '.New .Mr. L. H Cutler,. Jr town on Wednesday evening the 5th inst, when Miss Katiebet Morns came home from the Womens Uni versity at Raleigh, bringing with her three of her good friends, to wh; Misses Minnie Haynes, Grace Rogers and Phillis Woodall, to be her guests. They were not only very charming young ladies, but they are artists each in her line, and for an hour and a half at the School Auditorium on Wednesday evening tjiey entertain ed an audience that will jal ways ;rj- member, with piano solos, .recitations and songs, Misses Wootfall and Mor ris, playing accompaniments.' Ms Haynes has a voice of extraordinary power and scope, and when she flings a melody it is soulful and sweet. Miss ?race Rogers must have been christ ened attef she bean to lecite, so well does her manner on the rostrum correspond with her, name, .and., her selections were of such variety.as to convince tone of the breadth of her talent. . This was not Miss Woodall's first appearance, here and the ..waiting public had anticipations,' had hopes, and they were not in vain.' "That old and sweetest of all musical' in struments that absorbed the skill and latent of a Stradivarias became plaything in her hands. She 'waved her - bow like- a princess of music summoning her chorus girls, to herN presence and right readily did they respond. . She followed the ; little slria way o.' to the bridge and awoke fttijt v birds . on the ", highest branches ind made them . sing. : She swept across the chords and' gave a concert to the people in the middle row and then went down to wake up some grumbler in ' they basement,, to come forth and join the celebration :She . played; an , old air . that folded up? the yearji and sat p6n them andjr told us ; we"; were '."young again arid J we believed y. if .There's nothing Uti fiddle "rtovtakeong Morris who was responsible for their being here, since the concert was in behalf of the work of the society and was given without charge or division M profits. ' 1 ori;, sole agenu for tn f WE OFFER TO THE FASTIDIOUS WOMEN cents United State. Remember the and take no otbr. name- If your stomach, heart or kidnets ara weak, try at least, a few doeea only of ur. jnoop a Kestorauve. in five or ten days only, the result will surprise you. A few centa will cover the cost. And here is why help cornea so quickly. Dr. Shoop doesn't drug the stomach, nor stimulate the Heart or Kidnevs. Pr. Snoop's Restorative oea directly to the weak and falling nerves. Each organ has its own controlling nerve when these nerves fail, the depending organs must of necessity falter. This uuuxjjye vitai irum, cieany ceiia wny Dr. shoop's Restorative is so univer sally successful. It's success is leading drmrgists everywhere to give it univer sal preference' A teat will will tnrely leu. in tJoaaie-ferry urug Uo. Urs. Knight, of BeiltUw. DoanV p A doxen and one thine are rccom- - tl mndert to cure censtrpation. and for - f five year Mrs, Knight, of HelWirw. Tenn., tried them all. She wma alnxw. j tl in despair when Dr. CaWwelrg Syrup Pepsin waa recommended to br. Sb took it and waa immediately rtHrrcl tl She continued with it atd u pcrm- - , nently cured. It will cure anoo cflV constipation or any atomaH. liter or tl bowel trouble. It u aholuUly trusr-i an teed to do what U claimed, and if i v you want to try it before boyic, ctn3 j tl your addreas for a tree asm pi Ustile 1 i to I'epain bvrupCo.. 1X9 OJdwcn Bldg. t MonUcelk). 111. It ia old by The BaA- tl die-Perry Drug Co,, kt Oc aod fl a S 1 bottle. V . (i ) OF FASHION A CORSET VTl.jth i all it .tr ln, ' t American Eicauly CorwK 4i NATTJEE'S WAENING. - V Loniaburg People Must Bee- ognizo and Heed it. Kidney ills come quietly myster iously, Iut nature always warns you . Notice the kidney secretions. ..See if the color is unhealthy If there are settlings and sediment, Passages frequent, scanty, painful. It's time then to use Doan's Kid ney Pills. To ward off Bright's disease or diabetes. Doan's have done great work in this locality. Mrs. H. S. Cox, 223 W7 Jone street, Raleigh, N. C, says: aFor a considerable length of time my kid neys were. very weak and I was caused a great amount of annoyance by the frequent- passages of kidney secretions. My back ached constant ly andTad dull pains aorota my loins, bo severe at tunes tnat l waa hardly able to get abouu Two box. ea of Doan's Kidney Pills, complete ly cured v me and; since that time there has never been a return of :the trouble. . I endorse this . ralnabla the Special Rates to Cbarlotto via Seaboard. The Seaboard will sell tickeu if- uucii numr us wll f mil i ii 8 auit.. tao -m B hi m t yn j n , Ji4 firtm trnt in'' .. . BIT Mt MiiMt nan. MRS- M- C. HENLEY, y f u uckeu to Charlotte account 20th of May ceUbra- tion at thrte ccau (3c) pr mile plat ' For military and braai bands In uni form, twenty-nv or more on ct ticket trarelinsr together in each dirveUoo. a rati of one cant per mile, dittaac tnrteled, will apply. Tlcxeti will be sold May 171a. IStfc. 19th. and for train scheduled to arrire in Charlotte by 1 in. May 20th, tt return limit ttcketa will b good return- . r ins? leave CharVotte up to ircldaur. but I T not Uler than mkJ-mbt, of May 22. U touowinr roenxi tnp fto&viduan ' ratea will apply from prwclpal rxnU: Kaietffh , ,1Z.ZZ Henderson .ft. 10 Oxford . A10 Wake Forest .. 56 Sanford...? Southern Hnea .X. Special train will be run from Ruth erford ton and Uamletand extra ea&ehrs and puUmana will be placed oo rrruUr trains where neceaaary to Lxcdla crowd. . CILGATXIS. District FanirT ceftt, Ilaleib, N. C DR FORD : D EOT1ST. Frankliiiloa, ;N.CV 0c hi StarjjtoxrBaildjnc. ' V. tor. MMyiPnteharV'oprA - "rhejLadieB Aid'Society .is mdeb);-For iale 'byall .'deaerB. fPrioe i 50 DI1 PC tzza trta I HAVE NOW ON HAND For itsmfrdiaU dbtrt.s 1 or of I.. SjJi for StAck. Bi- lot of WW Urd Cowt aid a fccod rtJy of rUc? Coal. ! P A REAVIS Let Us Do Your Job Prim We guarantee, Quality and Xcatu to see us or mail your onle. I (. N.

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