1 i C 3 -y. . a- 1 i If Youngsvilie Items. Nannie Clarke, of Chester, i ta visiting her brother, BIrV D. '11 . ... ,yr "..'. . yspw- i ..... people near Granville coanty. Chief Winston and J. W. Winston nt to Ilaleigh Tuasday. , , . unting in tne oauK-v or ii M 1 vf s- Tina KtAan Aftm. ,1 atul presents quite a pleasing The P;1 pises to be a very prettj strue- nd is expected to be ready for ines of the individual; illness f the ; DrS. RappoVt physician :,v. , ; , V' - burg, Tuesday an That ( most ; illness ' results willbe ial Loaw- .V . . . . . . ... . - and Wednesday Mar from 26th; at the Eouisburc Hotel.. V Uia cle88ness, ignorance, ormtempeN specialty W fitting eyes : with ' lense anoe of some kind. 'c , .; suited to' their special need.: Char- That aa many lives are cat " short ees most moderate: v - . . 4 v,;;'- ... by unhealthfulr food "and, ' diet as through strong drink. ' :t 1 . - - ? vThaton the home foundation ,is ete1 I rpfteu on a iui neat me vuurua. L proi i lire Luoancy soon. fle lirn that tne toDacco interest uginir aroused, and iv is expected -nr olrAinr TrinTlrof will a ier this fall. . pr I. G. Riddick has moved his i i. v ; lmi)y to Kaieigu. . vyur peupit; ro- I very much to give them up bat K onnAaaa i ... . . ' . j (j. Cneatnam nas movea into i n: . jg new (iwemun. pr s. C. Ford ' has arranged hereby he gives one day in each i ... rnnfravillo in t.hu nrn.nt.ioA f dentistry. (; Stell went to Raleigh Mon- ay- Mis- iisulah Moore went to anklinton Tuesday evening. The old board of Town- Com mis- ioners tfiet iau buuobuojt uu mPfl over the rown. government WTiQopiiig Cough " This is more 'danfreiona diaeksA xl a i . it . . . Kiiilt oil La ;k GVi - - i maji generally presumed. . 11 wiu be built all that is good m State or a surprise to many to learn that more dividual.., v . , TT ' ' deaths result from it than from scarlet nuU C-: 1 fever. , Pneomonia often results from iUflV,u'0 "F1" M"ureu itv chamberlain's Couxrh Remedy has demands more study than the7 rais- f been used in -many epidemics of Whoop- i v . line uougL, ana always with the best viuiu iB.- v . results. Delbert McKeic. of Harlan. That the spending of money is Iowa, , aavs of , itr;; "My boy took as important as the earning of mpn- Hehadit in the widter. I cot a bottle ey. ' &a . . " .-' pf Chamberlain's Cough Remedy which WhU a' ProYea&ooa-i' J- cannot recommena it r uwot uuw mean too highly.' For sale bv Boddie-Perrv spending a small account, but in get- urop: lxj. tinjthe largest returns for the mon ey expended. - , - it Eats Un'Pfr mat wib iiome-maser snouia oe I ' o 4 win maxe no 0lo rf i I t, l m alert to pro,re ia her life sOTj?0 Work as the business or professional -t up your Stoves, this Fall. Hv i ;;s paint, will not rub of ct:if S-iINES ITSELF. It also Sale . of -.Valuable " Timbcra r Br " virtue of aa order of the Oetk ot the Hupenot Court -of innklia County made in tpcciaJ roercHojr, entitled - V w w ( ) () ( ) () () mf V Sur Sm Su S W W W W W W N r- r. ... G I aa tU3 rarni a f ttj cf tW ajd nbtt t - w V ( ) Ik f J C) ( man. That the most profitable, the most interesting study for women is the home, for in it center all the issues ot-l life. That the study of home problems may be made of no less cultural val ue than the study of art or litera ture, and of much more immediate value) Saves Hari Work Laura S. Upchurcu andothmra-raru tne unaereijrneti ? commissioner uj rii at public ; auction to the higlicst hitLliT for cash, at the court ' house d-ot ia LouisburK.N.C,.oo the 7th day of June, 190, it betng:iUofirtt MoaJsy In Baiamoaio me noar.oi oooa all the timbers of the sue of eight lofh-j ( x ea and upward y in.1 diameter orf the v ) uie louowing ucsiiux"u tracit ot parcel I f of land vi: i I ' ' V pine, Diazea ana cnoppa, mm aaonr chopped and biased fine to Icjbridce and UDchurch line: then down tab! ho I ( to Peaeh Tree CreX, hcn np Ald Crk I r V to a forked willow; then up a r-ne I v alonr a line or blaxed tree to the bead f J hedeerow to a corner marknt nlnn nrr Ivy an open Held then alonjc add open nekl0 to a corner pme; tnen southward alon I eaid oten field to a corner nine- thnlv J westward aloof a line of Uxtcd trmn tojC ) we Dcginning, couuunin auut ai acre more or leas. w Second Tract Bcffinninjr in the orfcri- O nal Upchikch line on the county road. J ? x then runnlnsr sotithward with the fine I v ' of Mrs. Wood and the late a M Up- O churdi to the Gay and Syke line: then nonn-et along the ykea, Viek and x Culpepper lines to a corner io the oruv I C ) nai upenuren line: men Eastward alonr I s x the lower Una of lira ii n tTnrKtttft. I V J to the beginning, containing by eatima. I O 2 O nf tion about 25 or SO acres. . ; w w w w w w w w w W w-l VJ w w W w w w w W U w sj KJ Terms and SurChaser shall hare ate of deed in which I pc Lr cry tr ItosM m4y 4 wt t tar a t.v f Uu ba It tuaH t ct4 Io r&ak y t jt y lo ia22 Aioju If your dealer nasn-t Bro., have. Louisbuwr. it fcicKinne "No-Drip" is the most clever little coffee strainer ever invented. Get one free from Dr. Snoop, Racine, Wis., by the coupon plan. The coupon and Dr. FINE TO BUY A OPPORTUNITY FARM. I have about one thousand acre Snoop's, new book on .Health Coffee Qf land, which I am willing to sell sent to any lady requesting them. You i . i.,-- ;c , , flr.aiv SOrdnv on long time it a reasonable cash Dr. Shoop'a Health Coffee at meal payment is" made. Any one de time. Your visitor or your husband siring to buy a farm will do wel wm aeciare ne is orinicing: real cone- to see me, as I will sell in loU of and yet there is not a gram of real cof - Kr JLr fee inDr. Shoop's Health Coffee. Pure acres more. grains, malt, and nuts give Health Cof- 1 Jr T. W. Bickett, lea its exquisite taste and flavor. No '-Louisburg N. C ??tS 3- minu.te " See"KR Hill if you wish to pur your grocer and get a pleasant surprise. nas anv of,the above land. it io package ztc. . Mayor Clem C. Winston r and the 'ollowing commissioners: J. x..irer- C. C. Cheatham, J. W. Winston, r W. Woodlief, D. W. JSpivey. The ,ew board ihen organized and elect- d the following: Mayor frotem V. Winston, Clerk J. W.Wood lief, Treasurer S. E. Winston, Chief If Police J. E. Winston. A large crowd ef friends and pat- 01 Hie luuugmure u.uv.w Lhnol assembled on April 28th in L Bchool auditorium to witness the The Cost of Livilicr Frightens lommencement exercises oi tn? ,UUU,UUJi tsacneiOFS. c.hool which was opened with There are to-day about four mil me DAVID G. LOUISBURG, N. C. () (J ( ( ( () O C) () C) C () O a ( Headquarters For Everything WHY MEN DO NOT MARRY. SPECIAL RATES VIA SOUTHERN MEMPHIS, Tenn Account Inter state Cotton Seed Crushers' Association Tickets on sale Mav 16th. 17 and .1. raver bv Rev. T. B. Justioe. Prof, lions ot men in the United States, final return limit to leave Memphis, not later than midnight of May 22nd. SAVANNAH, Ga.-Account of Gen-' en : o 4--a ur : Job Department : rerrell in a nice speech introduced past thirty years ot age, who are not o i nri, TTof TOVir I i 1 : . oav AxMXAn, ua. a it- i itiy fti vt i ivn ruiuBii t uy iimiiinu. mm iiik iiuiiiiiki in t nil mi 31 1 1.- 1 1 a 1 -rt 1 1 - . 1 ""--7 - ' - ' erai AssemDiy rresDVienan vnurcn in ivered the Literary address wnicn My on the increase, says the Kev. united fetates. lickets on sale May li. lias highly appreciated. ; At - the Madison CkFeterSi D. , D., .inv. the iS fuSS.r. ".t .;! . v . , i-.;, . f .- . !?" -i - r : .1" , ' J ' ' - J 1 w lavvi 1t4.au Uliu- ;1086 1 roi. j'enoti auuuuuwu iuai wtpm ew lUBftv yyulu&ub iuainf i "igunji u uuc auu. - 1 - 4. 1 he scolarship to Rome. Ga., which Jzine Why do not these men mar- LOUISVILLE, Ky Account of South- l " 1 - - - T 4 a. a rr- A ad been procUed in the beginnin,, rj? WU1 iv become so in the fatcre Je 0 n 12 3 ikh withfiDT. f the schocl to the scholar making that coroparativelv few men will return limit to leave Louisville not later I . I I than TnirlnitrHt nf Uov 9n-? he best progress during . the year marrv. " e J ' " I i IT ATTTOTTTT T IT T a a L J u m;0 Mo T t j 1 : I y. Account Annual uau ueeu wuu uj uixxoo muopuucui Mlcw8 a ucw.iiiuu Session Ancient Arabic Order of the Winston. At night the large auditor- more and more impossible, and about Mystic Shrine. Tickets on sale June L a: ua k il:ns- ..-x- tt. 5, 6 and 7th, final return limit to leave mm wan uoi buuiuioui w u wur miuiuus ui wuuieu iu uio ounr ain0 i0 Kn nihf r crowd that came and some lett witn- ed btates are nllins; positions which June 17th. out getting in the house. Each , one men should occupy to make homes. MOREHEAD CITY, N;eC Account ,f the scholars did their part ; well The salaries- of the ayerage young PSlSl l6l52d aad much credit is due the teachers I man. eve Q in good positions, are 1 to, final return lim it v to leave More . . . . ... r , ' . . , ii head City, not later than midnight of iui vuru aiicii-o iu - " ?u .v inviuvj mi v.wa.u.o JUne2lth Messrs. I. W. Mitchell, Jones wife on a present-day salary? national Convention Baracca and Phila- I . I thus Tmlrnlo n. a 1? 1CK ) ujot, j. iujiu sate f uuc a i . ioiu tuu for trains schedaled to arrive Asheville stnn fro W "F? Winttnn and Miss l ptnrncrnri hv th ftonstnntlv mp.raft before 3 t. m. June 19th. final rptnrn t , ... ... I 1 1 1 1 1 I I in iftavt. t wiiiui I id ti (IT aror Trnn I uuiiw winsion went up to ar imvw iiug.cusii ui nviufs, uuiu iu wnu auu midnight of Jne 25th. T J 1 i 1. .L I T3.- ,;W.4- , ..juaj Wuuj. -tu-i.nuv-.. ASrlEVILLE, N. C Account of Department, to which ranch I U. I MV r M 1 1 ( 1 1 I 31 irilllll UUin IliUU I HUIIlllirLS LlitSU , UlUl'UlCI.B 111 IUAU1 Y. I llOHUUHl AOOViatIUU i. iuiit; . j i 4. 4. u 4.u a tive Association. Tickets on sale May Condition of Hale -The three jrr QQQOAAonAAnArN po orr Ar, to cut and re-l VWV- w w w w w v w ws vwwvwOvwwwwv move the timber, and shall be frrant! 1 0 rurlher time ms adtlttion thereto not to I f A exceed two years, prorided he pay in- ; leresi aio per ceni per annum on thelLJ purchase pnee of Mid timber during r such extension. And saki purchaacr J shall be granted such rights of Inrrra C ) and egress an may be neceary to cut I and remove t'.e timbers sold. iV C. C. PKAKCK. Com. W This the 26th day of April. 1909. O O () O O O C) O O O O O O C) C) () O HUYLERS CANDY Gool to tt ind o to wear alwara. PHONE 47 ALWAYS Mt I(K IJcifSK m now orn tho balance of thu r. t4 w;fl f ct.l;r. tot FRESH A T The Scoggin Drug Company JNO. W. KING LOUISBRG. N. C. cccccccoccocco ccoccoccocco ccccccocoocco cccccccccocco Cooke, H. B. Winston, W. R. Win- Marriage is being effectually dis Under Management of AS HEIR F. JOHNSON 1 Kemember that our Job 1 1 fish and girls expect ts be thus cared for 28 with final retura limi J after , marriage. I.t. costs more to to leave Asheville not later than 30 days Hon op Roll. sustain such a girl than the averegel Arum UdltJ OI I a '0 a w " aawm rK t r.ra tan. a tm r o I "VTTT T? I rvro rl f A AAAitnT f Inn ine tionor itou oi ine x ouuyHTm , . - , eral presbyterian Church in i Graded School for the past month h txcentionallv fortunate vouna LUnHf?ltes f fl1 et8:?? t attention will be paid, i now under the management of A. F. Johnson. was as follows: ' 1st grade Mabel Garner, Essie Youn" Ercelle Huff. Pearl Allen, Mamie Young, Herbert Mitchell., 4th grade Nora JPearce, .Bertha Winston. Rubert Pierce, Mattie Pierce, Minnie Belle Pierce, Julia Winston, May Levrery, Aubrey Win- 'ton. 5th grade Annie Green, Ruby Freeman. ' . tth grade Uzzie Williams, Ada ffrevs. Grace Hunt. Annie Belle Preddy. . , ' f "th grade Amanda Winston, FloHsie'Gay, Marguerette Hunt,,Ed ward Winston. J ; th grade Frank Timberlake, ate Holding, Hattie Perkerson,' Ruby Winston, Herman Winston, Mabel Cooke, Susie Pearce. ytb grade Mary Winston, Ger-V Qde VV inston, Peyton Mitchell, karl Underwood, Clause Timber? the exceptionally fortunate young May 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19th, with man-can or should marry. finai return limit to reach original The time was yvlhen ladies m starting point npt,: later than midnight the best of that much-abused wbrd 01 ctooer rfist recognizea in any circle that was for further information regarding worth ' the - entering, looked u pon rates, schedules and Pullman accommo- tnii intoroat;.a irlonicnl with thir datlOns, address I httsband's. and were helo-mates and H. n. DeBUTTS, : We are Prepared to do all o o o o o o o () o o o o o () C) o C) o o () () o () o o C) o Fresh Vegetables UaUrl thl MMolj on ban4 t c'effti trt ...... ' alao carry a lull line of ih chui Hty Grocerien and Coantrr Prodnoe fT I have a nice wiftmn! of TKAS. th best makt Gren. Black -in ! Mixod Tr x for tlic table. Kinds of Work Ordtnariy mm r m a I 1 . W 1 mm " 1 I V he Study of Right Living and the Home' mencan Schoo Of Home Economics oaia be the fourth WK' in educa not mere iyhel cats. . T. P. A., Raleighr N. C. Turned out in a "Country Notice of Summons J. MifWa tspnBtoiitsYil I e, U o. There areso raa people that make lio-nfr. nf stomftch. trouble that it IS time to sound a warninsrDbn't neglect it, North Carolina, 1 In Superior Court don'r. kAen on doctormfir with-one man Dranklm Uounty, Uefor the Uerk or thing unless you are getting nenent. xne uiaeaae win ucw nuioc. . ju. t Office" 1. Watson, of Stouts ville, Mo., lingered and delaved so that no physician rcouia help him. Finally he took- Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin and was cured This remedy is absolutely ' guaranteed to do what is claimed, and if you want to try it before buying : send your ad dress for a free sample1 bottle to Pep sin Syrup Co., 119 Caldwell - Bldg., MonticellollL It is sold by The Bod-die-Perry Drug Co. atSOc and r a bottle. ' hat home making should be re d as a profession. ' z '. hat health is the duty and bus- Statb of Ohio, Citx of Tojuedo1-) x f Lucas CJowhty. f J ,s . Frank 4 Cheney makes . oatb that h ,U senior partner of the firm of F. J., Cheney & Cor; doing bttsinesa in. the ? city of Toledo; Cotintv and -tate aforesaid and that said firriiUpay the biim of ONE HUNDRED DOLLAKS for each and - every cae , i.f Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use ,of Hall's Catarrh Cure. : ' " '- . "a, f FRANK CHENEY i V Sworn to before me and subscribed, in my presericethw 6th day of December A. D. - ("jBAt.) ; j- . A W. QLEASQN. , . ' Halls Catarrh Care Ts taken internally, and oota HiMot.W nn t,h blood -andmffcou- sur W ea of the system.' Send for , testimonials. V . ' F - J- CHENEY & CO. Toledo, p .fold by all druggists, 75c. i x , lake Hall's Family Pills for constipation L. Ellis, Administrator of Martha Wilder, deceased vs Henry. Ruffin, ' Marcus Iluffin and I - Al ' oiners. ..... - ' The defendants, Henry Ruffin and IT ft(V)ntthe Marcus Ruffihi above named will fake J X TT W And it is our purpose to fui- X nish good work at reasonable J living prices. In order to do this we must necessarily When in doubt a to whit to ht ft a phone 100 and let u make oae rouar-a. nice lot of edible to deot frt. tc al. ,all W tur a Brantley G. Hids. Phone No. 1 00 Loubbtxrx, H. C CArOAOOAAAA rs r r r r rsssTZ cccccooccocco cccccccccocco noticcthatk summons irl the above en titled action was issued airainst said de fendants on ' the 8th day ' of ' April, 1909,. by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin uounty, .worth Carolina,- StnOly Cash Syslcm v whi'lr summons is returnable before ! in this. department. A bill theLVter,k of the superior, tjourt at his omcem vFrankhn uounty on the A tie 24th will follow each job when de-J of said X- , " ofmak- liver ed, 'and from this date day of Mayy 1909. The purpose action is to sell for the purpose in? asseta-to baV debts of the estate of I , . ' Martha Wilder the -tract of land in I we hope our patrons will be Franklin County described in the peti-l4 4 .m , ' . tion and the defendants are required to J ready to assist ua in making Hhia new departure a bucccs. ? appear and answer or demur to tne com Iaint herein filled r or the relief demand ed will be granted. - This 14th day of April 1909. K'ft-i ) i n . ' ft .J Z 'u' - ): J. s; Bajuiow, c a. C. :' lifSSIi :.Artic.Prmhng... ILUlij J 'test will .urely nror t - ' AA 1 Nn nm(tnv. tin W tress; A safe sad plea&ln Byra j 60c Jrugyist () O O o o v? O o o o o o () C) o () o o o C) () () EXHIBITION AT THE RACKET STORE A beautiful line of -JJtyliah" 83t pern fcr LaJic, Utt, and Children. A worthy Wtioa u3crrat4 in $ltU Embroidery, , Lace. Vellinj;. Keti. CorsetJ. White Gocxli, Drcm Coodjt, Fancj Trimmtr.gi Ifidic5 Ncckmrrar r-e:t. Paraji You are conlUlly invited to caII aod tn$ pect MRS. A. M. HALL - . . o o o () Q O () () () () O O () O O () O o C) o o () o c o o C) C) o ( o C) C) C) c () C) () o o o o ( c C) o ( ( () C) c () o o o () () () C) 'm c ( () C) () C) () c o () o a ',4 V - i s

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