FRAN KLIN ?.?IMES;r7rn.tht (p-ot r " AMiry-:?., .., y. ..... ,. , - . the .(armert-0f FrintiurVna adjoin'- - rr...i,r nMCD Mf counties, to .the "valuable- year A. T HUM ho tu. . ''MimnVffntfOnCTf0.i.; Friday, May 14th, : , ; Racket Store-New Goods.' -C Chas. Macon Strawberries. A T. Neal New Soda Fountain. ? Hank of Youngsville Statement.; j a. Tucker-Virginia Bay Hotel. Brantly, Marshburn & ; Co.; Notice, the 'A book on Rheumatism? and - a trial treatment of Dr; Shoop'a .Rheumatic Remedy liquid or" Tablets, , bewz sent free ; to., sufferers by ; Dr. Snoop, Racine, Wis. You that are well, get this book for some' discouraged, dis heartened sufferer! Do a simple act of humanity! Point out this way to. quick and certain relief ! Surprise some suf ferer, by first getting from the booklet and .the test;, He. will appreciate . your a$d TbeBoddieFerry Drug Co. - SPECIALS TAR DROPS. ft.-'. College takes place June 6th. Quite a number of cpmnjercial tourists" have been interviewing ;onr business men the past week. - . -The stables of Mr. R. C. .Wil liams, near town, were destroyed by jre on Friday of last week. "V lr: ! -.S. - " -t 1 w -v- government nAgricultural)l)epart ment. vWe have a mumber-of ithese books on hand and " will Jbe Vlad $ to lemfesVfcallndf ask for satiaetXne information: con tamed in these books? time of any man if he" wHLonly", jpift some oi it into practice. uall and getybu;0?:-j : 'V;;' --The newcitv fathers" in whose ST Ter?v!5 leave oar cr been placed have dunes, and should .havn :ihv in nitAtl support of the town ia raakinV theur I 2 m 1 shoe polish" 1 in 1 tan shoe Bdminintrotirtn o nnnniII VX7K-. t r"" 7. v.v&u vu - TTr i'T- ana gut edge polish at Lt. P. Hicics.. tne boara can retrench without . det Strawberries fresh from Chas." Macon xuicieu upuu mcir i cieana, scruosv-. scours, poiisnes Ail iAiave ;lheunitea 10ct?- ' Hicks...-' . ; blades axd Base Balls, riment to the interests of the town, or to he injury of persons interested, so as to reduce taxes, they should do Do you wish tine strawberries g0. Butin no case "ire they expect by the crate? i so, read what Ghaa. ed to be niggardly? or i"penny wise Jiawii nap m uto ouioniooiueui'. anQ pOUflU IOOl)8D.'!i "But dia nt tney trim me ( gooar The . retiririgyinembers of the rh truth is. I did'nt know what 1 ' . . r'w -w " w. i.u.w.- u; j: " j Htruck rae anal it was all overw li.. Brs J. M. Allen, Geo. H. Oooper, and breakfast and so easy to carry alon o to lou pounds of ice J w Ki Grain XCradles. erass' handles; at L. P. Hicks. , SELL" A. J. Reachs Prices right. J. W. King. AGENTS WANTED: MEN OR Wo men to work in Franklin county. Can easily make $15 to $25 per . week Auuress "v, urawer a, naieiza, N. C. ' : " My Wagon, PusnCart, Bicycle and Wneeibarrows stand ready to deliveT s V yv j m. j. 1 X 8: Save 'TdDm - . , rrri f11 acc?unt f tbU bank will ute ,cm that. iButv.Uot Ue as4 U. r . -i w w uiia T vi qodi? CmUQC4UL 04 tS.aST XS1 rTt a 7 , SW xx,t,ct- w want yon lo call axd M fcs. Tern can make good use of tiu bank, and w are certain that I CU U of arri to Ttm. W. farniah all the pass books and chck books without ecu haan The "Fishermen" have been servants of the town, and they all rpitin? this week consequently very deserve the thanks of the people of few "red-eyes' nave been in evi-jine town ior meir long service. ,pnce I The two first named have been ong Ice! Ice! Ice! Parties wanting Ice for Sunday's will please leave their or ders with J W King Saturday even ing or call Phone 4 .Sunday a m ' German millet, pearl or cat tail -Mil- 1 - i . t. m 1 lata im t-v tormn rt n I . 1 U iaUo -The annual conceit of Mrs. J. S. niemoers or trie , iJoara tor : several - 2. " ' ? T... . . . UaoM onhiia . nnn.u. Give'your hozs. horses and cows Pratti Harrow's music class will taice place t" ,v w F(j l p Hicks. ' f n u., rrk., l citizens would nave been j?lad. to . . . :. - .. in tne vpwia xxuuoo un ..Aiiuiouav , . , ' - Alabastme The Sanitary Wall Coat Mnv 20t.ri l ail ot them remain on the .Board ing. A wise man pays as much at- v- t . . ' . a. i: xi j i- i v tney.ieei UKe tney naa ?servea vneir V j rt " j- u- i Af : i. ' ' " . as he does tre buiJding of his home time." In reurinsf last Tuesday thev and housed Alabastine. L P Hicks all referred to the pleasant relations Washington Bread, liolls. Bunns, Rye that had existed among the mem bers of the . Board, and expressed the wish that the new Board would have a pleasant and successful ad mioistration. W. D. Harrington, County or ganizer j who has been organizing the farmers, desires all of the local lodg eH to meet him in Louisburg on the 28th of the month. The unanimous re-election of Mayor J. B. Yarborough by the peo j.le of Louisburg, is quite a compli ment to that gentleman, and speaks well for the fine record he has made the past two years. and Graham Bread at L P Hicks. Bretsch Raleigh Bread at L P Hicks. The Home Merchant. In an editorial on "Why it Pays to Buy Goods at Home," the Inde- The friends of Mr. John A. I pendant, of Liberal, Kansas, recently Tucker will be ?lad to know that he had this'destrved appreciation of the will again have charge of the Virginia j home merchant; ? ' ' "Without any thought of senti- liay Hotel at Ocean Yiew, Va., the eiming summer. Read his adver tisement in another column. .. t Messrs. Geo. H. Cooper and poration, the capacity of '' " which 'is about 20,000 feet of lumber a 1 day. 'I 'hey started up last week. --The attention of our lady read ers is especially directed to the new advertisement of the Racket Store. i Dey are sun receiving new spring; goods and can offer you some ex ceptionable bargains, in the very latest novelties. -The W. E. White Furniture Co. have something new to say in another column to tjhose Avho have only "a part of the cash") to -furnish, their homes. Read the liberal offer and call to see the largerdisplay at their storesVn Market stfeet: ment or suggestion that we owe al legiance to anyone, the cold, hard truth is that the retail merchants of Uev-Allen hwe installed.a.inewl sawAouX noe towir are: tne oest Dusiness mill just over the riVwrmtiie "The-retail rnei chadt conducts a school of commerce for bur edoation--and the tuition is free. Every man, woman and child gets the benefit of seeing in the home town about anything that' is of real importance. He protects us against fraad and deceit He stands for the square' deal. "You never ordered a $10 light ning rod of your home merchant and then found your note for a hundred dollars in the bank next day as a re suit. You never paid him $60 for a range that warped out of shape in six months without your wife get ting her money back, tie never charged you $75" for a "trailer" bug gy that you found out afterwards could be bought anywhere for $60 "No, the home : merchant is just like you. He lives where he does Mrs. G. R. Underbill," who, lives near town, bad the good luck last week to find her "engagement ring" which she lost on April 1st, 1891. It was picked up in, the edge, of the yard, and was in as apparently good condition as when lost the initials of "his" and "her" name being very plain. ' The Scoggin Drug Co., have a change of ad. in this issue to which we respectf ullv direct the attention of all our readers. Their specialty 8 prescription work, but they have just put in a new, and very latest model soda -fountain and" claim that they are now prepared to Berve you with "most" anything you want to drink. I' The Times is requested rto an nounce that J. C. Williams, repre senting what is called the Farmers Society of Equity, with, headquarters at Indianapolis, Indiana, will" speak to the farmers in the Court House in Lo uisburg on Saturday, May v 22nd at 2 oVlock, sharp. He invites all farmers of the count to come out and hear him. MONEY ORDERS FREE Use our money xrders, when yon wnd money away, they wmh noUiic no wntit r ed, and are grtpfl anywhere. Try them and U couTincL A r4r cat it!rt ca t. ufScient for the fimt depotit, al Ur wfiich t&r aooucl frca 25 enU up will be receifed. FIRST NATIONAL BANK LOUISBURG, N.C O UNDER SUPERVISION OF U. S. GOVERNMENT x Smiths Litha Water for sale by J W King. It is highly recommended by al physicians, Good for all aches and pain. Rheumatism especially, J W King A. J. REACHS Base Ball Broods at J W. Kine;. MY FIRST GAR of Ice has arrived. will keep it by the car now till 1st of Dec 1909. J. W. King, NOTICE I haye for sale a Hartford Bicycle, only been used about 30 days, good as new. A bargain to the party who calls first. J. W. King. OS N I am now " prepared to public with ICE regularly, 47 and give your orders. V J. W. KING furnish thei Call phone TON I OS ar.of all kinds. A good laugh, or pure air are both tonic and bene ficial. I?or that run-down feeling and wht-tt The Most Valuable and Enormous Yielding, Con- tinuous Cutting Forage We strongly recommend our customer who ht. not doo s thi tf did forage crop. If a soifflcirnt qnsntity wwn. It tU furntth cnur.ticct dvly supply of most nutrition green food for hor and all kind of cuJr tlrptsh ih summer. It slso makes splendid dry fodder, yildig narraout jtiA t:.ti$? !xot nutritious and tven better rolithid by all kind of tock ihsn corn (c44t. lis j pearance tBOmeht resembles Indian Orn. but ih Uatc ht truch at,d broader, and the stalks contnin wwt Mp. It prodoor rrl r;uWf of t$ctl. very thickly covered wifh knrs, tiild'np an nbundjicc of farms- It locH ctjf enorTiously sfter being cut, many a fortT fite tjdki hiving pwa $txv-o fycrx, a single seed. The first cutting ean he made when it u to or thrc fl hfch Sow in May or June at the rt of 2 or 3 pound ptr scrr. in drill 3 lo i fct a.r rt.. L. ON THE CORNER ILJI n PHONE 4.2 CK S, LOUISBURG, N. C. SPRING DROWSINESS business and his success depends on different 0ur spring ionic fills making a- friend of you and your tte bm; It puts nevv. life in your neighbor. Like you, he has to make veips and builds you up like now. good.' v "The retail merchant is the one great factor in our commercial sys tem, and this is true selely: because he renders u' better" service than we can get elsewhere.' . rake Dim away and our town is gone; take eur home town away and we deprives -our chil dren of the. retail, store, which is the greatest single educational factor in modern life. No. it cannot be. The retail merchant will continue to abide in' our affections, uo Jong a we value our homes, because tneaverage j wi8h to ann0UIlce to the, coo citizen is proud ot nis town he al- xeci people of Franklin County that ways tells how close his farm is .to II have purchased the Soda Fenn- it) and he secretly despises the meth- tain of s the Scoggin Drug Coni- r Kr I' , v'T' .- V building on Main Street, at the is now known to be the .legitimate gekere I will be glad to tatner or tne wnoie caraiogue dubi- i serve you with all the late t ness. "Ri-iir if P. S. Clayton is still making .de licious drinks, and says that he can "beat the man that can't beat him" Beasley-Alstori Drug Co. v - New Soda fountain For . v ; Colored People The next general. election takes place Tuesday after the- first Monday in November 1910 and those who are thus early off eringtb sacri 11 ce themselves on on the 7 altar. of the "dear people" at the - the Vur gent and pressing.demands of .tftheir friends" wonld do well to defer, the ",w3ir unni aDout Apnl rot next year, that is if -they desire1 16 "hofd out to the end.1' r ; ".x. .-i v A oain Drescription is printed upon eachSeJwx ofDrShobpPinkiPain Tablets. '-Ask 'your uoctor or urug- piats if this formula is not; complete. fain means conjestion, blood pressurei Hea nains. womanly pains, Jpain any where get instant relief from a .Pink j Pain Tablets The BoddUe-Perry : lrug Fountain Drinks Lrq the; on ly, person in town catering for the colored fountain trade , and willxass are you ih at eyerything; will be . -'. , ' c .,ri-, up-Ta-Datc'5- I will also run. a luncli.c counter i. OfLDtr , hlcw foomiltaiini Is - Mow in Operation. We serve all kindpf cold drinks. Phone your orders for everything in our line. SPECTACLES EGEASSES. connection with xny-Drink Par- U-TZ :-" "'s - 'it J llof and you can " call in 'any Mime ; , 11 7u. ear. : )m Ul - ".OVL ' of day or night and get a good nice pr nave irouDie wiui youryja, see J)r; S. Rapport at" the Louisburg Hotel;' Tuesday and" Wednesday Mv' 25th -and 26th;: Consultation iree; unch .cheap. A; ILNeal, Vioateborj.x North Carolina -e ' - - X te r Scoggiini: Drag .. i ICoo Prescriptions ; fililed With Skill -I -V - ' t ' - - JK A Sw .S'S. NwV "S. S. o o o t o z o t o o o z o s o 1 o z o o o o o o o o z o o o o o o o- o o o z o z o o o o o v.-:.. V t "V J - ' 1 , " - . . - t - ., , ; ' S

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