- v. 1 . ' ,xooo n. - f v . . - V V - THE HOME CIRCLE COLUMN 7 4 ...A : ; 1 'i'W. .:. -A V.r u ii. i, a: t. Pleasant EuBninaRBueriBS.H.CoWmn.DBdi- 138 4 -ft- A to-' ElBmna CBTTDB THOTTGHTS TBOM THE EDITOBIAL JPEN .3 i ' iV The personwho is will often need one. not a friend Old men are drunkards because f youngnen driak ,. . . , . . - The hardest wound to heal is ' the one inflicted by a friend. . This world is a bad world only for those who have bad hearts. , f': We never realize how much we ajp capable of doing until' the test comes. The love that never speaks until it does it on a grave stone, keeps still too long. A good rule for young happiness is to add to your sura of contentment, subtract from your amount of de sires, multiply your quantity of re ligion, and divide your percantage by love. . Unkind words do as much harm as unkind deeds; many a heart has been wounded beyoncj cure by words; many a reputation has been stabbed to death by a few little words. They have separated families, parted husbands and wives, and broken the ties between the dearest friends. The wav to eet the best tnere is in people, is to give them your best Don't expect others to be sweet, and rjolite. and tnousnttui, so long as you adhere to the selfish principle that people must "take you as they find you." "When your friends be s;in to grow careless and . disrespect ful, stop and think whether you are not getting back a reflection of our self. While we do not believe in won an with a capital W, we also do not believe in man with a capital M. In all things that pertain to home-keeping the woman phould stand supreme. Thus was she ordained by nature. In all things pertainin r to home-supporting the man should stand su preme, for thus was he ordained by nature. Storms and clouds and rain are es eential, but when they pass away the bloom of flowers seem more beauti ful, and the song of birds morie sweet. "Into each life rain must fall, some days must be dark and dreary God in His wisdom de signed that there should be night as well as day; that there should be shadows asx well as sunlight. Did you ever listen to the song of the lark as came the rainbow inlaid with crimson and with gold.? And then did you not pause and think, as the soul drank in the molody, as the eyes rested upon the over hanging beauty, that without the, rain," storm and clouds that preceded such a P&in In tha head Ja ftnrWKMw tta m.tvm. Pain U congestion, rain Is blood prtasuie nothing elaeosoallj. At leuLao njt Vt. Bboopv maJ to prove itbeb created little sink thlrt- TtuU Ublet called Dr, Eboop'a Ueadacha SaUe coaxes blood pressure away lrara pata center. Its effect Is charming, pleaainxly dellxbtfoL GanUy, tiKighiaIelyUKirely ettaliiea tbe tiood clrca II tou have a headache, ttTt ttlood presKir. . II it'i xjalnful periods with women, tame cmosew II yoa are sleepless, restless. Donroes. it's Uood congestion blood pressure.- That, rarely is a certainty, for Dr. Sboop's Headacb Tablets ttop it in 20 minutes, and the tablets simply Cisuitxa the tmnatoral blood pressure. ... v. -- Bruise jour finger, and doesn't it set red. and we J. and pain you? Of course it does. It's ceo shall know her hand ;;has . made up another's failure. Is :a. 'harsh round of judgment started by ! some illad -vised . criticism? he deftly and ten-oeriy- drops the 'sweetest' possible word , for ttie criticized one," and switches the., conversation to other, tOpiCS. - ' ': Do we mt all recognize this "an gel?" We call her mother, wife, sis ter. In the glory-land they will 'call her saint , . ' . SONGS IN THE NIGHT. Very many of the sweetest joys of Christian hearts are songs which have been learned in the titterness of trial. It is said of a Jittle bird hat he wil never learn to sins the song his master8 will have him sing while it is light in bis cage. He learns a snatch of every song he hears, but will not learn a full sep arate melody of bis own. And the master covers the cige and makes it darkall about the bird, and then ne listens ana learns tne one song that is' taught him, until his hert is full of it. Then, ever after, he sings the song in the light. With many of ns it is as with, the biid. The Master has a song he wants to teach us, but we learn only a strain of it, a note here and thtre, while we catch up snatches of the world?s song and sing them with it. Then ho comes and makes it dark about us, till we learn the sweet melody he would teach us. Many of the loveliest, songs of peace and trust sung by God's children in the darkened cham ber of sorrow. psuun, oiooa pressure. - xoa u CjkI it wbers peia Is always. It's simply Common Pema. . . . We sell at 24 cents, nd cheerfully ir-: l2VSIipbpo Tablets THE BODDIE-PERRY DRUG CO. World's Greatest Pain: For Rheumatism, Sciatica. lame Back. Stiff Joints, and Masdes. bore Throat, Colds, Strains, Sprains, Cats, Bruises, Coitc, Crsjnps, lodlf Hon, Toothache, and aUNerre,BoaaadMoJcW Aches and Pains: The renalne h N,v. Ark on erery package, ascjoc-snd i.oobyalldesl ersio medicine erery where. Sample by maitf ree. OAN IEMIDV CO.,ftlCMMON, VA.,4 SOSTOtt.HASS. , u. -A. For Sale. A fine tobacco l.lant bet cov r ing between 22U and 250 yards. Its a fine bed. Apply quick, !f you mean business. M. F. ROUCK, ' Louisburg, N. C. J. P. Has Them IMS -f "''-. r ' - . m ' " . . " ;and;;d6n,t.fdrgetKthot we are headqunrtern for nil kinds of Sumnior Hard vare. Call and See Our Line of Hammocks that we are offering at a special price for the next 10 days .We have a full line of Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezer Lawn Mowers, Screen Doors and Windows. i V ti n LOUISBURG. N. C. SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY BACK. WHAT "WOMEN DO INSTINCTIVELY A man cannot do two things at a time. A woman will broil a steak and see that the coffee does not boil over, and watch the cat that she does not steal the remnant of meat on the kitchen table, and dress the youngest boy and set the table, and see to the toast, and stir the oatmeal and give the orders to the butcher. and she can do it all at once and not half try. Man has done wonders since he came before he public. He has navigated the ocean, he has pen etrated tpe mysteries of the starry heavens, he has harnessed the light ning and made it pull street cars and light the sjreat cities, of the world out he can t find a spool of red thread in his wife's work basket be can't discover her pocket in a dress hanging in a closet; he can't hang out clothes and get them on the line the right side up. He can not hold clothespins in his mouth while he is doiog it, either. He can not be polite to somebody he hates. He cannot sit in a rocking chair without banging the rockers into the baseboards. He cannot put the tidy on the sofa pillow right side out. He cannot sew on . a button. In short, he cannot do a hundred things that women do almost instinctive ly. realization would never into your beingj have swept In addition to a large lot of clothiLg, shoes, suspenders and patent medicines, I have for sale a Piano, a pair of computing scales one liabcock Buggy, one Soda Fountain and one iron Safe. Come quick if you want a bargain. CHOICE Cut Flowers ! ! Roses, carnation and violet Bpe.-ialty. Weddinp louqtieU and floral offerings arranged in bet style at hort notice. Summer flowering bulb, bedding plants, rose bushes, and ovenrthingiin the florist line, at J.LO'QUINN & CO PHONE 149 Raleigh, North CaroHruj. J. P. Winston. ASPRING LINE-!. I line of su-jv ks'.a. Coos rW I i.bsy sr ;nc l4 THE BARGAIN STORE W. D. COOKC Notice. Having been named trustee in a deed of trust made and executed for the ben efit of creditors by J. IL Johnson, at Youngsville, N. C., I hereby notify all creditors of the said J. It. Johnson to at once file with the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Franklin County their claim, duly verified as by law required, to the end that an equitable distribu tion of the proceeds arising from the sale of all properties and effect that have come into my hands by virtue of said deed of assignment may be had. This May 5th 1909. B T. HOLDEX. Trustee. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of Preston B. Clifton, late of Franklin county, N. C, this is to notify- all per sons having claims against said estate to present the same to the indrslfmed on or before th 16th day of April, 1910, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persona indebt ed to the said estate will please pay at once. This 16th day of April, 1909. J. J. Young, Admr. Wm. H. Rufftn, atty. BOARDERS WANTED. I have opened a boarding bouso l 109 South Bloitnt Strwt, Raleigb, N. C, and will be glad to Lave 1 who wish Rood board to call sr.d see me. I shall be glad to have all my Franklin County friends call to set? mo when in Raleigh. Mrs. S. W. Jones NOTICE. The place for baogry men will b found at 6. S. WHITE'S i RESTAURANT i baling recentlv moved io Mead- J ows new building. A ftrsl-ctaM ' meal can and will be served fresh j and bot, with the ! I the market; affords. Dome to eee me. j Yours to please, ' O. 8. WHITE, t Choke Kind Fresh Cut-Flowcrs yS f AT ELM EN fit t. W J .IN t ie a HstKWi ft 4 hii'mI an in tJ, mm m Txt a ta.'-.m-irt THE - CITIZENS - BANK j ii MCNOCnSON. N c O'VKN.". ltTjic;l U A TB ANGEL OP THE HOME She does not make any fuss about it, nor ask to have a reporter ' at her elbow. But her sunny heart of self . forgetting love will not let her hands : be at regt while there is any bit of helpful service she can render. If , fihecan without observation slip the burnt roll of undercrust on her plat it is done. Itsome one; must 'stay it home when there , is a ? day's outing, she tbile, with music in every tone, - how glad she will be to be lef S quiet-. : ly behind and have time alllto herself to uo ever so raauy uuus soe nas an 'mihd.V And nonti suspectrfromAwofd or tone hoW Tgreat"; the give rip the pleasure , ' Her quick eye; detects .the over 'Bight or neglect onHhe part of anoth er, and she quickly hastens to rem dy the matter1, careful-that none v Do it Now: Now is the time to eet rid of' your rheniatism vYou can do so by applvincr Chamberlain's Liniment. Nine cases out of ten are simply musculaa rheu matism 'due to cold or damp, or chronic rheumatism and yield to the vigorous application of this liniment; -Try it. You are certain to be delisrhted with the tmick relief which it affords.. Sold by Boddie-Perry Drug' Co. . 1 1 4. T m. 'sacrifice to ' Chamberlain's Liniment This is a new preparation and a good one. It is especially valuable as a cure for chronic snd muscular rheumatism, ana for the relief from pain which it affords in acute inflammatory rheuma tism, v Those who have used it have invariably, spoken of it via the highest terms of praise; J rLame '.- back. --lame shoulder and stiff neck are due to rheuT matisn of the muscles, usually .brought on by exposal e to ' cold ior damp; and are quickly cxired by applying this1 lini ment freely and massaging the affect ed ' Darts. Soreness of rthe i muscles: whether induced by violent exercise r injury, is allayed by this, liniment. For 2cts Laundry 2cts We aref agents for the Peoplo's Steam Laundrv. of RAleicrh. N. C Brand new outfit, good and exper ienced, workmen in ail the depart ments. We are the people who brought the price dowu from 2 1-2 cts. to 2 cent i and think we are en titled t patt of your business. We will appreciate any business you will give us. v e go alter Laun dry every Monday and Wednesday mornings and will deliver same Saturday afternoon. If you have any laundry you want to get off call up phone 47 and wDl pave a boy there in 3 minutes. Jno W King . & Son wr a NXE D Second hand bass and burlap any kind r any qnantity. anywhere: we tia-w freight.; Richnoood Bas; .Co.',', Richioond, Va Of Car.iatloni, Roc, VioUts, etc Floral designs and flowers for all occa sions. Potted Ferns and all klxif of pot and out door bedding plants. Veg etable 'plants in wesson. All orders roraptly filled. li.STtlNMETZ, floKst. Ratdch, N. C Wharton & Tyree, LYNCHBURG PLOWS AND -GSTINGS lu all s4, Wt ismmS. ff yens U InsT plow corn sxtvd t "If y-a a 4 l4ows tou c3 ul all iicds t4 stsx 4 cuUtf at rav pUirit, I-jU-a hate a m I tho tVst I a3 t.tI;c Uelo cot t tsaW rwa for oihr U.r lu U tt haburpi td Isxes ft5a txU t Com ar.4 o Imtotm it u a-l gxz.. M. C. PLEASANTS X0O00XXXX -0hh Cattle Wanted I want to b uy 100 head. of cat tle, ranging from one year old up- yearlings or heifers. Bring them in , quick and cet tne casxt..;' y j: 1 r " , " I k,.' v. I ... ' . Ri William nil CC get Imccdkte reHsr firca i , ; : - y r ILL J ;Dr;&cop'$ lliSt 0Ints:tr4sT ' v ; Xouisbufg; N. C. ' Worktn la ArthUc Photoirapby Raleigh, N. C, V Write ut a card making an pagement, nhen coming to Capital. FIRST NATIONAL BANK HENDERSON. K C Executors Notice Having qualified a exectatorof Mrt, Jtnna 1 Arrijrflon Ut of rraokUa roonty 5. C tbia It to notify all per aont havinjc claims ainst tlio aald de ceased to exhibit them to the coder signed on or before the lilh dar of April, 1910, orthia notifdwill pWl in baror their rtrortry. All oenwrnt in debted to said estate wit make Imacd iatc payment. TbU the llh day of April, 1000- ; : ' . ti - . , -.- . , Asxnca Aanscrros, Ext'r. Three Hundred Thousand Dollars S T. PCACI w ax rrriaT4 to aoosssodaU crcr ftrota. W 1st xt. s o s. n. O .-'. : ; O ' Prta't O Watery Us Grow ARRIS, o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V V 0 0 V o o o o o o o o o o o

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