a , 5 The Best Policy Company The Safest The strength, ; conservatism, economical management of the and Equitable Life Assurance Society , ofThelLS. THE SOW school Lesson VIII. SeWd J Quarter, -y:; vforvMay 23, 1909. 42? THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the , Lesson, Acts xv, .1-85, Memory , Verse's 28, ?29--GoIden Text; .--'Acts: xv, jl Commentary Prepared by RevD. M. Stearns. ' - ' : Make it the safest company in which to insure. The liberality and adaptability of the New York Standard Policy Make it the best form to select. Full information and rates furnish ed upon request. Address ' s R. H. DAVIS, touisburg, N. C. D. T. SMITHWICK, Dealer in stocks. Bonda, Real, Estate, Colletion of Rents, Buying and Selling TiAber and timber lands,Loans nwotiated. Listing of property for sale or rent solicited. Prompt and careful attention guaran teed. Office over First National Bank. Louisburg.N.C. D R. ARTHUR HXNES FLEMING, Surgeon Dentist, Office in Ford Building, Main and Nash street, Louisburg; N.- G. . -Hours: 9 to 4:30. Phone No. 40. D R. JOEL D. WHITAKER, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, Raleigh, N. a - Will be in Louisburg, at the office of Dr. Arthur Hynes Fleming, the first Monday m each month, 0 R. H. A. NEWELL, PHYSICIAN. Loui8BCRG, Teleohone No. 156 N, C. FMNKLINTON HOTEL Franklinton, N. C. G. L. Whitfield, Proprietor. i) r. r. H. rtANKS. ' DENTAL SURGEON, LOD1SBURG, N. (J. tfflce in Hicks Building, Main Street. LI. HOOKE, ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW, LouiBburg, N. C, Office on Nash street. Prompt attention trtren all legal business entrusted to me 1 a j. a maloke; y lsx!TfOTN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. LOUI8BUR8, N. 0. N 1 flee In rear of Aycocke Trug Store. j )R. 8. P. BURT, HAimCINO PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Louisburg, N. C. Office over P. S. & K- K. Allen's. I) R. R. P. YARBOROUGH, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. LooiSBCBe, N. O. Office In Yarboronarh ft Bickett bnlldimr. lgbt calls answered from T. W. Bickett'J residence, phone 74. L B- MA8HKNBTJRO, ATTORNEY AT LAW WVIBBVB0, v "VM pruce in all the Courts of the State Office in Egerton Building. . . W". HAYWOOD RCPFIN.. ATTOKWBY-AT-LAW , LOXnSBTJBa, V. o. win practice In all the Courts of Franklin ud adjoining counties, also in the Supreme urt. and In the United States District and remit Courts. ntuce over First National Bank. M"K B. WILDKH. TTORNBY-AT-LA W, WOVISBVM.V.O. op Main street. In Cooper building, Spruill & Hofden, attornby-atlaw, , ' LOUISB0BOK. 0. Will itUiift tha cnnrtA nl PMnVlln 9anA. rAQviiie. Warren tnd Wake counties, also. sapreme court 01 Korth Carolina. 1 rompt attention given to collections. ftce in SprulU building. T. W.BICKKTT LAWTBB, boiTUBTBa v. a The settlement of estates for Executors, Administrators and Guardians is made a spec ialty, and the bends required by law can k be tecured n the office, ; ' - Office In Yarborough ft Bickett building Main street. rrORNBY AT-IAW, n all oourta. - Office on Main y H V A.RBOROUOH, JR ATI OEN KY AT LAW. T.OUI8BTJRCr, N.Nb. Omce n Egerbonr Building. '1 leal business intrusted to him reive prompt and careful attention. pONTRAC'iX)R akb BUILDER, LOUIBBURQ, N- 43. HnT.!?lBe.Ailent ,OT U kins of Building ICopyright, 1909, by American Press Association. inen, as now, the whole world lav In the wicked one, and 1 to be a friend, of the world meant to be the enemv of God. but from the world here and there God, by His Spirit-through His servants, was gatherine a neonlA fnr His name,, the chureh'of God -which He hat h - purchased with f His own blood (verse 14; chanter xZ1 .28 a people notdf the worldWhose- citizen ship is in heaven, stiangers and pil grims here because oart of -pirn f who represents all believers vbefore God. He is the only true center fof t Hla church, the heavenly center. :.iutthere ait? mauy earxniy centers, ana 'at 'the time of 'our "lesson .Tthere vrer two great centers. Jerusalem-and Antioch, supposed to, be In pert ecf "accord. At the former the apostles still lived, not haying been scattered . abroad,, while the latter" became the missionary cen ter from which Paul and the others set forth on their missionary tours The apostles at Jerusalem , were sup posed to have the truth on all matters concerning the church, as thev hnd personally known and been intimate with tnat Lord. Since the -days of Cain there have always been false teachers, perverting uie truin, homing down the truth and teaching everythins but th trnth for various reasons for self exaltation, to please, men, for money, etc. but sometimes Diinaiy rancylng that they were indeed standing for the truth. The following passages show them up quite tuny: Isa. xxix, , 13; tttt g.12; jer. rxm, 21, 26: Ezek. xxxiv. l. 2! Acts xx, 29, 30; II Tim. iv, 3, 4; II Pet 11. 1-3; Jude 4, 1L The false teachers of our lesson Insisted that no one conld be saved unless they were circumcised according to the 'law of Moses, thus A . . . - ' leaenmg tnai; the finished work of Christ was really not finished or not $umeient in itself for salvation, but needed some goodness or obedience on the part of the believer to supplement it. Xhese teachers were believers of some sort (verse 5), but did not under stand the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (verse 11) nor the forgiveness of sin through His blood alone. They aia not seem to know that Abraham was saved before he was circumcised ana that circumcision was a seal of the righteousness Which -Jie already naa Dy raith (Rom. iv. 9-llh i rni. . . Deneye that by virtue of the atonement or the Lord Jesus He is made unto all who receive Him wisdom, righteous ness, sanctlfication and redemDtion (l Cor. L 30 that by the deeds of the law' no one can be Justified in the sight of God, but" that Christ is the end of the law for righteousness - to every one that belleveth (Rom. ill, 20; x, 4). Paul and Barnabas stood for these foundation truths and disputed with the teachers from Judaea about them, but" the church at Antioch de cided to send Paul and3arnabas and some others to the apostles and elders at Jerusalem about this question (verse 2). On their way they declared the conversion of the gentiles as they had seen on their first tour and thus caused great joy to all the brethren. And when they reached' Jerusalem they told to the church there all things that God had done with them (verse 4; compare xiv, 27). It Is indeed worth while and a soul uplifting theme to show His wonderful works that He hath done, to talk of all his wondrous works, to declare His doings among the people (Ps. lxxvlli, (4; cv 2; Isa. xli, 4). All else Is forgotten as thus we magnify Him and exalt His holy name. ; But we must attend the council meet ing at -Jerusalem, where the aDostles ,and elders and the church have. gath ered oniclally to consider the matters about Which the delegates have come from Antioch. After much talk and disputing they settle down to business more quietly, and Peter gives his testi mony concerning his visit to Caesarea. to the home of . Cornelius, and how . &s they heard the Word of the gospel God gave them the Holy Ghost -even as He had to the Jews at Pentecost, . and he urged- upon the council that there,, but one salvatlonfor Jew or centile namely4 by the' grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, v Paul and Barnabas then de clared the . miracles - and wonders God had wrought v among the gentiles by them. James then Summed up the case, a,nd the result is given in thfe letter of verses 23-29. ' This letter they ,send to "Antioch by Paul and Barna bas, commending them f for their zeal even to the laying down of their lives if necessary, and with them they send Judas and SUas , to confirm t the con tents of the letter hv their nersonal testimony (verses 25, '26, 27). They condemn, the false teaching and set aside circumcision and the keeping of the law as essential to ' salvation: and they send the letter , as not only from them, but-trom the uoiy unost (verse 28U, ' Thus these messengers carried Joy fuT tidings ; everywhere? and great' en couragement to simple faith in thir lord. Jesus Chrlsi It the decisions ol all . church councils ; were as wise aiii helpful it .would be 'worth while hid ing them, but-the greater number o them nowadaysimay be covered ; by ttfr fifst line of verse. Tfaiid ajestoo.iarjcif; - t r. Wail -h -.War iOTis,lfced:x7omciu TfQ rcco'mmcnH Car axxL Cardui is a w6maiL,3 Tndicinc.V It adta specific cally on tthe f female" orffariji nnrl has a tnnlnL VirnT r ,effect o&the-wlftle harmfiil -F11, oeing a pure.yegetaDio extract t If you OILU.OX- lxuia some xorm ox temaio jrouwe, get Cardui at once and give it a fair triaL , ' ' ' - .- - .. i' . V .-' . M Will Vera Help " " Sirs. W. Qartliier, of Padncali, "Kjn tried Cardui aaH irtifei : "T think CflTfJni is inat trranr!- T hare been naircr it fnr !wnVx I aia 48 years old and feel like a different woman, tmce x ferro been taiang it I used to Buffer from bearing down ains, xicrTtmiiioM -; cnd sleeplessness, bnt .now the pains are all gone and I slacp good. I highly recommend Cardui for young and old. Xrj & 4 -K. AT ALL DRUG STORES N EW BRICK WAREHOUSE i I will put up a first class brick warehouse on the lot known the -Thomas' Warehouse Lot Louisburg, X. C. and rent ftt a r.r, able price to the right party or parties, ai;d if ut-ci-arv tu fortu a -u;r block Company, I will take a liberal supply of stock, n VH at furnish tne company a liberal amount of capital on which to do business. For further information, apply to ' JOHN E. HUGHES, DANVILLE, VA. Very: Attractive - Mew - Arrivals m C Late frisl rrrtvitff V-.. ii .t. . . 1 " rn ttrV ia Z.'WVI SITU U Kw P, 7 C" CtaAri aa : This U lit acbstmlti U - - j1.', . , ' , , g . J - .M.tUog. Iwg. lol prir. 12. IS. W. 12. 25, M .d 0 ntUr jj Choice Selections and Patterns White l-ac CurUiiii 5 pr psir tad 75 cU to 15. SUr Tiano. Orfmcs, tie. C-5c for our furniture nUloguc. Kodak finishing for Amatucrs J. W. HQLL1NGS WORTH New Livery firm la t cry Our prices are as low as anywhere in the country, and our work is unequalled. WRITE FOR PRICES &.C Mail Orderj our specialty. t i J 3 COBB, LOUISBURG, N. C. w K. P. Hill and J. H Houthsll tT otr.j f4 4 Ublen under the style of J. H. SouthUl tad Coau;, date on you can find nioe 1 aod 2 ban Ujraois. FIRST CLASS SERVICE. 1, 2, 3 and 4 r4d Thjclrt, rjilillo for tSca, h. bU trip, marriage, ttr Reasonable Rates Made. f One price to all. Una cwh to Sua xd Joljti. Cxlc:. Mat ter and the Doctor. If rou hn t th D?at. g9 tcjx frtnJ or wilk. If rou wish anythmg. j or rhor.o J. H SocihJl J H SOUTHALL & CO PHONE 155 o V r r3 CZi) will Shows too ma ay goods oa hxnd. to for the atxt Tturlj lr GIVE AWAY e nave opened a new and up-to-date;1 ' Livery and can furnish any kind of rig you; want. JNice Carnages. Driving; and Sad- die horses for both ladies and erentJemenJ . w f hT om drfi haiaa in ia4, siiru. sn ... ---y. - .w. - w.OTt .4 1 1 a a STY :a. , rmw ft'""'' ivvmi axe ls FOR CASH. as high M the hight Wt alo Kara 0& hora fer .ai. Oyr Prices Are Reas oimaWeo If you need anything in- Livery Phone 79 or see cull BEN WILLIAMSON OR NED FORD AT FORD'S a waste of precious time. ERA'MKMM - ' " t E SI .00 PER YEAR 1 1 J BIBIIIfc AhMBaaMiiiiM4iB"B 'IF I VV. P. NEAL & CO. M ""sap"' In sm mmm ME, TO your money t cow. Don't wait until yotf rsor, TcroU U Uttt4- el to Jnd woal you haT whil wmiUaff. W arrt tnall aa w u largt deponitA. Wa inTiUyoa to beoa a Drpoitor aud of jva til ue iiiiuca wa i urara yoor 4NttMl eaoya The Farmers and Merchants Bank LOUI8DUBO. ttt. o. . CAPITAL AND' SURPLUS OVER $404300 i .. . " ' . . -

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