: ; i; : THE DEVIL IS HAD. ': I Was taad.as a "aeltin" hen for.;' I was told that I lieUVben I "said that -the church members, the 'majority of .h(rfti:dtd nnt lovfi their Savior. that thev.were ashamed of Him. and that tney oeiongea to rae, ipe upyh. vBut I am in bettF'ipirits ' now. i wflnr. aronna anu hhicuhu iu uiUBb 3F thaa nrn. nrvinty hnrih mflTTVnttrn ; ati they read my soliloquy; : :Vt IwaVpleasecJ at' what they aid:r- That the I.deyil- coald. fay what he pleated, that' the preacher could urge, and praying- members could plead, but they , wouldJ hot pray in public,' nor spea't for Jesus in meet ing. : -i V , ' .,v I was quite certain that I told the truth. 1 took the rounds on prayer meeting, night to see what the preach er wished would be granted. Not one of the non -praying members grayed or, spoke in meeting. Not one of the new converts took part in Please, Mr. Cburchraerhber, do not again accuse the devil of lying. I thought I would go around and see how the different preachers view ed ray soliloquy. As I entered their studies, and leaned over their shoul ders as they read,, I .heard each preacher say: The devil hits hard but lie is telling the truth. Each preacher declared; that he didn't dare to tell his people this , for his bread and butter, his salary, de pended upon keeping his mouth closed. I do not mean that these preach ers are .preaching just for their sal aries, but they know that they can not get these non-praying members to pray, so what is the use of their stirring up the opposition of thesa members? I rejoice in this state of religious attairs for it makes good the fact that such members are my subjects. Once I trembled when I ,was in - .a one preacner's stuav. 1 saw nim on his knees and beard hint PJ "Lord, may the devil prove to be a liar. May these non-praying, these silent disciples, pray and speak in meeting." If this preacher's prayer should be answered, and all church members should openly pray and speak that all hell would tremble, my power would be gone, that I would be bound by a chain, and I be cast into the bottomless pit. I tremble to think of having my power shorn from me. Why, the world would soon be converted to Christ. But these church members do not propose to pass out from under my rule Just to please the preacher or Christ.. 1 still say that I have more in fluence over "church members: than Christ has. I still say that they will not pray in public I still say that they are not dead in love with Christ. I still say that they are more afraid of man than they are of the displeas ure if Christ. I can prove that by their own scripture?. I once quoted scripture to Christ when, I tried to tempt him m the wilderness, and I gat the worst of it. I quoted it wrong, so I did not try again. But now I'm go ing to try again; this time I will quote Christ's own words, and quote it correctly, too: "By, their fruits. ye shall know them." There; that is correct, ;. and that is proot that these church members are my servants, . But " . some cne will .say: "Mr. Dattt,. aren't you afraid to speak the truth on, this subject tor fear oi los ing some, of your, faithful followers?1 ru lV roiTl. i ..v vu,.uyi x ue more j. proa tnem with facts, the more determined they are to be . my servants; The old adage is truef 'fThe more you whip a ao?tne 4oeuer ;ne likes tvqu and follows you. , Ta prove to yoi? that church mera- Christ, listen to every evangelist .who anomuu w cunuacc a revival. Jxlore tnan nan ot xne sermons and exnor stations are directed at these; church members," to g et them '. warmed over ..again with nS; u, jerver - ana zeaJ;ZV -J ; ..Here 'U .where ' the JeVangelisU maxe toeir serious - mistake: ; They v- neuld ;try tof convert " sinners to, v jurist, out convert tnen tD.be "flay ing christians and let thtV bid .dry V bones rest ; ih the y alley, of -Easa t :in , ion. , ,v;;.Y,vr ; v :-' t-s . j: " nen -; preacners -ana . e vangeJ ists t r-n : : : : : : their ;learts, their lives, tluirlraoney, their, lips," their- tongqes, their, .time their service' to Jesus rather . than .to get. them. to, join..' their, church as nominal members then' I, the devil, will be ou t of a job, and then I -will try to ge siniers trbm being convert- ed.:"' : ---v-':'t:::'! -.' .-'-""I" '. "V V But" justLso long;. as they; mejely joifi lhliurc;(evea it sincere then) ndcuerer jta-pubHcry 'pray,VtOi ox jspeas. iorl;iueir aavier, wmao-yx.ii- uue in AuQ uuurcu iav wnai icusi to the worll and to their . own growth in grace, I have no fears'. . They j are mine, my tojlowers, my eunjeets,- 'my servants, my:, disciples,- ' and tlie preacher, knows it, so does Chris. ; No wonder. - that Jesus said : "Nevertheless when the Son of Man cometh, shall he find faith nn the earth?"- Blearer, in t Bonljam ; News. .Nollce.. V. In accordance with a resolution duly made by the' Evening Star Lodge No. 193 Jj Good Samaritans the -undersigned trustres will offer for sale 'to, the highest bidder for cash on the premises the site wtare their lodge formerly stood ,v also several lots'bf timber. , V , fime of sal6, Mohdai- Mat 31 about noon; plafce. oi sale at inter section of River road with Main Street. John Hayes Dock Perry Nelson Thomas Com, Commissioners Sale of Land By virtue, of an order.of re-sale, made by the Superior Court of Franklin coun ty, at the April term, 1909, in that ac tion entitled R. Woodlief vs D. H. Gill et al, the undersigned commission er will sell, on Monday the 7th day of June, 1909, at about the hour of noon, it being the first Monday in said month at the court house door, in Louisburg, N. C., to the highest bidder at public auction, thatpaxt of the old Henry Merrit tract which was allotted to D. H . Gill, R. R. Woodlief and G. L. Wood lief in the partition of the said lands made under judgment in said action to them jointly, and more particularly de fined as follows: Beginning at a .stake in a stump hole with two large Dogwood pointers, R. R. Woodlief s corner; thence S. 1-40 E. 6'poles to a rock with Maple and Pine pointers, corner of No. 1: thence alonsr the line of Nn. 1. S 7 3-4 degrees E. 63 poles to a Hornbeam, corner oi io. l on Tar Kiver; thence u said Tar River as it meanders to an Oa stump with Maple and Hickory point era, R. R. Woodlies corner on the River; thence along R. R. Woodlief s line 8 2 1-2 decrees W. 80 noles tn a Rock; thence 86 1-4 degrees E. 25 poles 9 links to a Rock; thence N. 28 3-4 degrrees E. 9 Doles 24 links to & Rook thence S. 87 3-4 decrees E. 20 tc.1a 9f) links to the beginning, containing 39 lt4 acres, more or less. Terms of sale Cash. v Wm. H. RUFFIN. Com This 7th day of May, 1909. Personally Conducted -0 TOUR 0 Around I Continent Over the Rooky Mountains to the Pacific, the Alaska Yukon Exposition, Los Angeles during the Elks National Convention and through the Yellowstone National ParkVia the SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. SSSuASc" Sd bfMrB. &. GattisS0yderC ttS entire trip. - - weaves July drd, return August 6th, circling: the -..-United States in a solid Pullman tram composed of the highest crrade and modern dpsi cm rf alAaninr S9mpartment, obServatand Pulfm aimcg car. - The most inexpensive trip ever oper- ated from the Southeast, through Atlanta.. Ttirmincrhgm UfamnVtio nnn vms at Kansas Oitv. Denvp.r C!nirt Springs, Salt Lake Los Augeles, SanU xarDara, .onierey, jsanta Cruz, San-t Francisco, Portland,Seattle, Tacoma, opoKane, xnrougn i eiiowstone National mKy:;. vi, : raul,. - unicago,-" returainr home through Cincinnati P. n through Richmond.-. r Trip cosi 'will include raihoad : and Pullman fares, hotels, dining car meals staere-'ride' of five and rtTA-hlf throusrh the YftllowsrfTiA Nnlrknol pv transiers; sid&mDs '.ca.rnao'fi a.nd mifn. -i -i ; -o uiuuucaiucsaii otup-uvor pomxs una an actual expenses necessary Bide trins will be arrancrfifL at a.11 nm. over points to nlaces of intftrpqt ll Ho. tails being arranged in : advance ' and looKea aiier- en-route. - -rc-- - An attractiye 33 day .trip thrbueh the "Greatest Countrv in the r W1d .r5 erincr a distance of mfla f iri . . ,'uluu"u wjnii nihil BUperLF dininir.car servic eatbur, and alPAniTio' in the best of hotels; sight-seeing. The Wonderr of ftbe''Wetr; 'deisurel'with all;details arranged -in advance ?: ia : a : Write at oneetd the undersigned for costjOf trip, schedule and itinerary. . If' mapSiX timetables! and . booklets of the lineVover which the- party, will, travel '.;V;V.J..vaMJ: I 10 DtSTIUCT PASSENGER. AGENT '. SALES STABLE OiiLY '1 rf - t ,.. H ring sold out my Livery; P; partihent I desire to announce uto the public that I-will continue my Sales Stablea. at the 6Ame etauid. - I wish to have ajaetUement-with aIlth5sV owinsine lor Ut-tj at . I Bhall endeavor to keep a: stock of goodjjorses and mules, and will be glad to sell all who wish to buy good and warranted animals ' ;: R. F. fjilIcrv ' Mil EC toncciic rcflef" ftra tfr-5f:0lnlcaii 17 UI XI 1 1 1 T I.X I i XI U I T T! HMflMMMHTH' THE VIRGINIA BAY HOTEL Arrange to meet your friend, relatives and sweetheart at The Virginia Bay, Ocean View Va, Third season, under the same manage ment. 1 . Opens June 15tht 1909 For further information and rate, addreKH JOHN A TUCKER, Manager Alter Jqd 1st. Tb VtrioU Bay. Otwu Vw. V -x. ' i i . i i 1 . i i W AT RACKET Mrs. Hall has just returned from Rich mond Avith a lot of Bargains. Come and get MRS -A We (Made Oar clothing is worn everywhere sidering the par excellence in workmanship and high quality ofmmioritl vwxv. nlki oov ucauuua menu 01 iuo aeaaon. ' .To wonder tfhey Sell On Sight We wish to impress to vou the HowiathftPrir.fi? Wll a dnn't ?Ur. c,otIlijle isexcellent On the contrary our prie mieMy low f8?1 Vou pay as much and more for old tock famgl good, clothe. that have been self -worn for many years. Why then nhruld you bur such?- Let us enlighten you lo the clothing trade. TT1" ' ' T" ff ff . W e JkllOW XLOW 10 JDUV ailtt W Hat 10 iJUV , " buy yearly tremehdous stocks of clothing for our four store and we buy them at the lowest figures, copsequently we sttl thee w i -V r- ln . . 4 . A V..a . iw:-,.' . i . u ; Tw uXf nl ' 6 o " - - Ao AO X U Vf I . , v .W a wish to Bay that we have the factories wherethey are made md of and wish to em phaaize that youfll do nrbetter elsewhere. I . , ; . AOM DEITZ, DEITZ BROTHERS :'Ha?e No Equal aa a . for. Chilly - ; . v They aot only Cure and Toae Dp your; -A. a i-.L- . d K;u G G I ST S Notice; mortcae dwd cf-rutM by J. C ka ton to Brantley Mmxthburo aad Co, and recorded in book 157, pax 451. la tranklm count v resrittry and cefauit harinir boen inJuJi tn the rayraat of the indebtedness wjrtd by uJ4 rrt frse deed, we shall on Siturtlay, the 13th day oi June, PCO, ll at tcblie auetion at the court bouse door in the town of jLoalibur?, U the ' highest bU dcrforca&h,' thfollowitsir dcttritxd tract of :lo4 - lvi2gr -" titotlnd Id Dunn's towaahrp. rra&k'ia Of mtr, and bounded as follow, on the wtt by bv the landi of Josp WlllUin m tbt South by the lands of David Bonn cm the east by lands ef Levin rh!Uip and on the north by the lands of W, K PhllllrKi, eonUiniAjf tweatythrc a4 tnree-eightha (23) acre. Tcrmaaf sale cash. Time et sale 12 o'clock ta. This May 13tn, '03 ; 4: BaAKTtrr UAuaaraH &. CcJ . llort'ajrc Wm. Pe won, A tty. Pincsalvo ACTS na C2irbolli:eclveai!V GOODS THE STORE them M HALL a Big Hit and it m a ui ueaipnana mi me snappy tUcn truthful ut,mnt ... hn n. t f tot tLat we are master in Hh . . . . . 1 DT ome- conatanuy on the move. alwy. , Ct.,. IU JUUCd neraonAHr iunfiA and nicked the beat for tfc Louisburg, :lf. C. j Youngsville, 1ST. C. . a inn SGtSILL-PILLS PreVanIior Cnw Ghflla; but1 Build 8yaUim. . .Tor. iaU . i -m -m -w -V -w -w ill, , N U ntil you-get all the money, if you need some things for the house. Como and get it, payl down, what , you can; , and if you pay the remainder in three payments 30, CO and 90 days it will ;not:cost vou aaV more here than it would most places if you paid spot cash. " Come and talk with us, we j are reason able and want to ac- commodate vou. '"V W. E. thtte Furniture Co. Loulibur&. N. C Complete Home Furnishers of KAIK) t a highly rtoatais&dl the utne. ami Wltvr that w ome J"EVER in the nutorv of has so much depended (A 0 ' ?. Crrici im Corn C Ca&o Style 7X UtimuiUsmiiUmit. MILLINERY!' MILLINERY! "X. ; . . , " I ' ; . Our ralea ibi maws IstTe fax trj.wi )tli tt t fore. iliM lifHkociab sad h&r Wblo jlmluUxI &rc (THg eUr ! Ucu. It jrou will luj from tm yba will pfil ht U:l fKtvina rsit jou la wj line la our grt-U i4rliKrl .inr .... ., , Hot vv ail Real Value tLl b vr,U4 iL f -. ' il Cort t t! t -will t:'"f laihionabrt: gou on the cone: u it docs now. Y u arc safe in buvinc a Kabo Corset; they represent the latest things ir. style and you never find a cone: that is more com fortable nor one that will give yoi better value for your money. Wc earn 2 ex -rr.-plctc line of Ki - Prices $j to Kibo Conctt ; r giunatccd not to or httzk. Egerton - tryto get men and ; women -to- give ''' RALEIGH. N C .V. 1 1 ' - I . ' ' . . , ... jr - - -'. - , v" :. " . ' . - t ,,. - - ... s - ' . - . , - ., . 1 ... . - ' s.'- .V" ;t s, .

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