4 ? -tf .v.'. , : J'- !' , 1 1 c ' t ,.iWC THE HOME CIRCLE COLUMN ' -V' Pleasant EiMiriflRBKBF v Gated to Tired Mothers; as the Home Girde at Theu GETJDE THOUGHTS i FBOMv THE 'EDITORIAL ; PEN If we see no good in others, they will likely discover but little in us. The time which a boy spends at his mother's fcnee is never forgotten i by the man. A woman's first duty is to her home and children a duty that can not wisely be delegated to another. The boy who lakes his hat off when he enters the house is the one who usually has his hair combed and his face clean, and the girl or boy who says "pleaae" and "thank you" is always prettier than the one who forgets these things. Just look around and see if this is not true. . There are many housekeepers who work sixteen hours a day, while three or four healthy, active boys stand around and watch her. They cannot help her because housework is "girl's work," and they cannot lower their standard of American manhood. A little reform would work tor good in more ways than one in all such cases. It isn't enough to believe that t;every cloud has a silver lining," and then sk down and wait for the lininf? to reveal itself. We can. if o we will, take the Xray of determina tion, and pierce the cloud and find its bright side. We can, if we will, control our moods, shake off depres sion and drive away "the blues." Think of the good the gods give and be happy. The family sitting room should be the best and most luxurious room in the house. Here the family gather to read and talk and enjoy them selves as they can nowhere else. It should be well lighted, well ven tilated, and well warmed. The old fashioned way of putting the best and prettiest of everything into the parlor and then shutting out air .and sunlight to keep the furniture from spoiling is a stupid senseless and wicked fashion. ing. The wheel of fortune rolls swiftly around; the rich are likely to become poor, and the poor rich. SkUXadded to labor is no disadvan tage to the rich, and is indispensiole to the poor.- Well-to-do parents must educate their daughter to work. No reform is more imperative thanr this. THE BOYS. , Mothers train your boVg to be neat in the house. They should be taught to look after themselves, and to keen their hats and coats in their proper places. Teach them this habit, and you w'U save many an noyances, and you will also do a kindness to the boyg by teaching them neatness and self respect. Boys, as well as girls, should be taught to help in the house. How often we have been disgusted to see that the girls are made to help with the housework while the boys are allowed to play checkers, or sit at the fire toasting their toes. A boy can help clear away after a meal, sweep the floor, polish the stove or wash the dishes, inst as effectively as a girl. He, as a rul , is stronger. ' He will lore his home more, and when he becomes a man, and has a home of his own, he will respect his wife all the more for having been taught to respect his mother and sis ters. Lou Caution Never, positively nerer polaoo jronr hmxv If yew coturli even from a simple cola on It you thoald lwsys heal, Bootbe, and eae the lrrtutd-tran chl&l tabes. Dan blindly lappresa it with m stupefying poison. It'tstrange hoxr ojrxhlnt finally came bout. For twenty yean lr. Sboop has constantly warned people not to take conga mixtures or prescriptions containing Qptum. Chloroform, or nlmllar poisons. And now little late though CongreM says ".'Put It on the label, if poisons are in tout Coozh Mixture. Good! Very good 1 1 Hereafter forthU very reason tootle rt. and others, should insist on baying Dr. hoop's Conch Core. No poison marks on Dr. Snoop's labels-rand none in the medicine, else It TnvsX by law be on he label. And It's not only sale, bet it is said to be by those that known best, a truly rs markable cough remedy. Take no chance then particularly with your children. Insist on ha Tin Dr. Snoop's Cough Cure. Compare carefully, the Dr. Snoop package with others and note the difference. No poison mark there I Yoa can always be on the safe side by domandhig Br. !noop' THE BODDIE-PERRY DRUG CO. ft Eats Up Rus will make ao o!d, Sriivp. or 5nvr Dlnn IaaM:i. i;causeit eats up rust. When u i up your Stoves, Oils Fail, o... . iem a coat of 6-5-4; It Is n ... j ?;'cc paint, will not ml; t , tiif.ES ITSELF. It also ' " . . . .. . w OTTOr us p. n n and don't fouget that we are headquarter for all 1 of Summer Hard vare. J it Bro., Ma? t WoVh your have vealc.- nasn t Louisburjr. VvKinne For Sale. A fine tobacco plant bed cov r- liug between 220 and 250 yards. Its a nne bed. Apply quick, if yon mean business. M. F. HOUCK, Louisburg, N. C. J. P. Has Them DANGEROUS GIFT. Beauty is a dangerous gift. It is even so. Like wealth, it has ruined its thousands. Thousands of thet thost beautiful women are destitute of common sense and common hu manity. No gift from heaven is so general as the gift of beauty. In about nine cases in ten it makes her silly, senseless, thoughtless, giddy, vain, proud, frivolous, sel6sh, low and mean. We think we have seen more girls spoiled by beauty than by any other one thing. "She is beautiful and she knows it," is as much as to say she is spoiled. A. beautiful girl is very likely to believe she was made to be looked at; ana bo she sets herself up for a show tx every wmaow, in every aoor, on every corner of the street, in every company at which opportunity offers for an exhibition of herself. And believing and actings thus, she soon becomes good for nothing else, and when she comes to be a middle aged "" woman , she is that weakest, most sickening of all human things a faded beauty. LET US STOP TO THINK. Let us stop to think of the good by kiss, feetter miss a car than leave a heartache. Let us stop to think of the chil dren. We, too, were children once, and lovedLto be remembered. Let us stop to think of the aged. For us, too, the evening shadows will close at length, and we shill perchance, be lett at desolate hearth stones. We shall need to bo remem bered then. Let us stop to think of the stranger. We, too, have been alone, and have needed the touch of a kindly hand upon our lives, and many a life has gone out in the blackness of darkness for the lack of snch a touch as anyone of us might have given. Let us stop to think of God and the future. At best the time is short, and the end is near. And when it shall come, blessed will be he to whom the entrance upon another a ife will be but the realization of dear and familiar dreams the con summation of a lifetime of longings. Let us stop to think. If there be any virtu, if there be any praise, let us stop to think upon these things. In addition to a large lot of clothing, shoes, suspenders and patent medicines', I have for sale a Piano, a pair of computing scales one Babcock Buggy, one Soda Fountain and one iron Safe. Come quick if you want a bargain. J. P. Winston. (Tali onrl Qnn An I 5nrv rP Hommnnln l OUIl U11U Jtt VUI L1I1C UI liailUilUUWj c M w T m S . . . - t We liuve a full Hue ot hUt Coolers, lee Crcnm Fri-evr 3 that we are oflei;ing at a sporial price for the next 10 dav ) We have a full line of Water Coolers, lee Cream Freezer Lawn Mowers, Screen Too; sand Windows. Xa a i a r a 3 n B pothers ST a LOUISBURG. N. C. SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY BACK. CHOICE Cut Flowers!! 'SPRING LINE J. Rose.s, carnations and viole ts a ; Y Hpe.'ialty. Wedding Inunjurt and tloral offerinuH arrancl in bt-t I iye at Hhort notice. Sommrr tlowring bulbs, ixddm plant, roso buhrf, and ercrythingjin thr florist line, at J LO'QUINN & CO PHONE 149 Raleigh, North Carolirui. lir.v ,,f hiu. ( Tt exi Wfcf X1 fie of J THE BARGAIN STORE W. D. COOKS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Notice. Having been named trustee in a deed of trust made and executed for the ben efit of creditors by J. 1L Johnson, at Youngsville, N. C, I herebv notify all creditors of the said J. K. Johnson to at once tile with the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Franklin t ounty their claim, duly verified as by law required, to the end that an equitahle distribu tion of the proceeds arising from the sale of all properties and effects that have come into my hands by virtue of said deed of assignment mav l)e had. This May 5th 15)09. B. T. HOLDEN. Trustee. BOARDERS WANTED. I have opened 109 South Blount and win tx d wish good board to shall be Rlad to hvc nil rny Frank hn County frienda call to ace me whn in Raleigh. Mrs. S. W. Jones a boarding house at ; A Street, Kaleiijh, N. y . aV ad to n-lTc 11 who l call ami re mc. I T S I'ATEMENT M'lUI. POOE GIELS. L The poorest girls in the world are those who are not taught to work.' There are thousands of them. Rich parents have petted them, and thev have Deen 'taught to" 'despise'- labor i ' : v aad to depend flpon others for a liv v ing, and are perfectly helpless. The y mosi Tonorn , women oeiong to tnis class. It is the duty of parents to ;' : protect; their daughters from this . :: ' deplorable condition. They do them 'vvr', a great wrong if; they neglect it. Jivery aaugnter.snouiu oe taugnt to. ; earn her, owrx t living. The rich ' as well as the poor require this train . Do it Now. Now is the time to gret rid of vour rhematism You can do so bv anolvine Chamberlain's Liniment. Nine cases out of ten are simply musculaa rheu matism due to cold or damp, or chronic rheumatism, and yield to the vigorous application of this liniment. Try it. You are certain to be delighted with the quick relief -which it affords. Sold by Boddie-Perry Drug Co. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of Preston B. Clifton, late of Franklin county, N. C, this is to notify all per sons haying claims against said estate to present the same to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of April. 1910, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to the said estate will please pay at once. Ths 16th day of April. 1909. J. J. Young, Admr. Wm. H. Ruffin. atty. Choice and Fresh Cut-Flowers Of Carnations. Rose. Vtokt. ctr. Floral designs and Flowers for all occa sions. Potted Ferns and all kind, of ppt and out door bedding plants. Veg etable plants in season. All order promptly filled. H.STtlNMETZ, Florist. Ratcifh, N. C. t. C, J 4ft 2 , I j III ItfN M C. IK THE - CITIZENS - C BANK MCNOCRSON 1 '"Tt , '.ft t 111 T 4 fcKtr Chamberlain's Liniment. This is a new preparation and a good one. It is esDeciallv valuable as a cure ior enronic 8nd muscular rheumatism, ana for the relief from pain which it affords in acute inflammatory rheuma tism. Those who have used it have invariably spoken of it ia the highest terms : of : praise. Lame back, lame shoulder and stiff neck are due to rheu ma tism of the muscles, usually brought on Dy exposure to cold or damp, . and are quickly cured by applying this lini ment freely and massaging the affect ed parts. Soreness of the . mnscleal whether induced by violent exercise er injury, is allayed by this liniment. For sale by Boddie-Perry Drug Co. - , .rA VTED Sjq.nd hand bag and burlap any kind any quantity, anywhere; we pay freight. Bichxnond Ba Co., Richmond. V "" : ' ' ' ' ;v- STRAWBERRIES" 1 1 will furnish fine Strawberries for preserving, by . the t crate; at $1.50 Tier crate:' 'Phone 'meat In gleside. v , ' j T " ' -.CHAsl ,MACOK. 2cts Laundry 2cts We are agents for the People's Steam Laundry, of Raleigh, N. C. Brand new outfit, good and exper ienced workmen in all the depart ments. We are the people who brought the price down from 2 1-2 cts. to 2 cent i and think we are en titled to part of your business. We will appreciate any business you will give us. We go after Laun dry every Monday and Wednesday mornings and will deliver same Saturday afternoon. If you have any laundry you want to get off call up phone 47 and willhave a boy there in 3 minutes. Jno W Kins & Son 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cattle Wanted I want to buy 100 head of cat tie, ranging from one year old up yearlings or , heifers. '! f ' ' . . I. V. Bring them m quick and get the cash ; i - j j ; . : John R. VHIiams ; Louisburg, N. C, r r New Soda Fountain For Colored People I wish to announce to the colo red people of Franklin County that I have purchased the Soda Foun tain of the Scoggin Dnig Com pany and hare pUcei it in rny building on Main Street, at the bridge, where I will e lad to serye you with all the late t Fountain Drinks I am the only person in town catering for the colored fountain trade and will assure you that everything will be . Up-To-Date I will also run a lunch counter in connection with my Drink Par lor and you can call in any time of day or night and get a good nice lunch cjieap. A T. Neal, v LoaUborg, North Carolina at OmO-0m0-0 KKKH0-CO LYNCHBURG PLOWS AND GST1NGS o In all thf truulr. it rota U I p.o corn oU Uto. II Toy ht ctf - 4aw rou cxtx g tk kind t4 u c4 cjhUil l mv torr I lo ht f lot of tbo ihfti I liXig ifcon rr.i to rkf roots !t.r lhr wk. A inz 3ct of hamhurf nd lft thai 1 riling cv C'ozne and r Cp brfct tt i ftil goz- Executors Notice' lUrinff quallflcd at executor of Mr. Anna L. Arriffrtoa Ute of Fnoklin County N. CL this is to notify all per sons hartng cUima acmsi me aaia de ceased to exhibit thesi to the ondcT- gic-ued 00 or before the 14th day of April, 1910, or thU notice will be plead in bar or their recovery,- All rcron in debted to uld eeule will rnxke immed iate payment Thi the II th , day of April, 15XW. ... ; . v ... . . . j - , f Axrntra Aauiroroy, Ext'r. M. C. PLEASANTS XXXXyOOXXXXX 0Q0-o-okoo KHOKKK-00-0 NATIONAL BANK FIRST HENDERSON. N. C With nfroum of o Three Hundred Thousand Dollars we are premr4 to cocmuaodaU our yUxfta. W tt hundred well raLU&e-d dc pci:r aid will fWa iw 4 1 Watch Us Grow S. R. HARRIS, Preset J i & T. PEACt Gnh'r 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o s .4

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